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A PvP a Day...


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Yep, I get it too, but I think I also can't help but love the love that did go into that map. But it's kind of blind and deaf love that seems to ignore the sore points.


It is the most elaborate PvP toy to date. It almost feels like it was an Operation set-up married with PvP. A lot of it feels like it needs the raid and TS to work really good. I can almost hear one of my raid leads going: split by frame, Player X you're on buffs, etc. So, it is funny that they picked this 'pug really sucks vs premmie' map for cross-faction.


Stealth being less useful on the map for objectives I guess might relate to the frustrations of an Average Joe.


But the infinite defense capability of a tank-heals pair though....


Anyway, I am game for going back to last week's last page and trying to shoot what you guys are shooting and kill a target fast. :)

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Only if they are not matched against another premmie or a competent pug. And to ensure that a premmie fights a premmie, or a competent pug, one gotta learn how to play in a premmie. (Shrug) I want to learn to add my efforts' to other players correctly.


And, yeah, as simple as it sounds, I really want to get that one thing first, stay together & target one guy.

Edited by DomiSotto
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eh, i think it could be kind of fun. 5 minutes get the most kills.


Yes, maybe. Although this respawn even worked after acid. The first game I was in I rsspawned 3 times after the acid had filled the whole arena, because it hadn't yet managed to kill off an entire team all at the same time. As long as one person on each team was still alive then the match was not over, and you could respawn. At least that part had to be a bug. Plus at the start of the match it still had the text showing that said "no respawns".


Incidentally, I never, not even once, got the arena if I was grouped with anyone else. Another reason premades are bad? ALthough, I'm not an arena fan, so I'd consider that a premade-bonus! :D

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"We" are now evil. I mean, we were already playing the sith side, so "evil" is a foregone conclusion, but last night we were in a PREMADE. OMG!!!!! :eek:


That's right, we had 4 people in our group. An OP sorc dps, an OP mara, an OP merc DPS, and me - who's OP with anything (hahahahaha - sorry, I couldn't say that with a straight face), an OP sin tank (not skank tank, just tank). We crush opponents left and right... well, except for that arena we lost. But that was totally my fault for failing to be evil enough. When they had one drop, I sat out round 2 to make it an even 3v3. So they won that one, despite my expert cheerleading. :( Then they got their 4th for round three, and we lost that one too. Should have just kicked 'em while they were down.


There was a Huttball at the end that was pretty close for a while (I think neck-n-neck up to a 3-3 score)? But then our totally random "other 4 guys" include an OP op, so naturally we pulled ahead in the end to win it 6-3. (The other team had an op too, but of course, he wasn't nearly as OP as our op was - because our op got matched up with a PREMADE!)


On the other hand, playing together with friends is kinda fun. So maybe being evil is OK? :p

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We got lucky most of those times because the other people barely put out any dps, so Lhance ****** heals were enough to keep us alive. :p


We also faced a team of 3 sorc heals and 1 merc healer, and won.

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Ha-ha, no worries, we channeled nothing but goodness after you've left having been routed in two or three matches in a row.


Speaking of the OP opponents, that Sin tank in the NC was crazy good. Well, it helped that his two friends showed up in time, but oh, well, he was wearing down our one Sorc there to nothing, then we barely managed to hold him off when he came from death and I well, kited for my life, but yeah, when his buddies showed up, it was game over, call or no call.


And, I can't believe I traipsed to support West after the whole rhetoric on the importance of staying together. :o


I'll be trying to make it today, but I might not in time, 'cause RL. Apologies in advance.

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"We" are now evil. I mean, we were already playing the sith side, so "evil" is a foregone conclusion, but last night we were in a PREMADE. OMG!!!!! :eek:


That's right, we had 4 people in our group. An OP sorc dps, an OP mara, an OP merc DPS, and me - who's OP with anything (hahahahaha - sorry, I couldn't say that with a straight face), an OP sin tank (not skank tank, just tank). We crush opponents left and right... well, except for that arena we lost. But that was totally my fault for failing to be evil enough. When they had one drop, I sat out round 2 to make it an even 3v3. So they won that one, despite my expert cheerleading. :( Then they got their 4th for round three, and we lost that one too. Should have just kicked 'em while they were down.


