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A PvP a Day...


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So... I was trying to practice on the dummy a bit. I run the scoundrel AC that relies on bleeds to proc things. But I couldn't get that to work! Do bleeds not happen on dummies or something? I'd apply a bleed attack, get upperhand, hit em with the attack that uses upperhand... in a WZ I'd get the upperhand back because of bleed. (I forget the names of things, sorry.) But I couldn't get that to work on a dummy. Kinda makes it hard to practice a "rotation". :(


Pardon the question - but is the charity max level? Scrapper gets that from FF at 20, while Dulfy says Ruffian gets at 24 from Brutal Shots. If not that, it may be you're hitting the 10s internal cd on UH regrant, or as mentioned you're dropping combat, perhaps due to companion. Bleeds do work on dummies.

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Pardon the question - but is the charity max level? Scrapper gets that from FF at 20, while Dulfy says Ruffian gets at 24 from Brutal Shots. If not that, it may be you're hitting the 10s internal cd on UH regrant, or as mentioned you're dropping combat, perhaps due to companion. Bleeds do work on dummies.


Not max level, but level 62 so I definitely have the "regrants upper hand". Got it at level 20 on the FF as you say.


Maybe the problem was a crew skill thing, or maybe I'm just clueless, because it's working now and I can't get it to fail again by sending crew on missions, or having them crafting or any of that stuff. Oh well, now I can practice!


Thanks to both you and Domi for the help!

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I play with my effects sounds put higher than most of other stuff, and wear headset in PvP. It really helps to have audio-clues.


Anyway, a lot of character maintenance yesterday, and now I am in a pickle. I have:


my Scoundrel heals at level 65, and with barely enough comms to get his MH/OH. The left side will be DR, right side is cyn on the Operative. That would be pretty much it for comms.


My Sage and Sorc are impeccably geared, but they are also heals, which at 65 means to be the 3rd healer on the team if I am lucky. Bleh.

My Vg and PT are both geared, I think, but are at level 65... and I haven't gotten muscle memory up to snuff on them after I re-keybound.

My Merc has nothing but relics (but a decent enough PvE set), my Mando is Okay at 60, but both are now in Gunnery/Arsenal, and I am yet to even try sorting through their spells.


So, yes, the only thing I can do to get over the comm starvation is to man up and run Vg/Pt. Learn by doing, and all that. Then I can hide under a couch for a while. :)


I absolutely do not want to stop playing Shassin even a little bit, because then I will not be able to recover. So, I'd rather keep on that than start relearning the Merc/Manod while shakily playing the Pt/Vg.

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I did a few matches with Banderal yesterday - to see hoe "awesome" level 56 is - or not.


With *extremely* mixed results :


- A Novare Coast match where we had triple-capped for some time (most of the time, actually)

- An Arena into which a Sage was running to meet their opponents - surely he was the first to go down ... He did so even despite my advice to stay together.

- Two matches, 1 Arena nd 1 Alderaan WZ, in which we got completely faceolled. IN Alderaan, the match concluded with an 560:0 for them (Empire side).


At that point both Banderal and me had enough and we split our ways not long after that. I did some Gree dailies with my Harbinger Gunslinger, because he participates this event for the very first time.


As a side note, I can confirm that with a Gunslinger at level 56 and level 52 modifications in his orange gear, the easiest Gree quests are very much doable - with a Companion with level 9 Influence. (Corso acted as Damage Dealer).

With this composition, I did the Catalyse quest (collecting crystals & critters) , the Tonvarr Pirates quest, and the Gree Comlink quest.


P.S : Banderal and I made up a new acronym for our experience : "Face-roll Friday", FRF.

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I did a few matches with Banderal yesterday - to see hoe "awesome" level 56 is - or not.


With *extremely* mixed results :


- A Novare Coast match where we had triple-capped for some time (most of the time, actually)

- An Arena into which a Sage was running to meet their opponents - surely he was the first to go down ... He did so even despite my advice to stay together.

- Two matches, 1 Arena nd 1 Alderaan WZ, in which we got completely faceolled. IN Alderaan, the match concluded with an 560:0 for them (Empire side).


At that point both Banderal and me had enough and we split our ways not long after that. I did some Gree dailies with my Harbinger Gunslinger, because he participates this event for the very first time.


