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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A PvP a Day...


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So PvP... first I went and did 3 class missions to catch up to where I would actually get any XP for them. Then did 2 more to level my healer. :D


Today has been a run of AHG. First one set the tone, where my team left the pylon empty. I ran to guard it, and got attacked immediately, while I still only had 1/2 health. I called inc, and some people came, but we were still outmatched, and they took it from us. They kept dominating.


Finally, on the last round, we needed to stop them from capping to even have a chance. I ran to their pylon, and one guy followed me. I'm a sage healer, so no stealth or anything, just went for the heck of it. They had 2 defenders, so I figured - well, this is a bust. But then one of them decided to engage my team mate. I did my 4 second stun on the other, and he broke it immediately! Then I start my mezz (not instant) and I figure he'll break my cast. But that doesn't happen either, so I start to cap the pylon while he dangles helplessly in front of me. His buddy is still concentrating on my team mate... 6.... 5... 4... 3... (enemy has both pylons... CRAP! they took ours while I was taking theirs :( )...2.... 1.... cap. So we got it, but they still won. :(


Since then it's been two more games of AHG where I got to practice kiting... and guarding the pylon also.


Oh, and I finished chapter 1 of the inquisitor story, and am about 90% of the way to level 39. :D

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Oh, wow, you are the same level as Gori now!


I've played PvP this morning instead of levelling, lol. Had an AMAZING VS were we started 5 vs 8, and won. People trickled in, and the other team was farming too too much allowing us to plant. And by the time we were on defense, we were at full capacity, so No Pasaran! Unfortunately by then they also got clued in who the heals were, and we all got focused to oblivion. :p

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So PvP... first I went and did 3 class missions to catch up to where I would actually get any XP for them. Then did 2 more to level my healer. :D


Today has been a run of AHG. First one set the tone, where my team left the pylon empty. I ran to guard it, and got attacked immediately, while I still only had 1/2 health. I called inc, and some people came, but we were still outmatched, and they took it from us. They kept dominating.


Finally, on the last round, we needed to stop them from capping to even have a chance. I ran to their pylon, and one guy followed me. I'm a sage healer, so no stealth or anything, just went for the heck of it. They had 2 defenders, so I figured - well, this is a bust. But then one of them decided to engage my team mate. I did my 4 second stun on the other, and he broke it immediately! Then I start my mezz (not instant) and I figure he'll break my cast. But that doesn't happen either, so I start to cap the pylon while he dangles helplessly in front of me. His buddy is still concentrating on my team mate... 6.... 5... 4... 3... (enemy has both pylons... CRAP! they took ours while I was taking theirs :( )...2.... 1.... cap. So we got it, but they still won. :(


Since then it's been two more games of AHG where I got to practice kiting... and guarding the pylon also.


Oh, and I finished chapter 1 of the inquisitor story, and am about 90% of the way to level 39. :D


Sounds familiar to me.


This kind of games often happens when it is evening to night in Europe, and morning to mid-day in the U.S. ... I wonder why.

And I'm talking about the Harbinger.

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I don't know Alrik. I play mostly weekday nights, EST, and I seem to get a mix. Except that Tuesdays the pubs usually are the better side to be on - otherwise it's a toss up. I was playing my imp-side healer tonight. Domi & I got into a couple AHG matches. On the first one we pretty much kicked their butts. I had to guard the pylon, but our team responded to inc calls, and didn't really need a healer so it was fine. The second one we got our butts kicked, even though I did not have to guard the pylon and was able to heal.


Then I did some class missions and I got her up to 41 via the AWESOME 12x XP (who said that was bad? That person was an idiot. :) ). I tried a couple more PvP matches to get to use my AOE puddle heal! And got 2 pipeballs, where I have no idea how the heck an aoe heal is useful at all, since it's such a mobile game. We won the first one easily - 6 to 0. I even got to pull someone out of the mob, and right up to the goal, so he could run in for the score. :D The second one I backfilled into when it was already 0 to 4 against us. We lost that one 0 to 6.


