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A PvP a Day...


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ON that last match he popped his barrier as soon as I opened up on him, so I /tickled him.


He rage quits and becomes my #1 fan.


lol dang that is a BAD sorc. If he can't handle your first round of attacks ffs he needs to reroll a stealth or something where he can disengage the fight easily.


I have to admit marauders are my worst enemy on my sorc healer. I don't care about merc burst or snipers I usually can use LOS them.


With mara there is no hiding or using LOS. A good marauder you cannot shake them off unless you bubble or use phasewalk. Also, their burst is HUGE.


That being said, I still never have to barrier from ONE mara in the first round of their attacks.


It's funny when someone really awful also has an awful personality where they accuse others for hacking and/or being bad. Those are the players I find most amusing they seem to have zero self-reflection.

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There are a few Sorcs/Sages that make me get a pit in my stomach when I see them in red.


I usually have no problems with healers, but these guys seem to shrug me off like an annoying little brother.

I see their health go down when they have three dps on them and no less.

Edited by Ruhun
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Qwu made this thread a bit back about how the healing should be nerfed just before the next season starts, so the healers will get caught out on their bad habits developed in this meta. I see quite a few folks who do not attempt to reposition at all, and, well, it is going to cost them once the AC is toned down. I do look forward to healing again once the re-balancing eliminates the oversupply of heals.


I was called to backfill heals on a raid yesterday, co-healing with one of my favorite co-heals, doing the classic Sorc+Op, and it made me miss healing.


I've been trying GSF a bit, and ground PvP is so much better, no matter what. We just don't know how good we have it. But I am a bit bored, so I dunno. I might need to just take a few days off the game and do something else.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Sorry to be so outdate, but I didn't want to read the 100 pages. I will instead respond to the OP asking about PvP phobia.


I had that, mainly from the few times I did it with no clue what to do and getting told "you are doing it wrong" rather than "you are doing it wrong, do this instead."


Then one night when I got bored of ops, stopped doing fp's and a guild member was asking if anybody wanted to PvP with him I thought "why not" and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I then proceeded to make a new commando in order to learn to PvP from scratch.


Now I am not much of a PvPer. My lack of willingness to make necessary changes when going from PvE to PvP (moving bindings, changing selections of my 7 points in my discipline etc) along with my 54kbps internet resulting in 2-3k server lag and, if too many people are on screen (6 or more) my 0.5 frames per second, cause me difficulties. I rarely win in straight fights 1 on 1.


And now, months later I am still loving PvP. I still get my *** handed to me whenever an enemy so much as looks at me, I still have situations where my lag jumps so high that the first sign I have that I am under attack is the text "return to med centre" in a blue box in the middle of the screen.


And with months of play I have learnt to work around those issues...part of doing that is learning tactical play rather than what I did when I started: "ooh a red health bar, run directly towards it and attack until one of us dies."

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Being the only ranged player in an WZ full of mellee fighters just is no fun, especially when being unguarded and non-healed. The last straw was one 14000ish crit I received from one Marauder ? - at least it was one melee fighter - near the end - I just couldn't stand it anymore. They had of course 1 dedicated healer, and one Operative as well - plus the usual PT. The rest all melee.


With the current meta heavily favouring melee fighters this gets worse and worse for unguarded and unhealed ranged fighters. Because melee is the direct counter to ranged.

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Being the only ranged player in an WZ full of mellee fighters just is no fun, especially when being unguarded and non-healed. The last straw was one 14000ish crit I received from one Marauder ? - at least it was one melee fighter - near the end - I just couldn't stand it anymore. They had of course 1 dedicated healer, and one Operative as well - plus the usual PT. The rest all melee.


With the current meta heavily favouring melee fighters this gets worse and worse for unguarded and unhealed ranged fighters. Because melee is the direct counter to ranged.


I didn't know PT was melee.

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PT is a melee, but utilities give more of their abilities a range that exceeds that of a true "stay within 5 m" melee. They call them 'mid-ranged' melee.


I am actually glad that melee got boosts, because they are much harder to play, and having more people playing these specs well is a paramount, because otherwise the pugs are absolutely guaranteed to be too heavy on the ranged compared to a balanced comp premmie, and that's a disaster.


I still am too PO'd with GSF to let it go, so I was trying to get into it instead of pretty much everything else in the game. I am starting to feel that, yes, the time is pretty much right to call it a day on SWTOR. Getting bored with it, and everything feels just 'meh', even the PvP.

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PT is a melee, but utilities give more of their abilities a range that exceeds that of a true "stay within 5 m" melee. They call them 'mid-ranged' melee.


I am actually glad that melee got boosts, because they are much harder to play, and having more people playing these specs well is a paramount, because otherwise the pugs are absolutely guaranteed to be too heavy on the ranged compared to a balanced comp premmie, and that's a disaster.


A lot more people are playing ranged.

Seeing the usual amount of Madness Sorcs making my day miserable but now I have Snipers and Mercs to deal with.

The only Melee that is on the rise is Immortal Jug with DPS gear.

Also Tank Assassins with High Endurance DPS gear, same as Jugs.



Alacrity is a life saver. I don't know why I ignored it before.

