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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A PvP a Day...


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A couple of ours actually get orbs, while I keep the enemies busy mid - taking them where orbs are not spawning, so they let us gather them. :D


That's the spirit of a Peeler ! :D;)


@Alrik - you probably know all this, but sounds like you have... uhm... Seasonal <something>(Affect?) Disorder. Have you tried full-spectrum lights? IMO they are still nothing like having actual sunlight, but they are supposed to help.


Seasonal depressions ? Yes, indeed. And I do have a light source to battle this. It works very good in my case. I've never had that few seasonal depressions since I have that special lamp.


In Pugs there is no "tried and true" strategy.


This is what I believe as well, personally.


Reason ? Simple : No-one knows the other one. Except for comrades or friends, ergo : No-one knows what the other one will do next. They might decide to some tactic that's ... not that good ... But you've got no choice and must cope with it. Curcumvent all bad decisiuons from others so that the other team still has something to do. And that's imho, the works of a Peeler : Giving the others so much to do that they cannot exploit our own teams' mistakes.


As others have often say : The amount of needed situational awareness is the far highest in Regs with PUGs.


Edit : The number of people who sghould hold a node is very much dependent on how good they are, and what classes they use as well. If there's a newish healer who is not that competent, then, guarding that node (because no-one else does it - yes, that can happen in PUGs, too ! ): 2 People. Minumum. The more untrained the people are, the more of them should guard a node, imho, but I never write this in the chat. It's merely an mental rule I have.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Seasonal depressions ? Yes, indeed. And I do have a light source to battle this. It works very good in my case. I've never had that few seasonal depressions since I have that special lamp.





This is what I believe as well, personally.


Reason ? Simple : No-one knows the other one. Except for comrades or friends...


Hahaha. You know what one of my RL friends does when we are running PvE content in various games? He gets bored, and decides to run around and aggro EVERYTHING IN SITE and pull it back to us just to liven things up. So I can't even trust my friends to be sensible or do what I expect! (Although, I guess we now expect that from said friend, and besides, it does liven things up. And sometimes we pull through. Which is kinda fun. :D )

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Oh, lots of things going one.


Well, I swear by the steam room and hot tub combo for getting through our 6+ months of winter here. :)


In regards to splitting the group in the beginning of the wargames, 1 or 2 stealth could steal a node, but you need better than a pug, because the message that they either not buying it or cannot be hold off th emid has to go super fast. I generally think that having two to go cap the node is an overreaction, unless it is known that the opposite team packs stealth. I dunno, I think it's better to be consistently checking the walls on Alderaan and quickly redeploying than splitting up.


And I've graduated to midbies! Oh, my!

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That's the spirit of a Peeler ! :D;)




Yeah, well, I have the advantage ppl tend to focus me as they see my name - thus the joke about being famous :p - so it's not that hard to peel off allies. :D


Once you get to that level of "notoriety" you can pretty much put up with that, and with a good healer and tank company you can become unkillable. Provided you know your stuff, that is... :cool:


Up to now the only character I can reach that level of "peeling" utility is my Sorc, and that's because I PvPed with him ever since 55 became top level and I got there. I went through all the 55 PvP sets with him, finishing with that ol'good Obroan that I placed in my cargo hold as a relic of the past. Restarting at 60, I got to Dark Reaver surprisingly fast, considering I didn't stockpile anything at all before 3.0. :)


Still yeah, if you find your class, you're going to become either an Unbreakable Wall, an Unstoppable Weapon or, which is my case, a Terrible Annoyer.

My DPS and Heals aren't be top rating, but the survival chances of my team tends to be a lot better than they'd be if I just sat there DPSing, in my experience.

When I die, most of the times either I brought a lot of points through objectives or I took the other team into low enough health to be at a disadvantage. Unless I took someone down, that is. ;)

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The truer words were not spoken, Cox. :)


And, Alric, the invitation stands! You too, like Banderal and I, can get facrolled together in the midbies! We had some quality ones today, and actually laughed all the way through trying our characters out.


