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A PvP a Day...


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Killing another player is always a Good Thing, and you will get a lot of practice against sorcerers, recognize which Discipline they play and consequently how fast they can eat your health bar, what they've used, what can be interrupted, if anyone is also targeting them, etc. The best sorc to target is the one someone else is already targeting and that does not have the god-bubble on....
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Heh, Whirlwind. I have tried to use the protected cast for it, but came to the conclusion that only in the case of being split away, with nothing else in sight, and the opponent not having a break ready, it's worth casting. In all other cases, repositioning is superior & chances are someone is going to break your lovingly casted the second after you did it. And, the good focus fire equates all ACs. One thing I like about mando/merc abilities is the insta-mezz on demand, without talenting it. I like having this option if I need it. Edited by DomiSotto
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Heh, Whirlwind. I have tried to use the protected cast for it, but came to the conclusion that only in the case of being split away, with nothing else in sight, and the opponent not having a break ready, it's worth casting. In all other cases, repositioning is superior & chances are someone is going to break your lovingly casted the second after you did it. And, the good focus fire equates all ACs. One thing I like about mando/merc abilities is the insta-mezz on demand, without talenting it. I like having this option if I need it.


Insta-cast for WW is one of the reasons I adore my Sin.


The idiots that use their break on some minor stun only to get hit by WW and allow me to cap.

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if you have a jugg, mara or merc guarding alone it's usually a guaranteed cap, since most stay too close to the node and rarely have the nerves to watch you cap while mezzed. especially nice in AH, with 30-40 sec remaining and the rest of their team farming mid.

managed to do it on 3 rounds of 4 in a AH, as they kept changing the nodeguard from round to round, but their stealth didn't want to guard and the sorcs probably felt it was below their dignity. not sure if they had a PT, but if, he wasn't guarding either.

for a sin, the instant whirlwind is really a must, if you try to play objective.

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I was in Alderaan, when we had a team with 2 stealth, and a couple of sorcs, but first a merc was left to guard. We came to the call and managed to stop the cap twice. Then s/he telegraphed that s/he is not guarding any longer from death, and quit even though we did fend off the attack.


Since nobody took the poor guy or the offnode seriously, and I ended up guarding on my merc. Luckily the attacker (who of course went for it the 3rd time) was not the best and I was able to rapid shot him after the cc, and then he went and chased me around the turret in circles, and ate an insta mezz for his troubles. It was nerve-wrecking. Nobody responded to my query to switch me as a merc off the guard duty & they lost mid.


So, I quit too. Leaving a merc to guard once is silly. It happens. Movement, heat of the moment, poor class distribution for guarding to start with, whatever. But doing it 3 times in a row approaches self-fulfilling prophecy of doom.

Edited by DomiSotto
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if you have a jugg, mara or merc guarding alone it's usually a guaranteed cap, since most stay too close to the node and rarely have the nerves to watch you cap while mezzed. especially nice in AH...


In AH it's not even about them having the nerve to wait out the first mezz. The cap time there is 6 seconds, so they don't have a choice but to break your mezz somehow.

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Be careful what you swallow... :D


"There was an old lady who swallowed a fly

I don't know why she swallowed a fly - perhaps she'll die!

There was an old lady who swallowed a spider,

That wriggled and wiggled and tiggled inside her;

She swallowed the spider to catch the fly;

I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die!

There was an old lady who swallowed a bird;

How absurd to swallow a bird.

She swallowed the bird to catch the spider,

She swallowed the spider to catch the fly;

I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die!

There was an old lady who swallowed a cat;

Fancy that to swallow a cat!

She swallowed the cat to catch the bird,

She swallowed the bird to catch the spider,

She swallowed the spider to catch the fly;

I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die!

There was an old lady that swallowed a dog;

What a hog, to swallow a dog;

She swallowed the dog to catch the cat,

She swallowed the cat to catch the bird,

She swallowed the bird to catch the spider,

She swallowed the spider to catch the fly;

I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die!

There was an old lady who swallowed a cow,

I don't know how she swallowed a cow;

She swallowed the cow to catch the dog,

She swallowed the dog to catch the cat,

She swallowed the cat to catch the bird,

She swallowed the bird to catch the spider,

She swallowed the spider to catch the fly;

I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die!

There was an old lady who swallowed a horse...

She's dead, of course!"

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I've never heard of that before ... :D





I just did an AHG which made me believe that this is the new "burst meta trolling AHG" tactic :


AHG has been reduced into


1. getting the most kills

2. hindering the other team from getting their node in the last round

3. profit !


This is the nbew - as I call it - "meta burst trolling AHG" tactic. I mean, the whole map has been stripped off of all kinds of tactic - this one remains. I have seen it several times now, and it works frighteningly well.


For the "duel-happy" crowd out there, this is THE perfect tactic !

