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A PvP a Day...


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Got my *** beat, lol. This one was a bit of a tizzy; we had both outer nodes and then the enemy decided to move in a group of six all the time, so it was rough trying to heal, dps, and survive. At one point I just said screw it and focused on healing a mate while ignoring my own life knowing that I wouldn't last long.


And just like I mentioned in a previous topic of mine, a Juggernaut that was harassing me (and could have very well killed me) decided he had enough of me running around and left me alone. Why do people keep doing this, I do not know. When I hit 60, receive full PvP gear, and switch to my favoured specialization, they will rue the day they decided to leave me alive, muahahahahahahahah!




After I saw that we were not going to recover after a few attempts, I decided to head to our one remaining node and dance, lmfao!

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Well, my first day as a Healer could be described as beyond pathetic. I also kept being thrown in with the good guilds playing their dailies, so the contrast was particularly noticeable. Do you now need to get into a premade to end up in the 'to be facerolled' pug where I could be inconspicuous?


At this rate, three-four weeks of facepalming and maybe I can actually stop feeling my ears burning. The problem is I now know enough to see just how badly I am doing.


Of course everyone runs with healers, so I am pretty much redundant too. So, guess what? As a spare healer I went guarding.... :) i dunno if there is a single class in the game I can play and not guard on....

Edited by DomiSotto
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Well, my first day as a Healer could be described as beyond pathetic. I also kept being thrown in with the good guilds playing their dailies, so the contrast was particularly noticeable. Do you now need to get into a premade to end up in the 'to be facerolled' pug where I could be inconspicuous?


At this rate, three-four weeks of facepalming and maybe I can actually stop feeling my ears burning. The problem is I now know enough to see just how badly I am doing.


Of course everyone runs with healers, so I am pretty much redundant too. So, guess what? As a spare healer I went guarding.... :) i dunno if there is a single class in the game I can play and not guard on....


This has to be the best thread in the game's history. Keep doing it, Domi--and keep PvPing. :)

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... i dunno if there is a single class in the game I can play and not guard on....


Yep. This seems to have a lot more to do with the player, and less with the class. I always end up solo guarding also. About the only way I get out of it is after the 4th or 10th game of solo guarding, I put on blinders... "what off node? I don't even see that we have an off node?" And then when it gets attacked, and I run over to help defend it, I end up being the last one standing, and end up solo guarding again anyway... F@$#K! :D

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Day 2.


Yesterday I was actually carried enough by those very nice people to get the MH. So, I did a Yavin milk run this morning prepping the MK-10s and Augments for the Legacy Willpower Healer set. It was a joy to run a mindless slaughter session on my crafter of a Mara.


And I had time to think over the why’s of my terribadness. And, yeah, wouldn’t it be awesome to waltz in and be great right away (like all those fantastic healers who healed my tank, I am awed!). Whine-switch to off, time to get to work.


I am resetting the Utilities again. I tried the set-up recommended in this awesome thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=799723


But I find that I simply do not put out the heals fast enough to bring myself up after coming out of the god-bubble. I need the H2F crutch/the FA’s HoT.


My hiding techniques are still the tank’s. Not good.


I need to work on incorporating the medacks/adrenal/threat drop. I did not have the time to practice it. I need to do the grenades as well, but I will leave it out until I can do a scavenging run to replenish bronzium stocks as my toons have been using the grenades a lot and I am down to 7, so don’t want to waste it till I have a better handle on the other things.


I have finally remembered that on the Sage the Interrupt is bound differently than on everyone else. Now, that would have been helpful yesterday. Actually, I think I use more binds on her than anyone else as well, and they are quite different. I am not looking forward to rebinding the Sorcerer once the legacy set is ready for him.

So, re-learn the keybinds. And, patience. Patience too.

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Well, I jumped on the bandwagon also, and am trying a healer. I was feeling left out. :D


My poor little sorc healer. Got into my first WZ at lvl 11, an AHG. The enemy left me mostly to free cast, so much so that I was running out of force! Is it just me, or do healers drop out of combat faster than other classes? Seems like once I noticed my force was low, it didn't actually take very long for combat to drop and let me seeth.


Anyway, we won that one, and the next was an arena. Uh oh. Low level, sorc healer in an arena. I was, as I said earlier, "bait". I apologized in advance, "sry, guys, not much of a healer here". We do have another sorc healer though, level 20-something. So my plan is to try to hide behind him. :) First round they come after us two healers. I tried to heal the other guys a bit, but both us healers went down pretty fast. Then our two DPS finished of all THREE of them that were left with an amazing display of kick-***-ed-ness. Pretty good first round.


Second round doesn't go so well. They again took out our two healers, and with three of them left. But this time our two DPS had gotten separated, and they took them down. 1 to 1 now. Final round, sudden death!


Round 3 starts, and I decide - screw everyone else, I'm staying alive as long as I can. So I alternate between LoS and and casting my quickest heal over and over and over on myself while the enemy pounds on me. I assume the other healer was helping me stay alive as well, because it worked like magic. The enemy spent too much time getting more and more mad that I wasn't dying, and they didn't notice that our DPS were taking them down "behind the scenes". We won the third round with all of us still alive!