There was a Huttball at the end that was pretty close for a while (I think neck-n-neck up to a 3-3 score)? But then our totally random "other 4 guys" include an OP op, so naturally we pulled ahead in the end to win it 6-3. (The other team had an op too, but of course, he wasn't nearly as OP as our op was - because our op got matched up with a PREMADE!)


On the other hand, playing together with friends is kinda fun. So maybe being evil is OK? :p


We had two arenas, we lost the last one.


The first one was two tanks, a dps, and a healer. I forgot who dropped after we beat them in the first round, but you stayed out of that one too and we still won the second round.


The second arena I ****ed up, went off chasing that Op instead of sticking with you guys.

They focused down Lhance because lolmercs, then me.

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They focused down Lhance because lolmercs, then me.


That's when I discovered that I moved off the resource regeneration buff to an obscure bind prematurely. Offhealing costs on a Sorc DPS despite it being so amazing.

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Ok, I have to ask...


"Disappointed in the Cooking of the Duck Meat"?



Watch the Plinket reviews.



If you rearrange the letters in the word 'Sith', you get 'Tshi', the perfect prediction of what 'Revenge of the Sith' was gonna be.
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Lol, like a proper tank.... (Sorry, I am still bitter about the loss of tankiness in PvP)


We can try giving Discord a shot, but we still scatter too much.


I will also need to gear up my healer, so I can free Lhance up to DPS and so we can swap comps from trinity to T/3D. Comms will come, but creds... eww. I tried Yavin, and it is hopeless. I will run dumb Heroics or buy something from cc shop to sell for creds.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Had a couple of matches on Premade Tuesday™.

Healer heavy, as expected. Faced a team of 3 Sorc healers, 1 Madness sorc, and a Merc healer. There was a tank too, not sure.


We won, but goddamn what a grind that was.

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By the time I logged in, you guys were all fast asleep. :( I have my usual insane Wednesday, but off tomorrow, thanks goodness, so fingers crossed you are still there on the Hawk!


I want to give a shot to doing some stuff in BnS in the next week to see if I can manage to get one of their time-sensitive promos, so I will for now stick to Madness. Hope that's Okay! :)

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Had a couple of matches on Premade Tuesday™.

Healer heavy, as expected. Faced a team of 3 Sorc healers, 1 Madness sorc, and a Merc healer. There was a tank too, not sure.


We won, but gosh darn what a grind that was.


Was that a NC? I logged in, saw you in a NC, so I went ahead and queued solo. After quite a while I got a pop into an ACW, and played that map all the while getting crushed. Finished losing, and checked to find you were in another NC. But maybe it was the same one!?


Anyway, I logged at that point to go deal with snow. :(

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Was that a NC? I logged in, saw you in a NC, so I went ahead and queued solo. After quite a while I got a pop into an ACW, and played that map all the while getting crushed. Finished losing, and checked to find you were in another NC. But maybe it was the same one!?


Anyway, I logged at that point to go deal with snow. :(


It was the same *********** NC!


We kept preventing caps, but somehow my team eventually won.






I'm confusing maps. The one with the 4/5 healers was Hypergate.

I also had a super long NC with 3 sorcs.

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Had us another "premade" run (all 2 of us) when I grouped up with Ruhun again. But, we had 3 pretty easy games. I got kinda tired of off-guarding solo, and decide to just not go in a NC. Had another guy chat about "no one going to gaurd". Then he didn't go to guard either. Then when the enemy came and took the turret, of course, he complained that no one went to guard. I'm thinking, "well, the position was there to welcome you." Oh well, we still took it back. An operative stayed to guard then. And, of COURSE, after it was attacked a couple times, and I stayed to help out, he left, and I ended the last 1/2 the game solo guarding... <sigh>


But then... OMG, I got into an actual *good* queshball! I know, it's like spotting a unicorn! Ruhun had taken off to chow, and I was thinking, at the start of the game, "lucky him". And the game started out looking pretty bad. I did a force speed towards the side where you can drop down onto the speed buff, and before I even got to the edge... "frogdogs have the ball!". Uh oh.


