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A PvP a Day...


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Heh, I actually got to play my Sorc in the zones yesterday. My guild decided to do a PvP night; seeing it's a PvE guild, that was 3 of us willing. Sensei was actually on, so I talked him into coming along, and we played the whole of two zones! A close AHG we've lost, and an Alderaan we won, where I figured sensei and the other heals can go carry mid, and heroically babysat the snow. I was frequently visited by a mando and a scoundrel (luckily not together), probably very new, 'cause they were barely making a scratch on me (a scoundrel should have been able to put me down from stealth). Anyway, lots of folks came to every call, so I did not even die.


Seeing the guys are raiders, by the time the second zone was over they were getting us into a CM 16M run. Which kind of grew into a world boss + CM run. PvErs.... Well, sensei had to leave anyway, and aww, how I've missed playing with him. :)

Edited by DomiSotto
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"S-Key to Victory" lives!!!


Tecl, Domi & I got together with some random dude that I guess Tecl knows (something about "brother" was in there) and made the guild to end all guilds. Imps tremble when they see us, and our team mates know they don't even have to participate. We just back peddle to victory in every game.


Of course, Domi almost disgraced us when she didn't have back-peddle hot keyed! But she practiced and got better with it.


We demonstrated our collective awesomeness in game after game. A VS, where we back-peddled to the core (or at least it felt like it - with all the slows and stuns going on). And then held the other team off for the s-key victory!


Then there was a huttball, where teclado back-peddled to... well, get ripped apart by the other team and then they did a pre-set-up friendly-pull, pass, pass for a quick score on us. That sucked. But we re-doubled our efforts, and pulled out a victory against them. Or maybe I'm mixing up a couple hutball games here?


And I remember an ACW that we won despite having the entire rest of the team constantly going after the third turret.


And a pipeball where... well, we lost that one didn't we? Our Achilles Heal - pullers! They must have been so impressed with our awesomeness that they kept pulling us back for a second look! (Honestly, I've never seen a team that was so good with pulling rolling operatives back into the acid, or just a mob of their buddies - was a pretty close game, but they finally pulled ahead and beat us, er, 4 to 3 I think).


A final NC was our downfall. We lost our back-peddling healer to RL, and faced a team that was really good at responding to our changing tactics. They got 2 early on, and we "almost flipped" several times, but never quite managed to take one fully back from them. Again, it didn't feel like a faceroll, but we were definitely playing a solid team that supported each other well.


Anyway, we have a fun guild. :D

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<S-Key to Victory> is now a thing. We are an elite backpedal guild. We moonwalk across the goal line in huttball, use force speed in reverse, and generally make the imps say "how did we just lose to that team?!?!?" :p Imps of The Harbinger, this is your first and only warning. Y'all better watch out.


We had some really good matches like Banderal said. I don't remember any of them being a faceroll, really. We went triple scoundrels though, so the other team obviously had no chance. ;) Some of the closest huttball matches that I have seen in a while. I don't know how many PT that one pipeball team had, but I'm pretty sure that I got pulled three times in a row. Maybe one was a shadow tank. It was back and forth, but IIRC they won 5-3. They said GG in /say afterward, and mentioned that they had to really work for it. We had another huttball, I think it was the original, that we won 4-3. That might have been after Domi left. Anyway, it was super close. Huttball is way more fun when both teams are playing objectives, not so fun when you are on the losing end of a 6-0.


I have a bit of a gripe, though. It seems a bit unfair to me that sages/shadows can use force speed in reverse, but scounrels cannot use scamper (roll) in reverse, only forward. This is an obvious balance issue and it needs to be addressed ASAP. BW, please respond immediately and address this injustice!

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The only thing better than playing a Scoundrel is playing with 2 other scoundrels! Save for the impossibility to roll backwards, one thing that is top notch UNFAIR is that there is no tanking tree. I bet the Ruffian is supposed to be a tank! Just look at the name! Ruffian!!! Now, we have to go without a tank. Pfft. Or we have to chose between staying with Stealth theme and pick a Shadow, or stay with non-Force User theme and pick a Vanguard. Is there a tank that can use S-key along with taunt?