Then more AHG, and a VS was in there somewhere. Haven't gotten focused too much actually. One NC really, and we lost that one. I even have had top heals a couple times. :D

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I was freezing up for the first few zones, then started to come out of it. Focus, focus and focus. And more focus. Equates death, death and death. Basically, I just stopped queue'ing because we are running zones with 3 or more heals. And it also occurred to me, that I am not going to be able to grind one set of gear. Because you trade the pieces in. i am completely messed up, and gonna queue Tag for a moment. I mean, he'll have heals, lol.


And, I have seen a couple of notables in the zones today, thanks to my extensive readings of the LBs. And, I have finally saw someone I have recognized from the fora in the Huttball :)


Last, and not least I have had my first experience of the Stubborn Guy in PvE Set. Two in queue in 192s. As we are losing a zone (Alddie) a guy just gets into the fight with a well-meaning Vanguard who is advising the 162s... the same old argument: getting comms. :p

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Booooo! Hissss! *snakey*


Lol. Had a Guardian on me for some of the match keeping me at bay and preventing me from healing others. At one point I was doing well until my heals could no longer keep up and I got floored, lmao! I think my teammates decided to fight instead of defend, but sometimes you just wanna kick some butt and say, "screw objectives" lol.

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Corellia Arena:




How cool is it to log into a win? Lol! That's what happened for the first round and I was puzzled at first but hey, don't look a gift horse in the mouth! Next round the Juggernaut that our team decided to target first made it his business to force me into retreating/healing meself, but thanks to Electric Bindings, I was able to keep him off of me for a spell while my teammates tore him to pieces.


I think their (the enemy) strategy was to kill me first since our team had two Tanks and one DPS and as such, they focused me like no tomorrow. However, one thing I know how to do well is to run away, lmao (no shame) so it wasn't easy to pin me down. I stunned the Operative who was on me next, and made my way behind a lamppost to avoid incoming damage from their Sniper.


After my team took out the Sniper, we all went after the Operative and put him in the ground as well. I must say, Revivication really helps a lot in arenas especially now that my teammates do not need to remain in the circle. Man, I can't wait to try PvP at level 57 - it's gonna be good!

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These warzones are more rare than a yeti on Tatooine. And once again, our friendly Marauder had "words of wisdom" when we lost, lol.


Dude,no one give a single f*ck about ur warzones.just let u know ^_^ bb

Edited by muratovulkumen
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I am floored by the very thought on what it takes to even enter ranked, let alone raise to the very top. If you'd dropped by to chat about what it's like, at that world apart where you are from, I'd be overawed and amazed.


But you are incorrect. I care about DeLaaNie’s zones. I care about playing the regs. A lot. About the guys who happen to load with me. Whose names I remember, and those I forget. ‘Cause I can’t play without them. They make the game worth loading. I care about anyone who’d come and sit down and trade a story.


Stars, ther eis few enough people who share my interests....


So, maybe a smile, friend? Smile at us, smile with is, what have you. But if you are looking for anything else, it's not here.


/// and back to the world of the real :)


@DeLanie - yep, we've all been there when we saw that pre-made coming :) I prefer a hard faceroll to being stuck at the back-end of the glorious premade that is whipping the floor with those other guys with whom I do belong.


I’ve slept in (ouch!), so no Knight today. But, I had translated spells from Sage into Sorcerer from the Guide, and I have worked out the math on the DR set based on the Dark Reaver Procurement by 2 mirrors simultaneously! I figure if I grind on 2 characters I will get a few hundred extra ‘free’ comms a day from the dailies.


My Sage on the reg-stronger, Republic Side is charged with procuring Boots, Belt, Bracers and OH/MH – that’s 12,175 Ranked comms (36,525 regulars). My Sorcerer, on the reg-weak side has to earn Chest, Legs, Head and Gloves, 10,000 Ranked Comms or 30,000 regs.


I won’t have time today, but tomorrow, brace thyself, O Empire! The Noob Unleashed, the Scourge of the Harbinger is queuing your side of the Fleet, on a L60 character in mostly DPS gear that was just re-keybound based off the bumbling Sage… aww, those poor Sith, Hunters and Agents, enjoy today, for tomorrow I’ll start destroying you with my clueless love of the game.


I’ll try to take a few screenies. Haven’t done it in forever. :)

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We won!!! I once again was relegated to guard duty, but it wasn't so bad. A lone Powertech decided to challenge me for control of the Eastern node, but I showed him that I am not an easy prey. I already had "help East" preloaded into my chat, so once I was sure he was on his way to my position, I entered it twice and soon received help from my teammates.


The Powertech and a few others were too hard for me to kill since he was level 59 and I believe he may have had a few pieces of PvP gear on. Another Sorcerer and myself did our best impressions of Electric Eels and not only kept them at bay, but killed them as well.


I managed to kill an Assassin who was low on HP, and I think I helped to kill one or two others, but my main focus was to keep my teammates alive. The Powertech from before once again challenged me and I believe he could have killed me, but as always happens, they give up on me lol. I don't know what it is, but some people seem to find me too bothersome or something and just leave me alone.


This was the first time I guarded a node, lived, scored kills, and made a lot of medals. Woo hoo!

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