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A PvP a Day...


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Wanted to share this experience with you guys.


I run fury marauder and grouped up today with another mara, who runs carnage. And we had a couple of rounds where we would focus a target and burn it down. I was surprised to see how people would just blow up! We melted them down through guard, heals, defences, kiting, whatever, like they were nothing, it was amazing! Most fun I've had in days. Once we picked up a healer to the group, we became unstoppable.


And the huttball. Man! Constant predation, leaps, cc immunity, aoe mez, blade blitz, passing. A poor pug we had in a group ended up saying - "it's fcn chaos!"


Much fun, I suggest you try it. Pt + mara works well too.

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Wanted to share this experience with you guys.


I run fury marauder and grouped up today with another mara, who runs carnage. And we had a couple of rounds where we would focus a target and burn it down. I was surprised to see how people would just blow up! We melted them down through guard, heals, defences, kiting, whatever, like they were nothing, it was amazing! Most fun I've had in days. Once we picked up a healer to the group, we became unstoppable.


And the huttball. Man! Constant predation, leaps, cc immunity, aoe mez, blade blitz, passing. A poor pug we had in a group ended up saying - "it's fcn chaos!"


Much fun, I suggest you try it. Pt + mara works well too.


Two Maras focusing one poor bastard down is no joke.


I ran a 3 Mara team a few weeks ago and everything just died.

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I did not make it. :( The leveling speed in BnS is variable, so I gotta run till I am done, because I have no clue if I am on track or not. And it kills my muscle memory for SWTOR, because it is so reliant on LMB/RMB timing and casts other buttons only rarely. I've managed to join my guildies for killing the DF HM Boss #2 in SWTOR, only to wipe on the Corruptor, and the rest was all BnS, BnS and more BnS. But I healed on a sorc, and by now I think I can heal on a sorc in my sleep.


Tried a bit of faction quests in BnS, they are a lot like Ilum event in SWTOR, but they are permanent Dailies. So, you go to a hub area, and try to do tasks risking an attack from the other faction + fight the NPCs some of which require a few guys from your faction to pound on them to get them down.


Wish they did have that in SWTOR, but BnS at least tries to balance the factions by locking out the overpopulated one. So, plus for BnS there for at least trying. You can also switch Factions.


The silly part of the BnS is that the OW PvP there requires you wearing a uniform. Well, my faction uni looks like pajamas. With ruffles on the bottom! It's downright hilarious charging into battle dressed for a sleepover. :) Damn, SWTOR does that part better!

Edited by DomiSotto
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Thanks for your replies ... meanwhile I was on the PTS, there was no-one on the fleet, except 1-2 others. Frustrated, I went to sleep - and seemingly ( if I understood things right ) AFTER THAT, the testing session started !


Regarding mice ... Well, I'm not a true gamer. I do not need an expensive mouse, because I'm mainly writing or doing similar tasks with my PC - or play slower games for which I just don't need an expensive mouse ( RPGs and Adventure games, almost exclusively ). That's why I asked for an inexpensive one.

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Well, folks, that's that. I picked BnS. After a few days of playing it, I just don't think I want to go back to click-to-target and 40+ binds in SWTOR. BnS has tons of its own problems, and all the same complaints, but it fits my lifestyle better, and it is a new toy.


Folks, I had wonderful times chatting with you, and you have shown me again and again how to play this game with style and panache.


I wish you all to team up with the best of the best and against as valiant opponents. May your numbers amaze, and your say amuse. Fast pop and balanced matchmaking to you. Hugs, guys and gals, you are the best, and if you all could win all the time, I’d wish you that too. But a woman gotta be realistic.


I apologize for every mezz I broke and every inc call I’ve missed.


You who main the Mercenaries and Commandos, I hope that you would get a focus break tool, and rule as FotM for as long as you were the charming underdogs.


Harbinger, may your hamster never tire, and may your lights go out last.


Logging Out,


DS aka every other eager bad you see in the game. Be lenient :p

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Awww :(


Good luck and enjoy yourself. And if you get bored with BnS (I lasted a few weeks), well don't be a stranger.


Thanks for creating and keeping up a really great thread.

Edited by Jherad
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Well, folks, that's that. I picked BnS. After a few days of playing it, I just don't think I want to go back to click-to-target and 40+ binds in SWTOR. BnS has tons of its own problems, and all the same complaints, but it fits my lifestyle better, and it is a new toy.


Folks, I had wonderful times chatting with you, and you have shown me again and again how to play this game with style and panache.


I wish you all to team up with the best of the best and against as valiant opponents. May your numbers amaze, and your say amuse. Fast pop and balanced matchmaking to you. Hugs, guys and gals, you are the best, and if you all could win all the time, I’d wish you that too. But a woman gotta be realistic.


I apologize for every mezz I broke and every inc call I’ve missed.


You who main the Mercenaries and Commandos, I hope that you would get a focus break tool, and rule as FotM for as long as you were the charming underdogs.


Harbinger, may your hamster never tire, and may your lights go out last.


Logging Out,


DS aka every other eager bad you see in the game. Be lenient :p


why in the world are you click targeting?

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Well, folks, that's that. I picked BnS. After a few days of playing it, I just don't think I want to go back to click-to-target and 40+ binds in SWTOR. BnS has tons of its own problems, and all the same complaints, but it fits my lifestyle better, and it is a new toy.