I think our recrutment add should be: "We, like, PvP. High humor per second required."


I am rekeybinding the backpedaling! I want to backpedal in circles like you guys can. WICKED!


They were great games. Btw, our levels were 59, 49 and 39. I am going to try to get to that 60, 'cause I'd love to see how we do at 60 :) I mean, I know, I've hit an amazing 1450 hps there at some point, but I wanna do MOAR!

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Oh, great, you did it ! :)


I should join ASAP ! :D


Because rigorous back-pedalling over the bodies of stunned-by-awe opposite team participants is where i excel at ! :D


I can even make the shooting of an blaster go backwards ! :D



Seriously, I had a few good matches and one very bad yesterday ... The bad one was on my "hhome server", where i tried out my low-level Vanguard. The other time got all 3 cannons in Alderaan. That was where i just quit and went to make myself through my Commando's Hoth class story. Now the most spiritual Companion of all SWTOR belings to my team ! :D - Or at least I think so, since I don't know about imparial classes and haven't even going through the rest of my Jedi Knight's class story ...


The other matches were so much better. An not that well experienced Lowbie team made it through an Arena after I wrote to them that "staying toigether" was the most important rule in Arena PvP.

At least that's what I believe. Everybody knows the saying "Divide & Conquer", I assume.


Voidstar. The most notorious Starship in the Galaxy by now ! It attracks hordes of heroes from both sides ... Only to get to a single data preserver ...


It was hard; and I mean with that : REALLY hard. We lost, but because we couldn't reach the core.

the first round was abysmal, with the fastest opening of the first door I had ever seen, barely seconds after the "gates" had been opened. This is one of the very rare times where I actually suspect a speedhack of some sorts.


But - even although they had far too much stealthers on their side - I think 4 - my Gunslinger wasn't meaning to let them have a single silend second. In round two I was doing my very best, I got down every one I had put my hooks err blaster in / on. Sorcs were my speciality, but I got some of their stealthers down, too. Actually I was surprised how easy this was - albeit still having to do so much hard work. I'm totally greatful for the person who healed me through that all. Without it, I wouldn't have been able to defeat so many of them.


I really should have made a screenshot of the scoreboard - or at least taken a look at my "kills".

But I was only looking for the damage, saw that their Sorc had almost a million, saw my own damage in the middle area, thought "meh", and closed the scoreboard as fast as possible, because I just didn't want to get faced with my failure.


Which once again shows my discrepancy in subjectively seeing myself compared to what I objectively did.

I just cannot see my strengths. I just cannot see the positive things I do. I'm totally blind towards that and I haven't the slightest clue why.


The Huttball match in the end was very good - it was not exactly farming, but 4:0 for us felt a bit ... too easy.

Hope they got enough time to recuperate.

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Hi Alrick, yeah, Teclado set us all up as lieutenants, so either one of us should be able to invite you :)


Guys, my vacations is fast approaching, so I will have to push and level Rho, Ru and Gori to 60 before I leave, which means I am going to be unsocial (actually running FA to Ziost 3x, might make me plain homicidal) so I beg forgiveness in advance! I am starting to run out of time, if I am to leave August for my Merc/Mando leveling. :(

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I should join ASAP ! :D

DO IT. Just one small test must be passed first. All that will be required is to get to the Coruscant Endurance datacron while using only backpedal. Those backpedal jumps can be tricky, but we're known as the best backpedal guild for a reason.


Nah, but seriously, Domi, Banderal, or I can give you an invite. I somehow managed to be guildmaster, which is kind of awesome. Some may say I'm a rather aweful GM, though. Time will tell.


Will be busy Mon/Tues evenings, so I won't be on until 8-9 pacific, which is probably way too late for you guys. Gonna be out this weekend too, so...I'll se ya guys around some other time perhaps. If I can somehow muster the willpower, I will level my gunslinger, the last one for me.

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DO IT. Just one small test must be passed first. All that will be required is to get to the Coruscant Endurance datacron while using only backpedal. Those backpedal jumps can be tricky, but we're known as the best backpedal guild for a reason.


