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A PvP a Day...


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Anyway, I am racing to level before yall leave me alone in the lowbies, while you are doing the glorious midbies!


I stopped at 38 1/2 to stay in lowbies. I don't know how long the 200% XP lasts, but if you make it to mids (lvl 41 I think), it shouldn't take too long for me to catch up, even if the XP bonus ends.

Edited by Banderal
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I am new to PvP pub side and have been thoroughly enjoying it so far on The Ebon Hawk. I have a lot to learn and am guild less at the moment. I had some good games on my Sentinel Karrthian today but do not quite have the rotation down yet. I hope to eventually find a decent PvP guild that can teach me plenty.
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I am starting to have my doubts. Midbies hit me hard. I have been queuing with a bunch of folks on the Hawk, Lancelot, Banderal, even alexsamma and a couple of other guys, and it was tons of fun. It's like a dream game where I get to swing a lightsabre and play for the Republic and well, I totally feel the WEEEEE! of it.


But I have a hard time DPSing. The new abilities are very cool, but my damage is nowhere near what it was in the lowbies. So, on one hand I just want to keep playing because I am having a blast, on another hand I am very aware that the damage is way too low, and I would contribute better if I healed. I am grinding my teeth every time the scoreboard comes up.


Anyway, the Serenity is level 55 now, and I played my Deception a little as well, on the SL, getting up to 31. Deception is outright next to no damage, but I am probably playing it wrong, so I need to take a look at the guide, I was just going with what I was getting off the tooltips. Which basically so far resulted in strike-volatic slash-or-lacerate till either discharge or shock procs. Heh.


Anyway, I need to figure out if I want to stick to DPSing or just give up and go back to healing. I am also sort of tempted to not drop the sub for a little while longer, because, well, the game is really cool right now, with so many folks around, and all that. Quite a change from the summer. And, well, I don't think my plan of switching between the toons a lot is going to be feasible. I think I want to play just one or two.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I am starting to have my doubts. Midbies hit me hard. I have been queuing with a bunch of folks on the Hawk, Lancelot, Banderal, even alexsamma and a couple of other guys, and it was tons of fun. It's like a dream game where I get to swing a lightsabre and play for the Republic and well, I totally feel the WEEEEE! of it.


But I have a hard time DPSing. The new abilities are very cool, but my damage is nowhere near what it was in the lowbies. So, on one hand I just want to keep playing because I am having a blast, on another hand I am very aware that the damage is way too low, and I would contribute better if I healed. I am grinding my teeth every time the scoreboard comes up.


Anyway, the Serenity is level 55 now, and I played my Deception a little as well, on the SL, getting up to 31. Deception is outright next to no damage, but I am probably playing it wrong, so I need to take a look at the guide, I was just going with what I was getting off the tooltips. Which basically so far resulted in strike-volatic slash-or-lacerate till either discharge or shock procs. Heh.


Anyway, I need to figure out if I want to stick to DPSing or just give up and go back to healing. I am also sort of tempted to not drop the sub for a little while longer, because, well, the game is really cool right now, with so many folks around, and all that. Quite a change from the summer. And, well, I don't think my plan of switching between the toons a lot is going to be feasible. I think I want to play just one or two.

Say what? You seem to do fine with the dot spec shadow... Stick with it till 65, some classes really come into their own and the matches also are much more competitive on TEH then. You are leveling fast, so it won't be long.


It's been much more enjoyable for me too, grouping with more people recently has made wzs fun! I can't wait for you to get to 65, it's so much better. You and Banderal will enjoy it, I am sure. :)

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Oh, midbies were totally fine, actually. We were winning left and right, and yes, of course I can get to 65. I have a pulse after all. It's now a matter of few hours, 2xXP or not. I am just expecting to be food once I get there. But, luckily, I have 3 Shassins on the Shadowlands to practice on from level 38 to forever. Had a game there this morning, 6 vs 5 Huttball, actually felt bad, because if I were on a Pub toon it would have went in favor of the Republic! :cool:
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Oh, midbies were totally fine, actually. We were winning left and right, and yes, of course I can get to 65. I have a pulse after all. It's now a matter of few hours, 2xXP or not. I am just expecting to be food once I get there. But, luckily, I have 3 Shassins on the Shadowlands to practice on from level 38 to forever. Had a game there this morning, 6 vs 5 Huttball, actually felt bad, because if I were on a Pub toon it would have went in favor of the Republic! :cool:


Domi, serenity is very squishy and is highly dependent on maintaining dots on as many people as possible for self heals to stay alive, it's very easy to get shut down (or out right killed) if you are focused and do not have a decent team backing you up. Once you pick up phase walk things will become easier because you can truly play like a skirmisher by pushing in and then either phase walking or combat stealthing when you get focused. Don't feel bad if you are constantly forced to run away, if you're absorbing burst and escaping to your back line to get healed back up (either by a healer or using your out of combat heal) you're still doing damage and you are soaking up damage that would more than likely kill another dps class.


I would highly suggest that you try to learn infiltration, it's a fun spec and you have more CC and DR which will allow you to stay in the main fight longer when you do not have the support of a tank or healer.