Still... puddle! :D

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Puddle is useful when you have 3 stacks of Resplendence. Then it's immediate, and would save your behind or the behinds of a few friends :)


Yep, that first AHG was awesome! Second wasn't that bad and you were healing something awesome :)

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Today I took my Lightning Sorc back into WZs. I ran just a few, 4 or 5, and regardless of teh fact my team lost them all, I had a lot of fun, at least. :o


First off, Alderaan Civil War agaisnt Reps. My team starts off losing mid, while the others cap it and their side. From this moment on it's a miscoordinated attempt to do something, anything to win. Ppl running everywhere, getting killed, respawning, rinse and repeat. This is what all my team does, except me and two others who actually either guard the off node we have or, if they die, try to do something for hte team. I decide that I'm bored, after the second death against 4 enemies and when our points get below half the opponents' team value. So, what do I do? I go to the off node, alone. I defeat the TK Sage and the Guardian Tank who are guarding it, and... Cap. :eek:

Well, that was unexpected, my kiting is nice, apparently. I then hold it off alone against those two who keep respawning and returning on my own, my team busy repelling the others at our off node.. :D


Second notable WZ is a Voidstar, against Reps again. Here I see we have a premade against us right away, too much coordination on focusing targets - me, especially. :rolleyes:

We actually lose by 9 secs, they open the last set of doors with that time left... Well, I stayed on my own most of the time, but managed to not die and not let them plant on the doors I was guarding, so I guess I did good enough. :p


Every WZ after that I was focused by the Reps, but for whatever reason the only enemies I had to be careful at were a Shadow who kept backstabbing and a GS who kept shooting me to death. Others were more like an annoyance than trouble, tbh. I guess Dark Reaver pays off. :cool:


Well, what was fun in this round of WZs is that I actually had the opposing team work to contain me 3 times out of 5, and when they didn't it was against a premade so we lost anyways. But man, I love when I get to work hard to survive, it makes me feel important... :D

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Did a few matches, including Alderaan. It's astonishing how much the combo PT / Operative / Sorc / Assassin dominated the war zones. I never see anything else, except the occational Sniper or / and Jugg.


Did my weekly today, and did Alderaan as the last match. Of course PT + OP always. Dunno whether premade or just a combo of Ranked players constantly playing together.


Well, my cannon was nnja-capped, and I was almost "pimp-slapped" for this, or so I understood it.


We won in the end, relatively good, but I just hate how easily I'm still defeated.

But I know that ... and I still hate it.


Well, I upgraded by gear a bit, put a crit crystal from the Cartel Market (bought from the GTN) into one of my char's 2 pistols - the other one was an health crystal. I just wanted to better survive battles. ;)


Near the end, I did one shot at an imperial character ... I don't know which one, but I thought that 9999 points of damage was quite good - for me. With level 21 now.


But even with filling that achievement of doing 175.000 damage in one Alderaan battle, I still was in the middle tier of the damage scoreboard. Which people say doesn't matter at all.


But "only matters" wins aren't that much satisfying to me. They usually feel like dry bread with nothing to drink when I'm still in the middle of the scoreboard.


It must be a quite satisfying world for those who mnax everything ouzt, buy the best (and most expensive) mice, keaboards and are trained to hell & back so much that they can dominate everything else.

And it must fill those people with an very satisfying feeling that some people - which they call "scrubs" will never make it.

And sometimes I get the cynical feeling as if they are actually feeding from that. Why trying to be the best when there is no satisfaction to dominate everyone else is connected with it ? I think that this is actually the point of male competition : To show everyone else "I am better than you, and because that, you are inferior". Not long ago I developed a theory that we humans are actually "pack peiople". Like wolves. Why ? Because anywhere you look to, you can see hierarchy pyramids. Firms, wealth, sports, everywhere.

And those who want power over everything usually try their very best to get to the top. It's almost an natural law.

As natural as Murphy's Law.


So, I feel kind of satisfied with my Alderaan match - but it still feels like dry bread to me.

And that even although people say that "dry bread is good !"


