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A PvP a Day...


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Which, BTW, convinced me to transfer Strikes'Twice over to Harby. :(


I think mids were so slow that day because it was the first day of the new chapter, I didn't think about it but I am pretty sure lots of people were doing that.


65 pvp on TEH is always popping, if you would stop lurking in lowbies and mids you'd know! :p

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I think mids were so slow that day because it was the first day of the new chapter, I didn't think about it but I am pretty sure lots of people were doing that.


65 pvp on TEH is always popping, if you would stop lurking in lowbies and mids you'd know! :p


I've been a sub for too long and forgot not everyone got it the same day, no wonder pvp sucks right now.

Some people might have waited till the weekend to complete the chapter.

Right now pops are slow, and when we do get something it's so ridiculously one sided I had to log off to do something else.

Edited by Ruhun
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65 pvp on TEH is always popping, if you would stop lurking in lowbies and mids you'd know! :p


:o I have a 65 on the pub side. I was TRYING to get a 65 on the imp side with Strikes. But leveling through PvE is SO boring, and if the mid queue are not popping I'm kinda stuck. Maybe I'll transfer that toon back once I get her to 65 on Harby.

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Yesterday was absolutely abysmal for me. I really really really shouldn't have queued at all.


First, with my level 62 Commando - Hypergates - other team had 0 points, we had around 300 ... then they began farming kills, and soon they had reached almost our point number ... and me getting constantly farmed ... like "The weakest one first !" The worst thing was that Madness Sorc ... DOTting me, and healing everyone else ... awful.

I just couldn't bear it anymore and quit - like many, many other players before me. Maybe because they saw me, the Commando ?


Second, with my level 33 Telekinetic Sage - almost the same. Sages simply don't have the survival tools at that point which makes them so good. Got seriously farmed by melee who danced around me, very well knowing I couldn't look behind me that fast. Well, maybe it was as well because I hadn't played this Sage for months. I don't do FOTM. I just had to quit this match as well, because he other team was too good, and I was only a nuisance, nothing more.


Both on VC.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Ah, the day you get Electro-net is awesome, because the whole consular class is susceptible to it :) orry you had a bad day. I will probably go back to Sage/Sorc once the pop on the hawk picks up a little.


EDIT: hey, I managed to get over 2K in an 8 vs 8 zone. Well, Hottie or namesake was healing, so I guess nobody was particularly interested in focusing anyone else. We actually won the AHG as well, despite a few sorcs not letting us grab the pylon once. I personally exercised my very best dummy rotation on any one of them that was not cc'd at the time.... heh, cross-healing. :) The biggest hit was actually over 21K for me, that looked neato.

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Had some peculiar experience the other day: on my first day of pvp-ing after the update Tuesday, I coudn't break 400 dps on my shadow tank, whereas I usually go easily above 1k. I noticed a ridiculously low crit rating (like 15%), where I'm sure it was higher before.


Funnily enough, after I min-maxed 2 more enhancements, my crit was again round and about 25-30%, and dps 1k+ again.


Can anyone explain? Did they change crit calculation last week?

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I have only heard that one of new stims was broken. Honestly, chances are you just had an unlucky game or something. :)


I am wondering when it will be a good time to check the pop on the hawk again. Tuesday I guess? By then most folks should have played the new chapter :)

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Holy cow, I'm having a spell of playing with folks that I normally have no business of playing with. So, yep, got a couple of awesome zones, where nobody cared about a no-name mando so I got pretty high in damage, though nowhere near as high as I wanted. :) Then a few close losses, then the Empire run the Death United, shooting us like flightless birds dodo, then we facerolled an unfortunate Empire team.


'cause that's how life is.


Heh, Republic now stacks Sages, Empire - Juggers. Though there were Scoundrels too and Shadows. Waiting to see some Guardians, lol. Staunchly resisting the new fashion?

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@Ruhun: Sorry you have had it, I too will miss ya. :)


Well, go figure. I wanted to prep for the Faceroll Tuesday this morning, so pulled out my PT and Vg, went through their keybinds, checked the updated guides, and experienced a strong desire not to play it, despite the carbonize, the charge, the pull, all those awesome things that a vg/Pt offers as compared to the merc/Mando. But I just want to stick to my poor man's DPS, despite being stunned-deaded by any stealth out there that actually plays stealth and turned to coleslaw by every Jugger who figured out how to use all their gap closers and cc's. It must be some sort of a Merc/Mando bug thing. :)


I kindda want to stick my nose into healing again though too & check out if maybe the EH midbies/lowbies need another Scop. Unlikely, I know, but hey, just one zone... mabbey.

