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A PvP a Day...


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For the switching you need to get a hang of the Target of Target and Focus Target of Target, then it is only one click to shoot the same thing the other DPS is shooting.


Some things work better in PvE for me, like charge. I swear, something about the PvP makes Charge activation just hard. For me, the rotation was slipping because so many of my PvP battles are very short sequences and are heavy on guard/taunt, cc and AoE. ANd when I level, well, I don't have all those fine DPS around me, just Yuun. :)


Zones were great today, a couple of Hypergates, Alderaan (YAY!), an arena and a Pipeball. A kind Shadow came over to check on my request to help me deal with an inevitable Assassin, and said he'd come again, but I should move off the node and guard at a distance so I do not get sapped capped. I was kindda giggling, typing my: "I am a VG with 2 CC breaks and a Shoulder Cannon". Of course in another AHG, the blessed shoulder cannon loaded just a split moment too late and I lost a cap. Luckily I managed to recap before the blast. Yeah, never get cocky, pigeon.


In Alderaan someone 'spat' on either me, personally, or on a collective 'you' as a group. Pfft.


And, the road to Dark Reaver is going to be a looooong one (sigh).

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Yeah well, unless I'm doing something terribly wrong, Hold the Line doesn't protect from stuns, so not that much of a rescue - alas. The burst is very nice, and Full Auto/Boltwhatever on the run is just awesome. No more turret for me :cool:

Now I just need to stop myself from speeding through groups of people (and then blow them as far away as possible) as I'm used to with my Shadow :p Most annoying part is being pretty useless in Huttball.


If you are not a good ball carrier the best thing you can do is pass. Before the match starts I pick someone whos class is a good ball carrier then set them as my focus target. I will thensend them a message telling them if i get the ball I will be passing to them. Don't worry about your survival. If you double click the pass it will automatically go to them. No manual targeting reuired. Also if the current ball carrier is getting stunned or taking lots of damage run ahead of them then be ready for them to pass to you. Then select your focus target you preselected and immediately pass to them. Before you get stunned. Do this a couple times and you will go from feeling useless in hutball to feeling like a pro. 😄. Hope this helps you some. Sorry for any bad puctuation or grammer. Still learning.

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If you are not a good ball carrier the best thing you can do is pass. Before the match starts I pick someone whos class is a good ball carrier then set them as my focus target. I will thensend them a message telling them if i get the ball I will be passing to them. Don't worry about your survival. If you double click the pass it will automatically go to them. No manual targeting reuired. Also if the current ball carrier is getting stunned or taking lots of damage run ahead of them then be ready for them to pass to you. Then select your focus target you preselected and immediately pass to them. Before you get stunned. Do this a couple times and you will go from feeling useless in hutball to feeling like a pro. 😄. Hope this helps you some. Sorry for any bad puctuation or grammer. Still learning.


Good advice, thanks! Focus target is bound to be a shadow then, the way I can just walk through everything with a handful of stun/movement bubbles is awesome :cool:

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Be careful with the auto-passes. They have a great utility, but if the guy you are trying to pass to is incapacitated or out of sight, the ball will go to the opposing team. By that reason, I prefer nearest/next friend. :)


Lol, on spitting as sign of respect. We've just retaken grass, when that happened, but it was basically just a patriotic move since we knew we lost no matter what (the guys held on to mid by the looks of it for the game, while losing the sides when I loaded). I was just happy to have Alderaan, haven't seen it for a few days.


'Tis true about the grind not really being a big deal; I think I'll back off a little from the comm counting once I trade in the relics. These two un-augmented pieces are disturbing by some reason.

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I am probably the slowest most useless DPS that ever loaded a zone, lol.


Stayed home sick from work, so played a little lowbies. Okay, so here he was, my somewhat Vigilance Guardian, at some point in his 19 to 21 today's stretch, crawling around with his lightsabre. Swell. Put him in Soresu, gave him shield. Did a couple of zones, actually won both (though how we won Alderaan I am still not sure; we were just terrible.....) I sooo miss my HtL! Redeployment is so slow without it... basically useless. In an Arena we played against a group of 3 healers and a Sentinel. Three guesses who was the focus of our undivided attention. :)


So far not feeling the love for the role or class.


Okay, going to try to load my good old tank and see if I am capable of anything intelligent. :)


EDIT: and good for the day! Got my first relic, scraped down to like 27 comms... so, yep, need to start accumulating from scratch.