As a side note, I can confirm that with a Gunslinger at level 56 and level 52 modifications in his orange gear, the easiest Gree quests are very much doable - with a Companion with level 9 Influence. (Corso acted as Damage Dealer).

With this composition, I did the Catalyse quest (collecting crystals & critters) , the Tonvarr Pirates quest, and the Gree Comlink quest.


P.S : Banderal and I made up a new acronym for our experience : "Face-roll Friday", FRF.


hmm. I see how it is, I finally have a pal to do wzs with on TEH, and you keep pulling him back to that dirty server called Harbunger! Leave Banderal alone, or join him on TEH!


I was wondering why I didn't see him over the last couple days on TEH!


I will just stick to 65s on TEH until he gets back. Mids is awful as a pub on TEH right now... It's so weird, lowbies was mixed, fairly decent it was... As soon as I hit 41 and enter mids the pub teams turn offensively awful.


I go to 65s, and the fights are competitive and pubs win at least half the time. Good times in 65s on TEH.

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I sort of crashed and burned on Thursday, trying to take care of a lot of character maintenance. I now have a tiny 5-char set up on the Ebon Hawk (all Republic, yay!), and I made an executive decision to leave the Merc/Manod well enough alone for now, focusing on the Vg/PT and Shassin.


So, I did not play save for a raid on Friday till this morning when I went on a long multi-hour session to get the weekly done on both the Vg and Pt. While I have a better memory now for the buttons (good thing my Vanguard has green skin, otherwise he'd be still blushing for my inapptitude), I still have huge problems with facing and losing targets. Not to mention the intelligent targeting.


I had a uniquely "me" problem even when my top bar retained its keybinds but all spells disappeared off of it save for a couple of really useless ones. I am sure it is a keybind for swapping the bars or something. Annoying after I left the warzone, everything went to normal. ????


That's not to mention interesting occasions of carbonizing air, because those Voidstar corridors are just that hot!


I got a fluke here of actually hitting the coveted 2K DPS (and look at that 0.7, drat, I could not even make it to an even number), but mostly I flailed ineffectually. As screenshot below demonstrates, all it took is an arena, being carried by two healing sorcs, and a Sin for counterpart DPS. Chances are the other guys all wore 224s. It just all aligned to create perfect conditions for me to shoot my magic missiles.


A screenshot of this monumental achievement is attached:




Then I got annoyed with myself, and went and lost an arena on my sorc in a double-heal comp. Had to go and win a VS after that.


All and all, a normal day of PvP!

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Eh, well. Just as I thought I was making progress, we got completely obliterated tonight, with me not even touching 1K DPS. Well, another typical day of PvP, eh? Probably should not have went on that raid, but PvPed more. :)


Well, back to the DPS school on Shassin tomorrow then.

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(Waves) A few odds and ends from playing last week:


The Ebon Hawk:


The Ebon Hawk has the decidedly oddest chat of all Tython chats. All other servers do a lowbrow political and religious slur, but Ebon Hawk happily bantered of the ERP. They did not demo it, though hinted at a number of possibilities of Sith-Jedi-ships. Still somehow they managed to weave in how evil the PvP players are. Was tempted to wax poetic of how titillating it is when a manful Sin is holding you in bondage by the Voidstar doors while the bomb is going off.


Gonna try those famous EH Lowbies where people allegedly drop like fleas off the dead dog at the first sign of adversity as soon as I am decent level (Yay, 2xXP!).


The Shadowlands:


I am finally managing to at least press the strafe button and used Assassinate maybe twice (why does not it lit up?!) Mind Maze + the guy who tries to cap the node gotta be the most awesome thing ever.


The grittiness of the Republic. Loaded an Alderaan with 5 people, nobody dropped. As the alert for zone dump sequence has never shown up, assumed that the opposition ran with at least 5 people. Won the game. Amazing. In the same situation, Pipeball, the Imperial team dropped, backfilled, dropped and shut down the zone.


Ran against a fantastic Imperial group (on both sides, lol) that demonstrated how to protect a healer properly. Their Operative (level 33), would start at the backline, and the moment a certain Shassin crossed the enemy lines to zero in on the guy, and s/he would kite towards the middle of his/hers group with an insta-guard on him/her, and all focus would immediately shift on the said Shadow. S/he had a great char name too. Nearly died of envy, while dying of many sharp and exploding things. I need to figure out how to line up my overload, cc, and Slow to press a healer into isolation. I have seen my friend wearing a healer down by simply sticking to it like a bulldog across the raging battlefield, but well, I am not him.


