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A PvP a Day...


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Also you keep mentioning your 208 set, but everyone is running around in augmented 208s.

Some are min/maxed.


I leveled my Assassin mostly through pvp, so I had like 30k coms when I hit 65 and got my 208s before my first 65 match.

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i wouldn't even reroll to the imp side since the balance of derp is shifting from pubs to imps. as for sniper as lvl 65, yeah it is a serious pain since you're one of the focus of the month classes. what spec are you running?


I use Sharpshooter, because that'y the waya to play it. I mean, Sharpshooter is like ... I feel most comfortably with. It's like you've found THE car you drive best with ... And I just can't get into mmelee, I will always be much worse with *any* melee class ... Even in offline RPGs, the very first class I play is normally a long-range class ...


What kind of hurts me is that Sorcs are now on par with Gunslingers. I mean, long range of 30 ? metres just isn't excliusive to the Gunslinger anymore !

And the Gunslinger needs it ! Because his defences against melee are so weak, he imho *needs* to take out everything before it comes too close to him !


But now ... These ultra-mobile, not stationary at all, sometimes even DO-heavy Sorcs have the same range ? What are they now ? The Imperial Agents of the force-users ?


And that's not enough : Each match had AT LEASAT 4 of these long-rane Sorcs who did a) enough healing to kep their burst-heavy team mates alive PLUS b) gave out more than enough damage to get me down - ofr get my health so small that the melee fighters arriving had an easy play with me ...


... And I had no support, either ...


Meanwhile they ... Oh, I must stop now, or I'll write this forum full with rants ! :D


Gunslinger is by far the most unforgiving class regardng your stamina,endurance and to be stoic ... No other class requires so much from the player to bear so much damage , because ALWAYS focussed FIRST ... OR, at least, when they detect me, all 4 or even more hop on me ... awful ... Meanwhile their Juggs, Marausers and Sorcs jump through the WZ like bunnies being on ... springs ... or whatever ... It doesn't matter to them at all what damage they receive, because they'll get outhealed anyway, have good defenses and know when to use them ... Their goal is clear : Make others quit !


yup along with merc, you are the first to die.


Yes. And FOTM players know it.


You are a Sniper, which means have fun getting focused.

I know I zone in on you guys immediately if there are no healers around.


Translation : "Reroll FOTM".




Besides : Yes, I do need to augment my set ... which might take some time ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Right now I'd take being spawn-camped over being stuck at work. I have withdrawals, since all I could do yesterday is reading Dacri and not even having the time to look at the character set-up to see where the Force Leech will fit the best in the key-binds, particularly after I've realized that I have a full rotation now on L42, save for the upgrade to Demolish.


Getting to the end-level is always a hard thing though. That's why I want to farm PvE till I can get a few augments going and do a dummy for a bit before I get back on the Shadow. Luckily, I am off tomorrow, and can catch up on gaming. I'll look around for you if I am on the Binger :) And not building a tanking set because the Guild needs it for the EV-HM farm.

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I focus Snipers because you guys hurt. A lot.

I don't like getting hit by Snipers, and your pushbacks, roots, and slows are a pain.

A dead Sniper can't push me back.


I don't know what you're complaining about, Maras get focused all the time.

I've seen people ignore objectives to chase me down.

Edited by Ruhun
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wow that is rather mean spirited


What I mmean with that is simply this image :


Some friends chatting about "the good old times". Both are 30-40 years old.


They do have good memories. They remember playing PvP well. And they gave good feelings over dominating others. Making HUGE damage.

And yes, I've seen players on these forums writiung proudly they'd make others quit. Through their domination. Through their superior damage.


But then, they have a family. They have children. Children grouwing up, playing an MMO with PvP in it.

What their kids now encounter are players who love to faceroll others., These fathers see their kids getting steamrolled by another group in this future game's PvP. And now ... perhaps ... they might realize that these steamrollers are of exacttly the same kind they, the fathers, had been decdes ago : Giving out so good damage that they feel like dominating the field, or others, even. Players who write in the forum "I met this BAD players ... he oor she was just a scrub ... I was so good I made him / her quit !"


The chain is never broken. It persists through generations.

Generations of PvP players will be the same.

And the fathers might perhaps realize that what they had been doing to others is now done to their kids.

hat are they going to do, then ?


maybe switch to a more mobile than sniper? i mean you can do what whatever you want but sniper/ GS as well as mara/sent are really advanced classes to used period. try out commando gunnery and let see how that work for you.


