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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A PvP a Day...


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Heh, yep! It does hurt a lot! I mean if you divide your typical healing output per person, it's kind of crazy!


I’ve got time to think about what might have went wrong in my first match. As far as I could tell, I probably dropped under the execute range very fast, that’s why I couldn’t bubble in time. I’ll have to bubble at 60% if I am targeted, as I am not fast enough to catch the 40-45% range. I know a more sophisticated way is to control the DPS by utilizing the two CCs, but I can only cc one immediately, and I am worried that I will not be able to pull heal-self and whirlwind off yet.


Anyway, I am going to try again once I feel confident enough and try a few things out repeatedly in the regs, and see if I can train myself to react with the necessary speed. I wanted to try this morning, actually, but sensei was on-line, so we played a few reg matches, which were fun, won a couple (pipeball, Alderaan) and lost a Voidstar.

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Well, scary! I dragged Tags off the Harbinger and moved him to the Bastion. Then sensei decided to get over there as well for what's left of his/her sub. Then we've lost a Voidstar, and two-manned a NIM Karagga Palace. What a weird night. I do NOT want to see the Tower of Hannoi ever again!
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Well got back into the swing of things on the Progenitor on the Pub side. Only to get into an arena with a fresh lv30 tactics Vanguard and realising three things.

1) There's two guys on my side (up to three in round 2)

2) There a full 4 man premade on the other

3)They're all lv50+

Faceroll ensued. XD

>_> I switched over to groupfinder Flashpoints at that point.

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Ugh, well the bolster fix has not helped my level 36 healer skill any. I still die WAY easy if anyone with any competence even looks at me. Got to heal through an AHG that was like grand central station, people coming and going all the time. Then a couple arenas where we lost big time. Then a ACW, where 3 of us FINALLY managed to take mid from the one guy that was stopping our cap. :o I had a tank at the start of that match, but I think he abandoned me for more worthy protectees before the end.


Finally another AHG, where I don't know how we did. I was concentrating on healing mid, and at least not dying, when the game lost connection to the server and I had to kill it and restart. I didn't notice what the score was before I shut the game down. :(


On the other hand, yesterday with my shadow tank on the pub side was really fun. Lots of matches with 2 or 3 healers, and guard swapping, and taunting, and pulls... even a huttball where I got the ball, had all my CDs running, but was stunned and in a mess of enemies. I thought I had a world of hurt coming, then some sage PULLED me to safety :eek: up on the ramps where I got to run it in for score! That was awesome.

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AHG is my least fav zone to heal to be honest n a Sage/Sorc. It just so... Grand Central! But yeah, too many healing abilities are just not there for you yet. You made me laugh with the tank looking for better protectees... well, you know how it goes, someone's down, guard swap! I am just starting to remember that.


With the bolster, I swear Tags was bolstering above 50 thou before! Now he's just below. Better start grinding that DR again....


And, yay! for your Shadow Tank! :)


I tried my first regs on the Bastion, seems no different than the Binger. After healers and the fast burning DPS, Tags felt good and I am strating to remember his buttons. I am sooo tempted to abandon Tredici the Guardian. By far my least successful toon. I've also got to play a Hutball match with Kre'a, which was super-cool of him to be so welcoming :) But it's weird seeing everyone flagged in the open world. I was not ganked right off the ship, gg! :) And, I have managed to score twice in a Pipeball match, I don't think I have scored multiple times in the same game before. Played a little with sensei, it was a bit odd to have a reversal of roles with me being a tank again, and him/her DPS'ing.


All and all, Bastion was nice, about the only difference was that the heals did not announce themselves before the match like they do on the Binger, and there were far fewer of them. I'd say also less sorcs/sages than I am used to.


Now I just have to figure out how I can possibly juggle all these characters?! ?!

Edited by DomiSotto
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Well, scary! I dragged Tags off the Harbinger and moved him to the Bastion. Then sensei decided to get over there as well for what's left of his/her sub. Then we've lost a Voidstar, and two-manned a NIM Karagga Palace. What a weird night. I do NOT want to see the Tower of Hannoi ever again!


