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A PvP a Day...


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I've never actually noticed there was a "score" in VS before. :D But in a "tie" in VS, the winner is whoever got there first. So if you both got through 2 doors (I guess that's what the 2 means?) then they must have gotten through quicker than you did. So something like this I *think* can happen...


They break door one at the 30 second mark.

They break door two at the 1 minute mark.

They don't get any further.


You break door 1 at the 30 second mark.

You break door 2 at the 1 minute 5 second mark.

Here you can still win, because you might make door 3... but you don't.

So they win, because they got through door 2 quicker than you did.


I *think* that can happen. But don't quote me. :)




you`re right. except for the points.

2 points mean that both teams only got to the 2nd door and didnt open it.

1st door = 1st point

BRIDGE= 2nd point (so it also helps to prevent bridge capping as long as possible)

...and so on, counting energyfield and datacore u get to 6 points in total.


just wanted to clear up :D

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[...] Heck, I'm even going to try some of it on my brand new Oper, err, Scoun, err, no wait, Oper, damnit! Can't decide. x_x [...]


Sorry for cutting here and there, but I wanted to jump at the reason I'm posting asap. ;)

Tell you what, DeeLaaNie. Pick the class whose story you didn't see yet first. Then go with the spec you feel more comfortable with. :)

I started my Operative with Lethality and moved to Concealment because in the end I found it better for me. My Scoundrel goes with Sawbones for the same reason, after I found out that for some reason Scrapper - which is hte same as Concealment :confused: - is not what I'm comfortable with on him. :o

Smuggler is hte last class I have yet to level to 50+, so about hte story I won't be of help, sadly. :( Agent is quite interesting, though. :rolleyes:


Still, I repeat what I said before: I'm just a common player. Experienced, I admit it. But a player, nonetheless. :p

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Wow, that's so interesting about the scores! I usually never look at the board before the end of the match. Afraid to jinx it, I suppose.


Scoundrel vs Operative... hmm. Scoundrel for me ('cause she is my fist alt to get to 55 solo, most favorite and because of Numen Brock... oh, and dat HAT!), but do let us know. I did stash away a Knight till Togruta comes in, and if I ever get into enough cc I will buy another slot for a Shadow (Twilek, of course). But right now I have more solos than I can handle: Tishujen the Slinger at 55, Tageren the Vanguard at 41, Becchino the Marauder at 44, Dusk Fell the Sniper at 24 and Ruvvoy the Sorcerer on 26. So, no solo Scoundrel or Op here....


So, I finally was confident enough to play the Slinger in the zones. I forgot just how crazy fun it is on L55. My Obroan holds up rather well. I went through 5 zones, 4 of them Voidstars (1 Alderaan), with 3 losses and 2 wins. In Alderaan, the folks were saying someone was throwing the match, and I swear I saw this name before with the same context. Not sure if it's the guildies ribbing one another, or whatever. But apart from that, fun games. Getting used to me new keybinding flow and playing at 100% zoom out. I was paying much more attention to marks, who shoots what (realy, really trying to focus), positioning, LoS and our Heals. And rolled more than I normally do (particularly trying to shake off one rather annoying Warrior). After the rolling, hell bells, I am going Engineering on the Sniper, that's it. Marksmanship is too boring compared!


I finally did Belsavis Weekly that I had to do to clear out the Basic Gear Smuggler. Yeah, the Daily took me what? 3 days? (Sigh). And that's at enemies falling down like cut down wheat stems. The only time I wiped was when I decided I can tackle 2 elites. 'Cause, you know, I am that good. NOT. :eek:


Anyway, gotta take a break and then check on Rakghouls! 'Cause legacy gear, woot!

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I actually played every story due to the 12x and my Scoundrel is 54; I deleted my level 50 Operative.


Anywhosen, here's my first Warzone on my brand new Operative:




We lost, lmao! I think we were more focused on killing rather than objectives, so that's what occurred. I must say, an Operative sure as heck is fun; it reminds me why I made it in the first place, and also, I found that to me, a Scoundrel/Operative can heal way better than a Sage can. I like the ability to heal and be mobile, and the stealth doesn't hurt either. Plus my heals don't all require me to sit still (well they do atm but I'm referring to my Scoundrel) where I would get pounded.


In this match I tried to do a little of everything, cept the objectives lol. All in all it was a good match and now I shall queue for another and see if I can do better than last time.

