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A PvP a Day...


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I am floored by the very thought on what it takes to even enter ranked, let alone raise to the very top. If you'd dropped by to chat about what it's like, at that world apart where you are from, I'd be overawed and amazed.


But you are incorrect. I care about DeLaaNie’s zones. I care about playing the regs. A lot. About the guys who happen to load with me. Whose names I remember, and those I forget. ‘Cause I can’t play without them. They make the game worth loading. I care about anyone who’d come and sit down and trade a story.


Stars, ther eis few enough people who share my interests....


So, maybe a smile, friend? Smile at us, smile with is, what have you. But if you are looking for anything else, it's not here.


/// and back to the world of the real :)


@DeLanie - yep, we've all been there when we saw that pre-made coming :) I prefer a hard faceroll to being stuck at the back-end of the glorious premade that is whipping the floor with those other guys with whom I do belong.


I’ve slept in (ouch!), so no Knight today. But, I had translated spells from Sage into Sorcerer from the Guide, and I have worked out the math on the DR set based on the Dark Reaver Procurement by 2 mirrors simultaneously! I figure if I grind on 2 characters I will get a few hundred extra ‘free’ comms a day from the dailies.


My Sage on the reg-stronger, Republic Side is charged with procuring Boots, Belt, Bracers and OH/MH – that’s 12,175 Ranked comms (36,525 regulars). My Sorcerer, on the reg-weak side has to earn Chest, Legs, Head and Gloves, 10,000 Ranked Comms or 30,000 regs.


I won’t have time today, but tomorrow, brace thyself, O Empire! The Noob Unleashed, the Scourge of the Harbinger is queuing your side of the Fleet, on a L60 character in mostly DPS gear that was just re-keybound based off the bumbling Sage… aww, those poor Sith, Hunters and Agents, enjoy today, for tomorrow I’ll start destroying you with my clueless love of the game.


I’ll try to take a few screenies. Haven’t done it in forever. :)


First rule of the forums, don't feed the trolls lol.


I don't know if I will ever queue for Ranked because after looking at the commendation requirements, I was shellshocked at what is needed to obtain them. Plus, I don't think I can stomach doing Arenas all the time; that may drive me boinkers, lol.


When you do queue for it, make sure to post pics so we can see how well you do. You never know, you may get some rewards for all of your hard work! ^.^

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Don't concern yourself too much with it.Real PvPers like chaos + mass pvp and killing the opposite faction.It's a well enough known fact that true pvpers love world pvp,not instanced pvp.

Ranked is consisted of cookie cutter boring crap that is the same all the time till the end of time.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Don't concern yourself too much with it.Real PvPers like chaos + mass pvp and killing the opposite faction.It's a well enough known fact that true pvpers love world pvp,not instanced pvp.

Ranked is consisted of cookie cutter boring crap that is the same all the time till the end of time.


Wait, are you saying to not try it or that we should try it but prepare to be bored?

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Wait, are you saying to not try it or that we should try it but prepare to be bored?

don't ''try'' it ,but do it. Just don't take it more seriously than other types of pvp.

Edited by Kaedusz
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We won again woo hoo!!! Once again I was on guard duty (sigh) and I once again had "help East" preloaded into my chat. A lone Juggernaut was the challenger this time, but she managed to turn the tables on me by pushing me off of the ledge, lol. That's what I was going to do to her!


Using Force Speed and calling for help, I was able to get back to the bunker while an Assassin came to my aid and we gave it to her good lol. I managed to stay alive once again, and I was able to put the screws to an Operative who was hassling me (after I received some assistance). I managed to kill a Marauder as well, and I helped to take down a Powertech.


The good thing about my group is that they came when requested; something I wasn't able to achieve within the past two Alderaans. I ended up close to the bottom of the barrel because I was not able to heal as much as I wanted, but I made up for it with all of the defender points; I managed to get 10 gold medals (well, the icon on my display not the actual end tally one)!


I am really glad I have access to Revivication as it really helps a lot with healing and being able to use Innervate quickly while receiving a boost to my other skills is just tops. I am thinking of trading in my bubble flash for something else, or maybe I should remove my Force Lift +2 utility and replace it with the sap or something. Hmmmm.

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This is one for the books, lmao! I'll let you guys view the image very closely so you can tell me what you see (no, not me sucking and having guard duty and coming in last, lmfao!).

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don't ''try'' it ,but do it. Just don't take it more seriously than other types of pvp.


I don't take any PvP seriously - I just want to jump in, get pounded, kill some people, and run way, which is exactly what happens a lot, lol. It's supposed to be fun so I make sure to have just that. Whenever I get mauled to death or harassed so I can't heal, I put out a bounty on the person's head and offer a "special" reward, lol.