Zones were really dynamic, Novare, Alderaan x2, Voidstar. Novare, I held on to the coattails of WoX, so, yeah, basically watching the big boys play. Beauuutiful :) Barely even got to guard... so the Catalog of the Herbaceous Plants of the Novare Coast in the Vicinity of the Western Enclosure remains unfinished. I did get to send a couple of calls from the mid while the old guard was making sure they had all 3 turrets. Two is never enough, right? But yeah, sent a call, was holding off for a while almost down to my last HPs, cc's done, adrenal done, pack done, rush is done... when my health bar just shot back up. Like a dream. :)


In the Voidstar I attempted strafe a Sin. Yeah, that went well - he just stunned and backstubbed me anyway. (Also used an Unload while we still have it). :)


Anyway, Tuesday tomorrow so you never know.

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I vowed not to play my beloved VGT and PvP until I take my least favorite character through Rishi and Yavin. I miss the zones. :)


I am a bit worried about the upcoming changes to the SC, as I think it might make guarding the nodes even harder against stealth. I don't know enough to understand all the consequences of the nerf, but chances are, I will have to rely more heavily on calls and support. Or the guards will have to swap after the SC is used up. Things do tend to change up, so wait and see.


Anyway, back to prowling through Rishi! The sooner I am done, the sooner I can get back into the fray!

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Alright! Finally done with the Agent’s levelling, so I am going to throw my Vanguard into it again, and will try to get my 15 points in one night before the Weekly switches.


No gaming tomorrow morning anyway, ‘cause, update.


For the Dark Reaver relic!!! I want it! Fingers crossed I did not forget how to push his buttons! ;) I am childishly happy about the prospect of running my best boy again.


I’ve also been working on my mirror Cunning chars PvE set, and I have noticed that my Slinger has Brut relics, and two pieces of Obroan and an Obroan MH. Actually, she should have had 3 pieces of Obroan, but I have no idea what I did with the armoring piece. It’s just… gone.


Anyways, after struggling with my faulty memory for a few, I slapped 162s, and 156s on her, and I am going to level her through PvP from 57 to 60 instead of Rishi-Yavin. Another set of Exhumed won’t hurt & she is well-set to get through the last levels of the midbies (OMG, I am going to be that horrible L55 in old PvP gear again; well, 9 pieces short of that guy, but maybe I will actually get damage numbers over 300 thou, lol). And, I won’t go guard the nodes. Nuh-huh.


Then I can pick between my old girl Slinger and the young Knight in the DPS department. Plus, a Rishi-Yavin run will go waaay quicker in a full 186 set that I can cobble together between my Smugents as soon as she hits 60.


Plus (and it is not to be disregarded!) if I get a Dark Reaver headpiece, I can keep her old wide-brimmed hat always on, no matter what I am playing, PvP or no-pressure PvE.


Gods, I love that hat!


Gotta leaf through the guides, as by now I can’t remember how to Fight Dirty. ;)

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Wow, I can't believe this thread is still going (just re-subscribed and bought the upgrade after a couple months off). Kudos to you Domi! :D I wonder if you ever go back and read your own posts and marvel at how far you've come?


Does anyone else think this thread should be stickied? There's a lot of good info in here I think. It takes some wading through, but it's a good example of how to start PvP (in my opinion). Or maybe this type of thread isn't the normal thing to sticky, since it's not spelled out as a general guide, or some such thing?

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OMG, you are back! And, yep, I am still going from the moments of high triumph to face palms, and that's what so much fun about the zones!


Yes, I actually read the thread whenever I start a new character, and in particularly when I restart the chars I parked, my Sage and my Smuggler. Because a lot of advice was class specific, and well, I doubt my experience in tanking is going to keep me alive on a Slinger, lol. So, I re-read, and sometimes I find things I forgot, and stuff that I should be paying attention to. Vanguard tank is an easy mode.:o


Got my 15 points tonight :) Started with lots of wins, then some absolutely horrid losses. I could see I was doing really poorly as I was starting. Losing a cap on the AHG was particularly grating - my team was hoarded back to the pylon, and of course I was trying to cover them and did not look back often enough.


But hey, ended on a high note, with 3 turrets Alderaan win, so nice! Well on the way to my Relic.


The main thing though, fought with a great commando heals s/he really kept me alive (hugs). And I feel bad because I MVPd a Slinger who managed to hold the Snow against a good 3 attackers. Well, there are zones when you do want to hug everyone, right? and jump up and down. :) And I was reluctant going in, because the team sported a couple of each commandos and slingers, and it was after a string of loses.


