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A PvP a Day...


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I am level 31 on both atm, and I would love to job shadow, if you do have anything in lowbies or midbies. However, my biggest problem is still moving. I actually can reach for all the buttons while doing the left/right now, but it is extremely awkward and I forget it easily. My character names are Peresveta (P) and Chelubey (E).
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I felt like a completely horrible person sneaking upon a poor level 14 Slinger, the moment his melee teammamtes headed for my melee teammates. I can hear Alric disapproving.


The worst thing, imho, is, that so many people do that - and often with ease. And often, because they do KNOW that a level 14 Gunslinger has no chance ...


I played with my own Shadow in an Novare Coast PvP match exactly ONCE.

And that was a year ago or even longer.

My Shadow was level 20 or so. ( He still sits around with level 26 after 2 years. )

After standing behind that Sniper ? Gunslinger ? (I think it was an Republic vs. Republic match) during the end of the scorboard, when *everyone* gets visible again, I felt absolutely horrible. The feeling was not even like cheating - it was far worse like that. It was like beating some handicapped person only capable to move in a wheelchair in Basketbaal while being a 3-metres-man myself.


I never played PvP with my Shadow, because I do know that Gunslingers have no chance against this class which is meant to be SO burst-heavy by the devs that even almost 100 % of all PvP players say that no-one should not survive a duel with a Shadow.


I felt like I was taking the fun away from someone,

and I'm going by the Golden Rule : Treat others like you want to be treated - I decided not to take the fun away from an helpless player while playing a Shadow myself.


Seeing Shadow Play from this point of view, that's part of the reason why I absolutely detest ganking.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Ah, Alrick, can't tell you how many times the Snipers/Slingers blew me up and completely dominated the field. I am going be food in just a few levels once I make it into mids anyway.


Most of my classes are 65. I think my scoundrel is still 64 though. I have many more mids on harb though since I didn't touch them since expansion.


Someone else offered to catch up with my lowbies as well on the SL and take a look at my playstyle. I only have a Mando and a Scoundrel heals left in the mids on the Binger. If you have a stealth DPS in mids, I can shadow on the Scoundrel healer. I should probably do that regardless & pay more attention to the comings and goings of the mysterious stealth.

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Someone else offered to catch up with my lowbies as well on the SL and take a look at my playstyle. I only have a Mando and a Scoundrel heals left in the mids on the Binger. If you have a stealth DPS in mids, I can shadow on the Scoundrel healer. I should probably do that regardless & pay more attention to the comings and goings of the mysterious stealth.


I have a shadow on harb and a scoundrel both at 63 and 59.

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Someone else offered to catch up with my lowbies as well on the SL and take a look at my playstyle. I only have a Mando and a Scoundrel heals left in the mids on the Binger. If you have a stealth DPS in mids, I can shadow on the Scoundrel healer. I should probably do that regardless & pay more attention to the comings and goings of the mysterious stealth.


Someone also PM'd me last night on the (Harb) fleet trying to find you, with the intent of helping with your strafing. You are like a celebrity!

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So I tried out EH. Made a knight, took him to 17 and a guardian (what else :) ). I only got 2 games in, but if it was representative (and how could 2 games NOT be representative? :p) I'm beginning to understand Lhancelot's rants about people not playing objectives.


My entire team gave up in ACW at way less than the 1/3 - 2/3 point of no return. I don't think I've seen the entire team just sit at our 1 turret for a LONG time. :(


And in HB, I grabbed the ball, ran it to the enemy fire pit, and stood there through 2 full fire cycles. I was being healed, but was slowed with a bunch of enemy around it the whole time, so didn't dare cross. Not a single other person even tried to cross so I could pass. Eventually I died, and that was the last we saw of their side of the map. Most of the rest of the game the whole team stood in either our endzone or our pit, just fighting. /cry :(

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So I tried out EH. Made a knight, took him to 17 and a guardian (what else :) ). I only got 2 games in, but if it was representative (and how could 2 games NOT be representative? :p) I'm beginning to understand Lhancelot's rants about people not playing objectives.


My entire team gave up in ACW at way less than the 1/3 - 2/3 point of no return. I don't think I've seen the entire team just sit at our 1 turret for a LONG time. :(


And in HB, I grabbed the ball, ran it to the enemy fire pit, and stood there through 2 full fire cycles. I was being healed, but was slowed with a bunch of enemy around it the whole time, so didn't dare cross. Not a single other person even tried to cross so I could pass. Eventually I died, and that was the last we saw of their side of the map. Most of the rest of the game the whole team stood in either our endzone or our pit, just fighting. /cry :(


hahaha. I tell you what, mids is even worse for pubs on TEH. Mids can be really brutal, 75% of the time maybe more are losses for pubs.


