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A PvP a Day...


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Wow, that's a very interesting description. I get arenas so rarely, and they usually go very fast one way or another I can never figure out what's going on and what needs to be done. Sounds like you've done an awesome run against that Guardian.


I am waiting for a while on the 12xXP, as it is going make it impossible to play anything but L55 with my husband. I will buy in in a couple of weeks to level one character and catch up another. I don't like excessive speed levelling, I just want to see the story comfortably for the IA and get my L50 unlock on the PB Sith. Okay, gotta play for a bit now before I get into chores. If I can't pug into an FP, I will try to start the catch up on the WZs, but Tuesday is a bad day to do it.

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Okay, I cleared my Weekly with a selection of zones. A couple of Alderaans, an Arena, a Novare and a Hypergate. Pretty much what you'd expect from a Tuesday, wipe after a wipe. Same Imp team all the time too, their lead kept greeting his/her own before the match.


I was actually suprised by how badly I did in the Hypergate. The Imp team had a strong ranged capability and they just sat them snipes and mercs there, but no matter how much I tried to AoE them and get in the middle and scatter them off, it was not working. I felt like I am doing something wrong, but I saw no other way to get that Kurskaya Duga shut the blazes down and stop controlling the mid.


My only consolation prize was that I guarded in Novare and had developed a close antagonistic relationship with their Op. She sapped me and sapped me, and I stealth probed on CD trying to catch her, but in the end it was the same: call inc, go after the darned gal, finally kill her in 2x1. On the third try I had enough presence of mind to carbo-freeze her and enjoy the sight of her while she was thawing. In the other zons I was not so lucky, because I was against an assassin and he kept killing me while I called incs. At least we won Novare...


In one of the zones, I manged to get marked before-hand - it was Alderaan, I remember someone mentioned it was possible, but it irritated me to no end having the blue shield slapped against my pretty-pretty face. I mean, nobody else got marked, why me?


ilaeously, I kept forgetting to storm in the wz's. Brain-freeze? Trauma from my couple tries on the Mara?


And, of course I forgot to check Valor. I levelled up to 38, so gotta get on with getting Quesh class wrapped up and jumping to Hoth. Chapter 2, a whirlwind version!

Edited by DomiSotto
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Wow, that's a very interesting description. I get arenas so rarely, and they usually go very fast one way or another I can never figure out what's going on and what needs to be done. Sounds like you've done an awesome run against that Guardian.




focus target is really usefull here; it just needs to be enabled in preferences, general first.


Before the match starts you set your strongest dps (or whoever looks like the strongest dps) as focus target (alt-f by default). Now whenever you don't know who you should target, you can hit ctrl-f to acquire his target so you both focus on the same dude and kill him fast :-)

Edited by sanchito
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I have the focus Target on my heals to swap the guard. I think you mean Aquire Target/Target's Target? I :o have them enabled, but never use them to Acquire Target. I should really learn it, you are right. Okay, gotta practice on Quesh. That Alt T gotta be used!!!! I think it's Alt T.


EDIT: I guess it's Alt-T if I am manually selected the guy. Now, if he is my Focus I can get his/her target via ctrl-f. I think I am getting it. Hold on, processing :)


Oh, and I actually opened this to say that I am again thinking I need to build a wz heals. I have an extra slot now placeholding for a Togruta DPS Guardian I wanted to try out, but I am almost there with deleting it and starting a purely PvP Scoundrel. I even played an old heroic on my L21 one (who is in a perma-pair so can't use him for more than a few zones), and yeah, still very clumsy after a slinger, so afraid to try him in a zone. Plus, yeah, Van and IA are the priority AND 3.0 coming. So who knows if Scoundrel still gonna be IT of healz. And, that's gonna be my 3rd Smuggler (obnoxious favoritism). But! I won an orange L9 Scatter gun in that Heroic, so it gotta be the sign, right? :)


And yet, and yet... Pub pugs need heals! Really, really, really need heals. Like... a lot. SO the only way to ensure Pub gets heals in a pug is to be one. :eek: And make that Mara happy - female healer, woot.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Good to see this is still going on, with the 12 Exp Boost it seems many are levelling low lvl Alts while also WZing a bit, so plenty of new "faces" around. :)