Heya, just wanted to say I've enjoyed your thread and welcome to the Bastion.


Ready for running around on a PvP server? Maybe we will run into each other on Yavin :)

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Back into the fray today on my Lightning Sorc. :)

I ran a couple WZs to gain some more comms, since I still need to update a few pieces to Dark Reaver - lazy me, I forgot to farm for implants and the earpiece... :D


Anyways, I actually had some fun and a bit of a challenge. I ran a few WZs without too much trouble, mostly against an Imp Side premade who tore us apart twice in a row - but I stole them a turret in Alderaan solo, since they just weren't guarding properly. :p

They were pretty much everywhere, always running in a pack of 3-4 ppl. I actually killed their Sorc Healer twice, but mostly due to focus fire. And their Ops backstabbing me all the time made me become as good as kiting as I used to be. ;)

Still, we lost the WZ with about 200-0. But at least it was fun, and I actually got some comments in /say on the lines of "Man, you're a tough beast to fight!" and "You run so much it's impossible to focus you, GJ!" :cool:

Those same guys actually won a Huttball against us a moment later, though this time they kept me focused all the time. I barely almost got to their score line, before 6 of them downed me while being spam healed. :o


Second notable WZ was a Voidstar, this time against Reps. I knew a couple of them because they're friends of mine on Rep Side - though they don't know it was me on my Sorc, haha! :D

I joined the WZ in progress, but not too far from start. As I zone in, I get a warning the first set of doors has been breached. But I'm in the attacking team, so that's ok. I run to one of the doors to join my team and I find a group of 4 enemies behind it, focusing down one of my allies. I used Force Speed, so I have my two instant Lightning Bolts, which I aim to the enemy with the most health: a Shadow DPS. This guy will give me tons of medals in the WZ... :rolleyes:

Anyways, the other three enemies are all fairly low, and the allied Sorc is low himself, but... Yeah. I fire off those two Lightning Bolts, followed by the procced Chail Lightning... And I kill the 4 enemies. All of them. :eek:

Later on in the WZ I noticed their HP were exceedingly high, a clear symptom of PvE gear, but... It made me lol, killing 4 ppl on one attack. :D

We went on without a problem, and the two guys I knew started focusing me. Wherever I was, they were on me, with their Vanguard Tank and Infiltration Shadow. One of the guys I killed earlier, in PvE gear, started following them to try and kill me, but he was always the first one to die - Serenity Shadow, mind you. :)

Still, we got to the Datacron in the end, and with a nice margin.

Defense turn, their attack is tough, they have little time to get where we went. We keep the two doors, and I down that Serenity Shadow in PvE gear a few more times, while also taking down some of the others - in the end I get a total of 39 kills, but I suspect that guy was about half that number... :rolleyes:


Anyways, after this Voidstar I spent a moment to complement the other team's efforts, writing in /say a simple "Well played". This guy begins spamming the /say channel with profanities directed to me, apparently mad at the fact I kept killing him without breaking a sweat. :p

My team leaves, his team leaves too. But not before everyone in there writes in /say a few messages, all along the lines of "[His Name] l2p, he's a good Sorc, and you're a bad Shadow". :D


I have to admit, it felt good to be recognized as a good Sorc, twice... Hopefully soon enough I'll master the char as I used to before this Alts levelling spree... :cool:

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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OMG, it's so funny when the guys you know or "know" start chasing you. There is a certain Sentinel that I always have as my focus if we play together that really makes my life as a Sorcerer a misery. It's super-funny!


Anyway, believe it or not someone managed to get a rise out of me in a warzone. I went guarding west, and when the attack came, sent an advanced call. Nobody came. I was handling it, but an attacker's buddy showed up. I immediately sent a call updating the numbers and mezzed the two. Nobody came. I fought my 2 vs 1 and sent a last desperate call for help. No answer till the bunker changed hands. The answer being: "Why no call?" Well, sigh, if you are too busy on the mid, I understand. But to say there is no call, when I sent 3 out in caps.... so I stood up for myself and told I have called 3 times. And the guy still kept ranting at me.... Maybe next time I will break into a song? Oh, well.