I guess I am spoiled because in 65s, pubs win often enough to make it hard to tell what team is dominate. In lowbies, I can't say because I have not been in lowbies for quite some time.


So, for TEH server: Lowbies I am not sure. Mids is imp dominated big time. 65s is equal between imp and pubs. My advice is, don't judge the server or any server for that matter by their lowbie or even mids WZs.


65s on TEH really is fairly balanced and honestly I see us win more as pubs than imps do, maybe it's when I play etc., I aint sure.


I also find us in pub vs. pub fights quite a bit too, that tells me many players on TEH have imps and pubs and go to the side that happens to be winning at that particular time.


If your toon is a pub, let me know so I can friend you and we can chat sometime! Also, if you need anything, let me know!


Oh, the issue I have is how people quit matches so much though, I never seen so many quitters before on a game. Some may not leave the match but they go sit huddled with other quitters on one node typing whining words of discouragement, /dancing, etc.


It's really annoying to me. Now you may understand why I show so much resentment to players with this self-defeated attitude. They lost the match before they even entered it tbh.

Edited by Lhancelot
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Someone also PM'd me last night on the (Harb) fleet trying to find you, with the intent of helping with your strafing. You are like a celebrity!


Domi is a celebrity, didn't you know?!


I got hatemails when Domi and I had debates and disagreements here on the forums! I learned my lesson, to keep my mouth shut when it comes to "debating" with Domi.


Learn from my mistake, and keep your chat nice and friendly when you talk to Domi! :p


P.S. Or else! :mad:



I am kidding, I never got hatemails, this post is purely in jest! I kid! I KID!!!!! (We still cool, right Domi?) :)


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PvPers are good people :) I will start adjusting the binds on my characters as I play them so I have no excuse not to strafe. One thing that came out of going around those trees on NarShaddaa& Fleet dummy is that I like my set up on the Sin much more than on my Mando and PT. Obviously, a Sin at level 30 has about a third of binds than a Mando on 60... and chances are she will always has less.


And, Banderal, SL crowd was actually quite competent in the lowbies. Granted I've played with the same and against the same core group of alts for a few hours, but yeah, fight till the last and no nodes ignored. No healers, really (there was a pub one) but well, not many heal in lowbies. Slower pop than I am used to on the Binger, but it was Thursday morning, and lowbies. Oh, and I got a pipeball and Novare finally as well there. Huttball was the only 8x8 the Empire won, and that 6:0. Novare was sooooo close, I think it ended on 20-0.


Lhancelot, we argued? :confused:


Alright added you to friends list on my shadow and VG.


Thank you :)

Edited by DomiSotto
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You should bind your rotational abilities where you can conveniently use them while using W,A,D to strafe. That means mostly the q, e, r, f, g, c, v keys.

Good example would be deception sin, because you don't need that many abilities:

Q - low slash

s+Q purple face dot

E to spam clearvoyant strike

s+E for 3 stack force breach

R for shock/project

F for maul/shadow strike

C for assassinate

These are basically the damage skills you will use in PvP in this spec, and all can be uses while stafing.


Use your naga to bind skills that can stay the same on all characters, stun, breaker, interrupt, enhance own mobility (force speed, hydraulics, roll, charge etc), hinder enemy mobility (force slow, sever tendon and the like). Bind the button on your naga your thumb is naturally located to act as the shift key for easier use of a shift modifier.


Use the other mouse buttons for stuff you have to use quickly without delay, like click mouse wheel for blackout, mouse button 4=cleanse, mouse button 5= sap. If you have a Logitech g600 (better than a Naga imo) you'll have two additional convenient keybinds by tipping the mousewheel to left/right.

Edited by Asaxor
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I play with Razor, I started on the 5 button one (after the normal plain one) and went to 15 button one. Never use the two buttons behind the wheel though (yet, and should).


This is actually exactly the changes I've made when I started the Sin and Shadow (and my entire set of the new DPS).


I moved the core rotation skills to the QWERTY row and a few buttons on the side of the mouse. I also grew very comfortable with thumbing the mouse (finally, and thanks to playing the Merc/Mando), so I am using all 12 single and 9 shifted options on it. I still find reaching for the last row 10, 11, 12 more complicated). I prefer to target and do the "HIT IT NOW" skills off it.