I did it myself on my Operative, Concealment speeced. Female, Sith Pureblood, with that Polar set all white dyed. And I got to see a few fun matches too, while levelling here, but there's a WZ I did on my Sorc that I'd like to share. :cool:


Arena, the Makeb one. My team is me on my Lightning Sorc - now full Brutalizer and half augmented, yay! :D - a Madness Sorc, a Healer Operative and a Deception Assassin. Other team has two Vigilance Guardians, a Sage later revealed as Healer/Madness hybrid - Force in Balance+Rejuvenate :eek: - and a Combat Sent. So lots of buffs + good healing.

I get a bit scared by the matchup, but we all decide to keep it up, our focus being the Sage at first. They obviously focus on the Sorc who doesn't spread things around (A.K.A. me) and I return the favor using DoTs, slows, Stuns, and kiting while my team pins them down. Not even slowly, mind you, but even with our Healer I'm forced to use my Static Barrier, Unnatural Preservation and the like quite often. In the end, my Force Barrier comes in handy as I get close to death, and the two teams manage to get to an even point. Two men standing, one per side. One being me, the other one being one of those Vigilance Guardians. Both at quarter health or lower. :eek:


The Guardian charges me and Master Strikes, I use my WZ Adrenal and Medpac. After his stun immunity buff worns off, I stun him and run for my life, healing as much as I can but also obviously depleting my Force, since I'm stuck in battle. :( The Guardian at first runs to try and chase me, but he doesn't seem to notice where I'm hidden - Mwahahaha :rak_04: - I then have to fight him with something like 100 Force. I'm almost fully healed, he's at quarter health. I focus on DoTs and keep myself up using whatever I can, and manage to down him with something around 100 HP left. Phew, that was a tight one! :p


Second round I get focused even more, if at all possible - and while I'm at it I die, but in the mean time the other team has 2 defeated players - the Sage and a Guardian - and another one at quarter health with DoTs ticking - the Sent. The last Guardian was at almost ful health after using Focused Defence.

No need to say, my team with 3 at almost full health vs 1 weakened and one with an important buff depleted won the match. MVPs galore there, I was so cheered up! :D

It was the first Arena in quite some time where I was able to do more than being hte focus target, so it was extremely rewarding. :o


Attaboy. Sure you're a filthy Imp but a mage like me nonetheless so yay for you!!! That match sounded pretty boss. I still like to review the tips you gave me a couple of pages ago to make myself better with my Sage, and once I get more points, I will retry my usual build of 11/17/18 and see how that fares.


Right now I am using the healing tree with about three points in the Telekinetics tree because double project ftw! Later tonight I will post my Warzones (wasn't in the mood last night) and see how it goes. ^.^

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Okay, I cleared my Weekly with a selection of zones. A couple of Alderaans, an Arena, a Novare and a Hypergate. Pretty much what you'd expect from a Tuesday, wipe after a wipe. Same Imp team all the time too, their lead kept greeting his/her own before the match.


I was actually suprised by how badly I did in the Hypergate. The Imp team had a strong ranged capability and they just sat them snipes and mercs there, but no matter how much I tried to AoE them and get in the middle and scatter them off, it was not working. I felt like I am doing something wrong, but I saw no other way to get that Kurskaya Duga shut the blazes down and stop controlling the mid.


My only consolation prize was that I guarded in Novare and had developed a close antagonistic relationship with their Op. She sapped me and sapped me, and I stealth probed on CD trying to catch her, but in the end it was the same: call inc, go after the darned gal, finally kill her in 2x1. On the third try I had enough presence of mind to carbo-freeze her and enjoy the sight of her while she was thawing. In the other zons I was not so lucky, because I was against an assassin and he kept killing me while I called incs. At least we won Novare...


In one of the zones, I manged to get marked before-hand - it was Alderaan, I remember someone mentioned it was possible, but it irritated me to no end having the blue shield slapped against my pretty-pretty face. I mean, nobody else got marked, why me?


ilaeously, I kept forgetting to storm in the wz's. Brain-freeze? Trauma from my couple tries on the Mara?


