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A PvP a Day...


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I have read through your gearing thread, it was quite illuminating. I am going to get off my sweet-b and start working on the set. Merc sat on 65 forever, Mando’s close to 63, so it’s about time. I will have to see how much comms I have on the Binger and earn some to get things going. At least I have one 208 offhand and one MH that I can borrow from the Vg/PT. Gonna be more confusing than an oracle at Delphi!


And, OMG, I got to run with the real PvPers yesterday! I was making my way to the dummy in a determined way, when I saw Teclado-as-Katolo on-line, and ended up running in the Bang’s wake. I’d switch to my almost-half-decent healer, but they kept me around for my highly entertaining DPS value. In a reversal of the Tuesday fortunes, we had really nice games, all close calls and fun battles, and the only one we’ve lost was a Pipeball (Juggers, eh?). Well, at least I went out with a bang. ;)


I will keep trying to play the Mando/Sorc/Sage on the Hawk in my early afternoon play-window, but if the pop is not there in the beginning of the week, I will plow through the Rishi-Ziost on my Shadow to get her geared finally. And I will do lowbies on Fri-Sun when the folks are hopefully queuing.



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I am underwhelmed by Madness. I get how to play it. It's fine. It's just after all the Sorcs are our overlords, and how you can have 3K HPS by rolling your face on the keyboard, it does not really feel powerful. Vg/Pt or a Merc/Mando, I can see how in the right hands that thing is crazy. I got enough demos how Mara/Sent and Jugger/Gua are right now, as in scary.


But Madness is sort of like the Scop healer, it relies on the other players being all bunched up somewhere. And since the other teams are all Juggernaut-Maras running around after different players or on top of the Sorc itself.... I don't know if it is really a FOTM spec for playing solo regs, save for the node denial which Engi is far scarier at) and Huttball pulls.


Anyway, played a bit on my Madness yesterday, tried my Mando on the EH, but the pubs insisted on not wearing gear en masse, so I started trying my elder Mando on the bInger again. Actively trying to save my insta-cast for the mezz, because the melee come after me. My field of vision is still bad because I still have to see what abilities are available at any given moment. I am almost starting to wonder if I should use the same interface set-up as I used on my Mara with the cast bars around the middle of the screen, so I do not have to look down.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I am underwhelmed by Madness. I get how to play it. It's fine. It's just after all the Sorcs are our overlords, and how you can have 3K HPS by rolling your face on the keyboard, it does not really feel powerful. Vg/Pt or a Merc/Mando, I can see how in the right hands that thing is crazy. I got enough demos how Mara/Sent and Jugger/Gua are right now, as in scary.


But Madness is sort of like the Scop healer, it relies on the other players being all bunched up somewhere. And since the other teams are all Juggernaut-Maras running around after different players or on top of the Sorc itself.... I don't know if it is really a FOTM spec for playing solo regs, save for the node denial which Engi is far scarier at) and Huttball pulls.


Anyway, played a bit on my Madness yesterday, tried my Mando on the EH, but the pubs insisted on not wearing gear en masse, so I started trying my elder Mando on the bInger again. Actively trying to save my insta-cast for the mezz, because the melee come after me. My field of vision is still bad because I still have to see what abilities are available at any given moment. I am almost starting to wonder if I should use the same interface set-up as I used on my Mara with the cast bars around the middle of the screen, so I do not have to look down.


Is your madness sorc 65 lvl? I noticed my sage vastly improved from 64 to 65. I think it's the fact you can really optimize abilities along with having gear set bonuses on a 65 toon. In mids some classes are underperforming compared to when they are in 65s.

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I must be missing you all by being on the wrong server at the wrong time (Dr. John : "I took the right trip, but I made it in the wrong car.")


I was on EH imp lowbies last night for a while. Suffered though enough losses to finish the daily. Then went to Harby, mids on the pub side and still suffered through enough losses and being focused mercilessly to finish that daily. And finally switched to 65s on my guardian to get some good teams and some wins. :)


But all the while seeing no one on my friends list. :(

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Oh, they will :) I had a hard time getting back to work too! This week is finally over, yay!