I started noticing that QWERTY is by far more useful row than the 1-6 because I heal on QWERTY and have the offensive spells I use rarely on the 1-6 on my healers. So, while my initial DPSs had a BioWare-drive distribution of the core skills sitting at 1-6, I tried QWERTY/Side when I started to create my new set of DPSs of the Shadowlands.


So, yes, that's what I plan to do with my Vg/PT, I simply going to swap the 1-6 and QWERTY around, for their core rotation and retrain the muscular memory. I might move the EB to the mouse to blast as soon as it procs, instead of the taunt that's there now (I am no tank no more).


Also, because I do not have the history of using the ASWD, I find that ESF is more comfortable for me to reach while moving, as the block I am comfortable with using for my hand size is from ~ to Y, H, B on the right. But I am finding that the more comfortable I am getting with the Shift + Mouse, the more I move to the left on the keyboard.


I am not sure what to do with the Merc/Mando, since I had the main rotation on 1-4 and the Dots and procs on the QWER. I will have to think about it and play it to get the more comfortable set up, particularly now I can cast the Unload on the move. I have to say, in terms of expanding the button usage, Merc/Mando was golden. Keep pressing 10 on that mouse side whenever you can't do anything else to charge up that proc, and suddenly it's not such a hard button to feel for any more.


My main problem for the time being is being disciplined and adding in the adjusting the facing to moving and rotations without stopping to move, and as a result making my movements tighter and smaller.


Uhm, TMI?

Edited by DomiSotto
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Lhancelot, we argued? :confused:


We only had some discussions about "quitters" that we seemed to have a different opinion on, and those debates went on for a few days lol. Nothing serious though. At that time, you seemed a bit down too I think PVP was draining your soul for a shortwhile there, or maybe it was ranked PVP. :eek:

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Ah, Okay. Nah, I did not feel I was arguing, since I agree with you for the most part anyways. I would still very occasionally leave a zone, if I am short on time, and it is turning exceedingly silly. I could think of doing it maybe twice in the past few weeks. Did not queue ranked since that time in the spring, and after like millionth time considering, not going to. I will be done in 2 months anyway.
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If your toon is a pub, let me know so I can friend you and we can chat sometime! Also, if you need anything, let me know!


Yep. Leap'frogger. I'll be on EH for a while, but then probably switch over to Harby when all the west-coast people wake up. :D

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Ah, Okay. Nah, I did not feel I was arguing, since I agree with you for the most part anyways. I would still very occasionally leave a zone, if I am short on time, and it is turning exceedingly silly. I could think of doing it maybe twice in the past few weeks. Did not queue ranked since that time in the spring, and after like millionth time considering, not going to. I will be done in 2 months anyway.


ahh ok. 8( Done in two months? But... Why?

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Gonna MMO detox (hubby will disable the rig), and play Mass Effect finally. Then, hopefully, maybe I can PvP a little as preferred :)


Okay, I spent time in the midbies healing on a Scoundrel, hoping to catch up with the folks. We won a Huttball and an arena. I've practiced kiting... a lot. Dat indescribable moment when you dodge 3 persistent red DPS while yours blissfully complain that they are losing because they have no healers. Fun stuff. Still sewing the rips in my tight pants from all that rolling and mag blasts.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Was "Down in the sesspool" again last night, or did PVP here on Swtor.........I Call them the same Things.


Again it wasn't half bad, nobody spwed out the "usual" poisonous commnets, be it about performance or gear or what not.


The gear argument is invalid though, regardless....I prooved this by actually not performing much better WHEN geared up, compared to performance before gearing up.....so that is a non valid argument People SHOULD LOL or ROFL when hearing.


Anyways I think I was only on losses a daily and a weekly, all in all 18 or 20 reounds in the sewers of swtor.

And again my point was partially prooven, I pulled my own weight, contributed to a victory and delt ALOT of damage, and for the first time got a kill ratio greater them my Death ratio.........this was not enough.

Nor was migrating beween two nodes, actually managing to keep enemy away from them so my team "COULD" get the edge.

No no I was to blame, as they didn't hve the common sense to se the tactics., so naturally we lost..........names wan't given but all complained on the dps , the ONLY ONE who actually did his/her job and not just "played" around.


All in all, though over 18-20 rounds it was fun..........too bad People like the one I described above makes something fun and potentially fun into something BAD, and then demands a right in the holy name of pvp becuse of lack in more serious content.


Too bad there isn't a "stalk" button at times, allowing you to follow a character nd basically attack and pester them until they leave for ever and takes their poison With them.......but this would be unfair..........