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I've been having really good huttball (both original and quest) games, and getting facerolled in most everything else. So odd. Both my PT-T and my shiny new Sorc-Healer are still in lowbies. I started out on the tank, got my one win to complete my daily and then hit a "objectives, what are those?" wall.


Switched to my healer, and had the same problem. Got the "let's leave the healer to guard the pylon", and I wasn't really redundant in that game like Domi described when she was left to guard. Still, we survived that and were about to win. Then those 3 purples I just saw standing around the pylon? Yeah, they just all left with about 30 seconds to go, and the enemy took the pylon for a double cap win. :( We did get our own AHG where the other team was in round 1 of facerolling us, and then our operative stole their pylon with about 50 seconds left. We defended both. Then he did it again on the second round, and again we held both. Then we finished two more rounds. They were outkilling us so much that even with 2 double pylon caps we only won by about 50 points. :)


Then I got a quesh HB. I was kicking myself right after I left, because I should have screen shotted the score. We won 6 to zip, and it was literally me following an operative from the ball to the goal, to the ball, to the goal, to the ball, to the goal. I had bubble by this time, and I just kept a bubble on em, and topped off heals as we went. Absolutely fastest game I've ever played (jeesh, you can get from the goal back to the ball REALLY fast in quesh). I was 2nd from the bottom of the scoreboard at the end. He was 2nd from top, with over 12K objective points, but not much else.


Then 2 more huttballs (original) that were also good games, although not quite that easy. And then back to getting facerolled in ACW and NC. Although we had one really close game of NC, with lots of back and forth, where the final score was 8% to 0. Overall I guess it evened out. So I'll call it a good night. :D

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...or maybe I should remove my Force Lift +2 utility and replace it with the sap or something. Hmmmm.


You mean the utility that lets you lift a few more bad guys? That only works in PvE right? Because I don't think other players count as "normal", or whatever the tooltip says about what additional foes it affects. :confused:

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I actually like my Utilities selection right now. They are all set exactly the same way that the thread I linked recommended, except on the Heroic tier I did replace the 30% resistance while stunned with the Super-healing Bubble.


@Banderal: Aww, you know, if I could figure out Huttball I'd be so happy! I actually pulled a couple of Pipeballs, and tried, tried and tried :) I think I also had a couple of Novarres, and a couple of Voidstars. All balanced matches. Two matches - one VS and one Pipeball, it felt like we are going to win, but we did not. The other team rallied and totally get us down in the Pipeball, and the VS... i dunno, They manged to get the blessed datacore and we just missed it by a sliver.


Oh, yes, a Tat arena too. That was a disaster. We were 3 heals, 1 DPS (VG) vs 3 DPS and a heal. I should have pulled out.


We won 1 Novare though. I'm going to cherish this memory. I was guarding West. What else. I felt I put up a stellar performance against the two attackers. Actually, heals holds better against a Sin than the VG-T. My, I am becoming a connoisseur.


Basically every zone had 3 heals on my side. Where all the healers go when I load Tags, I dunno.


As a healer I am just about to reach the bottom of the barrel from the mole's tunnel deep below the bottom of the barrel.


Anyways, a screenie of one of today's attempts at a Dream Come True Turning Nightmare:



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Part of it to be fair is my team's desperate attempts to wrestle for the control. I know that the Huttball is a Sage's great chance to shine, but tbh, I like the AoE stuns, slows and HtL far more than the Speed, Wave and Stun. I have trouble directing wave, I am yet to get into a position where I can both target the ball carrier and pull him or her to where s/he needs to be. About the only improvement today was that I was using the slows and waves a bit more confidently. But still forgetting medpacks/adrenals.
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Part of it to be fair is my team's desperate attempts to wrestle for the control. I know that the Huttball is a Sage's great chance to shine, but tbh, I like the AoE stuns, slows and HtL far more than the Speed, Wave and Stun. I have trouble directing wave, I am yet to get into a position where I can both target the ball carrier and pull him or her to where s/he needs to be. About the only improvement today was that I was using the slows and waves a bit more confidently. But still forgetting medpacks/adrenals.

Eventually it will become muscle memory and then you will get frustrated because you hit your keybind several times over trying to activate your Barrier/medpack/heal only to realize sever lag ruined it.