SL seem to have a smaller community, but there must be new folks too. At VS, a Scoundrel details the stratagem of all non-stealth going Left. I line up behind him with my Shadow and as we make the bee-line for the Right, a young Guardian comes over, bringing 3 red friends along. I peel back to try to keep them occupied on the Really Big Boxes level, but the stratagem fails miserably, of course. The Scoundrel: “What part of going LEFT you did not understand?” Made me laugh. Oh, the follies of youth!


The Harbinger:


Ran with my guildies on the Harbinger on my famous 1K dps Pt. We were promptly facerolled in Alderaan. Twice. Then in AHG. The pro-speed of facerolling made me switch to my Sorc to help out my guildy on his heals to buffer the damage. A leet move, I know.


On my sorc I got a player called Moshnerf attached to my skirts, and heh, by the time I remembered that a healer sorc should do more than merely kite and heal, eh, too late J Tribute name or real thing, thanks for a reminder that I need to run my sorc more often before I turn into a floozy. Had to go back to the Pt, as another guildie joined, who only has heals.


About the only thing that went well for the Pt and I, was that we’ve finally managed a solo kill in AHG. It took chasing a Sin down the aisle shooting my many magic missiles. Lucky for my Strafe Deficiency Syndrome, he ran in a straight line.

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The Harbinger:


Ran with my guildies on the Harbinger on my famous 1K dps Pt. We were promptly facerolled in Alderaan. Twice. Then in AHG. The pro-speed of facerolling made me switch to my Sorc to help out my guildy on his heals to buffer the damage. A leet move, I know.


I still don't understand why Bioware isn't balancing PvP more so that facerolling isn't possible anymore.


But - they are mainly doing PvE content right now. *sighs*

( And that says an mainly PvE person ! )

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I'm not sure how you'd even begin to balance that. The problem (in regs at least) isn't so much one class over another - it's that even within one class, the gap between good and bad (or more charitably, beginner and veteran) is huge. Probably bigger than it has ever been.


Ideally there would be a basic hidden ELO system even within regular warzones, so that teams weren't completely unbalanced in veteran to beginner makeup. But there just aren't even close to the numbers for that now.


So you get this.




And this.



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I agree that it would be very, very difficult to determine who is good and who is bad.

But : Bioware has all the data. They can read who does the most damage, the most kills, the most healing ... What falls through their net are Peelers, not Healers.

I tend to believe that if there was a detailed draft on how to determine who is good, it would be possible to place these people into groups of their own. And I'm not talking about wins of matches, but more detailed data : Who is doing what within the matches, actually. Like ... guiard swapping. Newbies are not likely to be able to do that. Or LOS. Or strafing. And those who get hit with more crits or with more damage at all might also be Newbies. If they have the data, they could even measure with reaction times. How good are their reflexes ? How fast does a person respond to incs ? How fast is the person with doing abilities ? How many mouse buttons might the person have ? All these tiny things ... These could be used to determine who is good and who is bad. And then plce them together with in ELO system behind all of that or something like that.

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It wouldn't have to be perfect. APM (actions per minute) but only while in combat (to account for node guarding etc) would be a good start.


But there really isn't the population now for any kind of matchmaking. Another interesting idea might be to emulate WoW's bronze/silver/gold proving ground system - not mandatory, but as an optional tutorial for people to learn their class to a basic/medium/advanced level before joining a warzone.

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To be honest, the players manage to figure out just fine who belongs to the 10%. That's the kind of guys that end up in the PvP guilds. They end up winning a lot. Hence the ELO reflects the higher expectation of winning for them. It's easy enough. To look for some Other Truth that you actually like really good, you just lose a lot, well, that's just too complex for me.


I honestly see no point of inventing the complex algorithms for anything either. I am fine and dandy with the current system. I just want to play and try to do all those hings I gotta be doing and being social about it. I don't know why, but to me the facrolls are funny not tragic nowadays. :) And, really, drama of self-doubt and examination of everything is way too exhausting, so I just decided once and for all that I suck, and I'll not worry about it.