Then, when I decided to get mightier through levelling, and I had a wonderful surprise of seeing sensei come on line. :) It was great to catch up on playing a Sorcerer, and back to Cox the Beasts point about notoriety... well, here is one of those 'this didn't just happen' crazy screenshots for you. I tried to blot out the names the best I could, but we were 4 healers, 3 sorcs and a merc against the trinity. And we won. 2:0. The beginning of it did play out like a comic sketch with people dropping in and out both sides (at some point we had a DPS!!!!) till Girrada had enough of it and just tossed us all in.




And now, I really need to put my mind to levelling, or I will never get to play a FotM!!!!!

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I'll preface this post with a few facts.

1) I'm a relatively new player (since the last 12xXP)

2) I'm on Progenitor (Faction balance might be a bit whack but i wouldn't know)

3) I'm a casual-ish player (totally in for story :p)


I've had fun with SWTOR, and i'm still having fun with SWTOR even after levelling a Marauder to 60, Sage to 57, etc.


Now admittedly I've played pvp primarily as Telekinetics Sage & Lethality Operative in the lv31-59 bracket and Concealment Operative & Tactics Vanguard & Bodyguard Mercenary in lv10-30 bracket, with the most time being spent on my Lethality Operative.


Personally, i go into pvp with the mind set of having fun. If I win, I win. If I lose, I lose. I may rage at some losses more than others (the horror of competent double premade :eek:) though. I still lose more often than I win but I work mostly on trying to contribute to the team.This thread has been very much a positive note among all the other trollish? threads.


Keep up the PvP ranked reports and this thread, both of which are excellent. Oh and leavers in unranked :(.


P.S. my best memory of the week was when as a Lethality Operative, I trailed a Juggernaught to grass on Civil War, and we managed to cap the node while holding off first 1 then eventually 4 guys.



Off topic but IMO levelling pre 3.0 seemed a bit more rewarding as you get to invest your skill points. But the current system is okay too.

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Hi, thank you for dropping by! Trade a tale :)


I agree with your premise. When the game is forfeited, I often do a practice round, and start paying attention to my rotation, would pick a fight or see how many I can kite. Facrolls, losses… bah. It all fades. As long as the fun was had, I’m good to laugh at the three red caps. What’s unacceptable to me is bashing my team. When I am starting to feel like a martyr, I stop playing.


I was a copy-cat, up till recently with the builds, but I am starting to get interested in adapting the character’s stats, utilities and rotation to my ability as a player. I am also much more curious about the different ACs then I were in the beginning… scratch that. Ever. I used to pick a class because the description appealed to me, heh.


All and all, despite me liking the story a lot, and that restless feeling I have to try PvE, in the end of the day, the most interesting thing for me is to throw a character together and see how I am faring at level 60 with it. I do really wish my natural talent was sufficient to play in the ranked in the main pack sitting at around 900-1200 rating. I think it would have been lots of fun, and the gambling nature of it is pretty cool.


I was playing a little yesterday. A bit with sensei and even had some time to ask a few more questions. We got facerolled with Banderal a couple of times. I tried to play with a guildie, but the toon dropped out when we started losing a game. This morning I went to hand in the daily via a warzone, and saw another notable Sorcerer healer play, which was awesome, I have never seen that toon in action before.


I find that I can do some damage in the midbies, but only if we are heavily focusing (which is ideal anyway). This morning I hit Level 38, so I should be getting a bit better. Overall, I so far prefer the PT-DPS to Guardian DPS, but I have managed to put the best damage on the Guardian so far.

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Yes, yesterday was another slightly painful day. I still remember the lovely arena we had with a lvl 55 tank who ended both rounds of our loss with 0 protection. :( But still I haven't learned to kite that well as a healer and keep myself alive without help. I wonder if I'm too much trying to keep everyone else up with heals as much as possible and should just become selfish when I'm being thrashed, and make it just me me me. I guess if I can keep 2 or 3 busy and stay alive for a while, but basically not heal anyone else, is that a win for the team?