Because they just LOVE duels - and since duel/burst heavy classes are dominating these maps anyway ... Profit !

With their heavy burst / duel capabilitiues are are more than able to trioll the other team via preventing them from getting their node !


I have see it. We should hve won, because we had more orbs. A lot more.

But they won, because of this tactic. They had more kills + 2 nodes in the end.


Tactics in AHG are dead now. Long live this meta setup !

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Better swallow than choke :)


Oh, stealing a node is a tactics. Alrick, carrying the orbs in the Hypergate is just a distraction for a team, nothing more. Defending the node and keeping the mid from being overrun is what wins that zone. Not the robs, there are only 8 orbs at most that can be captured per round. It is a pittance compared to the points for capture, recapture and kills.


Lhancelot, btw managed to steal the node twice in an AHG! The second time when the defender simply ran to the mid at 9 seconds. We actually started that game with 5M, and the 6th guy joined, saw that we had a pylon but where a little behind in kills, and gave the usual "Pub sucks!" message. I love when those guys choke on their own words.


And, I guess it were the same super-awesome Imperial players that we ran against in a Pipeball, that we quickly concluded 6:0. I even got to score on a pass from Lhancelot, because apparently nobody minded a level 42 mando going up their ramp and shooting them from their own endzone.


I finally managed to get to almost 2K DPS on the mando (~1960), but overall found myself heavily targeted by Maras and Juggers. Saw two Juggres in a row roll out 3.4 and 3.2 or something like that K DPS rate. Actually was in a match where there was at least 4 or 5 players rocking a 2K+ DPS. What did the 4.0 did for Juggers that their DPS really went up? Is that the mad dash or something else I am missing? I have not looked into the class changes, since I don't play one.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Just run a few heroics and a BH contract and you will be shredding whatever sage into coleslaw by level 20. I've seen Maras devastate on level 15. Yeah, I swallowed a cow too.


I'm getting there.

I keep trying to use my "gore" rotation, but no gore yet.

Its been so long since I did lowbies.

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I detest AHG even more and more. The orbs are basically the dev's way to troll new players, I get it.


I had 1Arenaa which went terribly wrong for me (Gunslinger again, the AHG above was on my "home server" with my Commando), and 1 Arena which went terribly wrong for them. :D


And then 1 match of Quesh Huttball. Dominated by a few Juggs, and we lost with an 4:5, I think it was.

It is very frightening how powerful Juggs can be against Gunslingers, No reason to play one in an melee-infested match anymore.

But ... they had one Sniper there as well .... But we had not enough peelers ...

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Just run a few heroics and a BH contract and you will be shredding whatever sage into coleslaw by level 20. I've seen Maras devastate on level 15. Yeah, I swallowed a cow too.


Ok, so I got Massacre and holy **** does it make a difference.


I'm carving people up left and right.

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Now, I don't get this very often : Harbinger, AHG, Rep vs. Rep - and getting horribly farmed !

A quarter of an hour before now ... It was horrible ! I have never seen such a gap betwen my team's points and the other team's points while fighting another Republic team !


In the end we had I think something around 100 points or rather less - meanwhile them having 700+ !

Members of our team were quitting every half of a minute ... in the end I couldn't bear it as well and quit, too.


Before that we got farmed in an Arena match as well - and later in one VoidStar, in which, after we had lost, one other team member "said" in the chat "gg" ... He knew that we would read this as well, as all faction members can read "say" commends ... But in my opinion it was rather to further insult us, because we had no chance at all.

I was a far too later backfiller to that.

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I've never heard of that before ... :D





I just did an AHG which made me believe that this is the new "burst meta trolling AHG" tactic :


AHG has been reduced into


1. getting the most kills

2. hindering the other team from getting their node in the last round

3. profit !


This is the nbew - as I call it - "meta burst trolling AHG" tactic. I mean, the whole map has been stripped off of all kinds of tactic - this one remains. I have seen it several times now, and it works frighteningly well.


For the "duel-happy" crowd out there, this is THE perfect tactic !

Because they just LOVE duels - and since duel/burst heavy classes are dominating these maps anyway ... Profit !

With their heavy burst / duel capabilitiues are are more than able to trioll the other team via preventing them from getting their node !


I have see it. We should hve won, because we had more orbs. A lot more.

But they won, because of this tactic. They had more kills + 2 nodes in the end.


Tactics in AHG are dead now. Long live this meta setup !