Folks, I had wonderful times chatting with you, and you have shown me again and again how to play this game with style and panache.


I wish you all to team up with the best of the best and against as valiant opponents. May your numbers amaze, and your say amuse. Fast pop and balanced matchmaking to you. Hugs, guys and gals, you are the best, and if you all could win all the time, I’d wish you that too. But a woman gotta be realistic.


I apologize for every mezz I broke and every inc call I’ve missed.


You who main the Mercenaries and Commandos, I hope that you would get a focus break tool, and rule as FotM for as long as you were the charming underdogs.


Harbinger, may your hamster never tire, and may your lights go out last.


Logging Out,


DS aka every other eager bad you see in the game. Be lenient :p


Good luck Domi, it was nice to meet you in the game.


I wish you the best in your new game, and more importantly out in real life. You are a good person, and you will be missed by many here in SWTOR.


BnS is lucky to have you join their community, and SWTOR has lost one more great member of theirs.



P.S. I hope you grow tired of BnS then decide to come back to SWTOR. Perhaps by then some miraculous changes will have occurred on this game! Dreams are good, right? :p

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Thanks, folks :)


why in the world are you click targeting?


I've meant that an action is required to select a target, be that one of the key-bound targeting option or click on the op frames for heals, etc. Overall, I just like fewer binds/no double binds (there is a double-tap, but it's easier for me than Shift+bind) in general. I will obviously still suck, cause no reflexes, but playing on my sucky level is that much easier. Since PvP is 1vs1, and if you believe QQs is vs bots mainly, the yelling should be minimal. :D

Edited by DomiSotto
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There is some more PTS testing going on :


Hey everyone!


Tonight (Friday) and tomorrow (Saturday) evening we will be holding another scheduled playtest for 4.3 PTS. Here are the details:


When: Friday, March 11th and Saturday, March 12th

When: 4PM - 7PM Pacific

What: Queue up for unranked Warzones!

Why: This will place you in either the Rishi Cove Arena or the Odessen Training Ground Warzone.



BioWare staff will be on intermittently and incognito to play alongside everyone!


Please head to the Arena and Warzone feedback threads respectively and let us know what you think!




Source : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8857242#edit8857242

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Thanks to the people recording the PTS testing :


My seemingly one and only display of my bad play.


Found here : https://www.twitch.tv/theeho/v/54089389

You need to go forward into 01:29 - there I am, a lone, clueless Gunslinger within the Odessen Proving Grounds ... :D

It lasts only a few seconds, though, but you can read my name in red. :D

On 01:31 you can even see my bad name on the scoreboard ... :D


Here https://www.twitch.tv/joecytv/v/54087187 from 00:35 you can see my name again - and from 00:36 on that Rishi Arena in which I had this brutal lag. I had to press my keys sometimes 2-3 times until my abilities fired. That's why I'm there, seemingly doing nothing.

On 01:25:39 you can see my name on the scoreboard - bad, as usual.

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See ya Domi. :(


I'm pretty burnt out with this game as well. Not really enjoying the state of solo queue warzones. Heals are a wee bit out of control, which just makes the games no fun. I'm playing a burst class, and nobody ever dies. ZZZzzzzzzZZZzzz Snooze fest. Everybody knows how good sage/sorc heals are, and there seem to be more of them every day. S7 is nowhere in sight - honestly not sure what is going on. I think I might take a break. I looked at Blade and Soul, but I don't think that really appeals to me. I think I may go back to eve online for a bit. I'll probably come back to this game in a few months, or when some things change - whichever comes first. I think we all know which will come first.

Edited by teclado
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See ya Domi. :(


I'm pretty burnt out with this game as well. Not really enjoying the state of solo queue warzones. Heals are a wee bit out of control, which just makes the games no fun. I'm playing a burst class, and nobody ever dies. ZZZzzzzzzZZZzzz Snooze fest. Everybody knows how good sage/sorc heals are, and there seem to be more of them every day. S7 is nowhere in sight - honestly not sure what is going on. I think I might take a break. I looked at Blade and Soul, but I don't think that really appeals to me. I think I may go back to eve online for a bit. I'll probably come back to this game in a few months, or when some things change - whichever comes first. I think we all know which will come first.


Hey Teclado, I never seen you on TEH, ever... Who do/did you play on TEH the most? imp or pubs?

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I've played some 65 Mara, been working on finishing leveling Teclada (sentinel) - at 57 now. I play after 10 or 11 pm eastern time. But I've not been playing a whole lot lately. I've never seen you, either. I think I have at least one of your characters on my friend list.
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I'll probably come back to this game in a few months, or when some things change - whichever comes first. I think we all know which will come first.


I am hoping a new super-cool game comes first. Gotta be something cool out eventually!

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I am hoping a new super-cool game comes first. Gotta be something cool out eventually!


yeah no ****. I hope something really fun comes out within the next year. Sigh. I was hoping EQ3/EQnext would be good but seems like it's just stalling.

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Ah, if there be a game in an exotic NOT-medieval-Europe-again setting with a bunch of species that ain't just humans of different sizes and awesome story; blended experience PvP; an interesting combat system; easy regional grouping and lateral and event oriented progression; that doesn't require a life-time commitment to L2P every class to succeed, I will be there :) Bonus will be it's not overtly cratering to teenage males.... but that's too much to ask. Edited by DomiSotto
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