I want that Dark Reaver! I want it min/maxed. Gotta be sturdier! :o

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Yay! Dark Reaver Relic! To my horror, I have noticed as I was taking inventory of his gear that I also did not augment his shield - no wonder i get clobbered, shock, horror! - so threw a couple of augments into queue, wil be all aug'd tomorrow, all Left Side Reaver, all right - Exhumed. Ended up with like 0 ranked comms and <30 regulars.


Zones were fun. Won a ridiculous arena with 2 tanks, heals and DPS, with the second tank, the Shadow, going DPS on the spot (wow...) against 3 healers and one DPS. Took a looong time. :o An upbeat Novare, and Voidstar, and lost Alderaan. Very slow pops. Even tried to start my daily, but only managed to get the first sensor on Yavin. Slow is relative, I guess.


Tuesday, meh.


Also, preped both Guardian and Slinger to run. Keybound Slinger, and tried her in the Black Hole... Don't think i can play all 3 at once. Going to work on the Guardian since the2xXP is coming, then run Slinger to 60, with Tageren grinding his Reaver in the evenings.

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I'll post a PvP-a-day, since I'm sorta just getting back into it. I just breached the 30-59 group with my now lvl 32 shadow tank. Yes, high lvls kick my arse, but I'm not sure I notice the huge difference everyone is talking about. High levels kicked my arse before. :D


But I just got done with two matches where we had a dreaded PREMADE (of 3) on our team. I honestly don't know what level they were, because I don't check levels much. I suspect high, because they were amazing. Me? I just did my thing. I guess I was competent, because one of them PM'd me after the first match to complement me - that's always nice. :)


The first was a HB. I pointed my toon towards the ball carrier at every possible moment, and put a guard on them. I know one of the pre-mades was a guardian, because she did this cool move that probably everyone else has done, but surprised me. We were trying to struggle through one of the lower acid traps, her with the ball, me trying to peel and guard and taunt, and the enemy had us rooted in the trap. I was able to break the root (cc breaker), and make it out, although I was very slowed. But the ball carrier was still rooted, and suddenly she interceded to me to get out. I don't know all the ins-and-outs of intercede anymore, but that's sure what it looked like, and I think that was pretty clever, so I'm sticking to that story. :D Anyway, we won that one 6 to 1, although it didn't feel like a walk-in-the-park like it sounds. It sure felt like we were struggling through massive Cc, damage, etc to each goal. But the guardian and the healer were really good, and (modestly) my little bit of protection helped some I guess. :D


Next match was a NC. I went west, solo, and capped and guarded. They got mid after a brief skirmish. After we got mid, the enemy sent two my way (and it was odd - I saw them east, saw them take off from east, and then it was like they kept popping in and out of stealth - maybe one was doing the group stealth and the other kept getting out of range?). I called inc.. and just wow. My team showed up, and just chewed bubblegum. And danged if the enemy didn't keep trying, and danged if my team didn't respond every time.


You know that thing, where your team just defeats an attack at "west" and they are all leaving, and then two more reds come around the corner, and no one turns back to help you and you lose the turret? Yeah, that didn't happen. The first part did, but I put the "2 at west" into chat, and some of them turned back to help.


Anyway, again, I mostly did assists, while the "pros" cleaned house. There was one tense moment where the enemy sent 5 at once, and they were already about 1/3 the way across from east before I noticed. I had to hustle to mezz, cc, and then mass attack them enough for my team to get to me to help. But it worked out. And we won that one too. Again, the score (600 to 0) didn't really reflect the other team's performance in my opinion (granted, I was not at mid). They never gave up, at least.


P.S. This is in no way a rant for/against "premades". Just some stories about some fun games.

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I just resubbed, havent played since the 3 months at release.

I've played mmo:s since -98 (I'm old). Ever since the rush of seeing that red name back in Ultima Online I have always played for the pvp in every mmo and the list of games that has passed since then til now is loooooooong. The list of forums followed and threads read is alot longer.


Never ever have I come across such an awesome thread as this. I'm catching up, only at page 9, but had to login and just say that. Looking forward to the next 50~ pages and keep it up!



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i do love pvp but as a healer that i always play i no

am so 90 % of the time the main target and with that in mind i no i will die fast :(


its a thing i no for a long time and i hope 1 day there are some guardian angels that will protect me

but for now allot don't no that in pvp


and i get my butt kicked allot :(

but i will not give up and try to help others in pvp as long as a can :)

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I might meet you on my Knight in the midbies. :) Yes, it was the Intercede – I am reading the Guardian guides non-stop. It is a powerful move, and in the Huttball, the combination of the pull and intercede is crazy. As stealth, you can basically bring your ball carrier all the way to the finish line that way.