I really should rename myself into "Grumpy Gamer". Oh, wait, someone else already has that name ... ;)

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Sorry, folks, really tired, did a run of SnV, and then ran 3 zones on my PT with sensei, and gotta tell you, I am certainly not a FotM that lays waste. I am level 40, and the only thing that pulls me out by the hair are the protection/node guarding points. My damage is still below 300. Why do I always guard the nodes, I don't know. :p
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You guard because you are GOOD! Same reason as me. :D Ok, well, maybe because we are accepting of the fact that we are in an objective based WZ. I think there are at least two types of people in WZ... those who WANT to do objective WZ, and are there for that. And those who just want to duel, and don't have any other outlet, so go into objective WZs and ignore the objectives. I have a bit of an opinion that the second group is a kinda like "well, we want to play american football, and sure the sign up sheet said 'soccer', but there is no place to play american-football, so we are going to come here where the field is sort of similar and we are going to get on your team and then play it as american-football". But that's just my little humble opinion, and worth about what you paid for it. :D


As for PvP... I went back to my shadow-tank with the intent of using the 12x to level a bit, only to find that I was 15 level behind my story! Everything is grey, and you don't get the 12x for grey story missions. I mean, sure 72 wouldn't have been much xp, but it would have been better than 6! :eek: So I spent an hour or so dragging myself through planets, and am now only 10 levels behind. I will probably have caught up about the time the 12x ends.


I also tried a few missions on my now-level-41 healer. Puddle! I have no idea how to use the puddle. I start casting it where are group of my team is fighting in front of the doors in a VS, and by the time I finish they have moved. And I'm like "don't you SEE that big purple circle there where if you stand in it you get healed!? It's right THERE! Just move over 1 FRIGGIN FOOT and you'd be in it!" :D

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Well, I upgraded by gear a bit, put a crit crystal from the Cartel Market (bought from the GTN) into one of my char's 2 pistols - the other one was an health crystal. I just wanted to better survive battles. ;)


Then roll a tank. :D Seriously though, you are a gunslinger, right? I thought the whole point of that class was kind of a glass-cannon. You are not really supposed to survive much if anyone actually gets to you? You should be getting some support from your team, IMO, in order to get better survivability. I know, when I'm running my tank, if the healer is not being pressured I'll usually look for the snipers/slingers next. I've often been in a situation where it's me and a sniper holding a node, and if I help them out they can survive a LOT longer. And if they survive longer, they kill the things attacking us, and that makes me survive longer.


Near the end, I did one shot at an imperial character ... I don't know which one, but I thought that 9999 points of damage was quite good - for me. With level 21 now.


And as you get into the 20's you should start to see your presence makes a more of a difference in the WZ. Honestly, people that complain to no end about how bad it is in middies while you are level 30-something... I think they just don't remember what it was like being level 12 in a lowbie. I mean, I was level 10-20 for about a week I think. I was level 30-40 for two months or something. You are at the low end of mids for a lot longer, unless you power-level through it I guess (12x XP anyone?). :(


I read that bolster is supposed to bolster low levels more, to make up for their lack of abilities. But even if that's true, I don't think they did it enough. Sure, a superstar with a level 10 can probably beat an unskilled player who is level 29. But put a skilled level 10 against a skilled level 29 and see how they do. So yeah, expect to start dominating as you get closer and closer to 29. Then expect to suck again at level 30. :p


But even with filling that achievement of doing 175.000 damage in one Alderaan battle, I still was in the middle tier of the damage scoreboard. Which people say doesn't matter at all.


I agree that it doesn't matter. When picking MVP, for example, I will always immediately cross off my list as candidates anyone who starts crowing about their numbers as if it makes them the best player in the match. I don't discount that good DPS, heal and protection numbers matter... but yeah, I have trouble attributing a win to the guy/gal who was chasing down kills to keep their DPS number high while I was the only one who bothered to remain at the turret and stopped 3 ninja cap attempts and called incs.


I really should rename myself into "Grumpy Gamer". Oh, wait, someone else already has that name ... ;)


This game needs a "harrumph" emote. I'm going to start shouting "GET OFF MY LAWN" when someone comes to attack the turret I'm guarding. :D

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I also tried a few missions on my now-level-41 healer. Puddle! I have no idea how to use the puddle. I start casting it where are group of my team is fighting in front of the doors in a VS, and by the time I finish they have moved. And I'm like "don't you SEE that big purple circle there where if you stand in it you get healed!? It's right THERE! Just move over 1 FRIGGIN FOOT and you'd be in it!" :D


I know this feeling. :D


My own Sage's Healing was very fruitless. :D

And at one point I noticd that it was soooooo much more fun playing DPS Sage in PvE ! :D


Then roll a tank. :D Seriously though, you are a gunslinger, right? I thought the whole point of that class was kind of a glass-cannon. You are not really supposed to survive much if anyone actually gets to you?