@Banderal: Argh, I did the exact same sequence, Imperial lowbies on the EH, then the Pub midbies on the Binger, pouting all the while that nobody on the Friendlist was on-line. They should have some sort of an account based friend lists. L


@Lhancelot: My Madness is Level 31 now, and since it has the dot-spread, it can put out the 2+K at this level. I have not seen it, but I probably will just like on the Serenity. I have played 7 or 8 warzones with her so far in total. I survive well, often ending up the last man standing from my team. I bubble, off-heal and HoT team-mates. I kill other players. I won solo kills medals with it even. It just does not stir my soul, but I don’t want to say ‘meh’ too early, so I will run her at least to 41.


I have also managed to stack enough creds on my EH Shadow, got my purple stims going, so I am pretty much ready to build the set and try out for the 65s.


I still have 4 level 60 characters on the Binger, Slinger/Sniper, Guardian and a Mara. I don’t want to go back to Slinger/Guardian classes.


But I have a level 26 Sentinel, so it might make sense to play a Sentinel a little more to either firmly put the class on the ‘forget it’ list above, or take her high enough to compare to Vg, Mando, and Shadow. Plus, she is a Synthweaver, so I will at least get her a better complement of the companions for crafting.


So, I suppose, it’s Shadow and Vg in the 65s, Mando in the midbies, and a Sentinel & Sorc in the lowbies.




I feel goofy to admit it, but I had a strangely gratifying experience in the Pipeball. A Jugger came after my Mando when I tried to off-heal out of combat, and I got a solo kill out of it.


Poetic justice!

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Well, had some EH games today on the imp side, and teamed up with Domi until I hit midbies. Then teamed up with Lhancelot, for a sync-race with some guild that seemed to be pretty good. Sometimes we were with them and facerolled, sometimes against and got crushed. Except they were also sometimes more interested in farming those numbers than in answering inc calls (I found out first hand - when 3 or 4 calls for help at east went completely unanswered). :(


My last game was great though... I had switched to pub side, and was playing AHG against that same guild. We had 1 pretty good scoundrel healer and I was trying to tank. We were surviving fairly well ourselves, but they were picking apart the rest of our team, so we were slowly getting further and further behind. Then, with 4 seconds left at the end of round 3 we DOUBLE CAP, right under their noses. And then we double cap again the next round!!!!! This one was iffy though, since we double capped so early. They swarmed our pylon, and we had a couple close calls where only one person was left interrupting caps and managed to survive just long enough for the spawn doors to open and reinforcements to arrive. And at the end of that round, JUST as the alarm went off, we topped 600 for the win!

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AHG is crazy like that :)


I was playing for a while afterwards as well, trying to catch up to Banderal, and got to hit my PB on the Madness so far, at 2.1K DPS.


The most hilarious thing though was that someone complimented my DPS yesterday on the binger, and all I've had was 1.6K, on the AHG with a fellow mando who out of AC solidarity healed me through my target practicing on the disorganized Imperial pug trying to get into the AHG doors. Meanwhile, the rest of my team was double capping right and left... can't say I felt any pride in winning that game!

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As an experiment I just did 2 matches - both against Republic on Harbinger, one was an Arena, another was me as backfill into voidstar anbd it was over after 1 minute ( Defense round ). Result for me : Republic is too stronk. :D


Since we lost that arena, someoine wrote "yellow baby smelling stink", as far as I can remember - what's a "yellow baby" ?


The other notable thing was a major imperial guild being on the Republic Fleet - I took several screenshots of it, and they were a LOT. It was a well-known guild that has been on the top in conquets several times.


So ... at that time, on Harbinger things are different, from an European point of view ...

