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A PvP a Day...


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OMG, OMG, OMG, I got to heal against Poisonberry! I have never seen the toon before in PvP, I thought I am going to pass out I was so excited to see him/her in action! I know, I know, I was healing again, but I have extenuating circumstances! I got together with Banderal on his G-tank and a new friend of ours, a Gunslinger, so healer seemed like the thing to do.


We actually had awesome zones, even won an arena. :p The Empire totally reminded me the dangers of being a clumsy healer Sage in a warzone, but sheesh, the Republic was glorious and saved my bacon many times!


Okay, I am going to do some breathing exercises and go get that Mando running :)

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Has some good matches today, both solo, and grouping up with Domi and our new german guildie. :)


Solo matches started with two of the closest games I ever had. The first was an AHG. We started out slow, being down by quite a bit at the end of the first round. But no one left, and at the end of the second round we hadn't really lost any more ground. Then we slowly caught up. In the final (x6) round we started out behind, and then 3 guys ran orbs in to put us in the lead. At this point we were both "potential" above 600, so someone was going to win! Then they got some kills, and went into the lead by 4 with 10 seconds left on the clock. The timer goes off, and the pylon countdown starts. And we get 1 kill DURING the pylon detonation sequence, to go ahead by 2 and win it! People were cheering, and both sides "/saying" what a great game it was. :)


Second game was a VS. Heavy on good heals on both sides. No one got through either door, and now I completely understand what people say about those games being boring. I've been in no-plant games before, but at least people were dying, and it felt like you had a CHANCE to plant once in a while. I actually like those, because at least you have to work to stay alive. This game was not one of those. It ended where we had 2 kills and they had 3. So they won the tie breaker. No one was cheering that game. :(


I had a few more solo, and then teamed up with Domi, and a new guildie that Alrik invited in. She didn't speak English much, so we were using Babblefish to try to translate to German. She was probably laughing at our futile attempts to communicate. :D But she new all the WZ lingo in English, and we ROCKED the zones! We won 2, and lost 1 I think. The loss was completely due to me. :o


We had an ACW stalemate, with them having mid, and us having snow (and a bit of lead), and we were fighting over grass for a LONG time. I had went to help snow a couple times, and then decided to attack mid to try to draw some off grass. It seemed to be working too, except that I tunneled too much, and didn't see the next call from snow. The poor guy was fighting off two of them, and ended up losing it. We tried to get something back, but never succeeded, so we lost that one. :o :o


The next one was another ACW. We took grass and snow, and were defending. The BIG fight was at snow. We left a slinger to guard grass alone, and that was a mistake. They completely set us up. When the call came from grass I broke off and headed that way, and they had a sniper sitting right at the tunnel entrance ready to root me. And he had a helper there with slows. And just when I thought I was free of them, some stealther hit me with more Cc. There was no way I was getting to grass in time, and we ended up losing it. But we had a good lead by that point, and we ended up being able to take mid from them before it was too late, and pulled out a win.


So a good set of matches. :D

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But she new all the WZ lingo in English, and we ROCKED the zones! We won 2, and lost 1 I think. The loss was completely due to me. :o


She is a very god player, as far as I know her, and I know her best as a very good raider. It's been her whom I had been asking about gearing before ... I think it was 3.0 ? I know that she's been running raids a LOT, and her experience shows. Now, apparingly, in PvP as well.


Besides, I had told her a few English PvP words, so that she'd have a better time.

What I also did, was NOT translating a few English-language insults from WZs, so that she might not feel insulted, actually ! :D ( Aka : "Ignorance is bliss". :D )

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Nah, things were good. :)


I've caught up with Tec in the evening as well, and we did some practicing on the dummy on the Mandos. After I've made an important discovery that the channeled button does not need to keep pressed for the duration of the channel (not sure why I was doing it on Mando specifically) the movement get a bit easier, but I am still not loving Gunnery.