I assume that you are right, and yes, I do know my weaknesses. I'm still very frustrated, though.


I once was in an Denova WZ with my currently only tank - Jedi Guardian - level 26 - and was constantly destroyed. I felt like a complete Lemming, giving "them" medals en masse. :D


This was my one and only WZ with him. I will not use him for PvP.

Same goes for my Jedi Sentinel.


This game needs a "harrumph" emote. I'm going to start shouting "GET OFF MY LAWN" when someone comes to attack the turret I'm guarding. :D


Thank you for sending the picture of Treebeard roaming Alderaan WZ into my mind now ! :D


do it.


Nah, people would mistake me for Ron Gilbert, then. And he would most certainly call Dr. Fred to visit me, then. ;)


I really like his blog, by the way. I've been reading it a *lot* several years ago. I like his way of thinking. Although he is often ... well, gruumpy ;) ... too.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Fresh from Coruscant chat :


"For happy and healthy people, grammer is not."


Exactly this way.




Well, I now had the bestest Huttball match of all times ! Yay ! :)

The imp side was ... astonishingly incompetent - so much in fact that they didn't even fetch the ball when it was reset in the middle again ... So much incompetent (and constantly battling others) that I could fetch it once and even score a goal !!! :)


And even worse, I could score TWO goals in the whole match ! :)


The end score was 6:0 for our side, then.

To me, it looks a bit like farming, but on the other hand the other team played as if several members of it were not very much interested in the ball at all ...



They did do a few attempts, but we were better - and most of them were rather interested in duels ? They weren't even peeling that much ...

I died several times because of a few Sorcs, though.

They were accompabnied by a few PTs and Snipers.

Getting CC'd and roasted by fire and lightning at nearly the same time isn't that much fun.


But I never thought I'd do actually TWO scores ! I must make a mark in my calendar for that. ;)

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Dang, I just had 2 AWESOME arenas. I know, I know... "arena" and "awesome" should not be used in the same sentence. :D


But I just loaded up my "now has puddle" healer, and I get an arena pop. "Crap" I think. Oh well. The fight starts, and they focus me like crazy. I go down in about 2 seconds I think. Never even got one heal off. Still, my team manages to get it down to a 2v2, and then a 1v1 match where it could have been anyone's win. But it was their win. 1 down. :(


Next round I concentrate on surviving only. I don't even try to heal anyone else. I stay further away from the pack, and I don't even try the "please interrupt this big sign flashing over my head" puddle heal cast. I manage to survive a bit longer, but still die pretty quick. But apparently my living just a bit longer was enough for the DPS on the team to stack things in our favor. It came down to a 1v1 again, but this time we won!


Round 3. I just run. Run... RUN. RRRUUUUNNNNNNN! They finally decide chasing me while the DPS take them down is not working, and I lose a few of them. That allows me to catch up on my own health a bit. I even manage to catch one of our team who has a sliver (and I mean SLIVER) of health left. I bubble her, put my HOT on her, and start the channeled heal... all as she and a second DPS are trying to take down their last person. And she lives! And so did I. Was a very cool comeback.


Second arena was like a duplicate of the first. They pull me as I'm trying to get the puddle off. I try to get away, fail, and die so fast... just so fast. We end up with a 2v1 (us 2, them 1) fight, but they have a high level PT, almost full health, and both our guys were low on health already. So we lose the first round.


Second round, I try just hanging back a bit. Again they pull me, but I'm ready for it. I survive a bit longer, but not much. And, just like arena #1, it buys our DPS enough time to get ahead... barely. This one ended up a 1v1 with both guys almost dead. But we pulled it off.