Today I was trying to level my shiny new DPS (concealment) operative. Had a couple rough matches, and then a good arena where people did what they were supposed to. The other team had a healer that tried to hang back to heal, but that just left him vulnerable to you know who (that would be me :D ). Then ended with a really close ACW which we lost by 20 points. We had em good, then they ninja-took a turret. There was no call, but I can't really blame that person. Mid had become empty, and we still only had one defender at the off node. I should have transitioned, but I have no speed-move ability yet, so I still transition REALLY slowly.


The operative class feels a lot more "job specific" than the others. Seems like I need to sneak around behind and go after healers, or I get demolished. As soon as I end up being the one trying to stop caps, and do off heals, and help take down someone in the middle of the mess... I die really fast. But I also need the rest of me team to do there thing, because when I open up on the healer, if I'm immediately jumped and rooted, and then jumped to and rooted again by peelers (dang those PEELERS!) then, again, I die. Is that just the way it is with an op, or do I not have the tools yet to survive much (lvl 18 right now), or do I just suck with the class?

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Heya. Yep, according to sensei, you have to live first (self explanatory), control the flow of the battle (by leaving the DPS that do useless things to re-evaluate their priorities in the spawn area) and be the force multiplier (I like that!).


And, on Level 18 you absolutely missing key abilities. Operative is supposed to bloom fairly early, but I don't think it's as early as that + I bet you don't have all the slots filled! You know how it goes, by Level 27 you will be knocking people down and out! Then, come level 30.... things change and we are back on the school bench till some point in the 40'ies or 50'ies when each AC comes to a full bloom.


I did not yet feel like sticking my nose into midbies again, so I finished Taris, and switched to L60 Sorc. I really tried today, but my hps is not going over 1700 hps. I don't know what people possibly do to reach those coveted 2 and 3 thou numbers? Have groups that stand in tight convenient clusters hurting at 35% simultaneously? At least I managed to drill in my new burst sequence of power-up, deli, bene-bene when my Hot-mend-trance is on CD and insta puddle ain't yet proced pulling it off a few times.


From the zones we had a fun Hutball, when the guys told those who suck to guard the mid, so I stayed and healed the 2 DPS that guarded the mid. Kindda boring but hey. We won. Lost a very close Alderaan (20:0) where by some unfathomable reason I ended up defending the mid all the time, managed to get the things under control till reinforcements arrived a couple of times, but ended up double cc'd in a 3 vs. 1 too far away from the turret and missed the cap and was v.annoyed. A great arena though, were we won 3 vs 4 with 3 sorcs (2 heals) and got a sniper second round, which we won playfully. I think we won a Voidstar, but lost one too, lost another Alderaan, one of those faceroll things.


Tomorrow is our traditional Faceroll Tuesday, so I think I might do the Republic, because I like the whole tragic hero aspect of it!

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>_< Sneaking behind enemy lines and ganking the healer? Totally legit :cool:


Still though, repeatedly warzoning against that one Republic Sage healer was most enlightening on how a competent/semi competent healer sage can kite my poor agent forever. Hopefully i managed to hold off the healer from directly contributing to the fight.


Yeah its seems that the 'magical' levels are 51? and 26? typically the level where you gain massive boost from your shiny new attack/proc from your respective discipline tree.


P.S. I'm not all that sure but usually healers seem to act as DPS bait, allowing the rest of the team to wail on the healer's attackers. Its worse when taunted obviously.



Really need to optimise utilities for PvP and not PvE seeing as its rather pointless since I'm way overleveled for solo content.

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Yes, absolutely, rebuild your utilities for PvP, if you are not doing much of the PvE content. To be honest, I also build the armor sets with the PvP stats too, even as I level, simply to get used to the stats priorities. I know it doesn’t really make any difference, but class stories are so easy at this point, so why not.


Level 21 is the first benchmark because that’s when you can have all 14 slots filled and get full expertise value.

In terms of levels, I think it is L51 when you have a complete rotation, save for the replacement you get at 57. Utilities though play an important role as well. For example, on my Sage, I would easily see the difference in performance if I did not have either the Mobility or the Stun Dmg Reduction HU’s.