I guess that this would be much better for me - but I just can't endure levelling annother character on Harbinger into level 65 again ... It's just too much for me. Perhaps I should use that instat level 60 tolken, then ...

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I focus Snipers because you guys hurt. A lot.

I don't like getting hit by Snipers, and your pushbacks, roots, and slows are a pain.

A dead Sniper can't push me back.


It was me who got pushed around. A LOT. Okay, it was silly me that I had the key of the immunity next to that defense screen, but didn't use it all of the time.


I don't know what you're complaining about, Maras get focused all the time.

I've seen people ignore objectives to chase me down.


In these few matches Maras focused me. I did get one or two down, but the heakling was too strong. THey got healed so much I wasn't able to get them down enough.


At the end of one WZ I didn't forget to look at the scoreboard - I was in the middle again. Like whole of my life. :D

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Are you actually telling DPS classes to not DPS so hard?


This entire rant is hilarious.



EDIT: Maras focus you because you are a Sniper, and ranged classes are a pain.

So every time I see you, you are going to die.

Edited by Ruhun
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Alrick, if you want to switch gears for a while, I'd suggest that you go with a different role. As a Mando, you will be heavily focused, and will need to kite continuously while doing damage. It does not have an extra layer like the Slinger with Cover. If you want to see how it would feel, just switch your GS to Lethality or Sabotage. But you might want to try a tank instead, or a healer. As a healer you will be focused, but will have more self-reliance in a simple survival department than a DPS.


Cheers, and leveling is a bit slower nowadays :(

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Well, the today's lifestream makes my decisions for me. I will only play Shadow and Sorc on the EH, and move off the EH back to the Harbinger as soon as that new crafting update drops. If I like any of those chars, I'll move them. I can't carry gear upgrades on two servers, at the cadence it comes.


On the other hand, that new warzone on Odessen sounds like fun.


EDIT: And, oh, boy, if my today's run on the EH is any predictor, the sun might be setting over the Republic. The Republic ran undernumbered, if ran at all and was facerolled because of that. I managed to plow to level 44 on my sorc, staying in the 1.5-2.0K DPS zone, and not raising above 2nd DPS on the chart. To cheer myself up, I decided to give her a Last name, as the Mea'maximaculpa does not fit on the op frames. So, she is now Last'spark :)


It is starting to bug me how much muscle memory I lose between the character swaps. So, I might run up my Mando tomorrow to 65, practice, then see what I can do for her gear, put on my big girl panties and run her in 65s, to see if it's her or the VG or the Shadow.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Well, yes, ranged classes are just "my thing". Maybe that's because my father is a hunter.

No matter which RPG, my first class is usually ranged.


To me, ranged is all about tactics. You need to be very, very careful in offline single-player RPGs with your ranged character, to position yourself well and support your team mates. I'm mainly speaking of my personally favourite RPGs, the 2 offline "Drakensang" games. In Dragon Age 1, I played ranged, too. :D


In games like these, I know what I can do, because I can see what the AI does. And, since I *vastly* prefer tactical combat, I similarily prefer turn-bases RPGs. Games, in which I can stop, re-evaluate teverything, and then proceed. Like Chess. Huge fun to me :) and a really good challenge ! :)


In PvP, everything is "Realtime". Huge drawback for me, because I have to plan and re-evaluate everything in Realtime as well. As a Tactician, I'm really not well in PvP. In PvP, everything is about defeating others, who do moves I just cannot predict that much, because of far too many open variables out in the field. I can predict 1 person, usually it'Äs a person which follows me through 1 WZ, sometimes even through several ones, but I just cannot predict everyone.


I think I would be a good tactician if I was able to evaluate and predict group movements. Right now I'm training myself at that. You know that usual mumbo-jumbo : You read an inc in the chat, because multiple attackers attack a node, which means that these other team's group parts are gone from another point which makes it more vulnerable ... But since FOTM has become so much a thing, that doesn't mean much at all right now, because if the enemy group is good, TWO overly strong tewam parts ard there now : 4 guarding the node, 4 attacking another node ... And because o burst and because of FOTM; you just cannot invade the other node the attackers went from anymore that easily.

Because of FOTM, fights have become a real drag now, if the other team has too much FOTM in it. :(

Or, even worse, a faceroll by them, if my own team does *not* have enough FOTM in it. :(


Tacticians really have no place in PvP. And that's why I'm so bad at it.

All tactical thinking ... I just cannot apply it to WZs in the same way as I am very good at applying it on turn-based games.