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Well, had some EH games today on the imp side, and teamed up with Domi until I hit midbies. Then teamed up with Lhancelot, for a sync-race with some guild that seemed to be pretty good. Sometimes we were with them and facerolled, sometimes against and got crushed. Except they were also sometimes more interested in farming those numbers than in answering inc calls (I found out first hand - when 3 or 4 calls for help at east went completely unanswered). :(


My last game was great though... I had switched to pub side, and was playing AHG against that same guild. We had 1 pretty good scoundrel healer and I was trying to tank. We were surviving fairly well ourselves, but they were picking apart the rest of our team, so we were slowly getting further and further behind. Then, with 4 seconds left at the end of round 3 we DOUBLE CAP, right under their noses. And then we double cap again the next round!!!!! This one was iffy though, since we double capped so early. They swarmed our pylon, and we had a couple close calls where only one person was left interrupting caps and managed to survive just long enough for the spawn doors to open and reinforcements to arrive. And at the end of that round, JUST as the alarm went off, we topped 600 for the win!


lol those matches are always exciting and fun when you pull a win out in surprising fashion like that.

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As an experiment I just did 2 matches - both against Republic on Harbinger, one was an Arena, another was me as backfill into voidstar anbd it was over after 1 minute ( Defense round ). Result for me : Republic is too stronk. :D


Since we lost that arena, someoine wrote "yellow baby smelling stink", as far as I can remember - what's a "yellow baby" ?


The other notable thing was a major imperial guild being on the Republic Fleet - I took several screenshots of it, and they were a LOT. It was a well-known guild that has been on the top in conquets several times.


So ... at that time, on Harbinger things are different, from an European point of view ...


Wait... did I re-read that right. You went IMP!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek: Or were those same-faction matches? But if so, how was republic too strong? Someone had to win!


The yellow baby thing - no idea. People type strange things sometimes. Maybe they were drunk and that was the best they could do at expressing themselves. :D


I should play back on Harby again for a while. I was working to level my pub toon on EH though - got about 7 more levels until 65 with my guardian. Got in sync with a strong group of people today... well, ok, actually 2 or so objective oriented players to watch the doors and a group of chasers that we good at killing stuff and would at least come back when an inc-call came - the other teams were not that good, so we won pretty much everything. Well, if by "everything" you count only Voidstar and Huttball - because those are the only two maps we had most of the night. But that's fine, those are my two favorite maps. :D

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I've been trying to catch up with your Sin on the EH, still have about a 3/4 of a level to go before I hit 41. Can't say I had any special warzones. Anyway, I will wrap this up, and try to hook up with you on the Binger. :)


And, I still feel that Sorc is super-wimpy on those levels. Bubble/HoT just doesn't cut it while you rely on the channel so much.

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This is an important point. If your team is struggling to survive, a couple of orb carriers can flat out lose things for you. Even worse are those 'GET ORBS' yellers who insist on trying to pick up an orb while getting interrupted as their team melts around them.


On the whole smack talk thing. I'll rarely speak to the other team outside of a GG or a LOL. But I have been guilty of raging at specific team-mates. Almost always because they've given up or aren't trying. Had one guy today deliberately sitting out the match in stealth to throw it (only entering combat to avoid a votekick) - that happens, but it was the other guy who did less damage than him (sub 35k with 8 deaths in a hypergate, ignored ops chat) who pissed me off.


I'm trying to reform my temper - but one thing that *instantly* improves my mood is someone asking for help. Doesn't matter how bad you are, the impetus to learn is just downright refreshing. If I'm not currently with a group and have some free time, I'll take a while to talk builds, gear, or even run WZs with an *awful* PvPer if they're actively trying to improve. Largely because I've been here long enough to see some really really bad players turn into decent ones.


People *should* be a little more thick skinned about trolling and smack talk. But sometimes a bit of encouragement goes a long way. Those who obstinately refuse to learn ('zomg hacks!' 'if you're doing that much damage you can't be playing objectives!' 'premades are cheating!' etc etc) could probably use a reality check though.