Guys, I think, I will just do Sage or Sorc today and tomorrow after levelling PT for a bit to continue to work towards my goal of hitting the blessed 2,000 hps.


From what I’ve observed comparing what I do to how much I get, what it takes to get there: 0 deaths; maximize AoE heals; stay with the main group only; minimize periods of kiting and healing self (I seem to do it far too much). So, location, location, location and watching the team for the better raid-wide heals.


Then I will be back on the Knight to try to get him to L60 and geared up in the basic set hopefully before May the 4th . Maybe I can catch a couple of matches with Banderal while at it if I am lucky! And gods be good, I have a sinking feeling that hitting the DPS target rates will be far, far harder than the healing target rates.


EDIT: Yeah.... won arena, people won Pipeball, the rest were losses, and both wins of course went over the Daily points. Oh, well. No dice on the hps either. Will try to wake up early enough to catch APAC for the Republic daily tomorrow. Did gardening instead of levelling :o

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I got lucky with matches yesterday (faceroll Tuesday) on the pub side. First match started bad, with a NC where 2 went south and the rest split east/west and we got east and that was all. Then the blaming started. :( But after that I hit a string of good teams, starting with an amazing healer in a VS that I tanked for, where I ended with 0 deaths despite being in the thick of it most of the time. Got through the weekly in 3 matches, and made level 45. :)


Today I concentrated on my operative. I just got the ability where my tact-advantage regens if I strike while someone is poisoned. Seems to help my damage, plus I"m learning how to use the class better (I hope!). But I still find it difficult to stay as CLOSE as I need to for all my big attacks to work! I'm like "stop running away! Just stand there and take the knives to the back like you are supposed to dang it!"


I have to get all my slots filled now though. Just made level 20, and wasn't it just mentioned that @ 21 is when I can have everything filled in (I always forget)? Except I need to get my light side up to level 2 (yes, I go light side, even on sith :D ) so I can grab the relics. I need to finish the first full planet so I get my droid companion, and can run the diplomacy missions faster.

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Been working on mostly powering through the IA storyline these last few days, so not much pvp was done. Much rage was caused by Sith incompetency . :mad:




The rage at Sith infighting - Thanaton vs Sith Inquisitor, Darth Baras vs Sith Warrior & Dark Vowrawn. Nice nods to both the SI, SW, RT and JC storylines though :D


While the premise behind a galaxy wide conspiracy against the Sith and Jedi Orders is interesting, the fact that the Star Cabal is portrayed to be able to literally manipulate other people with no chance of failure is trying my suspension of disbelief. Perhaps its just myself but I would have preferred a simpler more plausible war profiteering style to the Star Cabal, or perhaps indicating that they were merely taking advantage of the evolving events of the War.


Oh my IA was most relieved when Hunter turned out to be female. Creepy, stalker much? ;)


Overall I rather enjoyed the IA's storyline, the nods here and there to other PCs were nice, and thinking back I was actually messing around wit the Star Cabal as far back as Chapter 1, which is better inter-chapter continuity then the other stories i have complete (Consular, Warrior).


I felt as if my cool, composed, and calculated Chiss Operative was gradually worn down over the course of Chapter 2 (dammed hypocritical Pubs!), had an outburst at Keeper (Shara, she dumped me :() at the end of it, and just as chapter 3 rolled along, managed to regain composure only to find out that yeah Intelligence was being unceremoniously shutdown at the HEIGHT OF WAR with the Pubs!


BTW Chiss Secret Police FTW :D




But yeah as an Operative, Lethality discipline no less, I find rather hard to pin down opponents for combat, but IIRC the Concealment Operative has crippling slice? which is one more root/mezz than Lethality. :) Even then Ops still have flashbang, debilitate (cooldown reducation utility), crippling slice (root instead of mezz utility), which gives the OPs some options, better than some other classes *cough*Maras*cough* :p


For Novarre Coast, the usual plan for midbies at least seems to be 1 west/east then rest mid, or if people were being brave 2 west/east with 1 peeling off to harass east/west, not sure about the meta in other servers mind. This is the map where i get facerolled alot though, since short rush distances and the confined nature of combat (for Ops) make it rather hard to sneak when the other side is packing copious amounts of AOE and non-squishy/hard to pin down targets (Sorcs, Sins, Juggs). That and the amount of firepower being put on display on screen can kinda kill my system.