I've survived hundreds, if not thousands of lost games in this game, and life's pretty good. I can survive a few hundred more and it is still going be fun. I am not going to sit and pick what do I bash for it, the good players for being good or the bad players for being bad. I'd rather go and play some more.


Played my first couple games on the EH on a level 13 Shadow and met Lhancelot :) We did not get to play together yet, so he still speaks to me. Going be spending the rest of the day making sure the Shadow there and the SIn on the SL are at level 26 and rearing to go into battle! Or something to that extent. Lowbies on the EH is the same as everywhere so far: Pubs from 10 to 30, and the Empire all 30+. V. dramatic.


On the Shadowlands, hit my max on a Sin so far, at ~1.8K DPS, and that's working my fingers off. MOARE strafe :) I can certainly see how life was somewhat easier when Death Field had a range and you id not have to be in the thick of it to spread the DoTs :cool:

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Well, I think *some* matching would be nice. Something like splitting healers and tanks if it's a same-side match. Or, at least trying to equalize the rolls in any game. Come on, who doesn't shake their head and cry-just-a-little-inside when you get into a same side 4v4 and the other side has 2 healers and you have none? But complex algorithms bio tends not to do so well in my opinion. Witness bolster. :(


And I don't mind the occasional faceroll. Last night I took that to the extreme though. I'm in the middle of conducting a little experiment, so I'm solo queuing and keeping track of wins.v.losses to see if pub is *really* as bad as everyone says it is. Last night I got in-sync against an imp super-team. You know the kind, they overlap stuns perfectly, they rotate to calls incredibly fast, they focus their dps and take you out in about 4 seconds, they protect their healers, on and on... I racked up 12 losses in a row! Most of them just stompings (a few were close though). After about the 3rd one I stuck it out just out of stubbornness (and I figured it's not a fair test if I stop as soon as I start losing :) ). Ugh.

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Well, I'm still running mostly solo 65 on Harb for a bit longer (sorry Lhance!). Had a good run today that almost made up for my losing streak on Friday.


Did my first ever 1 million protection! Was in a VS on a team with an uber premade, against another team that was focusing the healer hard. I stuck to him (I guess the premade was lacking a tank), and guarded/taunted/cc'd as well as I could. We died several times (usually at about the same time :( ). And, OMG, people other than me were watching the doors! They (the premade) actually parked a guy there through the whole melee, and he just messed with anyone that tried to plant. We ended round 1 with stopping the other side cold at the first door.


Then in round 2 we fought for a while on the west door. It was really weird, our team slowly trickled over to the east door as we died and respawned, and the enemy just stayed west. In the end I counted 6 of them on west, trying to finish off the last 2 of us (which was me, and not the healer this time)... then we planted east. :D


Then had a pipeball we should have won. We had a vanguard, and I'll admit he was really good at carrying the ball, and had healers backing him up... but he really needed to learn to pass. Several times he held on to it for well over 10-15 seconds while the healers were just barely keeping him up, and he had anywhere from 1-3 of us waiting ahead for a pass, and he wasn't stunned, because he was still crawling forward through all the slows on him. Instead he just died, and turned it over. We ended up losing 4 to 3. Literally last second. We were at their endzone, and one of our guys was headed up that last "mini-ramp" that is right before the score, and time ran out. ONE MORE SECOND and we'd have tied it up and won for having last possession! :(


And finally... I got accused of hacking! Well, not me personally, but I was in an arena, and after we won the 2nd round quite handily someone on the other side started with the "nice hacks over there" trash. First I get accused of being on a premade, and now hacking! I am uber pro for sure! :D

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Well, I'm still running mostly solo 65 on Harb for a bit longer (sorry Lhance!). Had a good run today that almost made up for my losing streak on Friday.


Did my first ever 1 million protection! Was in a VS on a team with an uber premade, against another team that was focusing the healer hard. I stuck to him (I guess the premade was lacking a tank), and guarded/taunted/cc'd as well as I could. We died several times (usually at about the same time :( ). And, OMG, people other than me were watching the doors! They (the premade) actually parked a guy there through the whole melee, and he just messed with anyone that tried to plant. We ended round 1 with stopping the other side cold at the first door.