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Stealth open world PvP for the win!!!!!! I actually got into open world PvP on Harb today, with my midbies shadow-tank! Was on Tatt looking to finish the "find outlaws den" quest, because I was really close to leveling, and I thought that might do it. But when I got to the nearest pub base, there were about 6 level 60 imps standing out there, all flagged. I guess these were "nice" imps, because they were mostly just attacking NPCs, and I saw several people travel in and out unmolested. Still THEY WERE IMPS.


So I went into stealth, targeted one that was standing just in range of the outermost NPCs, and then pulled him into mob of them and stunned him. Because, I don't care if you are level 60, my lowly level 46 pull and stun still work on you! :D He died really fast to their focus fire. After that I tried a few more times. One of them finally came in and killed me when I was out of hide-options. A few more high level pubs showed up, and I started following one of them around. We chased down a lvl 60 operative, and sent him crying back home to his mommy. :D Was pretty fun.


Did that amidst some warzones, and finally did level, although I didn't get to outlaw's den. :eek:


@Domi - yep, I'm not a fan of getting "called out" for no call, when I in fact did call out several times. What I always do when that happens is just type into chat "scroll up". I've never had anyone start ranting back at me after that, and I've even gotten an apology once or twice (but usually they just shut up). A few times I've seen someone else type the "scroll up" for me, which is always nice. :D [Edit, I almost forgot Domi - now that you've "raged at someone" in a PvP match, you are FINALLY a true PvPr! You can no longer claim newb status. :D ]


I got yelled at in chat today for not leaving the node. Was at one of the side nodes in ACW with a sage. 3 imps were fighting on our side, but near the tunnels, against two of our guys. The sage left the node and went to help them, and I stayed. After they lost I called out 2 still grass, at which point the sage typed "sure, when you just sit there and do nothing". I refrained from typing anything like "have you ever heard of a stealth capping behind your back after you run off into nowhere's-ville and his buddy cc's you so you can't get back"? Yeah, I didn't type that. I figured if the guy is yelling at me in chat for actually STAYING TO GUARD THE NODE, he's just not going to get it. :( So I kept my mouth shut (except for the call) and, then help came, and we kept the node and won.


@Cox - that's great! It is nice having people stick up for you in chat. And yeah, I like fighting people I know almost more than random strangers. I wish we could arrange complete WZs in this game. Have, say, 10-16 people, imp and/or pub side, that want to PvP - let them go at it in a WZ of their choosing, setting up sides as they see fit. But, alas, I don't see that ever happening. :(

Edited by Banderal
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Also I tried a new "ninja cap" move today. I'm curious if it was the right thing to try. I backfilled into a all-but-lost AHG, with them at about 550 potential, a 40 seconds to go in the round. I figured, what the hay, and stealthed over to their node where a lvl 57 Vanguard was standing on the node protecting. I think those guys have shoulder cannon, right? But I mezz'd him anyway, and started to cap. He stopped it of course... round ends.


Next round starts, and with about a minute to go they are going to win unless we take the node. (They were too busy killing us in mid to just win with orbs I guess?) Again I go there, and I'm thinking... well, I can't just mezz him on the node, I have to get him away from it. So I force-pulled him off the thing, and then while he started his attack rotation I whirlwinded him (if he'd been on the ball completely he'd have probably interrupted that somehow, but either he wasn't worried, or he didn't notice it coming). Then force speed to the node, and then try to cap. I got about 95% capped when he broke and hit me with an attack.


But really, I have no idea if I even had a real chance against him. Will anything like that work against a PT that's paying attention?

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They were pretty much everywhere, always running in a pack of 3-4 ppl.


This is a clear sign of people using voice chat.

When I see this on the enemy team, I consider the game completely lost for my team, unless we have a similar premade.

