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A PvP a Day...


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funwith'Sparks is now back on EH - same name. Anyone there pls pm if you want to group. :D


Incidentally, I think I caused major disappointment for someone on Harb with Sparks. I got into an arena a couple days ago, and one of my team chats, "Hey, I know sparks from the Forums! Are you Domi?" I had to let them down though. It was like I was in a band, and someone just asked if I were the lead singer. "Nope, sorry, I'm just the drummer". :D

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so......i shouldn't bother? lol


If you are on a 65, it's good going normally. Levelling wise, what I saw on SL was better for solo in lowbies. When we queued with Banderal on the Hawk, we had good experiences normally Pub-side. On my own I had some rough zones, some really great ones, including playing with some really nice folks who chatted amicably.


I will be levelling my Mando once my sorc is done, because I want a couple of 65s each side, hoping to play the pubs as much as I can. Mando's name is Last'shot, and he is in the mids. In terms of server-time-brackets, our getting together is pretty hectic. Lhance is definitely the most settled of us on the Hawk, and he plays a bit later normally, and has both pubs and imps.


@Banderal: oh, funny! The only time anyone recognized me on the Binger was on my heals Sorc, when I was hanging out waiting on my raid on the Fleet.

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Just ran a bunch of games with Ruhun on EH imp side. Super fun! Started off with a VS where the other team was just going "squirrel!" over and over, running off to chase or just not paying attention while we capped. Then we stopped them at the first door on defense. I ended that game with I think my highest protection score ever (480K-ish - not great, but good for me) - so nowhere to go but down from there. :D


We had an ACW that we lost partly from lack of calls, but also lack of heals. I think we had another VS in there that we lost, but I'm not sure.


We ended with a VS where we were against 1/2 the same folks that we started that first VS with. Was REALLY close match. We both made it to the 2nd set of doors, but we got there a bit quicker.


And then a final arena, where we had the heal(operative)/tank/2DPS, vs they had 3DPS and a tank. We took them down pretty easy I thought, but maybe our mara (Ruhun) was just better than their sent. :D I swear they focused the healer pretty well, but maybe that was their mistake? I was able to concentrate on helping heals (who I'm not sure needed my help) and the dps just took 'em down. I felt bad at the end though, when the heals got no MVPs. I MVP'd Ruhun, 'cause you know... grouped. But I probably should have give that one to heals. Both rounds he survived 3 shadows opening on him from stealth. :eek:

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The Sent wasn't very good.

He didn't use his DCDs well and just melted under pressure. He was guarded too.

Our Op healer was great.


We never lost a VS. I don't think we did.

We had two very close matches, one with Pubs and one with Imps.

Edited by Ruhun
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Me and Ruhun had some "great" matches tonight. We had the bad luck of running into pub teams with 3 sage healers multiple times. Didn't matter what damage we did, with tanks guarding and 3 sage healers crosshealing, phasewalking, and bubbling we never could kill anything. No words to really reflect on this. Just sad tbh.
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Well, you were luckier than I was running against a curious comp of 6 stealths + 2 snipers on Alderaan & that's all I had time for :( . Talk about node denial (Sigh) Then I went through an impromptu WBs run with my guidies. I will try to get into 65s tomorrow to join on the 3 healers' fun. Edited by DomiSotto
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I moved a 33 sentinel to Ebon Hawk and ran a few zones. Pops were really good, even after midnight EST. Lag was not bad. I had around 120-140 ms ping. Look for Teclada and say hello.


Had a Huttball that went to the imps 6-0, but it happens. Had an arena that went 2-0 us. They had a healer, but it was level 15...so that hardly counts. Off to play some more. :D

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Well, if the Mega servers are coming, I suppose I don't need to level any of my remaining EH toons save for Balance Sage and Hatred Assassin? B/c I already have everything on the Harbinger? Or is West and East remain separate and it just means that EH, SL, etc will get merged?


Honestly, not sure what to do now.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Well, if the Mega servers are coming, I suppose I don't need to level any of my remaining EH toons save for Balance Sage and Hatred Assassin? B/c I already have everything on the Harbinger? Or is West and East remain separate and it just means that EH, SL, etc will get merged?


Honestly, not sure what to do now.


Servers are getting merged?

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The rumor has it.... check the general before they delete it. I'll just play 65s, and if I decide to level, go with the Sage and the Sin. If it's just East they'd merge, I'll have like 4 Shassins.


EDIT: Btw, I did pull a late night yesterday, and hit 65 on the sorc, just did need to go shopping, and I can do 65s Imp-side. Oh, and while I was pulling creds for my level 60 merc (now on hold, lol), saw sensei come on. I don't think he's going to be playing though. :)

Edited by DomiSotto
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The rumor has it.... check the general before they delete it. I'll just play 65s, and if I decide to level, go with the Sage and the Sin. If it's just East they'd merge, I'll have like 4 Shassins.