Actually, I mostly ran a Sentinel.


See, the S-Key to Victory went on to backpedal its proud name into the Empire's minds by shamelessly bringing over our Imperial guildie to the Pub side in his Sage Level 14 incarnation. The only lowbie I have is a Sentinel that weathered through the ages only because she is a Synthweaver. Teclado also has a Sentinel, so I went all pro there, imported my binds from Shassins, and got a quick run-down from Tec on what abilities I had on L25. Off we went! To further ascertain my responsible and dedicated take on the lowbies, I put Teclado as my focus and leaped to what he leaped with his mighty level 29. We smashed everything in our path, and I was as good on my L26 Sentinel as I were on my level 60 Guardian where the DPS is concerned (a solid 600! WOOT!). But with 4 lightsabres, the small things like DPS don't matter! We looked pretty! And Tec even invited my Sent to join the S-Key in the end.


We also tried a couple of zones on the Mandos, but, no, not feeling Gunnery. Just feel very clumsy.


Overall, was a wonderful day, about as good as it gets when you PvP. :D

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Once you get a few games in which you can free-cast, you'll be hooked. But most of the solo queue games will not be such...


Merc/Mando definitely feels extremely slow compared to Mara/Sent. My biggest gripe is that HO/HTL doesn't do anything when out of combat. So going from one place to another when out of combat is super slow. VG/PT gets turbo mode with the 45% speed boost to it, even out of combat.

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I’ll try it again once I am out of the woods in RL and can set aside a few hours to play the game. Four or so zones is certainly not enough to judge my ability to play the spec. I still feel that I might be better off with a DoT spec, but I absolutely intend to give Gunnery all I've got. I have some 4 levels to go till level 65.
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Wow, I was surprised how many folks were queuing on the Binger on the Christmas Eve. I made sure all my folks were taken care off, and spent the night running my PT. I got to 2K in an arena again, but then we promptly lost the other 2 rounds of it. What am I supposed to do when Netted? I can't cleanse. Other than that I still suck in the arenas, I got facrolls, was facerolled, fought Republic (who did the facerolling) and fought the Empire, and sort of kind of got comfy with the Pt by the end of it. Alas, my DPS still sat in the 1-1.5K range no matter how much I tried to keep our rockets in the air. The facing I think is a bit better, it's more of a not hitting the right binds and dying too much too fast thing. Well, at least I had less cases of carbonizing the vistas rather than the reds. :)


I am also under the impression that Juggernauts got a boost. I know I need to cc them through their dcds, but they seem unstoppable. Okay, one of them I have seen around forever, and would absolutely be stoked to play a zone with, but boy, are they now mighty. I checked, and the stance is Soresu, so I guess they are just awesome in damage gear.


Ah, well, at least I don't have a mental image of my Vg looking heavy and clunky in the DPS stance :)


(Waves) Ah, finally, some PvP! :)

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I am also under the impression that Juggernauts got a boost. I know I need to cc them through their dcds, but they seem unstoppable. Okay, one of them I have seen around forever, and would absolutely be stoked to play a zone with, but boy, are they now mighty. I checked, and the stance is Soresu, so I guess they are just awesome in damage gear.


I fear that they might become a new FOTM because of that.

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Well, this particular player, s/he played that Juggernaut for as long as I remember playing PvP, and probably for years before I joined the game :) And s/he was always memorable. Apparently not memorable enough for me to remember the exact spelling of the name, but well, I know whom I am talking about here :)


Oh, Bandraaaaaal? Care to log in on your OP Guardian to carry me on my OP Sage or the Vg whose exact degree of OP-ness is not yet dcided? :p

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Oh, Bandraaaaaal? Care to log in on your OP Guardian to carry me on my OP Sage or the Vg whose exact degree of OP-ness is not yet dcided? :p


I'm not sure a guardian, played at my skill level, is over powered. :D


But I'll probably be there in a few hours. Got about another hour at work right now. Or maybe I'll swap over to EH if I don't see any guildies on Harb for a while. :p

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Stop trying to focus on everything that's happening. It can be stressfull and overwhelming if you're not natural at blocking out the unimportant information.