Is it because we are the only back peddling guild? Is that the right answer!? :p


I logged in to pub side just long enough to check for guildies, or to see if Alrik was on so I could invite, but then I went imp side today, with my PT Tank. Had several good matches.


Had a VS where I got to see my team doing that "leap across the gap" thing at the first bridge. I know the mechanics of the area allow it, but it still feels kinda like cheating. They were asking those of us still on the "front" side to position ourselves on the edge so they could leap to us. I went to do that and promptly fell off the edge and ended up in respawn. So that helped a lot. :o I did however, manage to pop a couple guys out of stealth with flame sweep and stop their ninja cap attempt when I was solo guarding west. We held them to barely getting that bridge, and then we stormed through and got further for the win.


Had an AHG where we were pretty much outmatched, and a bunch of people were quitting. But then we managed a double cap on them in the last round and ALMOST held it. They took "ours" back with about 20 seconds left, so we lost that one. :(


Another VS where I backfilled in round 2, with about 5 minutes left, we were still at the first door. I figure, oh, well this is an obvious loss. I see a guy on the east door going 1v1 with the defender, so I go to help. Leap, flame, rail shot, dead! My team mate plants on the door while I watch for incoming. And the bomb blows... game ends, we win. :eek: I was in there for about 30 seconds, and got 9 medals. :cool:


But the best by far was the last match. An AHG against a pub team that had on it a couple well know, but shall remain un-named (because it's against forum policy to name-n-shame - although I don't think these guys would count this as shaming :D ), enthusiastic very tunnel vision guys that we were teamed with for a game or two yesterday. It was the very end of the match, and we were about to lose. One of these guys was just sure he was going to kill me while I was guarding our pylon, and I thought so to. The rest of the team was fighting in the general area, so I didn't worry too much about losing the pylon. But a healer I was guarding earlier decided to join in from "off stage". I don't think this guy realized it, although he must have wondered why my health suddenly started increasing! (Will probably cry about hax! on this forum :D). So I'm not really doing any damage to him, but he's not even coming close to scratching me either at this point. And then..... YOU OWN BOTH PYLONS! DEFEND THEM! With 5 seconds to go. So I just stopped and let him wail on my poor little toon while we won the game. :D

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Which once again shows my discrepancy in subjectively seeing myself compared to what I objectively did.


You are like the balancing force for most of the other players out there. Almost everyone else, when the team loses, chat "YOU ALL SUCK, UNSUB", no matter how they did compared to the rest of the team or the other team. When your team wins, you STILL go, "dang, I sucked", even if you didn't. I think it's because you play only pub. You need to play imp to get that selfish mindset! :D


Actually, I kinda wish that BW would turn off the scoreboard. I know people love their stats, but if all you knew at the end was whether the team won or lost, I wonder if we'd get more team play.


I mean, one of the VS's I mentioned above, I was at the very bottom of the board for my team. I was level 39, and the entire rest of my team was 51 and over, with over 1/2 of them 55 and over. But I don't think I was a waste. I solo guarded the west door for most of our defense, called inc, popped those stealthers out who were going to try to mezz-cap on me, managed to pull a defender back from the door so he could not stop my guys from finishing their plant on the door, plus the normal tank stuff. The healer we had though I was useful enough that I got heals. :D I even got an MVP - although that might have been a pity MVP from being bottom of the board. :D

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Is it because we are the only back peddling guild? Is that the right answer!? :p

Maybe. But that's only because all the other ones gave up since they knew they had no chance against us. :D


I got on about 8 pm pacific, decided to run some with my 58 gunnery commando. This time I took some notes in notepad on 2nd monitor (dual monitors FTW), so I have some more accurate details.


hypergate - backfill, about halfway through, our team was winning. Mandos can wreck people when free casting, exactly what happened. Got 8 medals really quick. It was a bloodbath. It only lasted for a single round, but I still got 10 kills. I hit level 59 after turning in the daily.