And third time... well, again, it's all about me I guess. I don't bother with anyone else at first. This is the arena with the ramps, and the walls and the little room behind you can run back into. We stayed behind the wall. I got one puddle down, and then they got los on me and pulled, but I got out of it and back round the wall. Healed up, but they were coming for me. I ended up running around the through the back room a couple times. An operative was following me, trying to take me down... but having played an operative a bit more I know their number... you have to catch me sucker! You can't do squat from THAT far away. :D


So I'm staying just out of reach of this guys most lethal attacks, and as I'm running round and round the back part of the arena I'm HOTing & bubbling my team when I come in range. They are systematically taking the other guys down. Then one Cc's the op for me, and I got another bubble off... and then it's all over for the other team. I think we lost no one that last time.


So it was fun trying to adjust, and making it work. :D

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To me, it looks a bit like farming, but on the other hand the other team played as if several members of it were not very much interested in the ball at all ...


They probably weren't (not to detract from your scoring - congrats! :D). It frustrates me to no end when it becomes obvious that my team is just there to duel. I've seen games where 4 or 5 of my team is standing around the ball spawn in mid, with the ball just glowing there, no enemy in site at all (I'm coming in from spawn), and no one will even look at it. Sometimes it happens right away. Sometimes if the other team scores on you quick, or scores a couple times without your team ever coming close.


Bleh... and now I have a pipeball. I hope this post isn't prophetic. :D


[Edit: Woot! Another good game. We started with an almost-score, but they stopped our jugger at the last second. Then the fought hard, and managed to score twice. I thought we were done for. But then our jugger finally powers through (with a bit o healing from yours truly :D) and we get 1! With 50 seconds left, an assassin on our side has the ball. But they've stunned him in the acid pit! No problem, I pull em over to safety, and he runs it in for the tie. And then a final fight for the tie-breaker possession. Our jugg manages to get the ball with 16 second left, and holds on for the win!]

Edited by Banderal
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Heya, I am off for the night, I think, but here are some thoughts to consider on the puddle:


The puddle is the best when everyone is hurting some and are nicely grouped up. Until then you are better off rotating your HoT, Trance and stationary channels. Wait till someone herds them cats for a successful and straightforward application.


Don’t start with the puddle, wait till it proc’s with either reduced cast time (less than 3 stacks) or insta (3 stacks). Then you will capture your guys in it.


If you have the insta-proc, drop it the same moment you see red AoE coming up on the 3+ friendlies. Don’t start casting it if someone dropped AoE – the guys will start scrambling away and you won’t get them.


You can also put it on your ranged cluster when a melee Dot-Spreader heads for it with the unmistakable malevolent gleam in his eyes.


As an insta- cast it is also good enough for that one precious ally when all you have on hands other than puddle is the channeled Deliverance/benevolence.




And here is something I was wondering if I can chat with you about to figure what’s the best thing to do. I’ve gotten awesome advice in the past, and maybe I just need to talk this through or something because I am tired of turning it over in my head. :)


So, Okay, I am not cut out for ranked, but I really love regs, and I’d like to keep playing it, and play better.


You, guys, suggested that playing all the ACs is a good way to get there, but the thing is, well….


I have a Sniper, Gunslinger, Marauder, and a Vanguard Tank at Level 60 that I haven’t played in a few weeks or months. I play Healer Sage/Sorcerer mirrors fairly regularly. I also have two more DPS, one on L59 (Vigilance) and one at 40 – a DPS Powertech that I am levelling.


I have never been able to play a DPS well, apart from the old Madness Sorcerer, but that was (I assume) due to the class being drastically overpowered, and I think I have seen it mentioned many times that DoTs don’t reflect the actual performance.


So, I was thinking about stopping PvP'ing and just levelling to finishing the class story on the Powertech, and skipping the Shadow/Assassin and Mercenary/Commando altogether. I would still like to level Scoundrel and Operative in parallel, and I was initially planning on doing one of them as a DPS and another – as heals, but I am thinking of keeping both as heals now.


I just don’t get the DPS role at all. My DPS is way below average, and my targeting/staying on target is awful. I am a stubborn person, but I feel like there is simply no DPS in this game dumbed down enough (to put it bluntly) for me to play, and that I am wasting my time trying all these classes that are great in the capable hands! Honestly, sometimes I feel like apologizing to my poor toons.