Just plan on doing one thing, the whole warzone, and close your chatbox. Just do your thing. Maybe focus on a healer (use target marker). Or just stop caps on the node. Or just focus on healing teammates. Once you're over the fear of screwing up, incorporate another thing, and do both. Maybe healing, and stop capping. Or maybe dps the enemy healer, and cap the node.


Once you've worked up to being able to contribute, re-open your chatbox. Wait until you know that your input to the warzone was beneficial. Did you stop a cap? Did you cap the node that led to the win? Did you kill the healer? Did you kill the dps that was burning your healer?


DO NOT OPEN YOUR CHATBOX BEFORE THIS. You'll just get flamed and probably want to quit.


It's PUG pvp...nobody has the right to whine about others. They still will though, and your enemies will talk trash. So will your teammates, because they're also AFRAID OF LOSING and want to blame someone else.


Don't be their somebody else.



Players like you are reasons why warzones are lost, unfortunately

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I'm not sure a guardian, played at my skill level, is over powered. :D


But I'll probably be there in a few hours. Got about another hour at work right now. Or maybe I'll swap over to EH if I don't see any guildies on Harb for a while. :p


Ha-ha, my Sage is one of those healers nobody minds either. :)


I'll be on the Hawk for a bit (if I am still levelling, it's Last'laugh or Sharapaw), then out skiing, back later in the afternoon. I will check the Binger and the Hawk. :) Unless you just want to meet on the hawk and try to lead the Pub to victory there?

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We ended up on the Binger, with our new German recruit, and, later adding a brand-new Sage healer in half proper gear, half PvE 208s to our OP premade. Honestly, the way it is going now, I felt it would only complicate things to talk about 190s at level 65. :p


We've also encountered the 4Ms from the two of the new guilds in the queue, the Bang and the 46&2. The Bang was fine with having to withstand the horrors of playing with random strangers, and not in a comfy 8M. Went on businesslike, good stuff.


46 whined about how everyone else should not queue on a winning game. Just as I was removing an ambitious young Sin that crossed before the bridges were down off the doors. Pfft, sourpusses.


I was surprised how many games were going on the Binger! Been running my Vg. Chased the Operatives/Mercs a great deal with an occasional success. Still not a Vanguard enough to kill Snipers.


Banderal got to play Huttball to his Guardian's heart content!


I am still in the 1-1.5K zone (gnashes teeth). I think I need to try to get close enough for Gut along with everything else :)

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OMG, I won a game on a Republic toon in the EH lowbie! Alert the media! That's a monumental, one in a million event! The news agencies around the world will pounce on it!


Actually, really made my day. RL was hectic, so I just quietly leveled on TEH, trying Gunnery in the twenties till my new Mando was 26 (and I was scratching my head wondering just what it could do on that level in PvP), then hit my Shadow. Still in the DoT spec.


The amount of Sages was amazing all the time I had for PvP there. Just oodles, and oodles of Sages. The Empire had more balanced comps, with the snipers. I dunno why, but I just love the ops as opponents, they make me happy, because they are so cool when played well. But the double snipers are the bane of my existence.


Anyway, in that fabled zone the Pub won, I have managed to take out a PT and take snow. My very first cap on a Shadow, I think. Then the rest of them showed up, but by then, the Republic held mid and grass, and we went to faceroll from there. :) The rest... was as per usual. If mids are worse, I am in for a rough ride.


Overall, I am getting more interested in playing as a Shadow/Sin. Just need to work on figuring Deception out on my SL Sin #2, once the Shadow on the EH gets into the midbies.

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Played my first Warzone tonight. I wickedly sucked and felt so bad for my team. We won only because our healer was *********** amazing.


