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A PvP a Day...


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Nicely done Cox. You should queue pub side with us. I'll see if I can get off work a little early Friday since Domi and Banderal are living in the future from my perspective. :p



Oh and we should put a team together. I count four of us if you are in, Cox.


DOUBLE EDIT: I probably need to learn to read. :o

Edited by teclado
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Nicely done Cox. You should queue pub side with us. I'll see if I can get off work a little early Friday since Domi and Banderal are living in the future from my perspective. :p



Oh and we should put a team together. I count four of us if you are in, Cox.


I'd love to, but I play on a different server... I'm on The Progenitor. :o


But I'll cheer for you all regardless, and I look forward to read your exploits. :)

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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Nicely done Cox.


Agreed. "Woot!" for you. :)


You should queue pub side with us. I'll see if I can get off work a little early Friday since Domi and Banderal are living in the future from my perspective. :p


We are? I'm EST. I thought Domi was Pacific? In any event, I saw that Cox said he was on a different server, but he should totally transfer. I need someone to carry me. :D


I didn't know you could queue "solo" while in a group? Is that what you said you did Cox? Because it sounded like it.


And I don't know if I'll be on Friday night. I know, I suck. RL might intervene though, not sure yet. Otherwise... well, it was recommended I learn how to run a Shadow DPS in another thread, just so I can apply some of those tricks while I'm in tank mode. So maybe that would work (as Domi suggested). But I've NEVER run a Shadow DPS, or any high level DPS. I'd have to switch disciplines, right? I assume it puts you in the tank category off of the disc you are in, not the stance?

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Yes, you can hit 'solo' queue button while groupped up. The game will still place you at random. :) Oh, and Cox, your next score to aim for is 1350! :) Cox is an inspiring example, for sure, patiently working on the character in regs, till having the great control and knowledge of it.


I am MST, but PST seems to be the standard server time. Okay, I did wake up, going to see if I am too sleepy to try out a few ideas I got out of a quick chat with sensei or finally get my Op to 33, and transfer the gear to Scoundrel to go to level 41 with a gear refurbishment at level 33. Just got an idea on keybinds too I want to try out peculiar to my set up.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Yes, you can hit 'solo' queue button while groupped up. The game will still place you at random. :) Oh, and Cox, your next score to aim for is 1350! :) Cox is an inspiring example, for sure, patiently working on the character in regs, till having the great control and knowledge of it.


I am MST, but PST seems to be the standard server time. Okay, I did wake up, going to see if I am too sleepy to try out a few ideas I got out of a quick chat with sensei or finally get my Op to 33, and transfer the gear to Scoundrel to go to level 41 with a gear refurbishment at level 33. Just got an idea on keybinds too I want to try out peculiar to my set up.


Domi, you make me blush... :D


I'm not such a great player as you make me seem, I'm just like anyone else who plays for fun. Good enough to hold my ground, but that's it. :o

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@Kronichabit – please, do! At some point we might actually manage 4 people on at the same time. :)


@Cox: no need to blush. You are doing really great, and I admire your approach. Very focused and I think you will make the transition easily. You have both great attitude and aptitude! Yay!


@Alrick: I’ll be trying to get off earlier on Friday, to get home in the early afternoon. Teclado I think was thinking 6 pm PST. I only want 2 games tops, just to remember the intensity and take the homework back to the regs, because I know I still haven’t learned how to play the AC correctly. I certainly can’t have one DPS on me and keep healing the group like I am supposed to be able to. Again, Cox is an inspiration!


That’s said, I’d like to put in a couple of hours into the Operative/Scoundrel to make the switch between the characters, reset the keybinds, update the gear and play the beloved Republic side for a bit.


That Togruta announcement makes me think I will still level Merc/Mando heals as well to try it out. I made a placeholder just in case, because it just occurred to me that Glaen is a perfect name, since Mando is Glean, and both is an anagram for Galen.


Played this morning on my Sorc a little bit, and felt far too sluggish to be even remotely happy with how I did.

So, I think the first thing I need to do to improve in my healing, is to start sleeping. I will try to make an ultimate sacrifice and give up coffee! I can’t get more serious than that!.

