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A PvP a Day...


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Ran a few matches on TEH to get my daily done.

None oft hem were crazy, all seemed pretty balanced. Which is very weird.

Went back over to Azaxul on BC but by the time I got there the place seemed dead so I logged out.

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Ran a few matches on TEH to get my daily done.

None oft hem were crazy, all seemed pretty balanced. Which is very weird.

Went back over to Azaxul on BC but by the time I got there the place seemed dead so I logged out.


I been leveling a PT tank off and on last few days, been busy at home so no time to group for pvp atm. On weekend, I should have time though when will you and Banderal be on Saturday? If you playing Sat., let me know. :p

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I been leveling a PT tank off and on last few days, been busy at home so no time to group for pvp atm. On weekend, I should have time though when will you and Banderal be on Saturday? If you playing Sat., let me know. :p


I might be, just got Witcher 3 though and I haven't played it.

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OK. I am having a hard time playing on PTS tbh. The fact that no class balance is being considered, along with the fact the maps from a technical standpoint are bad make me not want to play them.


I imagine when they go live, it won't take long for the novelty of them being new to wear off, and these maps will be included with Quesh HB as WZs I leave before they even begin.


Hope I am wrong.

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I'll try to find it when i get home from work in a few hours.


But basically, buy the tank gear, keep the armoring for the set bonus. Toss everything else and replace with high endurance w/ critical & power components. That's what I did anyway. On the other hand, I never see even 1/2 the protection or damage numbers that I see some other tanks getting. So I'm also obviously doing something wrong, and that might involve gear problems?

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Do you guys want to give PTS a shot on Saturday at the test time to see the changes, and then move to EH? I prob just give an hour or two to BnS today to stand a chance to finish leveling before the 23rd there, and call it a day. Still trying to get over dat cold.


bnS = good game, but gotta chose your class wisely, leveling alts is a PITA and ridiculously unsupported.


Still can't make a call which game I am sticking to. SWTOR has a LOT to boast in QoL.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Do you guys want to give PTS a shot on Saturday at the test time to see the changes, and then move to EH? I prob just give an hour or two to BnS today to stand a chance to finish leveling before the 23rd there, and call it a day. Still trying to get over dat cold.


bnS = good game, but gotta chose your class wisely, leveling alts is a PITA and ridiculously unsupported.


Still can't make a call which game I am sticking to. SWTOR has a LOT to boast in QoL.


what class did you pick on bns, and what lvl are you? What time on sat., is the pts stuff?

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Yeah, the PTS start time if you guys can make it?


I started on the Destroyer, and prob will keep it as my main, because by whatever reason I am in love with a melee class, and I want that feeling to last. But he did not qualify for the leveling event (he was level 18), so I started Summoner on the 1st and got to level 17 & that's the one I need to max-level before the 23rd for the goodies. I will be doing either Warlock or Assassin as my 3rd (Okay, whom am I kidding, I will be doing a Warlock!), and that would be it, because compared to SWTOR... yeah, as above.


The combat in BnS is a breath of fresh air after SWTOR. The very thought of my 42 something skills and like 5 targeting keybinds makes me wanna weep now after being spoiled rotten by BnS. Very fun and engaging combat system. But, I wish it had more flexibility in re-keybinding the skills.

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Yeah, the PTS start time if you guys can make it?


I started on the Destroyer, and prob will keep it as my main, because by whatever reason I am in love with a melee class, and I want that feeling to last. But he did not qualify for the leveling event (he was level 18), so I started Summoner on the 1st and got to level 17 & that's the one I need to max-level before the 23rd for the goodies. I will be doing either Warlock or Assassin as my 3rd (Okay, whom am I kidding, I will be doing a Warlock!), and that would be it, because compared to SWTOR... yeah, as above.


The combat in BnS is a breath of fresh air after SWTOR. The very thought of my 42 something skills and like 5 targeting keybinds makes me wanna weep now after being spoiled rotten by BnS. Very fun and engaging combat system. But, I wish it had more flexibility in re-keybinding the skills.


Is it hard t manage the keybinds across the keyboard on BnS? I have tiny mitten stubs for fingers so I bet I'd have trouble with keybinds on that game. They have you using 1-10 for abilities, right?

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Is it hard t manage the keybinds across the keyboard on BnS? I have tiny mitten stubs for fingers so I bet I'd have trouble with keybinds on that game. They have you using 1-10 for abilities, right?


