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A PvP a Day...


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OK, this totally makes up for the last matches. I backfilled into another AHG, and immediately saw that no one was guarding our pylon. <sigh> I think. I go guard. Call inc when a stealther mezzs me. Proceed to fight him off while no one shows up to help. Then we get into a ************ match about guarding the pylon. I'm getting to the point where I get tired of going to guard a pylon after I've just watched someone go cap it, run away, and then type into chat "someone needs to guard the pylon". Really? Anyway, so I'm just as much to blame as the rest of the team, because I'm like, "meh, who cares." They take our pylon 2nd round, because again no one at all is watching it, and are way ahead.


We are on the last round of the match. We need their pylon to win. I go attack it solo, thinking there's just one guy there, maybe I'll get lucky (I'm not stealth or anything). But another one sees me, and so I end up fighting two. I run away, just to see, and they both follow! I'm thinking, "if only some stealth on my side were here to cap". But, alas, it's not happening.


Then, and miracles do happen, 2 more backfill, and one of them is an assassin, and we have about 25 seconds left. I head to their pylon, both back fillers come with me. About 6 enemy defenders are at the pylon at this point, and they ALL stream off of it to attack the two of us that are visible. We both lead them way away from the pylon, and the assassin caps with 5 seconds left, and we win. Hurray for backfill. :D

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I also need to find someone to do the Gree next week with. I really want to do the OWP, but a tank on his own ain't exactly awesome.


LoL - I remember my main Shadow over on POT5 when 50 was max. I was in full tank gear. Hard as heck to kill, but I couldn't tear through a wet piece of paper. I was so amazed when I put on DPS gear (there was a time when the shadow/assassin in DPS gear was the top dog I think), and I was "OMG, I can kill people!". I hear that PT tank is like that now, in that they can actually do meaningful damage in addition to being hard to kill? At least, that's what I'm hoping as I level one. :)

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I did it! I did it! I did a successful fire-pull to stop the score and turn the ball over! I immediately died right after to enemy fire, and we got skunked 0 to 6, but who cares... I did a fire pull! :D (I even got congrats by the enemy guy I did it to.)
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My boy was always dressed in the tanking gear. If I could pull a fort augment through his nose, I would. Damage wise, I outDPS'd a newborn kitten the other day, and nearly peed myself with joy. I started advancing to the Manhunter really fast once I started playing the DPS.


And, I've just been burned to crisp by an Engi in a not even remotely close duel over a turret in Alderaan. That does it. Once I am back from running some chores, I am running Rishi and Rishi only and parking the Slings. I should have enough comms to pull together the bonus set and an OH. That should suffice if I decide to go back to DPSin on L60.

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OMG, OMG, fan-girl moment! Just got slaughtered by Ordering-pizza, the Harbinger's #1 Shadow/max wins :) Hopefully it helped him to warm up. And, yep, I swapped on Tageren, finally, and started earning the comms for the MH. I had 2 regular and 0 ranked, lol. I really cleaned it out with that last pieces. All losses, but I am going be back to it after the gym. Yay, gym Yay, Ordering-pizza! :) Such a great morning!
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Time for some experimenting: just remade my Shadow tank into Serenity, but with all my almost DR tank gear (and for now, Fortitude augments). I figure that losing all those threat-builders doesn't really matter in PvP, and the loss of Force Pull and Spinning Kick outside stealth should be offset by a massive increase in dps.


I guess I should use Willpower or Power augments to get some damage done. Time to kill some practice dummies to see what works best - and then into the warzones to try out my Hybrid 3.0 style :cool:


All constructive advice is welcome :eek:

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Jordhanus, you see how it goes as a DPS in a tank gear. Normally, it's the other way around, lol. :)


@Alrik, It's a game. I am not afraid to lose, I am afraid to become embittered.


My Slinger is pretty much L60. I am planning to play a few more games to hit that 60 in a zone – it’s sort of a sentimental thing for me.


Day after day, playing PvP, and there are always these moments that make you feel so awesome! I was in a Huttball match yesterday and my Slinger got the ball, and of course the multiple layers of stuns and roots, and all that… and there is that snap-shot of my toon flying through the air, being dragged into the firetrap by a harpoon, but the ball flying higher over her and passed to a friendly, just as my toon dies. And, a score for my team while rezzing :) 3:3, and we won the match.


Another one was one of those nail-biting Alderaans, where turrets change hands all the time, each and every one of them, and I just remember screaming bloody murder tossing the would-be cappers on the mid, seeing the guys coming over, and well, dying. Then, by some reason, I was guarding the Grass, and I did what Kalarie suggested and micro-spammed the AoE all over the place all the time, alternating with the Hunker Downs (maybe the wrong thing, but, oh, well) while nervously watching the score.