And, yep, it is always good when the guys come when you call. Or do a run-by when they see you moving (I always move to make a sap easier to spot and harder to achieve).


I like Guarding in Novare more than in Alderaan, because you do have a far better view of the battlefield, so I can call numbers earlier and more accurately and the mobilization is easier. I always have the defender on my focus if by some strange reason I am not guarding.


@ Etnawins: that’s because the PvPers are Good People!



One thing that helps me immensely is when the healer starts pre-casting while we are waiting. Your name promptly displayed in green drives the point home, and makes it easier to ID you as the most valuable team asset. As heals you have the same AC as the potent DPS classes, so the more you advertise your spec, the less confusion there is. In my experience, the healers who live long and prosper stay near the DPS clusters and maintain LoS with their tank.


Okay, the going-ons here:


RL/patch = did not play on my Vanguard. Patience, Tageren, we’ll get you that Reaver. Pinkie promise.


From today till Tuesday, all the play-time and thoughts should go into my lowbie Knight. He is L22 now, after a surprise insta-pug into an FP yesterday (the only bit of playing I’ve managed). I want to get him as close to L41 as possible during the 2xXP. Keep hoping the chemistry will start happening, but so far I don’t feel he is my thing.

I am truly the special one, trying so hard to get into the awful midbies. :D Honestly, I am glad they don’t have a Togruta out yet, since I would do one better by deleting an Assassin, and rearing a Mercenary through PvP as heals. What can I say…. I already have an Inquisitor to 60, but no BH, and no PT could ever come close to what we have there with Tageren.


I’ve just bought the Knight his first PvP weapon, but did not check if it had a bind timer on. I also did not check his Valor either. Ridiculously short on time. Blazes, will the Friday ever come?!


Small print: I keep wondering if I should try to queue a ranked a day, or if that would be too much for the long-suffering Harbinger PvPers. Maybe after I get the MH Reaver?

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i do love pvp but as a healer that i always play i no

am so 90 % of the time the main target and with that in mind i no i will die fast :(


One thing that I really had to get used to when I started PvP was that I would die, and a lot. In PvE you are just not supposed to die. In PvP you die over and and over. Well, I do. :) Really, except in arenas and AHG, dying in and of itself doesn't do any direct harm to your team. It might do indirect harm when you are not there to stop a cap, or heal another team mate, and then they are not there putting out their DPS or whatever. But then you staying alive because you ran around the corner to heal while the other team took the turret can be just as bad.


But like Domi said, advertise you are a healer. You can even ask for a guards & peels directly, "healer looking for tank...", when you get in the WZ.


Also hide. :) Positioning is REALLY important for healers. Be in a spot where you can LoS easily, and where the enemy has to wade through your entire team to get to you.


Also, don't bother chasing the mara/sentinal/shadow (me sometimes :o) who runs off into the back ranks of the enemy. If I LoS my own healer, and then I die, I don't blame the healer. (Some people will though - ignore them.)


All "in my humble opinion", of course. :D

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I might meet you on my Knight in the midbies. :)


Be sure to wave. :)


I don't have pull yet. :( I remember getting it with my toons back on PoT5. I never used it very well. But it's also really good for pulling your teammates out of the frying-pan in AHG. Although, a lot of times I'd pull some melee out of the middle of 5 enemy that were about to kill him, and then he run/leap right back there. I was like "hey man, I'm trying to save your butt!" :D


And, yep, it is always good when the guys come when you call. Or do a run-by when they see you moving (I always move to make a sap easier to spot and harder to achieve).


Yes, so do I (move around). I used to set focus on the off node guard if it wasn't me, but then I'd forget to change it, or ACW clears it when you click the speeder. Now I just make a point to notice who it is, and where they are at in the ops frame.


I like guarding Novare better because you can hear them click the turret. So I can stand a ways away, and tell if they start taking it without having to have it 100% in sight all the time. Plus, like you said, you can see the whole place. I find myself calling "incs" to other turrets, even when I'm not the one guarding. OC, then you get blamed if the call comes in late. I'm like "dude, I wasn't even there! I was racing there from mid just like YOU!" :p


My games today were nothing special. Had a good mix at least. I successfully ninja'd an AHG turret by mezzing, starting a cap, he broke it, I combat stealthed, re-mezzed and then took it. First time I ever pulled that combo off. But then they out-dps-d us and we lost the match anyway. I did that on the first round, which is kind of a mistake actually, since it doesn't net you THAT much of an advantage, and then they are wise to it. I tried it again in round 3 when it became clear they were going to catch up, but they had an extra stealth guard there and so it didn't work.