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I do experience lag once in a while, but it's not what keeping me from an average performance. It's not yet having the instinctive reactions to what to do when on the AC I am running right now. Oh, well. Okay, gotta go run Yavin again, need to get Treek's set on my Smuggler to do some FPs stuff over the weekend with my husband, will go back to the Sage in the afternoon/evening. DOn't want to keep switching the Sage back and forth from the pvE to PvP set. Edited by DomiSotto
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This one was a doozy! They were giving it to us as good as they got and we tore them a new one at every turn. A Juggernaut managed to put me in the ground to keep me at bay from causing damage and heals, but we managed to get a door open and made it to the bridge. At the bridge I tried to extend it to no avail; another Juggernaut and his Operative partner kept my teammates and I very busy so we were unable to proceed.


When it became our turn to defend, an Operative and myself held the Western door, while our teammates held their own at the Eastern door. When I let the Operative know that we had a visitor, two more teammates came over to assist us and we were able to put the screws to them. First it was a Juggernaut, followed by another Juggernaut, followed by a Powertech and each time they reared their heads we lopped them off. Never mess with an Operative/Sorceress tag team (especially when they are both healers) - you'll be sorry!


Only in the final seconds did I vacate my position and rush over to try to assist as best as I could, but by the time I arrived the match was already won. Woo!

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I do experience lag once in a while, but it's not what keeping me from an average performance. It's not yet having the instinctive reactions to what to do when on the AC I am running right now. Oh, well. Okay, gotta go run Yavin again, need to get Treek's set on my Smuggler to do some FPs stuff over the weekend with my husband, will go back to the Sage in the afternoon/evening. DOn't want to keep switching the Sage back and forth from the pvE to PvP set.

It's probably because you are so accustomed to your Trooper that you push buttons that would affect him while forgetting that you are controlling a Sage. This is one reason why I always start from scratch when learning a new specialization - now I can say I am somewhat proficient in all three Sage disciplines (whoops, I meant Sorceress; forgot I switched sides, hehe).


Thanks to the time I spent making over a dozen Sages/Sorceresses, and now that I have basically learned about Corruption, I would not find it difficult to switch specializations before a match and still be able to perform well. Although, I would probably perform well since I tend to heal a lot while I am a DPS and DPS a lot while I am a healer. Yes, I am crazy! :p

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You always liked your hybrids :) I'll pack a few grenades on my Sorcerer, thank you! I think I want to stick to one kind - I have looots of binds :) It is absolutely easier to play from level 10! But, well, I will keep trying till I at least get full exhumed.


Had the weirdest Alderaan just now. At least 5 healers. Mostly sages, a scoundrel, and a couple of Shadows. We won too.... we just waved and force-quaked and stunned and healed our way through it. Poor Empire! The we lost a reg Huttball, 6 to 3. I still did not get to pull anyone! :(


Gonna run a few zones later tonight to finish off the daily, and start the Sorc tomorrow. I think I finally like my keybind layout!


EDIT: And, yep, finished the dailies, and I have to say, my player confidence is hitting the all-time low. I had an arena with a tank who guarded me, the proper comp and all. I tried to hang back, I tried to heal, and I am not able hold it together. I am simply not fast enough. I am really really starting to dread that particular Arena, with the gtn/rafting in the middle. I am not sure where I need to be, how to hide, and I keep LOSing my guys. After that, I was puged with a WoX premade, so yeah, an easy-win Novare. I think we might have had less than 3 healers this time, and I just ran around random-healing, waving and cc'ing. And absolutely hating my boy's counterpart, jugg or guardian who was dead determined to send me packing.

Edited by DomiSotto
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You always liked your hybrids :) I'll pack a few grenades on my Sorcerer, thank you! I think I want to stick to one kind - I have looots of binds :) It is absolutely easier to play from level 10! But, well, I will keep trying till I at least get full exhumed.


Had the weirdest Alderaan just now. At least 5 healers. Mostly sages, a scoundrel, and a couple of Shadows. We won too.... we just waved and force-quaked and stunned and healed our way through it. Poor Empire! The we lost a reg Huttball, 6 to 3. I still did not get to pull anyone! :(


Gonna run a few zones later tonight to finish off the daily, and start the Sorc tomorrow. I think I finally like my keybind layout!


EDIT: And, yep, finished the dailies, and I have to say, my player confidence is hitting the all-time low. I had an arena with a tank who guarded me, the proper comp and all. I tried to hang back, I tried to heal, and I am not able hold it together. I am simply not fast enough. I am really really starting to dread that particular Arena, with the gtn/rafting in the middle. I am not sure where I need to be, how to hide, and I keep LOSing my guys. After that, I was puged with a WoX premade, so yeah, an easy-win Novare. I think we might have had less than 3 healers this time, and I just ran around random-healing, waving and cc'ing. And absolutely hating my boy's counterpart, jugg or guardian who was dead determined to send me packing.


I can't wait until I get full exhumed either! I also want to try pulling as well.

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