But I also did horribly bad in that GTN Arena (enclosed, with a ramp in the middle), lost my head and a total fail. Argh.


Dusted off my Knight, re-augmented him, and now as soon as the Slinger dings, I will be leading a hazardous life of a mDPS in the midbies, while playing the VG-tank in the evenings. I did some zones on the VG yesterday to get his Weekly, not great overall, but ran with the same healer Sage for a few of them, and a very, very good heals at that. Certainly a model for me to think on when I start playing my Sage again. :p


EDIT: And done! 1 zone, 1 Daily, L60, a great Alderaan. I even managed to put over 700 k damage, and for once run out of energy I was shooting so hard. Ha! Now, shopping. :rolleyes:

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Yesterday was shadow-day, where I played mostly Flint. Had some very tight games with and against some fellow pubs. Had a couple games with a high level op healer that I pocket-tanked for. He was awesome, and helped me get my first 300K plus protection score. Might not be great, but it was my personal best so far with Flint. Then I rolled in against him. I tried to make his life miserable. :) The first game they crushed us, then we have a VS where it looked like a bad start (they planted the first door pretty quick), but then turned into a nail biter that we won!


Today has been PT day (Jetsons, not in my sig yet). He's still in lowbies. But the games so far have been way to easy. Had an AHG where the other team full on attacked our pylon, never got it, and we ended up capping both. Then they did the same thing again, still failed to capture anything and we won the game 6XX to zip. In that one I even used my grapple to rescue our healer that was in trouble, pulling the enemy away and stunning to give some breathing room.

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Haha. I do love the PT-T. He's lvl 24 now. Has some useful stuff, like practically spamming... er, I forget the name, the spin around flame thing that debuffs enemies a bit, but works great as a bring-em-out-of-stealth utilitiy. Only one stun so far, but he does have a slow. Plus the leap, and of course the grapple. :) Plus, and it's probably because he's in the top half of the lowbie group now, but he lasts forever in a fight.


I've played the other two tanks up to max (55 at the time) level, but never the PT all the way up before. Hopefully this time I'll get him there. But I like all the tanks. The Jugg tank just for the free, at will, slow alone - not even mentioning all their other stuff. :D


My very first PvP toon, though, was a Merc (back on a server called "deadweight" - talk about prophetic :) ). I don't remember the tree name anymore, but it was the non-flame DPS one where you basically spammed tracer missile. Funny, it worked great in PvE. :)

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Oh, you will get the Oil Slick on the PT as your AoE slow. It looks as if someone made a hole in your hydraulics, lol. Maybe I should just go and finish a mirror PT as a tank run. I know the idea is to try other classes to know how to counter them, but I am getting tired of alt-hopping. I really see a drop in performance when I switch, and I can’t afford drops as is!


The more I play, the less I want to DPS. There is nothing for it, I am a really, really bad DPS. I am prepared to switch to Defence from Vigilance if I am doing awful on levels 41-47, to try the tank version of the Guardian.


I was sorting out the PvE equipment for my Cunning duo this morning (for Gree), so only had time to pug a Voidstar on her to finish off the Daily. 2 APAC premades that by some reason had 7 players in the middle of the wargame.

I could have stood there with my thumbs stuck in my belt, and they would have won.


Funnily, a Merc just kept going after me, and I was his play-thing, ‘cause I don’t know how to play against sneaky mercs who force a 1vs1 on the nooby Slingers. Chalk up one more for the: “I don’t want to pretend any longer that I can play a DPS,” column.


I doubt I will have time for anything but a PvE Daily on Ilum if that today, unless I will log into an Ilum PvP get together on my one OW PvPable toon. :)

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Just had one great match with my PT-T! Backfilled into a bad looking ACW. Score was about 350 vs 190 (or so). We were just about in "3 cap to win" territory. I landed and saw all the enemy streaming to a side node to protect. I figured, well I didn't make this mess, so I'll just do what I want. :D So I strolled calmly into mid, and started capping. I'm waiting for the mezz... and waiting... and wai... wait I capped! They left no one at mid. Then I look up at the score... 150 to 310. Crap, we fell too far down. They have a 1 turret game. :(


Well, I defend anyway, I hold off a couple until help arrives. Pretty soon the enemy is back massively attacking mid. We are defending, but I figure they'll take it back at any moment. I mean, our guys' hearts can't really be in it, right? We can't win, right? Then... OMG, 3 cap! I don't remember the exact score, but we end up winning something like 40 to 0, by holding the 3 cap the whole time.


