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A PvP a Day...


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I just got the PTS, none of my settings copied over.

My UI! :(


EDIT: Fixed it, I'm retarded.


Anyway now with mix faction I have the pleasure of going against both Sages and Sorcs. Played 4 games and in each one there were 6 on the team.


Hey tomorrow we will be on, not sure when domi and banderal will be on we will have to coordinate our PTS times so we can make a team. :D

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I'm having to run PTS warzones in small little segments of 30 mins or so. Because any longer and I start to rage. :D


The new 8v8 requires a fair bit of coordination, and *desperately* needs people to avoid the temptation of running around in big zergs, and fruitlessly banging on well guarded nodes while everything gets capped behind them.


Not good for my blood pressure I tell you!


Great to see you guys on PTS :)

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I'm having to run PTS warzones in small little segments of 30 mins or so. Because any longer and I start to rage. :D


The new 8v8 requires a fair bit of coordination, and *desperately* needs people to avoid the temptation of running around in big zergs, and fruitlessly banging on well guarded nodes while everything gets capped behind them.


Not good for my blood pressure I tell you!


Great to see you guys on PTS :)


Both the new WZ and Arena needs some work.


The new arena respawns you in acid, like 10 times and is super Sorc friendly. It's ridiculous.

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I'm having to run PTS warzones in small little segments of 30 mins or so. Because any longer and I start to rage. :D


The new 8v8 requires a fair bit of coordination, and *desperately* needs people to avoid the temptation of running around in big zergs, and fruitlessly banging on well guarded nodes while everything gets capped behind them.


Not good for my blood pressure I tell you!


Great to see you guys on PTS :)


Zach did you read Snave's breakdown of the new 8v8 it's really interesting how detailed he went into it. As for the 8v8, yeah it does require coordination that's what I said too, it requires some communication for sure.


I barely grasp the concept of it still. Going to try to understand it better today. I think 3 seconds is way too short to gain control of a node though for starters.

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I think an ideal group size depends on the round. I distinctively remember yoloing in one of the zones trying to find the node that was up for grabs, only to meet most of the enemy team on the approach. Was not fun.


I need to rite down the buff colors.


When do you guys plan to get on? I'll take a look around 11 am PST to see if folks are there.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I just got the PTS, none of my settings copied over.

My UI! :(


EDIT: Fixed it, I'm retarded.


Really? Well now I feel dumb. I redid my UI from scratch on the PTS. You figured out a way to copy it over?


I think an ideal group size depends on the round. I distinctively remember yoloing in one of the zones trying to find the node that was up for grabs, only to meet most of the enemy team on the approach. Was not fun.


Yeah, like any 8-person WZ. I really hope this one encourages people to actually communicate, and that the right-thing-to-do depends on what th enemy is doing. Hahahahahahahahaha! I kid. Of course. Obviously the right-thing-to-do is to run around and around as fast as you can fighting red things wherever you encounter them, and completely ignore the power-ups and the glowing rectangles on the ground. :D


When do you guys plan to get on? I'll take a look around 11 am PST to see if folks are there.


Ok, according to google that's 2 PM EST (I can never remember what day light savings time does to the difference, so I had to look it up :p), so I'll jump on the PTS then. :cool:

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Awesome, plus, the designated window is 4 pm to 7 pm PST, so that's another good time-window to be there.


Communication though is annoying, because of the 5 nodes. Hells, snow-mid-grass is too complicated, how about 5 of those nodes! Dollar!!! Lab vs Artifact?


It's actually:


1. Cannon, which is at the north end of the map.

2. Hangar, at the west end.

3. Artifact, at the south end.

4. Lab, at the east end.

5. Cantina, in the middle.


So, the calls should be: C, H, A, L and D? or is it just easier to go N-W-E-S and mid?


I have also never seen the grappling hooks.

Edited by DomiSotto
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1. Cannon, which is at the north end of the map.

2. Hangar, at the west end.

3. Artifact, at the south end.

4. Lab, at the east end.

5. Cantina, in the middle.


Oh cool! I wonder if those will actually end up being used to call out. (Did you know that ACW turrets have names like that too? For example, I remember that one of them is "crash site", and I think one is "generator". I forget what the third is. You can see them if you hover over the little red/green score-picture up in the corner that shows who has which turret. I noticed that for the first time about a week ago. :o )


I have also never seen the grappling hooks.


LoL. Neither have I. I saw someone mention those on the PTS discussion thread, and I was like "***?". :D

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Awesome, plus, the designated window is 4 pm to 7 pm PST, so that's another good time-window to be there.