I am perfectly average on my healers, and I think I am interested in exploring the tanking again. Am I giving up too too fast? Am I going to lose some amazing experience skipping those 3-4 DPSs?

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Well, all I can say is that some roles naturally suit better to someone than other roles.

For example, I feel most like "me" when I'm playing an ranged DD character, no matter in which RPG I play. And I mean with that offline RPGs as well.


As a Sage Healer, I used to use these things first : Force Armor, the a HOT to catch up the very first incopming damage. Then it gets gritty and dirty, but these first few seconds give you time to analöyse the situation a tiny bit, imho.


The "puddle" is imho best for situatioons like in Voidstar. Lots of people in 1 spot. Ir in Arena, if people really stay together.


But that's just my personal opinion.

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Oh, yes, you certainly want the FA and your HoT on yourself and your best friend that zone. :)


I don't know if I really have a character identity, because the only games I played were 6-toon party turn-based games, and that means playing every character really. I tended towards the bards and druids, but that's just girly-girl 'romantic' class thing. At any rate, I need to pick a couple of characters I play on, plus one I am currently levelling, that's as much as I can possibly handle. :o


Anyway, ran a few midbies on my now L41 PT with Sensei pocket-healing, heh. We actually won a completely crzay Voidstar, but were obliterated in a few more matches.

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I don't know if I really have a character identity, because the only games I played were 6-toon party turn-based games, and that means playing every character really.


If by that you mean things like the Baldur's Gate games, then you should take a look at Pillars of Eterinity (gog.com).

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I know about the Pillars of Eternity. I have Mass Effect and Dragon Age I have not touched yet, so... yeah. I am way behind. To be honest, I :o really like the SWTOR, setting, bells and whistles. To be honest, because I also modded the Infinity and Aurora games so extensively, SWTOR is actually the first game I play rather than poke in adding bits and pieces in a long-long while. Which is pretty novel. Because I actually have to learn the gameplay. Edited by DomiSotto
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Me, I'm an *huge* fan of both offline Drakensang games. (The brand name has been used for an online game, which has *nothing* to do with the original Drakensang setting, too).

If you want low fantasy (in contrast to (A)D&D's high fantasy) in an european-inspired fantasy setting, then take a look oat both offline Drakensang games. There is crafting, too ! ;)

These games are - by the way - the only PC RPGs I know of which have real talent checks on social skills. Which you should really use there.


My very first MMORPG was DDO - Dungeions & Dragons Online - which has dated graphics, but good ither things in the non-graphics area. ;) If you want an "old school" fantasy setting MMORPG, then this is the thing you should look for ! ;)


My "home" in game, though, is and will always be Adventure Games - and Jump & Run games - because I always love a good story being told. ;)

My favourites are still - The Secret Of Monkey Island (MI1) and Indiana Jones And The Fate Of Atlantis - in terms of immersion, story and athmosphere still unrivalled in my opinion.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I've actually looked at the first Drakensang when it first came out and chatted with a few guys testing it on the forums back when. :) Boy, i am dating myself, am I? For me the big thing at the time was companion interactions, and it was not designed for it, the way the Bio games (and mods) were. Anyways, I really just want to play SWTOR for now. I really, really like it. :)


Anyway, I hope to go and level for a bit right now and think about my characters to run in the next few weeks before I start levelling Sc and Op. I think that will be my project for when I come back from EU in August. :)

Edited by DomiSotto
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Well, today, PvP was mixed for me ... Some very good matches, some bad ones. Most notably : An Huttball match with 2 equally incopmpetent teams - and we lost. 1 Voidstar match playing Republic vs. Republic. And my last match, Voidstar again, where we got formed. People in our team sdaw that as well and the team was changing so much because of quittiung people that it was awful. We just had no chance at all.. Fastest or second fastest defeat in Voidstar I can remember. With a new combo : Jugg, OP, PT. Almost entirely consisting of OPs, it seemed to me, moving incredibly fast from side to side, like an voice chat premade. Games with these groups are normally 100 % lost from the beginning on. VERY frustrating. And at that point I just stopped.
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@Domi - I feel kinda bad about not replying to your "what about DPS" post, but I don't really know anything about playing DPS really. I only have that one operative, and she's still lvl 20-something. Maybe make a separate post about it to get people's attention again? :(