Huttball - pubs v imps. We had 4 scoundrels, 2 sent, a sage, commando (me). The imp team was highly organized, lining up for passes. It was over pretty quick. I'm not sure that we ever possessed the ball even for a second. I thought about grabbing it after they scored, but they had a sorc and sniper camping mid the entire game, just waiting for me to grab it. Players were leaving about every 30 sec. But hey, I did top damage with 800 dps, so that counts for something right? Ugh. Wish I had my scoundrel.


Tatooine arena - they had operative heals, veng jugg, sniper, operative dps. We had commando, tank guardian, scoundrel dps, gunslinger. As a mando, this was a game of survive as long as possible. Charged by jugg right off the bat, electro net him, pop Hold The Line and run like crazy, knockback operative, pop shield prior to stun as he re-approached, use med packs and DCDs like crazy (what little mandos have that is). In the chaos, we pulled it off. Managed to spread them out and isolate a dps from the healer, bam dead. I took about 66k damage. Second round more of the same, but I survived a bit longer. The gunslinger lit them up the prior round, so I think they decided to change focus a bit, which means that I got to light them up muwahahaha.


Hypergate - backfill, 628 to 109, 1m30 to go, imps held both. We managed to cap one, but it was over. Strange that in the limited engagements, we were shredding them. I'm guessing stealth caps happened more than once.


Queshball AKA pipeball - Recognized some of the imps from the previous huttball. Same as before. Commandos are not good at huttball. I felt like I could have scored once or twice with my scoundrel, but couldn't even hardly move with it as a commando. Not a ball carrier, for sure. So I ended up just doing dps and trying not to be standing in the spawn zone while their jugg was carrying the ball and looking for a leap target.


Before every match, I made sure to backpedal in large figure 8's through my team in order to help spread awareness of the brilliant tactic known as S-Key. I, myself, was only recently made aware of it from an incredibly insightful post made by Hottie on these pvp forums. The backpedal 8's also serve to assert my dominance as the alpha commando of the group. No other commandos dared challenge me after that. There may not have been any other commandos, but I'm certain that if there were, they would have been suitably cowed.


UPDATE: I decided to run a match with my 60 carnage marauder. He's not geared super well, only about half exhumed, the rest 162. Got a voidstar (NOT A HUTTBALL OR HYPERGATE YESSS). *Ahem, regains composure*. This was imps (us) vs pubs. Both sides had some really good heals. We had a 3100 hps sorc, pubs had a 3000 hps scoundrel and 2500 hps sage. Both sides had a tank with over 500K protection. So this was a pretty serious battle. I managed, erm, 900 dps with 10 kills and 4 deaths. We couldn't get the plant, but they did pretty quickly. They had four gunslingers, so it was hard to stay on top of them. Even still, I managed some kills due to that awesome carnage burst.


I am going to be unsocial

Oh. I see how it is. FINE! :p Nah, but seriously good luck on your leveling. Just don't burn yourself out over it, though. That seems a rather daunting leveling schedule. I'm just trying to schedule in one more over the next month or two.

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And the bomb blows... game ends, we win. :eek: I was in there for about 30 seconds, and got 9 medals. :cool:


I'm sooooo jealous ... :D


Actually, I kinda wish that BW would turn off the scoreboard. I know people love their stats, but if all you knew at the end was whether the team won or lost, I wonder if we'd get more team play.


I have had this thought as well.


The scoreboard does actually 4 things :


- Wins - Reassure those with a high self-esteem how good they are

- Wins - Reasasure those with a low self-esteem how bad they are - because their way to see themselves is distorted through their low self-esteem

- Losses - Reassure those with a high self-esteem that they must work more to become better - if they want to get better, that is

- Losses - Reassure those with a low self-esteem that working more won't lead into becoming better


The worst thing is when people with a low self-esteem regard actual positive contributions by them as "merely a fluke". A low self-esteem almost always leads into seeing themselves as being inferior.

It needs a LOT of self-awareness that there even IS a discrepancy between subjective view and objective view.

And it needs even MORE support to get a poerson with a low self-esteem onto a level of a person with a normal self-.esteem. actually, that's hard work - the more work, the lesser the person is willing to work with his or her own inner psychology - or the more work the less developed the self-esteem actually is.