Amazing comeback. But other than that today's games have been kinda meh. I leveled both my PT and my Shadow and got NOTHING. WTH? I didn't know there were levels now where you get zip. Not even "power ups" on existing abilities? What a let down, especially on my shadow, where it felt like forever going from 37 to 38. (Either that, or maybe my Hutt holo-trainer is bugged?)

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The biggest anticlimactic level is level 59. You are, like, almost level 60... you can see it... nothing. Wait? NOTHING? Well, yeah, remember your base abilities... yeah.


Congrats on the awesome game!


Totally accidentally got a taste of the OWP PvP. Was doing Dailies, and finally a few guys took pity on me and got me into the Heroics group. So, here is my Mara in 186s with 2 PTs and 1 Merc quietly farming the endless droids in the middle of the PvP area, 'cause it's where it's better to farm droids (who would have thought?).


When another imperial group decides to take us down.


Well, I think my kindly Bounty Hunters were in PvP gear. 'Cause, you know, I thought we'd get dead, but we pulled through like nothing, and what finished off the three of us was a gold star droid that joined into the fun. I would have lived through it too, if I was not so rusty on the Mara that I forgot (!) to camo out. I have not been a Mara for months now.... Oh, well, the Merc (oh, the irony!) lived through it, rezzed us, and we went on farming the droids unmolested.

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Haha, yes, OW PvP is the best when someone else attacks you thinking "easy kill" and you turn the tables on them. :)


Today's games have been kinda bad. On the pub side, just suffering through 3 stompings with my shadow. Got several wins on the imp side with the PT, but not through any skill of the team. Just because the other team happened to be even worse than we were. Had things like no one guarding the pylon (so I did - I always laugh a bit when someone starts ranting about how no one is guarding. "Er, well, you seem to have noticed no one was there, and YOU didn't go guard either. Hmm."). NC where no one bothers to watch the turret, so they cap on us several times. We won both of those games because the other team was even worse, so we were able to take the pylon/turret back, but I felt like we should have lost.


Almost lvl 25 on my PT-T...

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Good stuff. I am still doing Gree, never had a chance before, so no PvP. But I took a day off tomorrow, so hopefully can do the Weekly on my VG-T. Anyway, about to take my husband through Gree. Sigh. Those are the days when it is important to remember that we have a wonderful, long marriage.... :p
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How do you end an AHG where you should have won, but the enemy team ninja capped on you twice with no calls? You /dance at mid! And then when the enemy attacks you, you /say "Hey, I was dancing here!" :D


Grats on Gree though. I think I'm too low level to do that, but I didn't actually check. :)

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It's 50+ and he is still re-equipping. (Sigh)


I am wondering if what I should do in pragmatic terms is start running weeklies on my Sorcerer and my Sage, after switching my Sorcerer to Healer, to earn one set of gear for them, then go ranked on a Sorcerer to learn. After looking at the Leaderboards, I am worried that the Republic simply is not large enough faction on the Harbinger to absorb either a tank or a healer with a learner's licence. Then I can get practice with the Imperial tool, and feel a bit better when I queue on my Sage....


Anyway, if I can get a focus with the Gree, maybe I should, in case that's a better strategy than keep trying with the tank for ranked. 2 tanks in a pug is basically an assured loss, 2 healers is not that bad...

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Unfortunately, in practice, it is likely governed by Murphy's law, so I am pretty positive that if there is another tank in the queue, I'll end up paired up with that player. I have been in a reg arena where the three tanks and a heals. Once I had the second tank who re-specked on the spot and his/her pocket healer healed my tank through it. I still go teary-eyed when I remember it.


Cold logic dictates that re-speccing the Sorcerer is probably my best strategy. And that's not to 'become a contender' lol, but to simply aggravate a minimal number of people. That's providing I can actually heal under extreme circumstances. But, gods, I will miss Tags like crazy.


I'll think about it while grinding Ilum. :)

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Yay! Just did the first OW PvP Dailies on my Trooper! Actually a little bit of everything. First we just ventured in with our party while doing heroics, and the three guys were in PvE gear, so one merc took them down, but I felt satisfied that the toon did not live through the experience, since the guys managed to put quite a dent into the toon's HPs, and I did finish the job. Then once we finished the PvE side, one of the guys switched to his PvP toon, a Shadow, and we did a PvP daily together, got camped, had to switch instance, and in our turn had to take out a couple of the Imperial players to get the orb. It was pretty interesting, though Bio should have given more than 200 comms for the enterprise! :p
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I've done almost no organized OW PvP. Usually I just get ganked. Once in a while someone has picked a "fair" fight, and that's fun.