All three shadow specs are powerful in the hands of a good player, so don't be afraid to experiment with the all three specs.

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I am running Deception on one of my Sins, to see how it plays. But form what I am reading it is a quick-decisions, quick target switching spec, so I don't qualify. :)


Not really sure why you are sticking with sins so much. It is clearly not the class for you based on everything you said so far. The skillcap just to not be useless is pretty high, which is why 99% of sins are horrible these days. Save yourself some frustration and play a different spec.

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Not really sure why you are sticking with sins so much. It is clearly not the class for you based on everything you said so far. The skillcap just to not be useless is pretty high, which is why 99% of sins are horrible these days. Save yourself some frustration and play a different spec.


I'm puzzled why you are against playing this class ? Because everywhere here in this forum insists that


- if you want to know a classes weakness, then you've got to play it

- PvP is about learning all other classes if you want to be effective in PvP - and especially if you want to know hhow to counter each class.


Then, please tell me, why are you against her learning this information ?


Honestly you shouldn't be looking for a main you should be playing all your classes


All I want to do is point out this discepancy : On the one hand people say this, on the other hand people say that.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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To play a good sin I have always tried to think like a sin

Trying to match the output of truly good sin/shadow is a fools errand- instead- try to see one thing that you can incorporate- for example- how the good sins utilize spike and aggressive vs defensive use of combat stealth (which I still derp on my hatred sin if I don't pay attention to who's still dotted)


Another thing with the sin is "paying your dues" with regards to your sin"iness"- have you spent a week just solo node guarding? Learning how to 1v1 that one dude, controlling a 1v2 at the node, etc- and no group q'ing- learn your sin away from all your friends- it is a solitary role

Edited by Daxy
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I'm puzzled why you are against playing this class ? Because everywhere here in this forum insists that


- if you want to know a classes weakness, then you've got to play it

- PvP is about learning all other classes if you want to be effective in PvP - and especially if you want to know hhow to counter each class.


Then, please tell me, why are you against her learning this information ?


I'm not against anything. I'm giving my advice/opinion based on the feedback she is currently given (which is something she asked for, is it not?). What she does with this advice is none of my business. If she has gotten close to 65 then she is probably more than informed on what the class can do and how to counter it, and if she is still just getting frustrated, then only more frustration awaits in the 65s, especially on the republic side on harbinger/shadowlands.


This opinion also comes partly from my own experience with this class, playing with and (mostly) against it. Just because it's not the opinion YOU were hoping to see, doesn't mean I have something personal against this class (or this person).


Also, please stop white knighting, it's pathetic.

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So far, I am the most comfortable with a Vanguard.


I found Serenity/Hatred very nice on the lower levels, but the middle stretch between 40 and 55 had a lot of abilities coming in two days, and before the power-ups started coming in the 50ies, it felt very wimpy in the midbies. Because of the level discrepancies, I still want to run it for a bit once I get to the max level.


The Deception I only got to level 35 so far, but from what I have read, it is not going be a successful character for me, by the same reason I don't want to try Scrapper/Concealment.


I still need to try out Gunnery but after that, I will need to take my pick :) I look for a class that I will find comfortable to play, if it exists. From my previous experiences, it is impossible to predict. My mentor had a saying that 'anyone can play a Jugger', but a Guardian was the character that was absolutely the worst in my experience.

Edited by DomiSotto
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So far, I am the most comfortable with a Vanguard.


Vanguard is a very good class to get you into melee dps. I am also raising a VG on harb and a PT on SL (mostly for the BH story, only story I haven't done yet).


I found Serenity/Hatred very nice on the lower levels, but the middle stretch between 40 and 55 had a lot of abilities coming in two days, and before the power-ups started coming in the 50ies, it felt very wimpy in the midbies. Because of the level discrepancies, I still want to run it for a bit once I get to the max level.


Yeah, that's a normal experience with DoT specs. DoTs are very OP in lowbies, but as your level goes up, they become less effective. I had the same experience with my watchman sentinel and ruffian scoundrel.



The Deception I only got to level 35 so far, but from what I have read, it is not going be a successful character for me, by the same reason I don't want to try Scrapper/Concealment.


Deception has a very niche arena use and that is controlling healers or tanks while the rest of your team bursts down a single target. So if you plan to do a lot of arenas, then you should try build up that quick awareness since you have to be pretty on the mark for it to work against sorc healers. In wzs you'll just be a second rate node guard. You should be hitting quite hard in the lowbies though, so I would enjoy that time since it goes away as soon as you hit midbies.

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I played other 2 DoT specs way back when I was just trying to figure out what to do, so this time I am more aware. I raid on my PT on the Binger, so a Vg for PvP is an obvious choice. I am rather tired of leveling, so I will pick either my Shadow, or my Mando for the EH, and my Scoundrel will heal. And I will see about the SL. :)
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Lol, ironically, now is the best time to level. I am just finishing chapter 1 on my PT and I am almost at level 48. And more importantly my influence with mako is over 30k and at level 20, and that's with me skipping the tatooine world story. By the time I'm finished I expect mako to be at maybe 70k influence, with all my green crystals to put her well over level 30.


