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Best advice would be to try all three specs at about 30~35 and see which one's playstyle suits your own. They all three play differently and revolve around different key abilities and processes. As a short and very rough breakdown, Watchman is DoT-oriented; Combat is centered around short, sporadic single-target burst windows and resource mangement; and Focus is a rotating, AoE-burst spec.
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At lv25 I would suggest Focus.


It gets its key mechanic, buffed Force Sweep, earlier then the other two trees and utterly destroys small/mid sized groups of normal enemies which is what you will see the most throughout your missions. It also has much better Focus generation at the lower levels due to Zen generating Focus.


Once you can fill out a skill tree respec and try out all three.


As for a rotation always use Force Leap or Zealous Leap before Force Sweep. When Zen is up Leap + Zen --> Force Sweep. Use Blade Storm and Slash as your main fillers.


There is more at higher levels but that will serve for leveling.

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Best advice would be to try all three specs at about 30~35 and see which one's playstyle suits your own. They all three play differently and revolve around different key abilities and processes. As a short and very rough breakdown, Watchman is DoT-oriented; Combat is centered around short, sporadic single-target burst windows and resource mangement; and Focus is a rotating, single AoE-burst spec.


Corrected that for you. Currently there are 2 AoE damage abilities for Sentinel: Force Sweep and Cyclone Slash.


IMO, Cyclone Slash is worthless to a Focus Sentinel: it cost the same action points as Slash, but doesn't get the critical strike chance increase in Swift Slash. Also, at level 55: Slash is a rank 12 and Cyclone Slash is rank 5. I would consider using it in my rotation, if the devs would add Cyclone Slash to getting buffed from Swift Slash and upping it to rank 12.

Edited by Ramtar
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I'm a watchman junkie, so I might be a bit bias if I say play watchman.


Watchman is a damage over time damage dealer. It is in theory, the best PVE spec of the three. Focus and Carnage are geared as burst specs which is great for pvp. Watchman does well in pvp too.


My general rotation is force leap to Zealous Strike, to Over load saber to Cauterize, then Merciless slash.


This is your foundation as a watchman, everything else stems from this rotation.


Remember that Cauterize can stack twice and Merciless slash can stack 4 times.


Of all the sentinel specs I would probably say watchman is the most alacrity dependent spec. Although your gear offers some alacrity so you won't need to stack more.


Focus on power and prime state with a bit of crit. You went to have about 2600 to 2700 prime stat to 24% crit.


Most Juyo's stack all power instead of crit, which works well for pvp.

Edited by Targarion
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