My husband recently started pvpving and since we always pvp'd in WoW he assured me it would be fine/fun. And for the most part it was but I was woefully unprepared. :(


I was, however, surprised at how fun it was and now want to look into being better.


We're founders (who cares, i know) and love this game but find the end content lacking. PvP has given us new hope.


All I ask is to be gentle haha.

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@Domi - I probably shouldn't mention this, but I was playing lowbie EH yesterday for a bit (until sicki-ness overcame me and I had to lie down for a bit) and I think we won all of them! The best win by far was a VS. We loaded in with 5 people, and one immediately quit. So we started with 4, and a "30 seconds until WZ ends" message. We all just stood in spawn for about 10 seconds. Then slowly moved out to engage, and after 30 seconds it gave us the win. I can't remember the tie-breaker rules. I think no one had died, so it goes by most damage?


Oh, wait, there was at least one loss. An arena, where we had 3 tanks and one DPS, and they had a tank, a healer, 2 DPS and a 5th guy that I didn't notice what he was. I mean, really? Having a healer wasn't advantage enough for them, bio had to add a 5th to their roster? Yeah, we got trounced that game. :eek:


@dvmcm - awesome! I hope you stick to PvP. We need lots of players, so that Bio will see all the people doing PvP and start paying attention to it. (I'm an optimist :D ). Plus PvP rocks. :D And everyone sucks their first game. I remember my first game was a VS, and I didn't even know which way to run :(

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Are you in a conspiracy with Lhancelot? Heh. I am not sure I can get all the way to 65 on my Shadow before the 1st, but let's see :) Okay, just gonna run through Oricon on my Operative because I want a Tauntaun mount (well, I can't get a pet, so I will get a mount!) and gonna go chip at those levels. Because if all of us get to 65, we might have a miracle of a full group happening. And a miracle is a miracle,you don't miss it. I am almost tempted to move my Mando there, but I don't want to break a Merc/Mando mirror on the Binger.


@Banderal - hey, you deserved those wins for sticking to your 4M braves!


EDIT: And, OMG, I got into an arena with Banderal on his mighty L36 Guardian, and he winked out right after :) And that's when I did the best ever on my Shadow, sporting an incredible 2.1K damage... okay, that's not the 4K I am supposed to do, but still. And we won... aww.


@dvmcm: Welcome to PvP!!!! PvP is awesome, and as an end-game content knows no parallels. As you start getting the idea of each zone it will become even more fun. Speaking of those folks remarks about the old quoted post being inaccurate... well it is in a sense that you cannot drive a car by only paying attention to turning left one day, and only watching the lights change the other, etc. You do have to try to watch what is going on and play with the greens against the reds. Good luck and you are of course welcome to share the tales and ask questions! You are guaranteed to have plenty of answers!

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EDIT: And, OMG, I got into an arena with Banderal on his mighty L36 Guardian, and he winked out right after :)


I did? I don't remember leaving an arena, either on purpose or through a disconnect. Odd. I wonder if it was the first "pop" I got today. I noticed, just after the confirm screen came up, that my connection was really bad, so I exited the game and reset everything, instead of taking the match. Because with a bad connection I'd have been no good anyway. I thought it didn't list your name until after you'd accepted and started to load in (otherwise, why do we get into matches and it only shows 1 or 2 or 3 names?). Oh well, glad to you did well and won! :)


BTW: we were in another match together. I don't remember what one, but I remember seeing a Last'Words on my team, and going "hey, that's so close to domi's last'laugh name. That's before I knew that both of them were you. :D

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Nah, we fought the whole arena, but you went off right away, and did not go back on. We had a Sage healer and a Scoundrel in addition to my mighty Shadow, and went against the sorc heals, mara, sin and... one more DPS, can't remember.


Anyway, I am racing to level before yall leave me alone in the lowbies, while you are doing the glorious midbies!

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