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Yes, that's exactly why I say that it is a good thing the melee got a boost. It is far easier to play a ranged character but you need melee to push and take the objectives. Because otherwise all the ranged will stand to the side, and kite away while the opposite team will take all the goodies. Been there, done that. A lot of ranged don't even position themselves to properly have a view if the objective, all hoping that someone else would do that, and they will just be great support to 'them'.


From what I am seeing the Mara/Sent AC got a lot better lately, tbh, because use to be, you shrugged them off. Now they kill & kill fast.

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Getting bored with it, and everything feels just 'meh', even the PvP.


But, but... there's a new map coming out! And you will have a 1 in 10 chance (or whatever) of getting it in the middle of your run of endless AHG facerolls!


Bleh. Actually I know the feeling. I find myself winding down on this game. I don't have that itch to play "just one more match" anymore. :(

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But, but... there's a new map coming out! And you will have a 1 in 10 chance (or whatever) of getting it in the middle of your run of endless AHG facerolls!


Bleh. Actually I know the feeling. I find myself winding down on this game. I don't have that itch to play "just one more match" anymore. :(


It's the opposite for me. I'm queueing up match after match then I realize I should probably sleep to be an actual adult the next day.



From what I am seeing the Mara/Sent AC got a lot better lately, tbh, because use to be, you shrugged them off. Now they kill & kill fast.


IIRC most if not all of the bursty classes got nerfed on 4.0.

I've noticed it with my Mara, my brusts don't hit as much as they used to. I still get by.

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But, but... there's a new map coming out! And you will have a 1 in 10 chance (or whatever) of getting it in the middle of your run of endless AHG facerolls!


Bleh. Actually I know the feeling. I find myself winding down on this game. I don't have that itch to play "just one more match" anymore. :(


Wanna try GSF with me? At least it's different.

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I was assured that after a few hundred matches it starts growing on you. I have never played a flying or shooting game before, so I think I will play it for a bit. (Shrug) Still want to get a few more dozen ops under my belt and then it will be time to move on. Good game, good setting, but I just want something else & the spring is coming too, so it's getting hard to focus on a videogame. Edited by DomiSotto
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Again another WZ which had 3/4 consisting of melee ... And the other side had of course the better ranged, which were allowed to freecast so much more ... Merc, PT ... Although PT is half this half that to me ...



I don't know whether this is just a fashion or maybe the trademark of some players / guilds ? : They don't walk, they don't run, they don't backpedal ... They jump around like rabbits on steroids !


Really, they just jump. All of the time. Every non-combat filler movement is just a jump. And even within combat, they don't strafe - they just jump.


It's almost as if they believed in some sort of religion telling them that that jumping is "the best LOS EVAR".

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Again another WZ which had 3/4 consisting of melee ... And the other side had of course the better ranged, which were allowed to freecast so much more ... Merc, PT ... Although PT is half this half that to me ...



I don't know whether this is just a fashion or maybe the trademark of some players / guilds ? : They don't walk, they don't run, they don't backpedal ... They jump around like rabbits on steroids !


Really, they just jump. All of the time. Every non-combat filler movement is just a jump. And even within combat, they don't strafe - they just jump.


It's almost as if they believed in some sort of religion telling them that that jumping is "the best LOS EVAR".


That's something I have yet to learn in Pvp, perhaps you can enlighten me. I have noticed that most players, when doing melee pvp strafe back and forward constantly, while maintaining 4m range. Meanwhile, if I am fighting somebody I just stand there and attack.


In my experience of just standing still and attacking, compared to running around I usually end up winning fights. there was one just now with my lvl 19 op healer. At level 19 I don't have much access to heals so I tend to dps from time to time. While running from one objective to another I get attacked by a lvl 37 sent. He runs around like a madman, I stand still and attack. By the time he is dead I am left with 87% hp (granted I had 2-stacked my hot on myself).


I find things like that happen all the time, people running like idiots in melee while I just stand there are rip chunks off their hp bar. I always win against people who move about excessively (unless they are doing it for the purpose of running away).


The only viable reason I can see for doing it is for sins/ops with their attacks from behind, but even then they rarely catch me because my character auto-turns towards them every GCD as I use my next ability.


What I want to know is, why do people think running around is beneficial when I repeatedly beat them while standing still.

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What I want to know is, why do people think running around is beneficial when I repeatedly beat them while standing still.


If you're beating them consistently you're just doing a better job at dps.

I run around while doing my rotation (Mara and Assassin) out of habit at this point.


If they are melee you become harder to target and in my experience it's downright distracting.



I beat a Jug 1v1 several times yesterday. These FOTM bandwagon kids really need to learn what a DCD is.

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If they are melee you become harder to target and in my experience it's downright distracting.


I have always found deselecting my target (press escape) and wait for them to hit me again works wonders for targeting people attacking me.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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You will not be able to continue winning fights over people when standing still. The folks who are good at strafe will make sure that you do not have the facing at them while they do, so you will not be able to execute the attack while they will land hits on you. A stationary player will always lose. You are only winning because thy have no clue what they are doing and trying to do the dummy rotation while simply running around and yes, your HoTs are powerful in the lowbies. Instead of strafing correctly, denying you the hits, and landing the high power attacks. On lower levels the ranged have advantage over the melee, because the DCDs and gap closers are not yet in place, and some of them have high hitting abilities way early on, like the snipers.


You can test it if you wish, but after level 41 if you are still winning fights while standing still, you are going against the opponents that have very little experience.

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