Older players kind of got screwed on this one.

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Oh, I leveled a few characters lately, and tried to catch up the ones that were finished before the 4.0. But I just don't need any more of them. I tend to get attached to the chars as I level them, but I don't have the time for playing more than maybe two or three characters. I have plenty that collect dust :) I have been learning and preparing to play for so long, I feel it's time to play now. Edited by DomiSotto
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Oh, of course. I have no problems with either crafting or credits on the Binger, since I raid & have comms to excess. On the new server though, it will be easier to build up creds through the Heroics, rather than burning out trying to level. My week off work is almost done, so I will be back to well, what I can manage in the game. :)
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Just because it's not the opinion YOU were hoping to see, doesn't mean I have something personal against this class (or this person).


I have been playing a Shadow myself. I couldn't get into this play style. I love ranged, but I didn't feel comfortable with my beloved ranged class, either, because everybody says it is the most powerful ranged class, which results in me being the first target, mostly.


Now, I've come to the believe that if I want to have a "comfortable", frustration-free class, then I've got to play a clas which is so weak that it doesn't get focused first.

But on the other hand, people will call mne a "bad", then, because I just don't reach the top of the scoreboards, then.


Also, please stop white knighting, it's pathetic.


I won't stop, no matter what people say.

You've got exactly 2 choices : Adapt to me or ignore me. It's up to you.

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Ah, Alrick, I think if you like the Slinger you should stick with it. But, yes, you have to live with the idea that any good group will try to target you first because you are high threat. Stealth is a lot of fun though. WEEEE!


I could not resists the draw of healing (apart from having no life, heh) and spend the day today catching up my Scoundrel. Funnily, her name, Last'laugh, really makes people want to use 'laugh' emote if they gang up on her and kill her. I guess, I should have seen it coming. I was doing my best not to die. It was cool to heal again, even though a few of my teams made me wanna hang up my blaster.


It was more than made up by a couple of great pugs that rocked the world. I have not seen a guard yet, but I got a couple of peels, which is always, always a good thing. I went over 2.5K HPS, which is decent for lowbies, so yeah, I remember my Scop's buttons.

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Shadow is now level 62, ad I have been trying to figure out the way to use the Phase Walk properly. I find it hard to track that 60 m thing, and it feels like if I am more than 60 m away, it rechannels phasewalk under my feet rather than does nothing. I am probably wrong. I need to take a look and see if the little blue bubble in the middle disappears as you walk away from it.


Other than my personal relationship with the super-powerful spell that is so iffy, Banderal and I played a bunch of games on the Hawk, in both mids and lowbies. I think we have not won a single game in the midbies, but did far better in the lowbies... save for arenas, heh. Despite remembering my toolkit better by now, I am still pretty slow, and low on the killing powers. I know I need everyone bunched up together to be effective, but I rarely manage to force that.


Other than that, my Gunnery Mando is doing very similar to my Assault specialist, and I tend to offheal and cleanse a lot, which annoys me, but I can't help it. I was trying to stick to Banderal's Gunslinger, forming a mini-unit of ranged, but I find it almost impossible. He does guard a lot, and I tend to hump various pillars. I am getting abit obsessed about trying to learn to run with another DPS as a unit. :)


Played against a sniper in one of the games, and he was doing exactly what the folks were mentioning on another thread, putting an AoE to flush me out from behind the pillar. I did manage to step out of it, shoot him, run back behind the pillar/offheal out of the AOE while he was loading a cast.... it is hard though. Impossible with the Force Storm, because the FS is so large. Saw multiple sorcs practically paving the entire area around the mid in NC with the FS. I keep trying to push the sorcs back with the KBs, on both the Shadow and the Mando, not sure if it is the right thing, but that's the only thing that comes to mind. I burn too fast to get the toons down with the AoE attacks on either.


And, the scoundrel healer is as much fun to play as she always was. :)


And, the leveling spree is over, so I will be getting back to the Vanguard on the Binger as well as working on developing the EH chars. I don't think I will have time for the SL for a bit.

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I was trying to stick to Banderal's Gunslinger, forming a mini-unit of ranged, but I find it almost impossible. He does guard a lot, and I tend to hump various pillars. I am getting abit obsessed about trying to learn to run with another DPS as a unit. :)


Ha. I am probably not the best person to learn to form a mini DPS unit with. First I'm not that good at DPS, and, yeah, I tend to run all over the place trying "alternate strategies" if we are having trouble in a match. :o Of course, if we are having an easy match, then it's easy to stick together. :D


I started an imp toon on EH also, just because all the talk of your shadow made me miss mine... but I already have a shadow, so I went assassin instead. Plus.. well... lighting. :p And I found out that the imp side actually does RP a lot more in WZs than I've seen on the pub side (I know, big surprise on an RP server, right? :) ). So then it was fun on pub side having WZs against all those folks that I was "friends" with just a few hours ago. :D

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