One example of people with a low self-esteem are victims of bullying. And bullying - on the other hand - is the most sadistic way to shut out any real competition (let's say, competitioon for a girl, or for a prize). And that's why you only see team sportspeople with either normal self-esteem or an bursting-high self-esteem (almost narcistic, in some cases)., But you *never* see people with a *low* self-esteem in sports. Because their development would cost so much more energy from their trainers.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I thought about grabbing it after they scored, but they had a sorc and sniper camping mid the entire game, just waiting for me to grab it.


As a Gunslinger, these are usually m,y first targets. Peeling galore, you know. :D

It's a bit like Minority Report : Peeling before they can peel or or hit my team or something like that. :D


The gunslinger lit them up the prior round, so I think they decided to change focus a bit, which means that I got to light them up muwahahaha.


Must've felt good - especially when playing a Commando, which it the not-so-FOTM-class right now. :D


But on the other hand - I often read that Mercenaries & Commandoes are really good - IF and that's the very point - IF left alone.


Strange that in the limited engagements, we were shredding them.


I had had that once, too. I think it was even that Voidstar match described above : We were so much in awe because of them winning almost all doors in the first round that we really needed some time to get out of our "shock-frozen" state.


Round 2 was bloody. I at least was determined to let them not do the same, and I was not a tiny spark. My flame scourched out everything it saw. :D Actually, thanks to the unknown healer I died only 3 or 4 times in that match round 2.


It was like ... as if they were so much better organized, BUT IF YOU MANAGED TO DRIVE A WEDGE BETWEEN THEM, all that remained was a flock of headless chickens. Or so it seemed to me. With enough pressure, all tactics go awry. Or, as a saying says : "The plan / tactic didn't survice the meeting with reality." :D


I don't think that I can be that good again, maybe in the weekend. Because during the week I'm often too exhausted for PvP matches.


And next saturday or sunday is "my" next TDE pen & paper role play meeting ...

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I am dying of envy, you, guys, playing....


@Teclado: Sounds like Mando sometimes can be a lot of fun, and sometimes… not so much. And, holy cow, those heals you’ve mentioned, I want the coolaid they are drinking!


About your Hypergate, I noticed that sometimes when the losing team is forced to fight as a unit, they fight well. It’s the scattering without a plan that kills them. Maybe that’s what happened.


My play session resulted in my finishing the Operative’s story on level 52, so now I have a joyous perspective of doing Makeb till I hit level 55, then swapping to the Scoundie, since I am re-gearing at 55. I, however finally get the Exfiltrate and been trying to get used to it. Haven’t tested it in a zone yet. Kindda scared to pull a Huttball before I have a chance to practice! On the other hand, maybe I should or I will have my learning curve at 60. I think I’ll compromise and wait till I am 55 on both toons, when I can put the Arkanian set bonus on. So, I can, like, maybe hit 1,500 hps….


I think I might be raiding tonight, but I am not sure, my Imp PvE Guild is probably going to go under. A story of my life.


Gotta go level some more. Ilum....

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S-Key rules again! Was on my non-exfiltrating scoundrel today. I'm not even sure I can claim being a scoundrel if I can't use exfiltrate. But anyway, started off with an arena, of course. Because when you switch toons and have to get use to the keybinds again, you ALWAYS start with an arena. We focused OK the first round, and took out their healer (we didn't have one). But then I forgot to backpedal, so naturally they finished us off in round 1. In round 2, though, I got back in the groove, and we pulled off a victory (well, actually I was lying on the ground dead, but my team mate managed to finish off the last enemy in a 1v1 scenaria). Round 3 we really came together, and beat them for the final win.


Next game was an ACW. It started out good. I was using my backpedaling awesomeness to effectively taunt the enemy team. Every time we lost our second turret, I managed to get 4 or so of them chasing me around (well, me and one other, but that's still occupying 4 of them with 2 of us :D ), and my team went and took back a 2nd turret. But then I got stuck guarding somehow (by, of course, being the last one to flee the scene of the crime), and then when we lost our 2nd turret I was not able to act as decoy, and we never recovered it. Also we had a couple quitters, and one guy who just gave up and stood out in the middle stealthed and did nothing. :( We did not have enough of a lead, and we ended up losing?