And, of course I forgot to check Valor. I levelled up to 38, so gotta get on with getting Quesh class wrapped up and jumping to Hoth. Chapter 2, a whirlwind version!


Everytime I visit Tython and see your avatar as one of the holoprojections I keep thinking "what the heck is Domi doing on Ebonhawk", lmao. I always try to never go after most peeps one on one due to the fact that someone else from their team always shows up. But Del'ciyi always goes down fighting (and sometimes with an Imp too!).


As for the 12x, you can still do all of the other quests while it is active, but just make sure to do them first and then the class mission for the planet or you'll gray them out. Funny thing is, I grayed out two of my class quests due to all the WZ, FP, and space fights lol. Ah, but it doesn't matter since I wanted the rewards and dark side points anyway.

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Oh, I am not doing class quests solo. My husband is a completionist, so I know I will be doing every quest with every bonus on 7 more characters. When I solo, I totally love to do Class, PvP and maybe FPs. Total gamegasm. Balmorra's pretty much the only planet I'd like to do planetary line. Playing with the Resistance is straight out of my childhood fantasies, and Zenith is the closest thing I saw in a game to my girlie-girl dreams. ;) And, yeah,really would love to play a Nautolan, but Togruta is good enough! Yay!


Anyway, I am going to go have quality time with my interface editor, and try out a new layout + Target of Focus/Target in a zone or two if I have time.

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Hey I read the post then jumped to the last page so I dunno if this has been mentioned yet.


If you wanna do better in pvp and not hate it so much you may wanna invest in a razer naga epic mouse or something similar if you haven't already. Set up all your key binds and you'll be gtg.


I had the same apprehension for pvp myself a few years ago until I got a good gaming mouse. Now pvp is almost all I do. It really is fun and alot more dynamic than pve

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And yes, I have a raza Death Adder, and the rocker fish pad, and the state of the art desktop, all of it purchased to play SWTOR. Lol, $13/month sub doesn't really tell the whole story.


Okay, my interface is all rebuilt, the ops frame is MUCH better, I have good k-binds on ToT and FToT. Just need to get used to using it.


Anyway, did my dailies. The Empire is brutal. I swear they had 3 sorcs in 2 Voidstars in a row, the same group. Keep shutting them down, and they still had a spare. In the first Star, by whatever reason, I had that really odd standing way higher than the rest of the pack, probably defense bonuses for guarding. Second Star was worse in the beginning, but by the end it was better, but still no good. I assume the Empire had a stealth runner while the 7 fought on. SHadow/Sins, that's one heck of a responsibility crazy class to play.


Then everyone gave up, I guess, since there was no pops, then an Arena came up. (I went for the 3rd try, 'cause I forgot to click the terminal in the first star). Did so badly in the Arena that I did not pug again. We had the full trinity, against 4 DPS (2 juggs, 1 merc, and ... can't remember, not a sorc for once... sorcs went to bed?) and we still lost. Tried advancing first time, tried taking defensive behind the screen the second time, and just not good. Couldn't even bring their merc down, and not for the lack of trying. (Shake head) Skill is certainly higher in the second bracket.


I am actually starting to think, well, with a healer, I have my sage, and once 3.0 hits me, the regs will be set back 5 levels, so maybe that's my chance tostart learning her. And, who knows, maybe Seer will be more viable,a nd it doesn't have to be a Scoundrel to heal a zone?

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Just lost the game, lmao:




Started this match in progress and the Imps had 100% while we were at about 38% or so. Once they noticed I was a healer I got mauled, lmao. I did manage to get in a few kills though, so not too shabby.

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Started late and managed to kick some butt, then next thing I know, we lost. I'm laughing and wondering wth is going on here?! I went toe-to-toe with a Sentinel and won! It managed to get me close to dying, but my bubble popped back up which allowed me to quickly cast a heal and use Force Wave for the kill. Funny thing is, the Sentinel was alone at the objective, and after a brief dust-up I fled in order to regain my composure. That's when I noticed it trying to complete said objective, so I made a U-turn, hit the NOS, and did what I explained above.