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Heh, I am sure Galen is not going to be obvious at all for my Mando/Merc, but I like the allusion :)


I was about to get into the zones yesterday, but there was a pug forming on the Fleet for SnV, so I did that to get the second piece of the Arkanian for my 2 pc bonus for the Op/Sc.


Off to get the Op/Sc, then jump into the L60 for practice, maybe see you guys and pull a couple of ranked matches if I feel I am not a total waste of space.


Sensei shared that the LWT are jumping on their Pub toons in prime time lately to farm the other Imperials, so... gonna be peculiar.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Domi, didn't you bail on the last ranked you organized? :p


Anyway, played some games on my lowbie scoundrel for a bit. Then switched to my high level shadow to group with Domi and Tecl. We did one game... dang, I forget what it was! I think a NC. I know we won. :D Then Domi abandoned us. Tecl & I got in the solo ranked queue for a bit, but it didn't pop, so we switched to lowbies to group with Alrik.


Once there we had a pipeball that we won, but it was a really close game. Final score was us 2, them 1. But they were INCHES away from scoring with about 20 seconds left I think. We got lucky and manage to stop them... or maybe it was the excellent skill of tecl or alrik, because I was caught behind the acid and couldn't do much to the ball carrier who was 30 feet away. But the team manage to kill him before the score, so we held onto the win.


Then we had a NC where Tecl was promptly told how terrible he was even while he executed the strategy that turned the game around and resulted in a win. Alrik did a fine job as leader. I guarded the off node, as usual. :D


I think we had a more "text-book" ACW where we basically held an off-node and mid against several attacks.


Final game (after tecl left) was unfortunately a loss. :( Another ACW. "Mr. Leader" took over at the start, with very definite "1/7/0" "DO NOT SEND MORE THAN 1 TO OURS" "DO NOT GO TO THEIRS!" I went to ours. They sent 2 high levels, and when I called inc people came to help. We eventually finished them off and took it. But we just could not hold anything since they could kills us off very quickly. We kept re-capping on them, because they sucked at actually watching the nodes they were guarding. I think I ninja capped no less than 3 times. :D But we still lost. The "Mr. Leader" quit the game sometime in the middle. I'm like, "really? because we were following your strategy!" :confused:

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Yes, very close matches, very well done. One Alderaan match was even so close that I couldn't believe it and wrote an "We won ???" in red letters into the ops channel. :D ( I'm always embarassed when I get leader status from the system - I never understood by which measure ? )


Anyway, it was huge fun. :)


Half past 4 in the early morning local time I decided to get some sleep.

Fortunately, before that, I had been sleeping a tiny bit before going online for PvP again. ;)


My Gunslinger is now fresh level 28, by the way.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Yes, very close matches, very well done. One Alderaan match was even so close that I couldn't believe it and wrote an "We won ???" in red letters into the ops channel. :D ( I'm always embarassed when I get leader status from the system - I never understood by which measure ? )


Anyway, it was huge fun. :)


Half past 4 in the early morning local time I decided to get some sleep.

Fortunately, before that, I had been sleeping a tiny bit before going online for PvP again. ;)


My Gunslinger is now fresh level 28, by the way.


I believe Ops Group Leadership is given to higher Valor in PvP by default, but don't quote me on that. :o


In regs, on my Lightning Sorc at Valor 88 I tend to have lead about 80% of times, and when I don't the one who gets it is usually a higher Valor than I am. :cool:


Still, if others know better, feel free to correct me! :D

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Yeah, I've been playing so badly lately, I did not want to screw up anyone. Sorry it did not pop, guys. I'll try to play Sage/Sorc more this week to get some sort of player confidence back, but right now it's at all time low.


I copied my sage on the PTS, will do whatever dl or whatnot to get onto the server later in the day to see how bad the Noble Sacrifice now is.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I believe Ops Group Leadership is given to higher Valor in PvP by default, but don't quote me on that. :o


I just quoted you on that! :D


I don't know if this is still the way it is, but it USED to be the person that had the most-full valor bar. So, even if you had valor 50, and I had valor 1... if I were 90% of the way to valor 2, and you were 10% of the way to valor 51, it would pick me. You could see this easily if you leveled by PvP, because you would level to 18, after about 2 matches cap your valor at 18, and then you would be leader for almost every match until you leveled to 19. At which point you would not be leader for about 3 matches, until you capped your valor again.