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I must have gotten your lag. I had it absolutely terrible in a few warzones. It must be some abilities that trigger a sudden interruption of actions on my side, when the other toon is obviously acting, since when my game unfreezes my poor toon is dead. But luckily it was just a couple of zones it was so bad. One of the guys on my side even accused the other guys of hacking, lol. Welcome to SWTOR lag. :)


A pipeball and, to my surprise, a Novarre. To my surprise it was a horrid Faceroll Tuesday, actually. Heck, I even got healed, which is always such a nice treat! But I felt very clumsy. So, I am giving it a rest, and going to go for it tomorrow again.

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I must have gotten your lag. I had it absolutely terrible in a few warzones. It must be some abilities that trigger a sudden interruption of actions on my side, when the other toon is obviously acting, since when my game unfreezes my poor toon is dead. But luckily it was just a couple of zones it was so bad. One of the guys on my side even accused the other guys of hacking, lol. Welcome to SWTOR lag. :)


A pipeball and, to my surprise, a Novarre. To my surprise it was a horrid Faceroll Tuesday, actually. Heck, I even got healed, which is always such a nice treat! But I felt very clumsy. So, I am giving it a rest, and going to go for it tomorrow again.


I didn't have much trouble with premades. After solo queueing a few times a sorc and his tank asked me to join them.

We couldn't get any heals but we only lost once against a Pub premade.

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Had some really good fun games with Lhancelot today. Whilst it ended in a particularly crushing Huttball stomp, we also had some nice wins. Always good to catch up with people I know from the forums in-game - you play a great merc!


Kind words from a kinder gentleman. Truth be told, I went to school while grouping with Zachariah. :D


Hey, I actually watched your video (again), and changed my rotation a bit I need to group with you more so I can compare and see what I need to tighten up. I won't match you, but I got to see exactly what I need to improve.


Actually, it's not so much changing a rotation as it is using certain abilities when I probably should use others for better damage output.


Anyway, hopefully we can group up again sometime. It was fun!

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Finally got Narqath fully decked out and started queueing on Harb.


So many Madness Sorcs and Operatives.

Jesus chirst.


Also I queued about 10 times and fought Pubs twice, and in those two times it felt like punching a child.

Less healers on this server though, at least it feels that way in my limited experience.

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Finally got Narqath fully decked out and started queueing on Harb.


So many Madness Sorcs and Operatives.

Jesus chirst.


Also I queued about 10 times and fought Pubs twice, and in those two times it felt like punching a child.

Less healers on this server though, at least it feels that way in my limited experience.


Come to Ebon Hawk, you won't escape healfests at times, but you will find pubs can be competitive.

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cool, you never know you might find it better. Or worse. Seems everyone has a different opinion of every server. :p


So far I like BC more than any other.


I tried Harb and POT5, and Harb is more or less the same but I don't know anyone there. Just less heal fests wish is nice.


Everyone on POT5 is really *********** angry, all the time.

Even when we win they are angry.

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So far I like BC more than any other.


I tried Harb and POT5, and Harb is more or less the same but I don't know anyone there. Just less heal fests wish is nice.


Everyone on POT5 is really *********** angry, all the time.

Even when we win they are angry.


Just don't play lowbies or mids and judge the server. Too many people judge pvp on servers without even playing 65s which is silly. There's a big difference between lowbies and 65s. You probably know this anyway. :D

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Oh, nice! Wednesdays are my no-gaming day, so now I am starting to have withdrawals. :)


@Lhancelot: I think you are right about the lwbies/midbies, but well, you get to get to 65, and even with all the perks, it is still a fair bit of work, plus you do need the comms to gear up + creds for augmentation. So, unfortunately, you can't really dodge it. With that, I should really tough it out and get my L58 sorc on the Hawk to 60 somehow (prob heroics!), then it will be 65 soon enough via KotFE (yeah, I know...). Unless the mids are back into the swing of things. Well, I'll give it a shot today. I want to have an Imperial to 65. Yeah, it's Madness, so not cool, but hey, my everything else Imp there is not even 40 :(

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