@Alrik - I sorta hate playing in an incompetent team and winning because the other team is even more incompetent. I suppose losing is even worse, but I sometimes feel like throwing the game if we are winning. Like, "hey we left the pylon completely unguarded for the 3rd time... you know what, I'm going to go and stand there like I'm guarding, and then if they come I'm just going to let them take it!" I've never actually done that, but I did threaten to once. Then a team mate came to help guard. Then when I whispered that I was not really serious, he left. :rolleyes:


For me, I got Flint to 50! Had some good games, some easy games, and some where we got stomped. The first string of games was interesting... we had a couple quitters during and after round 1 of a VS, where we were attacking and didn't make it through the first door. But then we also held them, and ended up winning the tie breaker (which is I guess kills or something?). Someone typed in chat "owned", before the score even came up. I hope that was a joke because of how close a game it was. :D


Next game I backfilled into was an ACW, and notice the person who I was replacing was one of the quitters from the VS. We lost that one.


Next game was another ACW. I was on the off node, having went there to take it. About a minute in, we had just lost mid, and that same person quit again. At that point I was thinking... "ok, of course you can quit if you want, but do you ever actually finish ANY matches?" :D


Had an arena where we had a "30-something" healer, me (tank) and 2 DPS, vs a higher level healer and 3 DPS (3 stealth & a sniper). They were good at focusing, and took us down the first round, but not without a fight. Second round someone on our team suggested sticking to the back room, and we did that which helped neutralize the sniper, and we took them down. The final round they adjusted a bit, and were able to bring their sniper into play, and again took us down. We lost, but was a fun game with people trying to out-think each other.


Then another VS. This was one of those easy games. I'm not sure we were really that much better than them, but they let me get behind the main fight and distracto-cap. And our team was AMAZING at slowing and not killing them. I raced ahead to the gate, took that down. Raced ahead to the next set of door, planted, and it went off and I still had not seen a single red guy! Got attacked just as I started to try to go through the just exploded door, but still raced ahead and got the next gate down (this time a team mate was with me, so I cc'd while he took down the gate). Then planted on the final door while their one defender that was in position was trying to keep 3 more of my team mates from planting on the other side. And then someone got to the data core before me. :( (ok, really :) ). Was just an amazing run through the maze. They got through the first door I think, not much further.


And then another VS where I got my all time high medal count! 21. :D But it was because I screwed up. We were defending from a heavy attack, and I swear I only looked away from the door for 3 seconds tops, but it was obviously 8, because when I turned back they were just finishing the plant. :o Dang! I wasn't sure this would work, but I popped resilience, and started to disarm. They were firing things off, but I guess didn't hit me with anything that would get through resilience, so I got the disarm medal. Then we went on to win, because they never got another plant, and we got the first door after a minute or so on our attack round.

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Well, I think there is a basic strategy that works regardless in Arenas : It's called


"Stay Together".


We win far more games after I type that into the chat window and people follow this advice, than with other Arena matches.


Even that last Voidstar match wehere we got farmed can be abbreviated to this line :


"Divide & Conquer".


They farmed us - I believe at least - because we were too much widespread as a group and NOT mobving and fighting as ONE body.

And then, the enemy team just picked up each of it with 4 teammates at the same time, then the next one of us, then the next one of us ... Repeat ad nauseam.


Which is another reason why I believe that their side was basically 2 premades, and at least 1 of them with voice chat. You can tell by the way they move ... - AND by the way all 4 of them beat 1 enemy !


So, in my experience, "stay together" just brings the better results.

The only danger in that is AOE.


So, this "stay together" should rather become an "stay together, but not that close that you get AOE'd".


And if I had a Scoundrel, then I'd concentrating on taking out Operatives.

So far I'm concentrating on taking out PTs & Snipers - but when they have competent DDs & Healers behind them, then this just doesn't work very good.


Edit : Is there a possibilitry we could meet at one time on the Harbinger ? I'd like to see you playing. :D

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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