However, either a lot more people in PvP level exclusively through that now, or maybe they changed it. Because I've noticed it doesn't seem to be so consistent that way anymore.


So that was 3 paragraphs just to say "I don't really know either". :D

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Yeah, I've been playing so badly lately, I did not want to screw up anyone.


Well, for me at least, never EVER worry about "screwing someone else up". If you are not having fun, by all means stop playing... but please don't feel you have to not play because "OMG I might not be able to heal at my top ability". You are a great person to queue with because you try your best, don't rant, you don't quit because we are getting stomped, and you can make fun of it afterwards. I'd MUCH rather have someone like that grouped up with me, than the uber-best player in the world who can't be bothered to be a decent human being.


Just sayin... :D

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Aww, thank you! I do want to play, just don't think I was ready to try out ranked again. When I know I can play better than I am at the moment, it's certainly not the time to get into ranked. :o


Anyway, DL'ing the pTS, hopefully we get some games going there. Lol, my problems with resource management started when I stopped dying in regs, as I used to get my force perfectly recharged in the spawn area.... :D

Edited by DomiSotto
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Tested out Sage/Sorc on the PTS, out of combat. AM depressed and going to level my Scoundrel. On top of it he got kicked out of the guild.... I guess waiting for me to get active on him was too long for the GM... (sigh). :( I feel like Xan: "It's all so pointless...." Edited by DomiSotto
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Yeah, dont worry about screwing me up either. I'm already quite screwed up on my own, anyway. :p


With the ops leader thing, yeah I always thought that it was whoever was the highest percentage of the level that they are currently on. It seems like it was a carryover from the raid ops group functionality that they just basically copied for warzones, then just made up something for WZ - somebody has to be ops leader because they copied code. Highest total valor would make the most sense to me, maybe they changed it at some point.


I would be checking out PTS, but am away this weekend and have only my tablet, kind of a pain to type on this thing haha. Actually not too bad, just fun to complain. :D I read through the sorc/sage changes and I see that they messed with it quite a bit. I guess noble sacrifice (renamed) is now supposed to be a part of the normal rotation and not just an emergency "I need force now" kind of thing? Interesting. Also many changes to amount heling performed and force cost of certain abilities. I guess it's not to your liking, Domi? Maybe it's one of those things that you'd just have to get used to? I could see how it could be quite different.

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Well, it's now like playing Scop, only less overall healing and no stealth. So... why? I really don't want to see people die while I am 2-sec channeling energy resource, and with the proc, it's a choice between a puddle and the Vindication. And if it can be interrupted, we are even more fuped.


If anything, I am starting to warm up to stealth. Actually weirdly felt Okay in the midbies. Even managed to tie a would-be capper over till the team arrived. But I am starting to see why stealth folks complain about non-stealth folk. Put an attacker to sleep while holding the Alderaan mid only to have my partner in crime blast him with all her slinging might. :p


So, I played Alderaan that we won by 10:0, by capping the sides when the score was over 300, and ours - below 300 and holding the sides.... could have went both ways. Lost a VS but close! I was capping the door, and it 'xploded when the timer went off, and that did not count. :( And, won a great AHG. Where I saw yet again a familiar L55 Shadow...I swear, I feel like buying his/her SoR! I think I managed to get my heals to the whooping 1000 hps, but hey, that was good enough.


I am level 32 on him now. Just before finishing, clicked GF just for giggles, and believe it or not, it popped immediately with Cademimu. Nice, but I am still not on the ball with the OCD healing style and NRG management...


Never got to my Sage/Sorc, but hopefully tomorrow I will get a bit of time to run the Sage here or on PTS.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Well scops are REALLY hard to kill 1v1 and probably the most annoying healing class to go against, so if you get to the point where you like it, you may REALLY like it. Just wait until you get the roll. Man that is super fun (or annoying, depending :D). Double roll 12 meters I think it is every 9 seconds! Soooo mobile!