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We won!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!


Instead of running around like a headless chicken, I decided to park my butt up top where a similarly dressed Sniper was, and made my best impression of a Sniper lol. I loaded up everyone who came into view with a poison dart, then used a probe (if available) and let them have it. I also tried me best to heal any teammates in view, and to generally run interference where needed. When the match first started I grabbed the ball and got pounded into the ground, lol, so I said "screw it" and let the peeps who knew what they were doing handle it.


I also got killed next to the Sniper when I didn't pay attention to my HP due to me having that "no HP" glitch. Oh wells. ^.^ Once I get the hang of my Operative I think I'll be able to wreck, I hope.

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Lost again QQ:




It seems you often remember what you should have done after the fight has taken place, lol. I saw a Marauder duking it out with a Guardian, and jumped into the fray.



Hold that thought....match starting. ^.^

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Lol, that's what I get for showing off:




I made it my business to harass the Scoundrel on the other side, but she managed to heal through all of my damage. The turning point for her however, came twofold: she neglected to heal herself in order to heal a teammate, and my team saw her healing and she got mauled.


We tried valiantly to score and defend, but the smelly Pubs were on us like white on rice. Needless to say, I performed my usual routine of healing and damage as best as I could, but when you've got 5 people in a scrub, sometimes I don't really know what to do lol.


I did go toe to toe with a Sentinel, but I think he may have forgotten what he wanted to do, since he just stood there part-way and let me pound on him. After he casted his shield, I placed a probe on him and exploded it with a grenade lol. I'll never understand why when it's two versus one in their favour, the second person always leaves me alone, lol.


I got as good as I dished out, and it was a blast I tell ya! Pew pew. ^.^

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Lost again QQ:




It seems you often remember what you should have done after the fight has taken place, lol. I saw a Marauder duking it out with a Guardian, and jumped into the fray.



Hold that thought....match starting. ^.^


Oh, where was I? Oh yeah, so when I entered the fight, I injected the Guardian with a poison needle, then proceeded to heal the Marauder through all of his damage.


Grrr, match starting!:mad:

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Oh, where was I? Oh yeah, so when I entered the fight, I injected the Guardian with a poison needle, then proceeded to heal the Marauder through all of his damage.


Grrr, match starting!:mad:


Ok, here we go. So after the Marauder pounded him into the ground, we got attacked by another Guardian and a Sentinel on top of that. Well my man pounded down the Sentinel while I injected them both with poison and kept the healing flowing. We were tearing them up when the Marauder got killed due to me running low on Energy (almost typed Force, lmao). After he went down, it was a two on one but I quickly dispatched the Sentinel and turned my attention to the Guardian.


I would have killed him since I kept the poison on him while healing through my damage, but as usual, my lack of Energy cost me the scrub. Oh wells. QQ I pulled a little trick I saw on the Sages forum a little later in the match where I "healed to full and made him pay", hehe.

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Ok, this match was so awesome I wished I had recorded it:




They (the smelly Pubs) managed to break through the first double doors, but we went wild and prevented them from reaching the download station; they didn't even make it out of the tunnel, lmao.


After that, it was our turn to be the attackers, and Omna made an objective yay! Well not at first because as soon as I had almost completed it, I got attacked by a punch happy Scoundrel. What irritated me was that I was at 7.9/8.0 on the clock in order to plant the bomb and the game registered his damage first. Grrrrrrrrrrr!:mad:


So after my team and I dispatched his butt (along with the Commando who was hassling me) I was able to plant the bomb sans fail. We got into a couple of good dust-ups all over the place, and the smelly Pubs were able to dish out as good as they got. Everyone was over everyone else and no one let up the pressure.


I got killed a couple of times, and one Knight (yes Knight - he didn't advance) seemed to like me as he was on me every chance he got lol. I was able to kill him twice and I think he did the same. I also took down a Sentinel by meself, and made sure to harass and kill all the Sages I could find. I even got into a dust-up where it was about four on one and I took the sucker down before I bit it.


That's what I like; when I die I need company lol.


I think I will collect my rewards and give the PvP a rest for now. I'm already grayed out on one Story quest. QQ.