Communication though is annoying, because of the 5 nodes. Hells, snow-mid-grass is too complicated, how about 5 of those nodes! Dollar!!! Lab vs Artifact?


It's actually:


1. Cannon, which is at the north end of the map.

2. Hangar, at the west end.

3. Artifact, at the south end.

4. Lab, at the east end.

5. Cantina, in the middle.


So, the calls should be: C, H, A, L and D? or is it just easier to go N-W-E-S and mid?


I have also never seen the grappling hooks.


I think N,E,S,W, and M(middle) would be least complicated but hey, this is where people tend to disagree. hehe

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I have a feeling that points of the compass is a way to go, because at least lab and artifact are not distinctive enough for me in terms of symbol.


Absolutely. This isn't like WoW battlegrounds where the landmarks are distinctive looking buildings. They all kinda look the same here, and the map symbols aren't particularly compelling. Cardinal directions are probably the least vague.


Although you will always run into the guy that thinks east is west, or who thinks west is always left from spawn or whatever. There's no helping some people short of giving everyone a primer at the start of each warzone.

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Although you will always run into the guy that thinks east is west, or who thinks west is always left from spawn or whatever. There's no helping some people short of giving everyone a primer at the start of each warzone.


True. I had someone in a VS arguing that east/west was bad because it was relative to your spawn spot. On the other hand, I have to admit that VS has probably taught me the most about situational awareness. With so many people using left/right to mean different things I had to just figure it out on my own. :D


And trying to get a group going on the PTS at this time was futile. Was a ghost town. I suppose it will pick up during the "devs are here" timeslot later on.

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I don't mind the new 8x8, never seen a new Arena (but hey, it's an arena), but I have a feeling that most folks will just give up on the Odessen map. I can just hear the "grab the buffs!" instead of the 'Carry the orbs!" while the rest of the group is slaughtered somehow, and the eternal confusion of which node is which, how many have to guard one, etc. Edited by DomiSotto
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I don't mind the new 8x8, never seen a new Arena (but hey, it's an arena), but I have a feeling that most folks will just give up on the Odessen map. I can just hear the "grab the buffs!" instead of the 'Carry the orbs!" while the rest of the group is slaughtered somehow, and the eternal confusion of which node is which, how many have to guard one, etc.


The new Arena has respawns, which would be great if it didn't respawn you in acid 50 thousand times before it declares a winner.

The layout of the map is also really hard on melee classes, Sorcs is on easy mode. Even more than before.

The new 8v8 is just a nightmare for Pugs, we can barely coordinate when the nodes are in our line of sight.

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Yeah, not having LoS on the off-nodes was my other concern as well, as now you simply have no idea what is going on on each of the 5 nodes, you have no way to take a shoulder check.


EDIT: Anyway, just wanted to say I am back from the dead and will try to catch up with you folks on the Ebon, Empire.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Oh, just saw Tait's post:




So, wait till they fix things then go back to PTS :)


Ha ha, your link is to reply to his post. :)


And yeah, we were watching for you and others later Saturday. It was just tecl and myself and then a bunch of less skilled people. Ha! I kid, of course! Lots of good players, but still not many who's names I knew.


Awesome that they are going to fix some things and retest. I was wondering what would happen with all the feedback.


And, Ruhun, I really hope the infinite respawn in the arena was a bug! Because that was lame.

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At least the arey addressing things, good to know.


Still doesn't fix the arena layout. That's gonna be a ***** to take down ranged dps/healers on.


That's my thought too. Honestly I am having a hard time remaining optimistic of the new 8v8.


And I can't help it. In the back of my mind is how no changes to ANY classes is even a thought of the devs balance-wise.


Really disappointed overall. I can see a lot of work and effort went into the new maps, it just seems...like so much effort and energy that's misguided.


Well, what do I know. If I was some master developer or lead CEO of a massive MMO I guess I would understand things better, maybe from BW's perspective it makes more sense what they are doing.

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That's my thought too. Honestly I am having a hard time remaining optimistic of the new 8v8.


And I can't help it. In the back of my mind is how no changes to ANY classes is even a thought of the devs balance-wise.


Really disappointed overall. I can see a lot of work and effort went into the new maps, it just seems...like so much effort and energy that's misguided.


Well, what do I know. If I was some master developer or lead CEO of a massive MMO I guess I would understand things better, maybe from BW's perspective it makes more sense what they are doing.


None of it makes sense.

People have been ************ about Sorcs for what feels like a full year, and they make a map that allows them to LoS even more effectively.

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