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Heh. I got to L23 via zones and a run of KDY (yeah, i am that desperate! ).


Had a Scoundrel who was just making fun of me, I am sure. It was a Novare with Pub vs Pub, and I could do nothing against the toon. S/he just mezz me, and sucker punch me to death. I dunno why I was guarding anyway, but well, I guess it's my fate. All I could do was call. We'd lost it anyway.


But we won a couples of Voidstars, so I got the weekly, got a couple weapons, and my Valor is at 17 or maybe 18 by now.


Melee DPS... argh. So hard. Slow, targets slip away... I was ending with high medals counts (16-19) only because I was skank-tanking and raking in the protection numbers. Clipping the Master Strike, my sweet buttocks! Lucky to get one started before everyone runs away. Hey, you! I am trying to kill you! Stand still!

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First time today I am tempted to ask: is it a hack? The Imperial team, I saw it in two zones, ran in a tight group and too fast. It also had two characters with almost the same name (change to the vowel) in the same class. Hmm.


Other than that, lowbie Knight, now level 27, Valor to 22. Expertise is 2018, so, Icykill, you are the best!


I don't remember winning a single zone, but I am tired,and was paying attention more to his rotation than anything else. His offensive is pretty much there, now he has the overhead slash, but from defenses I so far only have the saber ward. I like that I have the choke now, it helps.


There is nothing wrong per se, but when I start feeling good that I offed a L20 operative, on a L27 char... well, means I am not doing good enough. I should be ripping the opposition to shreds, and I am certainly not. Midbies are going to be hard. I am starting to think I should give up on Soresu, slap the focus on, and forget the guard.


Interestingly, I loved Marauder more. Probably because I had a convenient Annihilation leap? Who knows. Well, another day tomorrow!


I'll go finish Nar Shaddaa on him quickly, then just do Class Quest on Tattoine.

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There is nothing wrong per se, but when I start feeling good that I offed a L20 operative, on a L27 char... well, means I am not doing good enough.


Haha. I think anyone should feel good about offing any operative of any level. I dunno why, but I HATE those guys/gals. I'm like, "quit stunning me you little ****!" And then I'm dead. I faced a high-level (59 I think) one yesterday when I was solo guarding. I was at 1/2 health before my laggy connection even made it possible for me to see and target him.


But all my matches today were lessons in "watch the door" and "don't get pulled away". Had two voidstars where I black-out stealthed right behind the fighting defenders and planted while they were not paying attention. Had a ACW where myself and another stealth did a distracto-cap on purpose (that one was kinda fun - we both mezzed, but that didn't work out, so I came out of stealth and they thought I was the only one messing with them - then I played "lame duck" and led them away - always be suspicious of the guy attacking and then running away from the node :D ).


But then I also had a couple matches where my team fell for the exact same thing. The kind where you notice that the purple-people on your map have moved away from the VS doors, and you think "oh nos!" and you go racing over there just in time to see the enemy finishing a cap behind their backs. :(


Double XP is nice though. I added two levels with just a few hours of PvP. I now have the "break roots on force speed", so that's great against those leaping-rooting-ravaging girls. :D

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I think one bring moment in dealing with operatives is the Force Stasis + HURT payload... revenge is sweet... Wait, I am a Jedi! I don''t do the revenge....:)


L28 here, gotta go race through Tattoine before settling into the Fleet life to catch up on Valor and comms.

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Stop trying to focus on everything that's happening. It can be stressfull and overwhelming if you're not natural at blocking out the unimportant information.


Just plan on doing one thing, the whole warzone, and close your chatbox. Just do your thing. Maybe focus on a healer (use target marker). Or just stop caps on the node. Or just focus on healing teammates. Once you're over the fear of screwing up, incorporate another thing, and do both. Maybe healing, and stop capping. Or maybe dps the enemy healer, and cap the node.


Once you've worked up to being able to contribute, re-open your chatbox. Wait until you know that your input to the warzone was beneficial. Did you stop a cap? Did you cap the node that led to the win? Did you kill the healer? Did you kill the dps that was burning your healer?


DO NOT OPEN YOUR CHATBOX BEFORE THIS. You'll just get flamed and probably want to quit.


It's PUG pvp...nobody has the right to whine about others. They still will though, and your enemies will talk trash. So will your teammates, because they're also AFRAID OF LOSING and want to blame someone else.


Don't be their somebody else.


^ This is great!

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