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Ha-ha, yep, hindsight is 20-20. So, your operative is a hybrid? I was kind of happy going back to Slinger with her one and only role as hurtz. Anyway, I ran Raks, no zones, dunno if I will have time tomorrow. The Voidstar seem to be popping up all the time today!
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It's funny that you ask me that, Domi. When I played as a Shadow, a Sniper, a Mercernary, a Sentinel, a Juggernaut, a Vanguard, and a Commando, I had no problem whatsoever sticking to one specialization. On the Sage and the ScoOp, it feels somewhat lacking to play as only one thing, especially on the Sage, which I why I came up with 11/17/18.


On the ScoOp, because I both love to heal and I love using DoTs, I decided to go 23/0/23 after reading all of the wee icons to make sure I knew what I wanted. I always craft a build that is suited to my playstyle just by reading the descriptions.


As such, my Operative is a Lethal Medic and unlike the Sage, I actually am able to obtain all of the abilities I want sans sacrificing something else. This is why I thoroughly enjoyed my Scoundrel and had no problem soloing anything nor healing like a boss in Flashpoints. ^.^

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I think it has to do with the nature of the healer role. Because in the end we don't just want to survive in this game, we need to put the threat out of the way too, and full on healer is basically without the tools. "I have 5 offensive spells and I am not afraid to use them!" At least on a sage you get the big award winning channel right of the bat pretty much. On a Scoundrel... nope.
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And, the day I have dreaded came. Woe is me!


In other words, I am leveling my Mara on 12xXP. So, she is now L47, so i am hoping to get a few dailies/weeklies under the door to get just enough comms to get the relics on L55. To do so, I will probably have to rotate playing her with my lowbie Inquisitor. It is not ieal, but I am sure NOT stepping in a WZ on a Mara on L55 till it switches to 3.0 and I will be running with the other new and undergeared.


So, Novare coast, running around, leaping very selectively, throwing a grenade or two, and camo'ing, and... doing next to nothing. Yeah. Tough. :( Lol, same in Alderaan. By sheer luck managed to throw a sabre and net a killing blow (oh, my!) But I am getting very certain that I am not gonna run any short-range melee PvP-centric characters. My reflexes are insufficient, and seeing I am a bad player to start with, running something that takes a lot of acumen... no.


So, my knight is going to go PvE if I like playing him, and I am starting to think that I will just scrap my plans for the Shadow. I have enough chars to pick from. :)

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IA was a bit better, though apparently I mixed up Shiv and Debilitate as Sniper's Dirty Kick and Blaster Whip. Corrected now. 8x8 were Okay (I caught like last minute of a AHG and a full run through Voidstar). Arena though was dreadful. I had 3 stealthy guys on my side. What the heck I am supposed to do?! One visible target and a sniper. Yay!
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IA was a bit better, though apparently I mixed up Shiv and Debilitate as Sniper's Dirty Kick and Blaster Whip. Corrected now. 8x8 were Okay (I caught like last minute of a AHG and a full run through Voidstar). Arena though was dreadful. I had 3 stealthy guys on my side. What the heck I am supposed to do?! One visible target and a sniper. Yay!


I would recommend you stick with your sin domi. Of all the melee classes sin is the best, aside from a juggernaut. Very hard hitting and stealth is a huge advantage. But if youre still sticking through and pvping after this long I want to congratulate you. Not everyone enjoys and its nice to have someone who finds that they enjoy it

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Heya, thank you! I now PvP on every character I level solo. Zones proved to be tons of fun!


Basically, once 12xXP is over, and the 3.0 is in, I will work on my PvP main, equip him and play him. :) I am still undecided if I want to try short-ranged melees or not. Heh, I know for sure I was not born to play a Mara. Hats off to those who do!

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First wz @ 55:




We won yay!!!


This match was truly exciting as both teams were going at it like no tomorrow. I basically made myself useful by healing when I could, using lots of CC, cloaking out so I don't die, and just generally kicking ***. One Powertech kept killing me whenever I rushed him, but I did manage to kill him a few times too.


I went up against anyone and everyone and man was it a blast! I think I even escorted a Shadow once across the goal line, and made sure to Flashbang every chance I got. Funny thing is, a Sniper used his knockback to push away a Jedi, but I was unaffected! Weird, eh?


Gonna queue up for a few more before I try my hand at one of those fancy Operations/Flashpoints.

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My team basically said, "ef dat":




I tried me best to obtain a pylon and put some glowy thingies in it, but everyone was basically having a free for all, lmao. I did heal when I could and dps, but it was fun nonetheless.

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