Deep down inside, anyone who thinks I'm just a number farmer is a subpar player who doesn't know their way around a rotation or how to dps while keeping an eye on the overall battlefield. People have no idea how many caps I stop etc etc. I do a lot of warzones; sometimes I don't feel like carrying a group of randoms for the 10,000th time if I'm solo queuing. Sure, I don't like to guard and sometimes I don't want to play huttball for the 500th time (or the match is well in hand so I'll just dot spread), but those are in the minority (and for some reason we tend to lose mid when I guard the off node; it's usually bad to have me guarding). It REALLY shows how bad people are with objectives when I'm playing on melee and none of the ranged are stopping caps.

Edited by Hoppinswtor
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Deep down inside, anyone who thinks I'm just a number farmer is a subpar player who doesn't know their way around a rotation or how to dps while keeping an eye on the overall battlefield. People have no idea how many caps I stop etc etc. I do a lot of warzones; sometimes I don't feel like carrying a group of randoms for the 10,000th time if I'm solo queuing. Sure, I don't like to guard and sometimes I don't want to play huttball for the 500th time (or the match is well in hand so I'll just dot spread), but those are in the minority (and for some reason we tend to lose mid when I guard the off node; it's usually bad to have me guarding). It REALLY shows how bad people are with objectives when I'm playing on melee and none of the ranged are stopping caps.


I am not sure how what you have expressed relates to Jherad’s quoted post, but I assume something in it triggered you to respond.


You will find no disagreement from me on the essential truth that a DPS gotta be able to DPS in a warzone. The assumption that anyone can put out 2-3K DPS if only they’ve stopped paying attention to the objectives is a fallacy. The players that consistently outperform the rest by 2x-3x with no exceptions have great spatial awareness and adaptability, they move well, target intelligently and do not die.


Those are hard skills to acquire, and I really want to.


However, my beliefs do not require others to believe the way I do.


I've been a bit low on time, plus a bit apprehensive to send my sorc into the mids. So, I did not really do much for a couple of days. Not sure what char I want to play, but I will search my feelings :)

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Not sure what char I want to play, but I will search my feelings :)


That really is the part I hate the most about this game:


I want to fully min/max my shadow tank;

Idem mando;

I want to level up my op, pt and mara;

I'd love to try out a gs and a guardian would be nice as well...


But I just don't have the time :mad:


So I'll stick to further min/maxing the shadow tank for now :cool:

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Well, I solved the dilemma about what to play by designating this week as another Sorc-Commando-Vanguard week, and the next week – the Sorc-Shadow-Sentinel week.


Naturally, I’ve immediately hopped on my Scoundrel. Because Banderal was there, and we went through the republic midbies as his rapidly growing in power tank at level 58 and my Hello, I am Food Leve 41 Scoundrel. But who wants to hear about such low levels as 41! Let’s go with the bigger numbers. Like 42. I hit 42 almost immediately and got the Surgical Probe. Sure, a far cry from the roll, but healing wise I almost have it all now. I did better than I thought I would, particularly thanks to the guard and peels from Banderal.


We even managed to win an arena when we got paired with a couple of businesslike DPS. When Banderal noted that the healer sage on the other team is OP, one of them replied: “So, kill her first.” I’ve liked that! With an attitude like that, and Banderal’s tanking… no problems.


Then Banderal left, and I went back to Plan A. The Sorc. I had one zone on level 40, which was one of those Voidstars when the team spirit shines. They grabbed the datacron in Round 1. Instead of dropping out and whining, my team pulled their socks up, went and grabbed the datacron faster. Ten points for Ebon Hawk.


Then I hit level 41, and the two days of peaceful life started showing. There was a higher level sorc I was trying to stack with, and that went fairly well. However, my dps did not earn me a dessert, staying at a miserable 1K rate. Yes, I offheal a lot, and yes, I bubble/HoT myself and others, and no, I don’t think that’s why I sit at 1K. Compared to other players, I score high on the board, but relatively to the benchmarked number for ‘not suck’, my DPS is insufficient.