A Guardian was putting the screws to me as I was pounding a Gunslinger, but thanks to my trusty bubble I was able to lay waste to the Gunslinger and escape from the Guardian who I later killed after everyone ganged up on it. The fight was getting interesting until we lost, lmao. Oh wells, lets see if I can't get a win tonight eh?

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Score one for me! I managed to plant a bomb after we all chased off the Imps and we won!!! This match was pretty sweet as we had to fight tooth and nail for the win. When we defended we managed to hold them off, but during the attacking session, I got chased off the left door due to too many Imps surrounding me. So I hit the NOS away from the action, healed up, and went to the right door where I managed to plant the bomb. First time I ever landed first in medals lol.


There were two level 51+ Sorcs in the match. I was able to tell due to them using Force Barrier, so as soon as I saw that I just switched to melee until it wore off. I am also glad that I put points into adding a slow on Weaken Mind; you have no idea how useful an unlimited eighteen second slow is, lol. Anyone who came into contact with me was walking through molasses. ^.^


All in all it was a glorious battle! Sage ftw!

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You have an interesting keyboard layout :) One of the score boards is interesting. 4 folks on the top, opposing group, then your whole party, then the rst of the opposition. I am guessing a premade, carrying a pug against a good pug? Very close.


From my very first online game (methinks it was Maplestory back in 2006) I always fancied having all of my skills assigned to a key. After Dragon Nest arrived, I couldn't stand having to use 7 to 0 due to me being left handed and needing my right hand to steer the camera, so that's why I use Q,E,R,X,C,V to replace 7 to 0 and then use U,G,H,B,T,N,F,Z as necessary. Any other non important skills I put wherever lol.


I'll have to review to see which fight that was.

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You have an interesting keyboard layout :) One of the score boards is interesting. 4 folks on the top, opposing group, then your whole party, then the rst of the opposition. I am guessing a premade, carrying a pug against a good pug? Very close.


I'm not sure if it was a premade because I started an in progress match and that was the fight where I pounded the Gunslinger into the ground and went toe to toe with the Sentinel. I'm thinking they won due to getting more of those bubbly things into the pylon, as I only had time to get one meself before having to go back and fight (after retreating from the yellow god-wave).


Oh, as for my other keys, F10 - F12 is for group members and F4-F9 contains shields and heals.

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Well, in a reversal of fortune, only wins today. Hard battles, but talking players, even leader's instructions, so very satisfying. A good 3 Alderaans, a Hypergate, and a Voidstar. Even grouped with a guildmate for a couple of zones, but we did not play together with voice-chat . Still was nice kindda try to stick together. And I am still forgetting to storm. Facepalm. Not bad placements, but nothing great either - on the slow side tonight, tired. Oh, well. I need to play more, but I also need to finish Hoth. :) Edited by DomiSotto
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Just got into my favourite PvP match and we won! I was doing well and only died at the end during the final god-wave lol. I was attempting to push a Mercenary out of the safety zone and neglected my HP so he got me, lmao! I did it to a Sorcerer healer and the wave owned him/her.


I also manage to get the "Del'ciyi" is undefeated message so that was cool, and I was basically kicking butt the entire time. I think I'll stick to healing for PvE and destruction for PvP lol, since I love getting into a good dust-up every now and then.


Whelp, time for one more before I go partying!

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Bottom of the barrel QQ:




Grrrrr, I hate it when I'm introduced into an ongoing match. Oh well. Manage to get in some hits but it was a good match nonetheless. An Assassin tried to be sneaky by staying in stealth and sleeping anyone trying to activate the pylon, so I loaded him up with Weaken Mind and let the boys have at him! Had the same with an Operative, but by the time I tried the same, the match ended lol. I made sure to bubble the Guardian that was with me to prevent any damage to him, but alas, it was too late.


Maybe I'll say "screw it" to the party and keep on trucking eh? I don't feel like stumbling home wasted tonight (or rather this morning since it's after 12 AM, lol).

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