I really wonder what would happen if PvP in SWTOR was turn-based ... :rolleyes:


I think that I would perhaps be a good "General", because tactical planning is what I'm relatively good at - just not in PvP.


The only "real" tactical planning I can do is for me - and the ones who attack me in an 1v1. That works a little bit better. With 2 or more attacking me - breakdown. And that's what they want : Eliminating all tactical thinking by me when I try to handle my defensive skills. I justg cannot apply all of them against multiple targets - in hard contrast to a Sorc's bubble.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I really wonder what would happen if PvP in SWTOR was turn-based ...


They would still be playing that Voidstar they've started in 2012. :p


I had a really good run yesterday, still on my Sorc. Good Empire, good Republic, close matches. Can't say I am doing any impressive damage in the absolute terms (still no dessert for me), but in relative terms, it was fairly high, doing top damage sometimes. Even had a bit of a dueling (in my mind) with a Gunslinger. Not a pure 1vs1, but seems we were preferentially targeting each other, which makes sense, since I want my DoTs on those who can't cleanse them. Killed each other a few times too :) I just wish I was on the Pub side.


I actually noticed that a 60 token costs less than 3 mln creds, that's cheaper than a rename (!) so if I decide that I like Madness by level 60, I am going to buy a L60 Sage on the binger, gear it in a Legacy set and port to EH so I have a pair of chars, instead of levelling from L29. Just too painful at times.

Edited by DomiSotto
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They would still be playing that Voidstar they've started in 2012. :p


I had a really good run yesterday, still on my Sorc. Good Empire, good Republic, close matches. Can't say I am doing any impressive damage in the absolute terms (still no dessert for me), but in relative terms, it was fairly high, doing top damage sometimes. Even had a bit of a dueling (in my mind) with a Gunslinger. Not a pure 1vs1, but seems we were preferentially targeting each other, which makes sense, since I want my DoTs on those who can't cleanse them. Killed each other a few times too :) I just wish I was on the Pub side.


I actually noticed that a 60 token costs less than 3 mln creds, that's cheaper than a rename (!) so if I decide that I like Madness by level 60, I am going to buy a L60 Sage on the binger, gear it in a Legacy set and port to EH so I have a pair of chars, instead of levelling from L29. Just too painful at times.


I have done that on a few chars myself... The grind is just not worth it, if you can afford a token. And lol at playing that Voidstar from 2012. :p

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I am starting to feel that when I am unfamiliar with the AC, it's super interesting to play it in lowbies/midbies to see how it comes together. But once that's done, I am bored, and want to try the high level stuff with it, particulary in the high 40'ies, low 50'ies. I think I will do just that. Then all I have to level from what I wanted to try is the Sentinel. If I have time today, i will stay on Madness, though I did a bit of retraining on my mando. :) Edited by DomiSotto
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Well, I have a 65 on EH now. Pub side guardian. Had over 26K WZ comms,and still not enough to properly gear him as a tank, since BW saw fit to make it so we have to replace everything because they put worthless stats on all the "pvp tank" gear. :mad: And I messed up my budgeting and failed to get the crystals for the main and off hand, so I still have 1936 expertise. :o


Actually, I want to check the shield thing myself. Everyone *says* that shields are worthless now. But I grabbed an old PvP parser from "funkiestj" (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=771057). I see that it shows me which damage I took was "shieldable". Although, I don't know if the % shown is for the amount of damage, or the # of hits. I have to look through the code a bit to see what/how it decides something is shieldable and how it counts it, then run it over some combat logs after a few games tomorrow.

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Well, I have a 65 on EH now. Pub side guardian. Had over 26K WZ comms,and still not enough to properly gear him as a tank, since BW saw fit to make it so we have to replace everything because they put worthless stats on all the "pvp tank" gear. :mad: And I messed up my budgeting and failed to get the crystals for the main and off hand, so I still have 1936 expertise. :o


Actually, I want to check the shield thing myself. Everyone *says* that shields are worthless now. But I grabbed an old PvP parser from "funkiestj" (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=771057). I see that it shows me which damage I took was "shieldable". Although, I don't know if the % shown is for the amount of damage, or the # of hits. I have to look through the code a bit to see what/how it decides something is shieldable and how it counts it, then run it over some combat logs after a few games tomorrow.


You need crystals??? I got tons of crystals I can give you those easily.


*Edit: I sent you 2 in mail just keep or give to an alt if you don't need them now, I don't need them back....