The plan normally for me is to stealth in sleep dart if I can then backstab, corrosive grenade (if possible AOE spread) or corrosive dart (single target), debilitate (single target) or flashbang (multiple) then lay in corrosive shots or it the target purges spring crippling slice/sever tendon. Works well if i'm initiating obviously and is best at single target focus down due to the nature of my discipline but I still remember getting rekted by double scroundle cc lock :eek:.


Huttball/Quesh Ball is easily my worse warzone. Apparently my class is suppose to be good for this type of match (roll hype!) up but yeah its probably just me not getting what I am suppose to. :o I kinda was being pounded on while holding the ball and in panic i combat stealthed out just as a friendly Sorc rescued me over to the goal line.


P.S. :( Sadness because my newly made Jedi Guardian can't be a wise cracking snarker.


P.P.S. Went back to my Vanguard (lv26-ish) for more Taris story. :( The hole where full-auto used to be is still there (Perhaps a replacement skill that uses my rifle pls Bioware? Doesn't have to be even good.).

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(Waves) I was back on my Knight yesterday for a few zones, mostly wanting to impale myself on my own lightsabre to stop the torture. By the end of it, I decided to change my main targeting keybind, from the middle wheel to the side button, next to the 'closest enemy', maybe my targeting problems are because I roll the wheel or something. As Girrada would say 'really, really terrible". BUT! This week's warzones award 4,000 conquest points per killing blow, so I got 20,000+ conquest points after my Weekly, I couldn't believe it!


Okay, sounds like *everyone*is playing an Operative, I really need to take a look at my Scoundrel, test him out on a dummy and maybe see if I can catch up with Alrick's new Gunslinger. Then we can pool our thoughts together and see how to play it on the low levels. Actually, I remember them being fairly effective on the low levels. I have a feeling though, I will have the same troubles I did/continue to have on my Knight. I remember that video by Quinan he rarely did stealth. It is a Huttball one on L29, maybe worth re-watching.


Then sensei came on-line, and, well, I talked him/her into the Eternity Vault, which s/he promptly upgraded to NiM, by some miracle we managed to find 4 more people, and I am so under-slept right now, I am just going go and do character maintenance, catching up on the dialogues and whatnot. Because I doubt I can find a warzone button, let alone heal anyone.

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Yes its entirely my inexperience with the class post gaining roll. ;) Gotta get into more Huttball matches to practice. Just don't feel like an Operative in Huttball and thats probably what's throwing me off.


But then again I am a rather casual-ish player :p.

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BUT! This week's warzones award 4,000 conquest points per killing blow, so I got 20,000+ conquest points after my Weekly, I couldn't believe it!
Yeah, that objective doesn't seem to be repeatable, or I'd have hit my cap in one Voidstar.
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By the end of it, I decided to change my main targeting keybind, from the middle wheel to the side button,.


... And I don't even havbe a mouse with more than 3 keys, lol ... ( And the mouse wheel, which is in fact the 3rd key, isn't even recognized by my consciousness as a 3rd key ... )


Now people are going to hate me because I'm playing with imperfect RL gear ... LOL :D

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Folks, sorry, I think I won't be on tonight. Family stuff.




Aww, Alrick, NO!


Heh, if anything I feel worse about having a great set up with poor results. There are these incredible players on Harbinger that connect with terrible lags and I doesn’t stop them from being awesome.

If you are interested, I think the biggest improvement in mouse that I have noticed was going from the regular 3-button one to the 5 button one, because the 2 buttons on the side keyed to the two immediate abilities were really useful.


I went to the 16-button in hopes that I can learn to properly strafe, by binding all movement and targeting on the right hand and all the fighting on the left.