Sorry, but I've become a bit cynical over that.

Voice chat is unfortunatele so much superior to PUGging.

The imho ONLY chance you have is doing damage where they are not. I mean, when they are running to grass - IMMEDIATELY start an full assault to snow ! Because that's the longest way they've got to cover.

But that's just my personal thought.


But to say there is no call, when I sent 3 out in caps....


The chat window is the culprit here. I believe.

Why and how ?

Well, damage messages and other messages are able to scroll the text in the chat window up.

So far up that your call just disappears, being pushed up by new, incoming "other" messages.

This is the most logical explanaton I can up with - apart from just tunnel vision and stupidity.



Besides, my own toon is now level 16, full of Comms, and I bought 99 PvP Stims & Health Packs for him.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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This is a clear sign of people using voice chat.

When I see this on the enemy team, I consider the game completely lost for my team, unless we have a similar premade.

Sorry, but I've become a bit cynical over that.

Voice chat is unfortunatele so much superior to PUGging.

The imho ONLY chance you have is doing damage where they are not. I mean, when they are running to grass - IMMEDIATELY start an full assault to snow ! Because that's the longest way they've got to cover.

But that's just my personal thought.


Yeah, they were obviously using voice chat - which is why I said they were clearly a premade. ;)


But I actually managed to cap the middle turret by walking from the rear, since nobody was guarding the turret itself, preferring to farm kills from my allies who exited the respawn zone instead. It was fun, after all, to pick on that carelessness. :rolleyes:

I'd say it's something along the lines of "You can have a premade and voice, but if you're not careful enough some people can still pick on you. Like me, for example". :D

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@Banderal: the happiest level in any Vanguard/PT life is Level 52 when we get the Cannon. The cannon have multiple shots, so the second time s/he might still have had rockets left, depending on the time that elapsed. I am surprised s/he went to chase you instead of pulling you in for an up-close and personal, tbh. But, well, we all have different style. Usually though only stealth can successfully cap on their own, and that is risky.


Yesterday, someone managed to cap under sensei's and mine noses, and we were aware we had 2 stealth against us. I was sitting out a sap, and I guess, the guy might have capped part-way still in stealth.


To be honest, I don't mind the formidable premades. When I know that the game is pretty much lost, I find that it is actually fun to go all out and not worry about the objectives.


I have participated in another 2 ranked matches yesterday, and got to fight both with and against the names that get my jaw to drop. Both were wins, which is fantastic, but I can tell you outright I was carried. The common denominator in both of my games was an incredible Assassin. Tbh, I guess, because of the famous names, the guys sort of focused on each-other, so I was actually able to squeeze off some heals, but still having a hard time to stay both sheltered and not LoSing my most valuable DPSs. Seven more games to go!

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Yeah, I really have to force myself into the mindset of not worrying about objectives. But you are right, it certainly makes the experience much more enjoyable (or at least tolerable) if I can just accept that it's a stomping, and figure out some other way to make it fun.


Today (or at least this morning, will probably play tonight some too) I was on my lowbie operative. I REALLY like this guy. I played an op DPS for a bit on POT5, but never took it very far... but dang it's so much fun popping out of stealth and slicing-n-dicing somone. :D It's also really fun fighting another operative/scoundrel. It's like a martial-arts-movie fight almost... who's quicker/better with the stuns, and positioning and moves to get that last stab in and finish the other guy off!


I had one fight I was losing, and I managed to combat-stealth and then stealth-mezz the guy and get away. I'm not too good at running away (my "tank" mentality is not to run away so much as to lure them away, which is not the same thing), so that felt awesome.


We also had one game (ACW) with 7 agents (1 sniper, 6 operatives) and a "I'm completely feeling out of place here" mara. :) We won that one, mostly because we could pop out of stealth and recover a lost turret before they could react in time. Was a fun game though.