My team was there though, slowing, knockbacks, pulls galore, and no one whitebarring him! But they had heals like crazy and he wouldn't die either. Eventually he got a friendly pull I think, up to the mid level, and from there scored. Then they got the ball again, and it was 2 to zip. I'm thinking... well, we are done. But I decided to try to at least stop them from getting the ball immediately again.


So I stealthed out, and hung around the ball spawn. Did a knockback when I saw them score again, and managed to get the ball! Then, suddenly I had heals like crazy, and 2 sorcs pulling me around. Next thing I know I'm up by their goal, with a sorc on the other side of the acid, so I pass, and BAM! 3 to 1. :D


Then we got the ball, and scored again! 3 to 2. Now I'm thinking, OMG, we came to play!


We had people up top calling out when they were about to score... "reset!" to let us know when to get ready for the ball down at the bottom. The other team scored again, though. 4 to 2.


But then we scored twice to tie it up!.


I got the ball again, but I got bumped around, and couldn't get out of the bottom "pit" area, but managed to toss it over to a team mate in the outer rim. And I saw him get pulled up to mid. We are near the bottom, ready for the reset. but so is the other team. We score... 5 to 4! But the other team out-maneuvers us, and they get the ball. :(


Someone up top chats "some one with pull get him into the acid!". So I start heading up a level. But the guy managed a leap for a score I guess. They scored to tie it up 5 to 5, and then chat starts up with the "stop letting them leap!" and "you just cost us the game!" crap. And I also see that they enemy team got the ball again! Oh no! I'm standing right next to the bottom acid, and still have a slow on me. I figure, well, only one thing to do, so I step into the acid, and pray that the respawn door opens quickly. :eek:


Respawn, run through the door! Their guy has the ball, and is still at the bottom. I don't think he can count on turtling. There's still about 2 minutes left. So I drop down to mid level, run right INTO the starting acid in stealth... an pull. I die before I see what happens... but it's a turnover! Woo hoo! It worked!


As I respawn I see our guys with the ball, up by their goal, trying to avoid the acid and make it in for the final score. And we do!


Woot 6 to 5 win! Really good game. And, of course, I got no MVPs - lol. But hey, I didn't have to solo guard. :D

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they might have had a healer and a class with a speed boost drop off the "express route" which drops from spawn to the first floor. you pop your speed buff and the healer fills your health back up and you're almost guaranteed to get the ball before the other team.
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they might have had a healer and a class with a speed boost drop off the "express route" which drops from spawn to the first floor. you pop your speed buff and the healer fills your health back up and you're almost guaranteed to get the ball before the other team.


Yeah, I figured something like that too. It just shouted out "organized team!" So I figured our poor pug was doomed. Probably, though, the other team was as surprised as I was when we started fighting back. :D

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Had us another "premade" run (all 2 of us) when I grouped up with Ruhun again. But, we had 3 pretty easy games. I got kinda tired of off-guarding solo, and decide to just not go in a NC. Had another guy chat about "no one going to gaurd". Then he didn't go to guard either. Then when the enemy came and took the turret, of course, he complained that no one went to guard. I'm thinking, "well, the position was there to welcome you." Oh well, we still took it back. An operative stayed to guard then. And, of COURSE, after it was attacked a couple times, and I stayed to help out, he left, and I ended the last 1/2 the game solo guarding... <sigh>


We still won though, to my surprise.

They had an Op and a Sage healer, plus a guard tank.


I didn't think we would win after they took mid with 10 ticks remaining on their side, but they overcommitted to mid and left west with one guy.


That Hypergate though, I lost count on how many healers they had. Two maras kept trying to kill me, but we had a Sorc healer and he pretty much kept me alive. They couldn't take mid so we started pushing theirs.

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