Next game was a NC. We took south, and west; our home turf. And dominated the whole game. Except my team excelled at chasing the other guys way off the nodes, and so I got to stick around and backpedal in circles while waiting to stop the inevitable enemy stealth who snuck into the bunker and try to ninja-steal it from us. They took both west and east at one point because 3/4 our team was tunneling that last guy at south. But we out-muscled them so much that we just took west back. Another one of those matches where I kinda wish we'd have lost, because the team was SOOOO bad at actually watching the turrets. But we won.


Then another arena. The other side had two healers, and two DPS. We had 4 dps. We thought we were in trouble, but it turned out we burned them down pretty quick. Round 1 went with only our mando dying. Round 2 one of their healers just staying in stealth, and then waited around for the acid, and then lost. I, of course, was backpedaling the whole time trying to flush him out. :D


Last game was a VS. We had a couple other scoundrels, both high enough level to have their full rotation of Exfiltrate. But no ninja caps happened, amazingly. They watched the doors really well, but we, again, just out-muscled them. We got all the way to the core by just killing them off and planting. On our turn at defense, we actually did watch the doors, and they never got past the first one. I don't think we had a dedicated healer, but we had really good off heals.


Did a bit of PvE. Was really disappointed to finish Balmora and get exactly NOTHING for it. Didn't even get a "quest finished" dialog.


And now I have the Rackghoul plague thing. Honestly, I HATE THAT @#$@#$#%#$%@ thing with a passion. If bioware put exactly one patch into their game this whole friggin year I want to be that we can click a box and just opt out of that whole stupid thing. :mad:

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in a 1v1 scenaria


That's the plural form.

The singular form would be "scenario".


Did a bit of PvE. Was really disappointed to finish Balmora and get exactly NOTHING for it. Didn't even get a "quest finished" dialog.


Sure it wasn't Quesh ? Because that's what happened to me there, with my Commando.


And now I have the Rackghoul plague thing. Honestly, I HATE THAT @#$@#$#%#$%@ thing with a passion.


And I just LOVE it ! It's the exactly ONLY point in the game where I can allow myself to play EVIL ! :D ( By "infecting" others, I mean. :D )

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Hey, ALrick, are you on right now? I can try a guild invite unless the guys caught up with you already?


My Operative is L55, my Scoundrel just dinged 51, so soooon I can get back into the zones. And have 3 FA runs on my hands. OMG.

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That's the plural form.

The singular form would be "scenario".


Actually it was a typo. :D But I didn't even know there was a plural form. I would have guessed "scenarios", so thanks for the fun fact! :D


Sure it wasn't Quesh ? Because that's what happened to me there, with my Commando.


Nope. I know it wasn't quesh, because that's where that toon is headed now. And it will completely SUCK if it happens again on that planet. What good is this 12x XP if your class-quest never finishes!?


On a PvP related note, I started a Guardian named "leaps'to'rescue" who will be a tank once I get em up to lvl 10. Oh, I guess since he's only lvl 7 right now it's still a PvE thing. :o

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Well, S-Key continues to rock. We need more than 3 of us though, so we have to get Alrik in the guild soon. :D


Back on my scoundrel today. I still don't have exfiltrate, so I had to rely on just backpedal. :(


Started with an arena, with 3 dps and a tank, vs 3 dps and a healer. The tank threw a guard on me, and I thought, "Well, I'm s-key, so naturally I can turn on a dime and fill any role!" So I mostly did healer, and just swooped in for an assist with a kill or two. First round we took them down with only 1 loss on our side, and round 2 we didn't lose anyone.


Next was a NC. I went south to help take that, and we just beat them down to the ground and capped it. For the next several engagements it looked like it might be a faceroll with us having the upper hand (get it? upper hand? And I'm a scou... oh never mind :D ). But then, as usual, after answering an inc call to west, I end up solo guarding it. And then we lose south even though the ENTIRE REST OF THE TEAM IS RIGHT THERE AT THE TURRET. Ahem... sorry. So the other team turned it into a good game. But I got back into it when they attacked west again at some point. And then even better when someone else took over guarding at west, and I went and help take east. Which was just a distraction. They took east back, but not before we took south again, and then we held on to south and west for the win.