Also had a game that I backfilled into where we were struggling to hold even one turret. We kept losing them, and then managing to retake one at a time, but never hold 2 at once. At one point, 2 or 3 team mates attacked a turret, and I distracto-capped it behind the enemy back. Then stealthed back and out, and proceeded to hold it against the 3 enemy that were there for quite a while. Eventually I noticed that no one was coming back, out of the original attack team or anyone else, to help hold it. I got a bit snarky, and type "erm, a little help at grass would be nice". And then after the node went down I typed "haha, or not", and someone said "well, you should have called incs". I'm like "really, because it's the same 3 enemies that were here when we we took it, that's hardly incs"... but I supposed I should have. Then the person typed "please speak english", at which point I shut up because nothing productive was happening from that conversation. But I had the last laugh with being at the top of the charts, and being given a few MVPs. :p


Anyway, the final game was a total victory for me and only me! :D Ok, not really just me. It was an AHG. We started short handed, and we were steadily losing ground against them. Came down to the final round, score was about 500-something us, 600-something them (potential score). I decided to go try to ninja cap. They left NO guard, it turned out. So I capped it with about 50 seconds left. A bit early for an AHG ninja cap, but I actually was planning on a stealth defender being there that I'd have to deal with, and I didn't want to wait TOO late and have no time at all to deal with em. Anyway, when they came to take it back, about 4 of them, I managed to stealth-mezz and hold them off without messing myself up, until more help arrived from my team. And we held both pylons until the end for the win. :D (As a side note, I really wish this game would put some "mark of shame" on people who quit a WZ, but then the team they quit from ends up winning.)

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I've had *very* different experiences this day. I mean, it's late afternoon / early eavening here ((local time), and it's morning / noon in america ... Well, I don't know who plays then, but the experiences couldn't have been more different :


- First, an Arena, with 2 BHs and an Operative, I think ... on their side. We had 2 guardians, one sentinel, and me. Of course we lost, because they had everything a pressure composition had.


- Second, Denova, totally controlling the game with the exception that the imperial side team held 1 cannon - but nothing else. They had no chance apart from that. I didn't see any from the names from that Arena, though.


but dang it's so much fun popping out of stealth and slicing-n-dicing somone.


Yeah, like me, for example, got "sliced" very much in that Arena.


I should have been much more mobile, because the only real weakness of a Gunslinger is close combat - but I wasn't. My fault.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Yeah, like me, for example, got "sliced" very much in that Arena.


Well, my apologies if anyone I sliced and diced was you. :( I think it could have been. You are on the pub side, lowbies, on Harb right now, right? My operative is in lowbies on the imp side, named Ache'n'pain. On the other hand, are you a gunslinger I think you said? I seem to have trouble with gunslingers/snipers - so you might have been shot-to-the-heading me instead. :eek: If it's any consolation, when you hit mids I'll group up with you with Flint, and then I can provide some guards and taunts and peels to help you out. :D

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Maybe, or maybe not, I have an notoriously bad memory for names, anyway. :D


Apart from the daily I did some more matches - and got this ability to interupt other characters' actions only at level 19. Sad.


MatchMaker still doesn't like me and almostg alw<ys places me into matches against pressure comps full with BHs and no Vanguards on Republic side. But that was already sorted out, thanks to Domi's Leaderboards thread. The inbalance wit this class is just horrific - and this means that the side which has more pressure classes on their side always wins - through sheer out-DPsssing EVERYTHING.


My öast match was such a case : 1 PT, 2 Mercs, 2 Assassins, 1 Saboteur on their side ... I don't even remember the rest anymore, but there was most definitively no marauder there. Meanwhile our side had not that much long range characters at all - all close range, and we had no chance. One BH even made an "dance" emote with me while I was mezzed or stunned or what it was. Of course it is funny for power-hungry people to dance with someone while he is stunned to death, to put it cynically.


I just don't get it : All of these pressurew groups on Imp side and none on Republic side ... If we had so much more of Vanguards, Commandos, Gunslingers, Scoundrels etc. in low level, thenm it would be so much better for us ... But there aren't. None of the Republic players is aggressive enough toi have this "will to win" and use long-range pressure classes for that.