I feel you! Yesterday. Same warzone. All of my team went one node and then in the middle to kill and duel. I asked for one more to the enemy node so we can slow them while our team controlls our node. Noone came ofc. I was with my ap powerteck so i was able to slow them and draw two more enemy players to there node so that my team can make a few kills in mid. This was my tactic the whole wz. I even stole enemy. Node once wich gave my team huge advantage. But then my team left our node unprotected and lost it. In the end we won by 3 points - my tactic in the beginning won that game. But I was last place in points because I had too much respawn time :). And noone understood this tactic. I wish I was not doing operatives job who were rushing in the middle! Learn your class - I am not supposed to be there! I have to be glued to a healer the whole time! A close win is a win BUT one more not brainless guy in my team would have mean faster win.

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Well, other threads can bemoan the state of (pub) PvP - but this thread is all about win!


Like, I loaded up into lowbies on my infiltration shadow on EH, which I guess I'm not even supposed to be playing because it's not good enough at burst or something... got an insta-pop into a VS, so we know that was a backfill. Of course it was, I loaded in at the start of round 2. :D Finished that loss...


But wait, I said this was about winning!


Next game was an ACW. Started with 7 of us pubs. I went grass alone, took that and waited while the rest of the team split a bit too much, and was fighting at both snow and mid.


But then the enemy team sent 2 at grass, which I called, and my team came running... a few to many of us, but at least we repelled them from grass with no problem. Of course, at that point the enemy took mid and snow. :(


They had us down to ALMOST the point-of-no-return, and suddenly... DING! Snow was ours! I was still defending grass in stealth. We did some catching up that way for a while, but pretty soon the enemy managed to take snow back.


The bickering started then, of course. "Why didn't you help snow?" "The two of us pulled 1/2 their team to mid, how was that not helping snow?"


One of the team came to grass, which at this point had gotten very boring, to "wait out the loss" when... DING! We took mid! Hahahahahahahaha!


So that guy stayed grass, and I raced to mid. We held mid for a while when... DING, we took snow too! OMG, we had a 3 cap on them!


And we held that long enough so that we had a 1 turret game, which was good, because they took them both back. But the score was 20 to 60 in our favor by then.


The team rushed grass to repel the enemy there, and we held it for a win!


Then... well this next one was ultimately a loss, but...


Entered an arena where it was 3 us (dps) vs. 4 them (also dps). It was already round 2 when I got there, with round 1 a loss. :( We came out of the gate, and I expected us to be slaughtered... but HOLY SMOKES, we took them down! Focus fired like crazy, and we ended up taking out all 4 of them, while they got just 1 of us!


Round 3 came down to our full-healed-up-but-already-used-stealth-escape scoundrel, vs. two of them left with 1 at half health. The scoundrel got the 1/2 health one, and also got the other down to about 1/2 health, but ultimately fell first. Still, a danged good effort!


<channeling disco guy from Mystery Men>Pub-pvp is NOT dead.</channel> :D

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@Banderal: ah, I missed all the fun :) Hopefully will be able to get on-line a bit earlier tomorrow.


@Ruhun: Told ya. Mara is actually an early blooming spec now. As for the heals, they will do whatever is needed. It’s their job to survive. If you are still in lowbies-midbies, sorcs actually do not have strong defensives until late in levels and need protection. With FS now on a longer CD, it’s not really a picnic for a low-level heals.


@Alrick: Well, at least the republic won. I am always much rather lose a Pub vs Pub than an Imp vs Imp.


I was still playing my Merc and Sorc, due to the crafting pressure placed on us by BioWARE & I am going be stuck on it till the 11th. Weird, is not it, to pick your PvP chars based on crafting?


It gets me down that I can’t keep up with my ACs. My Vg, my Shadow – have not logged on them in two weeks. Now I feel reluctant to start playing on them, because I have not played them.


Save for the whole being torn up thing, the zones were a blast. Won enough not to feel like nothing is going my way, but lost some games too. Loaded into one 3-capped ACW game to make a stand with another backfill, got and kept the grass, because screw that, you may have your win, but not by a 3 cap. :p

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Had a good couple of games.


Got accused of hacking and accused of queueing with a premade by a very angry undergeared Sage who either changed his name or has Imp alts that is basically named "*****my toons name*". He PMed me like 6 times after the match.


Fun times.

Edited by Ruhun
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Had a good couple of games.


Got accused of hacking and accused of queueing with a premade by a very angry undergeared Sage who either changed his name or has Imp alts that is basically named "*****my toons name*". He PMed me like 6 times after the match.


Fun times.

lol man, now that's awesome. You have a diehard fan! Most I ever got was being called a hacker and that was when I played my PT back in 2.0 or so. Ah, the good olds days. I never had someone name themselves after me or my toons! That's true dedicated fandom!!!

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lol man, now that's awesome. You have a diehard fan! Most I ever got was being called a hacker and that was when I played my PT back in 2.0 or so. Ah, the good olds days. I never had someone name themselves after me or my toons! That's true dedicated fandom!!!


ON that last match he popped his barrier as soon as I opened up on him, so I /tickled him.


He rage quits and becomes my #1 fan.

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