I forgot to mention. I got my sniper up to 35 yesterday, slinger is still at 24. Ran a civil war i which I got to try out my node guarding. We were losing badly at first (triple capped) and probably over half our team bailed. New guys came in and we started to turn things around. At one point I was guarding snow and a pair of shadows showed up and killed me in about two seconds it seemed like haha. But I noticed them and called quickly. One of our guys was on the ball and got there fast (possibly was on his way already anyway). We held the node and held on for a narrow victory. I absolutely love that kind of game! Also had a pair of arenas. I think I see why people don't like playing them in 4 dps vs 4 dps. I got rekt! I think I need to learn how to position myself better, though...

Edited by teclado
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Last night I had some fun in Regs, still on my Lightning Sorc - kind of feeling the character a lot right now. :cool:

I had a few nice WZs, no Arenas, doing stuff I like: kiting. :D

And I may have trolled another Sorc a bit, but hopefully that shock treatment made him realize he didn't play his class the right way... :o


First off, a Novare Coast where we had an Assassin guard our N node, while the team went all for S. We cap our side node and S, but we keep being extremely hard pressed as the opposing team focuses our only Healer a lot, and after they down him taking down our DPS is not that hard.

However, they decide to try our N turret, rather than refocusing us after teh 4th respawn of our Healer. I didn't die yet, myself, because I LoS and selfheal every time I get to about 35% health.

Not because I don't want to die, mind you, but because since the team is poor on AoEs - we have mostly Ops - it's hard to keep the enemies off our turret without an AoEer... :o

Anyway, I see the wave of respawners being repelled S, and notice our Assassin's health is dropping fast. While half the team goes for our N turret, I say in chat I'm going to bait them away, so I go to their turret alone.

This is where things get fun. They have only one Sorc there, guarding. Lightning speeced, actually. :eek:

1vs1, Lightning Sorc vs Lightning Sorc. I start my usual routine of casting mostly on the move, while the otehr Sorc stands in one place, not moving and only using Force Storm... Facepalm moment there. :p

Anyways, I take the Sorc down and cap. The Sorc keeps returning and Force Storming me... Or rather, tries to... Hard to Force Storm a running target. :D

The Sorc goes down again, and we still have 3 turrets, with S being heavy. Slowly, however, the opposing team refocuses on their lost N turret, where I'm guarding. I manage to resist on my own till hte match ends, with this Sorc and 3-4 more coming to recap. LoS, running, timed stuns, Overloads off the ledge behind the turret... I use everything I have. But I survive and make it a 3-0 win, with 100%-0%. I get a total of 4 MVPs. :cool:


Second notable one was an Alderaan Civil War. Balanced team this time, so not a 6 Op, 1 Assassin, 1 Sorc like that Novare Coast. :o

As usual, most of the team goes mid, and we get it contested. Each team caps their side. I mark Healers as I usually do, but we still can't cap mid. As I'm moving up and down the ramps to better control the situation, I take a look at who's guarding their node... The Sorc from that Novare Coast. Well, if you know me you know what I did there... :D

I went for their node. Did my usual work on the move, while that Sorc kept trying to Force Storm me... Downed him and capped. The other team then came to their side with a sizeable force, but as they capped the turret I was guarding on my own, we had capped mid for a while.

WZ was then basically a guard what you have, repel attackers, call incs. We never lost either of our two turrets, and won easily. :cool:


That Sorc I didn't meet again as an opponent, but I had him a few times on my side, so it was my top priority to have anyone but him guard. Usually me. :rolleyes:

I had my fair share of losses and wins but, all in all, a nice night. Mostly PvPing for fun, now that I'm close to optimize my PvP set for Power and Surge, the way I prefer to have it for PvP... :)

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One of my last WZs (didn't play last night) had a situation of me kiting all 3 node guards away frolm Aleraan - with me havin only 1 % health left. :) I was really surprised that my char just didn't die ! :D Romans would pobably say that Fortuna was on my side. :D;) Modern Englishmen ould rather say it was Lady Luck, but in the end iit's both the same figure, I guess ? ;D


Well, meanwhile i kited all 3 away from the node - they obviously all just tried to finish me off :D - someone of my own team was so greatly aware of the situation and took the cannon I had lured them away from. :D


That was a great moment for me : Being The Bait actually had a successful meaning, then. ;)


And - this could be used as a real strategy as well ! It dawned upon me ... At least if the other team is that dumb. :D

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