And to me, that's a meta which shows that there just is no balance in the classes anymore - simply because of the compositions.

They can do as much class balancing as they want - as long as pressure comps are dominating EVERYTHING, it's going to be worse, worse, worse.


And again, it's what I#ve said so many times : It's the psychological factor - at which Bioware is notoriously bad in predicting.

They can do as much class balancing what they want -if the play psychology is exploiting the tiniestz inbalance in meta, then it's going to be FUBAR.


And because of this meta - pressure comps dominating everything - people on pub side get frustrated and reroll to the winner's side - making the winners' side even stronger. This is the meta.

And even worse : They on the Republic side don't see that they would have a good chance if they would just build up their own pressure comps -

- but to this I blame both Bioware ANd community : Doing so as if mirror classes didn't exist ( ALL talk about skills is about imp side - pub side is NEVERmentioned ! ), and the IMp side HAD actually stronger classes ... I just can't imagine any other reason why people are rerolling imp instead of building up their own pressure groups.


And if nothing changes, then indeed there will be - as I predicted - remain nothing but im gaming in SWTOR - at least on PvP side, but PvE side is also infected right now, thanks to "hold the line" and ome BH bugs which don't appear on pub side.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Hi, guys!


Wow, glad you are enjoying that Operative, Banderal. I have seen you on-line! I hope to catch up with you on Gori.


I tried the regs on the Bastion, did not like it. I pugged a zone and the grass was left unguarded - I assumed that the guy who was on it was the one who quit, so I backfilled and guarded. Most matches on the Bastion seem to start under-numbered with people quitting and backfilling all the time; fighting off-node and with no apparent purpose is common. Very few healers compared to the Harbinger's over-abundance. Sensei says people quit the solo ranked all the time as well. Overall, I gotta say, the Harbinger comes out with a glowing report compared. If I decide to continue my sub, I will be moving Tags back once I have the coins.


Tried pugging solo ranked yesterday. Unfortunately 3 times in a row proved too much for the long-suffering ranked PvP'ers of the Binger. Heh, gotta do it only once a night if at all. I tried opening the bubble earlier to dodge the burst, but it did not work in the long run, and it really angers the DPSs. Had a loooong chat with sensei after that, he thinks I should heal through it starting with the adrenal. Well, we'll see when I finally have enough confidence to try to pug again.


I have to go grind a little on Tredici to try to get him to that L60 before the 4th.

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I did healing today. Got another level on my sorc healer, making her 37. It was mostly brutal though. Well, maybe brutal is a bit of an overstatement, except for the last game.


Started off with a backfill voidstar, where I got in just as team 1 was grabbing the data core. Then we fought back on our attack round. At least we were not shut out, but we only made it to the 2nd set of doors.


Another VS found us defending first. Be we didn't manage awareness very well, and they kept getting plants on "off" doors. We did manage to stop them in the final room. Then we spent our entire attack round at the first doors. They were not really killing us off, but we also couldn't kill them. Was a VERY long round. Someone typed in general, "Voidstar, where you go to top your DPS and heal personal bests". And that was the truth! I did my personal best with about 850K heals. :) And we had 3 actual GOOD tanks in that game. All with at least 100K protection, and they were peeling for me and the other healer(s). It was awesome. Although, that's probably part of why we never got past the first doors... we were all healers and tanks. We had no DPS. :(


We got beat down pretty bad in a NC. It started with a bad omen, where no one was going east, so I did. After taking east, I saw the other team was kicking our butts at south. So I typed in chat that I was a healer, an if we needed one south someone replace me. Someone did... but the entire rest of the team decided to make a bee-line to some spot directly between east and west, and then just fight there. I don't know if several people had the idea to replace me at east, and then tried to go west and got caught, or what? But then the people respawning ran RIGHT BACK THERE. Which, again, I guess to be nice, there was a danger that the huge mob of enemy still there could have finished going east and taken that from us... but, well, it was wierd.