I made lvl 26 on my PT. I got HO, which protects me from "physics", among other things. LoL. WTH is "physics"? Is it like road runner, where I can run off cliffs and I don't fall? :) I was hoping it was all CC, but the first time I used it and got stunned immediately after activating (and I know it activated because it went on CD). :(

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Had a few nice WZs on my Lightning Sorc, lvl 60, almost full Dark Reaver - just need the unmoddable pieces. :cool:


First one I was against a Guildie - didn't notice he was back from afk, so we found ourselves being opponents on a Quesh Huttball.

Both our teams defended nicely, I had a great Op running the ball, my Guildie was doing hte same in the other team on his Hatred Assassin. But alas, no matter what, nobody was able to get on the opposing team's ledge, nor to actually pass the acid pits. We were at 1 minute from end, 0-0. My Op ally had the ball. Well, guess what, she - female char - ran on one side, arriving on top of the ramp, before being stunlocked right under the acid pit. Well, I snuck on the back of the defenders, coming from the other ramp, and pushed them away - they were too close to the ledge. :D

Then I pulled my Op ally. She rolled and scored at about 3 seconds from the end. WZ ends, she thanks me for the great pull, and I get 7 MVPs. :cool:


A few WZs later, with this Guildie of mine, we find ourselves against a team of well-known PvPers from our server, two premades of 4 ppl. Imps vs Reps.

Well, they strike hard at mid, killing a few of ours because focus fire. Nobody can get orbs, though, because even though my team can't defeat them, they time their attacks on those who try to get orbs nicely.

I'm one of the ones who die on the first attack, though, my Guildie is another. Well, we get out on their side - and I proceed to attack from the rear, unnoticed, apparently. I take down the Sage Healer with little trouble, he didn't even godbubble himself. :D

Then my team proceeds to keep them busy.

My Guildie caps their pylon after sapping hte defender twice, making it use its stunbreaker on the first sap. I can only assume he didn't call the Inc, or that it was ignored. :confused:

Second round goes pretty much the same, nobody can get orbs, but this time I focus on stunning and interrupting the Healer, which apparently doesn't even notice I'm throwing lightnings at it. His Guildie Tank however does, so I'm forced to kite him all the round. My Guildie caps their pylon the same way. :D

Third round, again. I finally manage to get an orb, and get it to our pylon. WZ ends, we win. :D


Third one I want to remembeer here is a Makeb Arena, 4 Sorcs vs 4 Sages. 3 DPS 1 Healer, both sides. Mirroring specs too, actually. Me Lightning, 2 Madness, 1 Corruption. Sages were mirroring the composition perfectly. :eek:

Well, we decide to focus the Healer first, then swap to the top Sage as the Healer would godbubble. Ony problem is... The Healer never godbubbled! It just died! :p

We took the three DPS down no problem, after that. Second round, they decide to focus me, but our Healer is great, and the two Madness Sorcs actually throw their Resurgence on me to help me survive. We kill the Healer same as before, then the 3 DPS. Win. :cool:

All 3 DPS Sages have 0 heals. Their Healer is lower than us Sorc DPS, in the heals compartment. Likely because he died fast both times, though.

I think between us 3 Sorc DPS we passed 1 million dmg. The Sages got barely above 150k each. Sage Healer got 0 dmg. Our medals ranged from 8 to 12. Theirs were about halfway those numbers. This kind of made me feel bad, they were actually PvP geared, judging from HP... Why didn't they put up a fight, I wonder. They did have the means to, since we do aswell. :confused:


Last one I was on my own, and I got another Quesh Huttball. My team was quite various, but mostly Juggs/Maras. I was the only Sorc. I ran down to try and get the ball, a Jugg started saying in chat htat I should avoid direct confrontation that way. :confused:

I pointed out I have a few tools to run the ball if needed, but he stubbornly kept trying to move on his own. Well, guess what... He dies, since we have no healers and hte whole opposing team was focusing him. They get the ball. They score. 0-1. :rolleyes:

In the mean time I remained downstairs, there was no way I could stop 6 ppl, and the rest of the team was quite unfocused on that regard. I get the ball as soon as it spawns, but before that I got one of those lovely Speed Boosts. ;)

I run fast to one of the sides where there's another, and click off the Speed Boost I got. Then I get the new one, dash up the ramp and all the way beyond the acid trap. The opposing team is following, but not close enough. And the fact I have hte decreased CD on Force Speed and the rootbreaker on it helps a lot too. :cool:

I stun the lone defender. Score. 1-1.