Final match was an AHG. We started out well, with us slowly getting ahead of them with kills - and then they double capped us. TBH I'm not sure if maybe the turret was left defenseless. I know that no inc call came. At the end of the round 2 people immediately quit. :( Then during round two people were cycling in and out through backfill, including, I saw, the same people that left originally. At the end of round 2 through, I managed a ninja cap against them to complete our own double cap (hurray S-Key!). We were then up again by a bit. But we could not overcome the quitter-deficit and get it back together in time to stay ahead of them. We ended up losing. But that's OK, I got to mezz a stealther who was trying to mess with our pylon in the next-to-last round. I was in stealth myself, responding to the inc call. I noticed the enemy stealth speeding away as the countdown was happening. I got em with my stealth dart, which he broke, so I got em again. And I got to watch from the bunker as the explosion ripped him to pieces. Heh heh. :D

Edited by Banderal
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Actually it was a typo. :D But I didn't even know there was a plural form. I would have guessed "scenarios", so thanks for the fun fact! :D




Nope. I know it wasn't quesh, because that's where that toon is headed now. And it will completely SUCK if it happens again on that planet. What good is this 12x XP if your class-quest never finishes!?


On a PvP related note, I started a Guardian named "leaps'to'rescue" who will be a tank once I get em up to lvl 10. Oh, I guess since he's only lvl 7 right now it's still a PvE thing. :o


Yes, scenarios is a plural form of scenario. Often people assume this is a latin word in origin, so it would be scenarium or scenarius and therefore scenaria as plural, however this word does not exist in latin. The word comes from Italian.


Scenaria is gaining popularity in USA as a wrong but often used plural, but you won't find it in any legit dictionaries; perhaps an online ran one like wiki or urban dictionary, but you can't quote that for truth and you definitely should not use it if you're engaging in serious correspondence.


edit: I did look up scenarium and scaenarium just to see if it exists and it does not. There is a font named that, but that's about it.

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I've just hatted with teclado who was doing a huge amount of reg Arenas (lucky scoundrel!) while I levelled. He is away for the weekend, I should be on on Saturday, away Sunday, so maybe catch either one of you on. I am still not 55, but about level and a half away.... so once I do-over the gear I can do either midbies or 60ies for a bit of a break, but i still need FA-Ziost run on my PT before I leave, and I dunno if I will have much time next week.


Argh, so sorry to be leaving with EVERYTHING happening!

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I think I had four arenas in six games - one CW and one voidstar. I decided to try out Ruffian (DoT spec) on my scoundrel. Although the DoT spread mechanic can't touch Serenity Shadows', it's still quite a bit of fun. No burst whatsoever, but lots o dots.


I don't recall many of the details (I failed to take notes this time), but I'll blame Domi for distracting me. :p For the arenas, I think I won two, lost two. I think. All I remember is DoT'ing people up and rolling away, and them dying very slowly. The civil war was a match already in progress and it was all but over. We managed to take two turrets in the last 10 seconds of the game, so I'll call that a victory. In the voidstar, I managed to disable the bomb on the first door. Granted, it was only planted because none of us were doing a particularly good job of watching the door, and an operative got a sneaky plant in. But hey, I didn't give up, just rolled to the door, flashbanged the planter, and disabled it. :D


Out for a few days. I figure the imps could use the reprieve from my awefulness er I mean awesomeness.

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As hatred Assassin ? :D;)

Nah, we tried on hats. Over here in NA, we have a term "hatting" or past tense "hatted" which means "the trying on of various hats." In SWTOR, that basically means we were just shopping for head pieces. :p

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Nah, we tried on hats. Over here in NA, we have a term "hatting" or past tense "hatted" which means "the trying on of various hats." In SWTOR, that basically means we were just shopping for head pieces. :p


And then once you find the perfect hat, you click "hide head slot" so that it doesn't mess up that perfect "do" that you bought from the CC. :D

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