I hit level 42 on the Sorc as well, and have more to work with. First came a Utility point that I invested into Emersion, which helped me with kiting the melee. I do get rubber-banded a lot on the Hawk though, but what can you do. Second, on level 42, I got a new cast spell, Force Leech. I don’t remember it on Ruvvoy, so either he was already in Lightening by L42, it is a newer ability or I just don’t remember.


I am not sure if I should go ahead and for now do a full on alacrity build with no crit to speed up the cast and channel until I get more Utilities, and can cast that Leech on the move.


Also saw that Dacri has a Guide on Dulfy, so going to read through it as well. I am sticking to the no desserts thinggie till I hit 2.5K dps on any of my chars, so gotta try harder on all of them.


Oh, I’ve finally bought the Exemplar for my Shadow, just need to pull the bits and get over the 65 jitters to start playing it next week.

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Now that my Gunslinger has finally reached level 65, got his 208 set, and I thought it was a bit *more* fun than all of these lower levels - what happened ? Even LESS fun !


Seriously : Why would someone want to get to level 65 if one gets facerolled by imp FOTM comps all of the time ?


I did 4 matches, all against the same facerolling FOTM group ... They really want to make Rep play<ers quit or go to Imp side instead ...


Well, these many moths leading to THAT disappointment ... that was what I had feared already, but still had hit me like a hammer.


And then these players are proud of making other quit. I only wait until they are 30-40 years old and notice their children getting facerolled in PvP by people with the same mentality they themselves had used on others decades ago ... The hurt will be strong, then ...


Maybe I should really go back to what I'm excellent at : Writing fantasy stories ... Today I had one really GREAT idea which might lead into another masterpiece. :)

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Now that my Gunslinger has finally reached level 65, got his 208 set, and I thought it was a bit *more* fun than all of these lower levels - what happened ? Even LESS fun !


Seriously : Why would someone want to get to level 65 if one gets facerolled by imp FOTM comps all of the time ?


I did 4 matches, all against the same facerolling FOTM group ... They really want to make Rep play<ers quit or go to Imp side instead ...


i wouldn't even reroll to the imp side since the balance of derp is shifting from pubs to imps. as for sniper as lvl 65, yeah it is a serious pain since you're one of the focus of the month classes. what spec are you running?

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Now that my Gunslinger has finally reached level 65, got his 208 set, and I thought it was a bit *more* fun than all of these lower levels - what happened ? Even LESS fun !


Seriously : Why would someone want to get to level 65 if one gets facerolled by imp FOTM comps all of the time ?


I did 4 matches, all against the same facerolling FOTM group ... They really want to make Rep play<ers quit or go to Imp side instead ...


Well, these many moths leading to THAT disappointment ... that was what I had feared already, but still had hit me like a hammer.


And then these players are proud of making other quit. I only wait until they are 30-40 years old and notice their children getting facerolled in PvP by people with the same mentality they themselves had used on others decades ago ... The hurt will be strong, then ...


Maybe I should really go back to what I'm excellent at : Writing fantasy stories ... Today I had one really GREAT idea which might lead into another masterpiece. :)


You are a Sniper, which means have fun getting focused.

I know I zone in on you guys immediately if there are no healers around.

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Well, these many moths leading to THAT disappointment ... that was what I had feared already, but still had hit me like a hammer.


And then these players are proud of making other quit. I only wait until they are 30-40 years old and notice their children getting facerolled in PvP by people with the same mentality they themselves had used on others decades ago ... The hurt will be strong, then ...


Maybe I should really go back to what I'm excellent at : Writing fantasy stories ... Today I had one really GREAT idea which might lead into another masterpiece. :)

wow that is rather mean spirited


maybe switch to a more mobile than sniper? i mean you can do what whatever you want but sniper/ GS as well as mara/sent are really advanced classes to used period. try out commando gunnery and let see how that work for you.

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