In practice, I can’t strafe, only kite and heal or shoot. My brain doesn’t process 3 things necessary to do it (move, adjust facing and execute an ability).


I have only trained myself to use maybe 5 out of 12 buttons by memory on the side. 1,2, 4,7 and 8. By whatever reason while 3 and 6 should be easy to add, it is not for me, and I keep using my Function row instead. The buttons feel too tight and small, and are not as reactive as the ones on the 5-button mouse, where the side buttons were large and easily clickable.


I am ashamed to admit, but while I managed to drill in Focus Target/Focus target modifier on my tank and my heals, I am so far unable to use the Target of Target and Focus target’s target on my DPS. I will keep trying to get used to DPS, but frankly I think I am hopeless.

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Hey, I saw Gori online for, uhm, 10 seconds? :D Been working on my PT tank. Had an arena as my first match. Totally sucks having an arena, where every mistake counts, as your first match when you are coming back from a break on that toon and trying to remember your keybinds. But luckily I got with 3 other players that were good, and we won that one.


Then an ACW with a 1/2 way decent team. We took the 2 sides while they were busy trying to win mid from us. Then after I died mid I, of course, went to the sides to help guard. Was a big battle at grass, where we fended them off. Eventually they took it though, but we were 10 pts over the 1/2-way threshold, and so were on our way to winning. Then, when I went to snow to make sure we had enough guards, the other two left! I called out in chat that 1 guard when we were barely over half-way was probably not a good idea, and at least one other person was "listening", and so I got a helper. They did not bother trying to attack us, though, until we also already taken mid. So, another win.


Then I got a bunch of arenas in a row. Had one with 2 epic battles. We had 2 dps/off-heals and 2 tanks. They had 3 heals and a dps. First match lasted to the acid. I had died :( (well, only level 35), but the other 3 guys put up a heck of a fight. The acid favored the other team, though, because they had higher health totals when it seeped in. Round 2 didn't make it to the acid, but it still went a couple minutes. Same thing though, we just could not out-dps the healers. Had a good team as far as cooperation, though, and no one did any chat-combat or rage quit.


Then an arena where I backfilled into a group where the other 3 were stealth. I was already dead, and 2 others died with about 1:30 left. The last guy tried the "stealth till acid" method, but it didn't work. Same thing happened 2nd round, and there was much chat-fu about how lame the stealther was. I didn't really mind sitting there watching them try to search, and neither did anyone else on our team, so no one gave the position away. It might be lame, but I'm not going to get all bent out of shape about it. :)


Then another arena... and now YES! A hutball! (Quesh, which isn't as good, but still...). Ugh... well, that was a big loss. I got those same DPS-hungry players who left me as a single guard in that ACW. :( Yeah - one of them was a tank this time, and had 2 -times my protection numbers, and all of it on his buddy in mid, none on the ball carrier ever. I hate to admit it, but sometimes I just hit my num-lock-key (auto-run) and go do something else for a while. I don't want to doom someone else into backfilling into the match, but I also don't want to spend effort on it. I know, bad me. :(

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(Wave) sorry, Banderal, I did not notice you were on, the RL stuff was quite concerning. Things are looking up now, so, back to fun & games. Hopefully see Alrik and you while I am on Tredici


Yes, I too don’t like the arenas as the first venue on the character, but it’s almost always is, when I log in after work, as there is not enough queue. So, I hear you! When a match is forfeit, I just study the character’s abilities by getting into pointless fights.


This morning I was playing my Sorcerer’s dailies, and finally got to 11/14 DR. I don’t know if it’s even worth it to finish the set, because the remaining 3 pieces all will be 5,000 ranked comms + 1,000 regs to min/max. Eww. I thought I was doing fairly well, though my highest hps was still in 1700’s in the Arena from all things, but saw more unwanted behavior than usual by some reason. Someone from the opposition was emoting at me in an Arena we won; and we had one of those “u - suck, me - martyr” in a VS which we did lose badly.


Looking at the PST, I think I will just stay on the Knight and the PT, and wait to work on the Scoundrel/Op until after the changes.

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