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A PvP a Day...


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Corellia Arena:




Yay, I'm a Centurion now woo hoo!!! They (the enemy) targeted me like no tomorrow, but I was able to keep meself alive while my allies pounded them into the ground. I managed to keep the two Stealthers from gaining any ground by spamming Force Storm (you may nerf it but I will still use it to keep them at bay) and I think they may have just said, "eff it" and decided to attack.


Second round they did not focus me as much and I kept my allies up as best as I could. Didn't lose a man nor woman in either round. Go Cliona, Sorceress Supreme!!!:D



I forgot to add, I used grenades in both rounds to gain some breathing room. Seismic grenades are the bee's knees I tell you, the bee's knees!!! Make sure you craft a whole bunch asap!!!

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I am just using photobucket, tbh because I had an account for ages.


Yay, great zones, though slow pops this morning, did the Imperial side of things. Will log into the pub side later in the day after bunch of chores is done. Can't wait!


Folks, if you can do play with someone, I can't recommend it enough. Playing both together and against one another is simply awesome. :) And, we won another reg arena, in Corellia this time, cool stuff. In round 2, the scary Assassin finally figured out who the weak link was, but the guy was carrying a couple of PvE'rs so... we still managed in our 2 Juggs+2 Sorc team. Otherwise it was all Voidstar after Voidstar with 1 Novare.

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I am done calling out. Makes no sense since no one comes to assist me. If I see the enemy heading towards my node, I'm going to let them have it.

Edited by DeLaaNie
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We totally owned, hard! I made three pulls that lead to scores and I assisted a Mercenary with keeping the smelly 'Pubs occupied on their own platform so that they were few of them to interrupt our ball carriers. I died twice due to suicide, and was murdered once when everything important was on cooldown.


One Gunslinger made it her business to keep me focused on healing myself, but the aforementioned Mercenary kept her busy so she had to relent some of her attacks. Once again I made use of my Seismic grenades but I do have the Waste ones as well. I didn't need to use the Waste grenades since everytime a 'Pub received the ball, they got decimated.


Only 1500 commendations to go!!!

Edited by DeLaaNie
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Been doing pub midbies today with my Shadow. Had a nice pipeball game for starters, with everyone playing huttball. People moving ahead for passes, passing over the hazards instead of trying to run through them. Good stuff like that. We won 6 to zip. :D


Then an arena where we had 2 DPS and 2 tanks vs 2 DPS and 2 healers. We lost bad. Didn't even kill one of them. Although, we didn't focus too well.


Had an AHG... OMG, we were getting crushed so badly that even with TWO ninja caps that we pulled off they STILL won by outkilling us. That's really getting owned. :o


Last game was a good VS. They were holding pretty well, and I'll admit I was resigning myself to a defeat. I should do that more often, because a lot of times when I resign myself to losing we suddenly start winning. :D That happened this time. I had just respawned to see our team finishing up a distracto-cap on the other side from where I was. Rushed in to help stop them from disarming, and then our team did an excellent job of slowing them down instead of killing them. After that first bomb we basically ran right through the rest of the map to the data core. On defense they got the first door with a little over a minute left by killing off all the defenders, but never got the bridge.


Now off to finish chapter 1 of his story. Then probably some empire runs on my healer maybe. He's all of level 19 I think. I hope I get some AOE heals soon.

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I made a score and made a pull that led to a score. Unfortunately for the Republic side, they guarded their own platform which led to us being able to score repeatedly. There were also quite a few Commandos.



Yay, only one more piece of PvP gear to obtain woo hoo!!!

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