EDIT: Btw, I did pull a late night yesterday, and hit 65 on the sorc, just did need to go shopping, and I can do 65s Imp-side. Oh, and while I was pulling creds for my level 60 merc (now on hold, lol), saw sensei come on. I don't think he's going to be playing though. :)


I was done queueing around 10 or so. Healer heavy matches drain a man.


We hit those Sages so much, and so hard. As soon as one of them looked like they were doing to die, they got crosshealed, or phasewalked away then crosshealed, or bubbled then crosshealed.


It's insane, and even in that scenario their **** team barely did any dps.

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Yes, I know. Lhancelot and I went against a premmie that stacked 4 heals in midbies. I still want to try to see if there are ways around it, even if it is not killing. if not, there are always lowbies & GSF. Edited by DomiSotto
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Yes, I know. Lhancelot and I went against a premmie that stacked 4 heals in midbies. I still want to try to see if there are ways around it, even if it is not killing. if not, there are always lowbies & GSF.


The problem is if the healer heavy team manages to grab a node first, you can't take it back because you can't kill them to cap the node. They cross heal, never die, and just keep you from taking the node.


It's so annoying spamming attacks so much your fingers hurt, only to see that 2 other healers heal the one healer you are tunneling.


Yeah, me and Ruhun obviously felt the same after a few of the matches had the 3 sage healers in them, defeated and just tired. We logged. :p

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I seriously felt it was worse with that 6 stealth + 2 snipers premmie, not sure what Operatives were running, Lethality or Medicine, but doesn't matter. Guardian+Sage is crude compared, you know? That stealth troll was elaborate.


Sorry, I am still shell-shocked over sensei's sighting this morning and all those eloquent things that just haven't sprang to my tired mind to lure him back into the zones. :p

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I seriously felt it was worse with that 6 stealth + 2 snipers premmie, not sure what Operatives were running, Lethality or Medicine, but doesn't matter. Guardian+Sage is crude compared, you know? That stealth troll was elaborate.


I faced 4 Ops last night and managed fine. I think one of them might have been a healer.


Our team responded well to calls, so we never got sap capped.

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No chance. 3 stealth on the offnode, 2 operatives + 1 Sin, and the node denial on the mid by the other 3 stealth + 2 snipers, I imagine, till we've over-commited to the off-node. I spent the whole time on the off-node. Force-slowed, interrupted, pushed, DOTed... all meh. Edited by DomiSotto
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No chance. 3 stealth on the offnode, 2 operatives + 1 Sin, and the node denial on the mid by the other 3 stealth + 2 snipers, I imagine. I spent the whole time on the off-node.


I don't remember Snipers, I do remember a Sin but he was a pushover and stealthed out before I got a 1v1 kill.


The Ops were harder to handle because lolroll, but all they did was stun and roll.

We did have a sorc healer, so that helps.

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Well, at least we managed to get a group of 3 going :) We caught a tough break though, running against the Faceroll Tuesday in full swing. Oh, well, first day on 65, no lube! That's what I get for consorting with the Empire. Edited by DomiSotto
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Well, at least we managed to get a group of 3 going :) We caught a tough break though, running against the Faceroll Tuesday in full swing. Oh, well, first day on 65, no lube! That's what I get for consorting with the Empire.


We also got stuck with people who were doing pvp for the companion.

I've never seen anyone not give a **** so hard.

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It's not the companion, I think. PvP is high on the Conquest priorities this week, so there are folks that might not play it all the time. I saw it later on the binger as well. It's not that the guys are bad, it's that they are extremely disorganized and pulling in every which direction, breaking hard on the premmies. If I had more time I'd switch to heals on the Binger, as there were none in the queue or if they were, they were shut down harder than the DPS.


I wanted to say though, that I thought it was a challenging venue to try to stick together with you two, and coordinate the DPS, and I would like to continue trying to do so. I am going to stay on madness, even though I understand that my damage is not up to snuff on it. I might level Hatred and Balance, as the mirrors for my toons.


In terms of creating a different legacy for PvP on another server. I like this: do Cybertech, do Biochem and grind credits for gear through Heroics. It is not necessary to level other crafts. My Madness who was not a crafter had 2.5 mils by level 65, getting through the class story to about the end of Belsavis, and that's basically what it took to get her geared in a Legacy set with the pulls, augments, kits etc. I just put her on Yavin to gather L8 mats. It will be harder once Bio stops letting you trade the L8s in L9, as I will have to do some of that KotFE.

Edited by DomiSotto
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