The opposing team proceeds to do the same again, only this time my team seems to remain focused. I state in chat I will be waiting for ball respawn, there's no way they can do anything with the coordination the other team shows. That Jugg keeps calling me names, saying I must have cheated to score. Yeah, sure, buddy. :rolleyes:

My team manages, I have no idea how, to down the ball bearer of hte opposing team. :eek:

And they lose the ball on a bad pass right after. All good though, because I get the ball, Force Speed to the Speed Boost on the other side, take it and dash all the way to the other side of the enemy ledge. I wait for the acid pit to finish its discharge, my team does its best with stuns and slows, so the enemies can't get to me. I Overload the two enemies who get too close downstairs. I Force Speed again, stun the lone defender - that guy must hate me now :p - and score again. 2-1. WZ ends due to time elapsing, we win. I get 6 MVPs, that Jugg keeps calling me a cheater, until another Jugg points out that the shiny things in WZs are not decoration, but actual boosts for performance. The guy remains silent for a moment and leaves shortly after. We 7 lol in chat a little, then part ways. Well, this was funny. :D


These are the most interesting/funny WZs of the day. Hope you enjoyed. :o

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I run fast to one of the sides where there's another, and click off the Speed Boost I got. Then I get the new one...


Oh man! I am SOOOOO mad at myself. I never thought of clicking off the speed boost so I could refresh it with another one! I was just resigned to the idea that I either had to wait around and let the enemy team catch up if I wanted the second one, or keep going, knowing that the one I had would run out just about as I got to the acid. :o


Anyway, excellent stories. I love the bit about one of the other Juggs explaining how you scored. Always nice when someone else sticks up for you. :)


For my part, I've apparently gotten decent enough (at lowbies :D ) that I've got a few people that are not embarrassed to queue with me. Ended up with a 2-man team, which grew to 3 man and then 4. We had some really good games. Couple that stick out... one a NC where we take our east, but then get stomped in mid. But apparently we just had to get our act together, because we ended up taking west. Then we had awesome communication about incs, and were able to transition back-n-forth and hold both for the win. Well, we did lose east once (totally my fault, I didn't see the inc call quick enough, and so didn't make it there in time), but then we got it back pretty quick because they didn't reinforce quick enough.


The other is a VS, where we lose the first door fairly quick because too many of us dropped too quickly to the wrong side. We have a couple quitters at that point, of course. But then we held the second set of doors (a few close calls though). Then on our turn we get the first door really quick. I thought it was quick enough to win, but the game didn't end, so we kept on fighting. The second door was tough, tried lots of faking back and forth, and trying to distract for ninja caps and stuff. Then we finally had everything come together and managed to clean out the defenders on one side all at once and plant with about 1 minute left. It was a nice win.

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Oh man! I am SOOOOO mad at myself. I never thought of clicking off the speed boost so I could refresh it with another one! I was just resigned to the idea that I either had to wait around and let the enemy team catch up if I wanted the second one, or keep going, knowing that the one I had would run out just about as I got to the acid. :o


Anyway, excellent stories. I love the bit about one of the other Juggs explaining how you scored. Always nice when someone else sticks up for you. :)


For my part, I've apparently gotten decent enough (at lowbies :D ) that I've got a few people that are not embarrassed to queue with me. Ended up with a 2-man team, which grew to 3 man and then 4. We had some really good games. Couple that stick out... one a NC where we take our east, but then get stomped in mid. But apparently we just had to get our act together, because we ended up taking west. Then we had awesome communication about incs, and were able to transition back-n-forth and hold both for the win. Well, we did lose east once (totally my fault, I didn't see the inc call quick enough, and so didn't make it there in time), but then we got it back pretty quick because they didn't reinforce quick enough.


The other is a VS, where we lose the first door fairly quick because too many of us dropped too quickly to the wrong side. We have a couple quitters at that point, of course. But then we held the second set of doors (a few close calls though). Then on our turn we get the first door really quick. I thought it was quick enough to win, but the game didn't end, so we kept on fighting. The second door was tough, tried lots of faking back and forth, and trying to distract for ninja caps and stuff. Then we finally had everything come together and managed to clean out the defenders on one side all at once and plant with about 1 minute left. It was a nice win.


Nice stories on your part too. :)

And yeah, that trick only came to my mind recently, following this logic: it's a buff. I can click buffs off, if I wish. So, why not trying this, since I can't refresh it? It works nicely, because I tend to get to the second Speed Booster at about 2 seconds before the end of the buff due to bad timing on my part. ;)


I don't think it's an exploit or anything like that, tbh. After all, I'm just using what the game throws at me. :D

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