All in All my weekly PVP report ( yes I try do do 1 day of nothing else) have yet to convince me PVP is a Nice Place, but I am convinced it CAN be

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Too bad there isn't a "stalk" button at times, allowing you to follow a character nd basically attack and pester them until they leave for ever and takes their poison With them.......but this would be unfair..........


Well, that would kind of bring you down to their level I think. :( I think a better way to "teach" them is to just keep doing your thing, and I believe (or choose to believe) that all the quiet people, you know, the ones who matter :D that they notice.


If you randomly "poll" a lot of the threads here about the trash-talkers in PvP, you'll see that most of the responses are along the lines of "ignore them, they are just looking to blame". It's a bit like getting picked on in high-school, don't respond to their taunts and they'll get bored and go somewhere else eventually. Or better yet, whisper them after the game and tell them you are trying to get better, and ask them to help you. That puts the ball back in their court so to speak. Chances are they will either actually help you get better, or stop pestering you. Either way, that's good for you. :D

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Well, that would kind of bring you down to their level I think. :( I think a better way to "teach" them is to just keep doing your thing, and I believe (or choose to believe) that all the quiet people, you know, the ones who matter :D that they notice.


If you randomly "poll" a lot of the threads here about the trash-talkers in PvP, you'll see that most of the responses are along the lines of "ignore them, they are just looking to blame". It's a bit like getting picked on in high-school, don't respond to their taunts and they'll get bored and go somewhere else eventually. Or better yet, whisper them after the game and tell them you are trying to get better, and ask them to help you. That puts the ball back in their court so to speak. Chances are they will either actually help you get better, or stop pestering you. Either way, that's good for you. :D



And given I do see that PVP CAN BE fun here, and quite "Nice" I think People in general should stop being so utterly concerned With wins or losses...they do not matter.


The other day I decided to go on a Heroic I know I can not do solo, in fact it may be impossible for anyone to do solo..and naturally I came to a certain point and died, not being able to progress.

Was this a loss? No it wasn't....I got loot from my kills so regardless of not finishing the mission, I was still rewarded, rewarded enough to make it later on, which I did.


This is my point, and it is very valid With pvp and the complaining, Loosing in unranked pvp IS A WIN....therefore I have 100% NO respect at all for complaints of that sort.

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A serious 'no', 'no, and a "NO!" to stalking. It can be done and was done in an organized way. I know that because my mentor, the sweetest guy that left a mercurial and benevolent imprint on the digital media was for a time singled out by a certain guild and focused down whenever, because he upset them in playing ranked (playing well). He started leaving when he was queued with them, and I saw him trash-talked because of it. Never-ever cross the boundary of the sportsmanship and respect for another player, no matter what. Never-ever say 'but that guy did so and so'. It's wrong.
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A serious 'no', 'no, and a "NO!" to stalking. It can be done and was done in an organized way. I know that because my mentor, the sweetest guy that left a mercurial and benevolent imprint on the digital media was for a time singled out by a certain guild and focused down whenever, because he upset them in playing ranked (playing well). He started leaving when he was queued with them, and I saw him trash-talked because of it. Never-ever cross the boundary of the sportsmanship and respect for another player, no matter what. Never-ever say 'but that guy did so and so'. It's wrong.


Naturally a "stalk" button is no good idea....but gods at times I want one.............


I think the problem is that many People get "carried away" and in this Things become more serious then may need to be. Comments fly, and often they are in the "heat of the moment" and usually not thought through.


I know it is NeXT to impossible for anyone pve or pvp to really know if a "New" player is experienced or not, if this player tries and fails becuse of a lack in skill and experience or gear, or if this is a malicious deliberate sabotage With the only aim to throw the fight and make the team loose.


However, I say this.....99.99% of all "sabotage" and the likes is 100% only becuse People try their best and lack skill, therefore ANY complaining that is NOT constructive, encouraging and ment to make the "failed player" WANT to pvp is the wrong ones....regardless how hard it is to know the "mean" from the "I try my best" when both are utterlt misserable.


If we then factor in that a good percentage of the game players do BOTH pvp and pvp With a focus one either.....then we will ALLWAYS have the low performer, the wrongly geared , the "apparent" saboteur etc.........both in PVE missions and in PVP..........and again nobody have any right to complain in a "mean" tone....becuse the fact it is impossible to know.


On the flip side.....a player PVP or PVE has experienced a Direct sabotage.............or what was seen as such, to the extend this makes comment fly.........and unfortunaltely the comments land With the wrong recipient.


This is the bad thing about pvp, this kills Things more then faction or class unballance.....this and ONLY this kills pvp here

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