I died trying to get back south, so after I respawned I went to their west and practiced kiting and los'ing the sniper that was guarding. At one point I was successfully keeping two of them busy (the sniper, and a melee that showed up to help), and maintaining my health. The melee (sry, don't remember flavor) took off after a while, which I thought was also odd. I attacked the sniper in earnest then, and almost had worn him down with DOTs, when different helper showed up. Helper #2 caught me be surprise (or was just better then me :) ) and I went down pretty fast then. Still, I kept them going for about 4 or 5 minutes I think. :D


Another VS (a lot of VS today :( ) was finally a WIN! We got to the last room, just barely. But we managed to hold them at the first door until 40 seconds left. I was very proud to have responded to an inc call at west, and get there just in time to use force storm to stop 3 people trying to plant. Lucky for me they were not wise enough to have 2 of them Cc. :D


And then the final VS... ugh. I really still don't understand why some matches I just melt. I have full expertise on this girl. Granted, they had a LOT of 55+ levels (I know at least 5, I think 6 out of the 8), but bolster is supposed to be fixed. In this game, though, it felt like I went from full health to nothing in about 3 hits. Through the bubble and my one little DOT heal I have. And any time I would try to stun or root the people on me I SWEAR they somehow had a breaker of some kind ready. Ah well... it got me to 37 - where I got nothing but a small boost to crushing darkness for my trouble. :(

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Heh, I have seen this people getting lost in a pitched battle kind of thing instead of worrying about the objectives. To be honest, well, it's a part of it. Sometimes it is the undercurrents we don't know about. I was absolutely surprised in a VS yesterday when the Ops Chat said in the second round to not plant the doors. We were a stronger team, so when I got a breather I asked why? And the response was an unequivocal and honest: Just farm. It always reminds me that there are people who played this game for far longer than I did and there are relationships in those groups into which, you as a solo, just barge in.


As for being melted, if you have higher levels, and good players of the class, they can melt you down in a few shots. PTs, Mercenaries and Snipers; an Operative if s/he catches you. Or you could have more than one ranged DPS targeting you.


I have to say the speed at which my character dies basically shell-shocked me the most when I tried those ranked matches. Seriously, I am now thinking, even if this is the last season, I'd rather take my chances and wait till the off-season to try again. I know, I only need 4 games for my 10, but I almost really feel like there is nothing much I can do w/o really upsetting people. Maybe bating focus and healing through it in regs or something. Or, maybe, healer is just not really needed in solo regs, and is simply a hindrance. The team with the smartest DPS will always win.

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I have to say the speed at which my character dies basically shell-shocked me the most when I tried those ranked matches.


It shocked me when I tried to enter PvP for the very first time.


I mean, to me, with this short TTK, it just doesn't feel like an achievement anymore, to be able to beat someone.

Everything is so quick ...

I'm fond of turn-based combat in games, and when I was playing Age Of Wonders II, a match would take can hour or even more ... I plan, do my move, next the AI plans and does its move, then me again, then the AI again ... Compared that *that* amount of strategic thinking on those turn-based games (like Divinity : Original Sin), PvP here is just BEEEEP.


[ With "BEEEEEEP" being my personal replacement for any "heavy" words. ;) ]


I personally believe that it would rather suit certain personalities, if the TTK was longer, and thus it would feel much more like an real achievement ... But Bioware and Psychology ... :rolleyes:

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Just did my dailies before it's time for me to get some sleep - now THAt was real work ! :eek:

Both teams were of neartly equal measure, but in the end we won. They managed to get "our" nodes, though, and kept them for a while. We were able to reclaim them back, but not without heavy fighting. And I begin to hate stealthed Agents ... And in the end, it was very satisfying to win after all oif this hard work. :)

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Sounds cool! I love the close zones.


You know, today was the first time i actually was enjoying playing my guardian a little. Or at least it was not the impaling myself on the lightsabre feel. I am still not L60, so this feeling is not going to last, I am sure. ;)

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