Edited by Lhancelot
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Don't you have those free boxes with purple crystals as well? They include a War Hero. Can you unlock one in collections on the Harbinger? They are accessible on all servers from there.


Oooh, that's where you've been! Pud side EH! I was playing my EH Sorc, and a few zones on my Harbinger Mando. I guess I better shape up on my Shadow! I had some incredibly nail-biting zones today, like a Novare Coast we all but lost when the team committed to the mid and did not come to support the Wast when a merc (and I) took it. But then we've managed to wrestle it from... I want to say Pubs, but tbh could have been Imps! Most zones were still Imp vs Imp.


And a 3vs3 arena. I thought we were toast on with my L47 sorc, 42 Sniper and a 63 Operative vs 2 Juggers and a Mara. Nope. Both Juggers dropped after round one, and the Mara got a Merc for company. I know, 2vs 3, unfair and all, but on the Empire side... I am not sweet.


And, no matter how much I was trying, the 2.5K so far eluded me.


Sorc now feels super smooth, and i think I am a little better on the Mando, but still shaky. She is now level 63, and I pooled together the comms on the Binger, and it looks like she will have a full set. I can't decide which one I like better yet.

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Well, I have a 65 on EH now. Pub side guardian. Had over 26K WZ comms,and still not enough to properly gear him as a tank, since BW saw fit to make it so we have to replace everything because they put worthless stats on all the "pvp tank" gear. :mad: And I messed up my budgeting and failed to get the crystals for the main and off hand, so I still have 1936 expertise. :o


Actually, I want to check the shield thing myself. Everyone *says* that shields are worthless now. But I grabbed an old PvP parser from "funkiestj" (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=771057). I see that it shows me which damage I took was "shieldable". Although, I don't know if the % shown is for the amount of damage, or the # of hits. I have to look through the code a bit to see what/how it decides something is shieldable and how it counts it, then run it over some combat logs after a few games tomorrow.


Just to clarify for you, the shield gear piece is something you definitely want as a tank, the shield stat however is what people are advising is worthless

Edited by Nic__
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Don't you have those free boxes with purple crystals as well? They include a War Hero. Can you unlock one in collections on the Harbinger? They are accessible on all servers from there.


I used mine as well.

Once it was unlocked, I took the second for my Gunslinger's second [ offhand ] blaster.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Once actually get to play a class consistently that sees its lightsabre a lot, I will go crystal shopping :)


Ah, I think I had enough Madness for today (level 50, woot!) I will prob go commando :p later in the afternoon. I think 3 characters per week are not happening, but two might be doable. Maybe Shadow/Sentinel next week for sticking to melee? I just need to figure out what will pair well with a Vg on the Ebon. Or maybe I can just run a Vg and my Scoundrel heals for relaxation on Ebon? or should I dust off (shudder) Guardian, to pair off Vg with my Shadow, and Guardian with a Sentinel (but that means I am off the Hawk)?

Edited by DomiSotto
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Don't you have those free boxes with purple crystals as well? They include a War Hero. Can you unlock one in collections on the Harbinger? They are accessible on all servers from there.


Yah, I have them. That gives me one pvp crystal. I mean, they are not THAT expensive. I just figured since I'd been pvp'ing a ton on that toon while leveling that I'd have plenty, so I didn't pay much attention. I filled in the left side, and then started down the right and got about 1/2 way through replacing both the mod and the enhancement and suddenly ran out of comms! Those enhancements are 800 each I think, which I also think is more than some of the gear itself!


Anyway, thanks to Lhancelot I guess I have the crystals now. (THANKS! :) ) I think I'm still short about 3 enhancements - so it won't take THAT long to get fully geared. It was just a bit of a surprise. And I was waiting for someone to gripe at me in 65s for having only 1936 expertise. :D

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Just to clarify for you, the shield gear piece is something you definitely want as a tank, the shield stat however is what people are advising is worthless


Yeah, I hadn't planned on actually ditching the shield. Just getting rid of all shield/absorb/defense values on gear. Although, it kind of begs the question, I think... if shield/absorb is so worthless, why NOT put in a generator and just be done with it? But I wasn't going to go that far until I look at some more numbers. :D

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Yeah, I hadn't planned on actually ditching the shield. Just getting rid of all shield/absorb/defense values on gear. Although, it kind of begs the question, I think... if shield/absorb is so worthless, why NOT put in a generator and just be done with it? But I wasn't going to go that far until I look at some more numbers. :D


You need a shield for your guard. Just because you're not stacking shield rating doesn't mean guarding other players is ineffective.

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