Wanna PM me to not have BnS discussion in the SWTOR PvP forum? :)


But it's very clustered, 1-4, Q to R, A to F and Z to V, plus all important LMB/RMB. Targeting is by looking at the target, no click. Movement is AWSD, mouse for camera.

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Who is Axazul? I never met this guy. 1pm sounds good you on TEH or PTS???


Should be TEH, PTS won't get going till 4 pm PST from the last experience.


And, Lhance, my last reply to you got buried on the end of the last page, heh.

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Wanna PM me to not have BnS discussion in the SWTOR PvP forum? :)


But it's very clustered, 1-4, Q to R, A to F and Z to V, plus all important LMB/RMB. Targeting is by looking at the target, no click. Movement is AWSD, mouse for camera.


Bah. Why would I want to do that? Maybe someone on the swtor forums wants to know more about BnS too. :p That's good enough to understand it thanks. lol

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You guys are gonna be on the PTS so I guess I'll be there too.


Aza is my Mara on BC.


If you are on at 1pm, I think PTS isn't up till 4pm? So, either you should be on TEH or BC... I don't play on BC so if you there I won't see you!

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If you are on at 1pm, I think PTS isn't up till 4pm? So, either you should be on TEH or BC... I don't play on BC so if you there I won't see you!


Oh, well then I'll be on Narq.


I didn't know it wasn't up until 4 PM.

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Any advice for a decent mouse with its price under 30, better under 20 Euros ? I have a certain "tick" with my Logitech M100 or M90 ( both look absolutely identical ! Even Logitech Support couldn't tell me what their difference is ! ) that its left mouse button responds far too fast. I'd like to have a mouse without this "tick" now ( and yes, the response time in the Windows Settings are already turned to "fast" ). When it occurs (which doesn't happen that often), it just annoys me.
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Well, after 6 hours of downloading I'm now on the PTS as well.


My downloading speed is below 1 MB per second, and I never had any reason to change it throughout these years.


You made it!? Did I see you at all? I was imp side as "funwith'sparks", but we could have been together in the 8-man. If you faced me in an arena, then you crushed me, because the two of those I had we lost badly. :o


Otherwise, that place was mostly dead. :( Got on at 4PM-ish PST both Friday and Sat. Didn't see anyone I knew. There was max about 20-some people on the imp fleet on Friday. On Saturday we had in the teens for about an hour and half. It was reported that the pub side was about the same, although they actually had a numbers advantage over imps on Saturday I understand? But basically, lame turnout.


[Edit: oh, and mouse-wise I don't know of anything that inexpensive. :( I have a logitech G602 that I got when my previous mouse died. It's about $50 on sale a Amazon right now (sry, don't know euros). I like the precision and speed. It's got a bunch of buttons on the side, but I haven't used them for anything because I find that I use my thumb to help control the actual mouse too much. So if I try to move it to push a button, then my mouse position gets all messed up. Oh, and it's wireless - which might turn some people off - but I'm not so hard-core that I care if I suddenly have to swap batteries in the middle of a match. ]

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You made it!? Did I see you at all? I was imp side as "funwith'sparks", but we could have been together in the 8-man. If you faced me in an arena, then you crushed me, because the two of those I had we lost badly. :o


Otherwise, that place was mostly dead. :( Got on at 4PM-ish PST both Friday and Sat. Didn't see anyone I knew. There was max about 20-some people on the imp fleet on Friday. On Saturday we had in the teens for about an hour and half. It was reported that the pub side was about the same, although they actually had a numbers advantage over imps on Saturday I understand? But basically, lame turnout.


[Edit: oh, and mouse-wise I don't know of anything that inexpensive. :( I have a logitech G602 that I got when my previous mouse died. It's about $50 on sale a Amazon right now (sry, don't know euros). I like the precision and speed. It's got a bunch of buttons on the side, but I haven't used them for anything because I find that I use my thumb to help control the actual mouse too much. So if I try to move it to push a button, then my mouse position gets all messed up. Oh, and it's wireless - which might turn some people off - but I'm not so hard-core that I care if I suddenly have to swap batteries in the middle of a match. ]


I got a G400s Logitech, love the shape of it for my hand. Not sure of the price but it's really a decent mouse imo.


Sadly cheap mice generally feel, well... cheap. Every bargain mouse I bought in the past ended up not fitting my hand well, being uncomfortable, too sensitive when something interefered with the pointer underneath, etc.


I think it's best to just get a good mouse even if it costs a bit more, they do last a long time.

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