Then in round 2 we fought for a while on the west door. It was really weird, our team slowly trickled over to the east door as we died and respawned, and the enemy just stayed west. In the end I counted 6 of them on west, trying to finish off the last 2 of us (which was me, and not the healer this time)... then we planted east. :D


Then had a pipeball we should have won. We had a vanguard, and I'll admit he was really good at carrying the ball, and had healers backing him up... but he really needed to learn to pass. Several times he held on to it for well over 10-15 seconds while the healers were just barely keeping him up, and he had anywhere from 1-3 of us waiting ahead for a pass, and he wasn't stunned, because he was still crawling forward through all the slows on him. Instead he just died, and turned it over. We ended up losing 4 to 3. Literally last second. We were at their endzone, and one of our guys was headed up that last "mini-ramp" that is right before the score, and time ran out. ONE MORE SECOND and we'd have tied it up and won for having last possession! :(


And finally... I got accused of hacking! Well, not me personally, but I was in an arena, and after we won the 2nd round quite handily someone on the other side started with the "nice hacks over there" trash. First I get accused of being on a premade, and now hacking! I am uber pro for sure! :D


I figured you were still on Harbinger, it's fine man! I got my balance sage to 65, and ran some matches on him. I hope you get to 65 on TEH, pvp is so much better then. Mids typically are worse than lowbies for some reason, I HATE mids as a pub! I chatted with Domi but we didn't group yet. I look forward to grouping when you guys come to TEH, just let me know if you create alts.

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Stop trying to focus on everything that's happening. It can be stressfull and overwhelming if you're not natural at blocking out the unimportant information.


Just plan on doing one thing, the whole warzone, and close your chatbox. Just do your thing. Maybe focus on a healer (use target marker). Or just stop caps on the node. Or just focus on healing teammates. Once you're over the fear of screwing up, incorporate another thing, and do both. Maybe healing, and stop capping. Or maybe dps the enemy healer, and cap the node.


Once you've worked up to being able to contribute, re-open your chatbox. Wait until you know that your input to the warzone was beneficial. Did you stop a cap? Did you cap the node that led to the win? Did you kill the healer? Did you kill the dps that was burning your healer?


DO NOT OPEN YOUR CHATBOX BEFORE THIS. You'll just get flamed and probably want to quit.


It's PUG pvp...nobody has the right to whine about others. They still will though, and your enemies will talk trash. So will your teammates, because they're also AFRAID OF LOSING and want to blame someone else.


Don't be their somebody else.


Confessions of a noob who got carried and doesn't like taking responsibility.

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Confessions of a noob who got carried and doesn't like taking responsibility.


Getting insulted & harassed = "taking responsibility" ? Since when is this equation alive ?


We got very much stomped in an Arena recently - me and 3 people I don't know - we were me, the Gunslinger, 2 Commandos and 1 melee. They had an dedicated healer who was jumpoing around like being on drugs and doling out DOTs like an evil birthday present.


After we got stomped - I wasn't able to take out that Sorc Healer,m and the others were bound against 2 melee fighters of the other team - the rest of the team got insulted. By the tiny word of "poop".


By being insulted like this I was taking responsibility ? What kind of logic is that ?

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Trash-talking is awful, people who trash-talk are an insult to slimy fungus as a life form, but turning the chat off is silly, even though that old piece of advice was well-intended.


@Banderal: 1 mln protection, woot!!!


@Lhancelot: I will stick to Last’words on the Hawk.


Seems to be a lot of PvP guilds forming up and openly recruiting on the Pub-side of the Binger. Will be interesting to see what comes out of it, but right now it's just grand and awesome and wonderful. Here is to the return of the glory of Pub PvP on the Binger! I want to see it so badly!!!


BioWARE messes with my head when it does 2xXP. I was leveling too much, and playing too little, because, well, the going is good… but I am tired of whacking silly NPCs, and want to play PvP! I've finally translated Jherad’s notes from Merc to Mando, and going to try out Gunnery on my Mando to level from 60 to 65 via as many warzones as I can. The rest of the time is for the Shassins and integrating strafe. I miss my Pt/Vg, particularly because I run my Pt in the Ops, but since they are 65, for PvP they will keep till 2xXP is done.


I hope that the Republic still runs strong on the Binger in 2016! How awesome that would be! So happy, I am having a hard time not randomly hugging folks. :)

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