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A PvP a Day...


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It's supposed to group you against ppl with close rank but since the playerbase is small when it can't it expands the range until it finds a match. Someone posted it here in pvp section but it seems that because there are not enough players queuing it groups the better healer with the better dps against lower ranked ones.


Thanks, I understand it now. Yes, I remember these discussions ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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People on Republic fleet : "Please queue for 40+ ..." ... then, later : "Please queue for under 39 ..."


One of them adding : "There will be opponents".


I tried to queue with my level 22 Sabouteur Gunslinger.

We got double capped within 30 seconds. Total slaughter. AHG.


Then I thought : "Well, now I know why they wanted us to queue : To farm us."

I might have been wrong, but that was what I got from this total annihilation.


Playing the system : Being imp side, logging onto Rep side, asking people to queue, logging back to imp side, then farm them. Low level dailies done in 2 matches !


I might be wrong, but why ask people to queue if one knows that they are that bad ?

I mean, double capping within 30 seconds rather looks like an organized thing.


Small servers do have their disadvantages : The player pool is so small it is so easy to play the system. Everyone knows what to expect.

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Reached exactly 1500 rating today on a scoundrel on Red Eclipse! No q dodging.


Was having a laugh at first with ruffian. Somehow rating went up. Switched to scrapper and with a lot of pain managed to get 1500.


I wonder now if I could get it to 1600 for gold reward. If i can, then i will have reached zen in this game :)

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Reached exactly 1500 rating today on a scoundrel on Red Eclipse! No q dodging.


Was having a laugh at first with ruffian. Somehow rating went up. Switched to scrapper and with a lot of pain managed to get 1500.


I wonder now if I could get it to 1600 for gold reward. If i can, then i will have reached zen in this game :)


grats man. have to wonder, if you press your luck.... hmm.

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plaed for 5 hours, end result -11 to rating. **** this game

I know that feeling, man. I've just been trying to get to 1350 range on a Jugg. I know it's not the best solo queue class (in fact, it's probably the worst), but I've been having fun with it. I hit 1326, played a few more games and fell to 1301. Had a tank on my team, twice, that had less protection than me (and very little damage). ARGHHHHHHH


Normally I wouldn't care about rating and just play for fun and tokens, but since there is a significant token reward for hitting silver, and since I have been fairly close, I kind of do care a little bit.

Edited by teclado
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I know that feeling, man. I've just been trying to get to 1350 range on a Jugg. I know it's not the best solo queue class (in fact, it's probably the worst), but I've been having fun with it. I hit 1326, played a few more games and fell to 1301. Had a tank on my team, twice, that had less protection than me (and very little damage). ARGHHHHHHH


Normally I wouldn't care about rating and just play for fun and tokens, but since there is a significant token reward for hitting silver, and since I have been fairly close, I kind of do care a little bit.


it totally *********** sucks


i gain 8, lose as much as 16, what gives?

**** this game

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I know that feeling, man. I've just been trying to get to 1350 range on a Jugg. I know it's not the best solo queue class (in fact, it's probably the worst), but I've been having fun with it. I hit 1326, played a few more games and fell to 1301. Had a tank on my team, twice, that had less protection than me (and very little damage). ARGHHHHHHH


Normally I wouldn't care about rating and just play for fun and tokens, but since there is a significant token reward for hitting silver, and since I have been fairly close, I kind of do care a little bit.

what's needed for silver?

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  • 2 months later...

Once in a while one learns something new.


Ancient Hypergates.


Republic against Republic.


Score shortly before they won :


78 points for us

499 points for them.


The match began with 2 players missing on our side, one of both came later to it, one came only seconds before they won.


As I talked about that in the chat, the only reaction from PvP players was : "Mimimi?" Which roughly means "Whine much ?"


Someone pointed out that Bioware couldn't do as much against this inbalanced "matchmaking" as the players could.

But nobody really said that such an inbalanced "matchmaking" was unfair. I bet they were silently snickering. "Oh, that one again. Same procedure as every year."


There won't EVER be a word AGAINST this unfair "matchmaking" rom those who benefit from it. Instead they will ask : "Mimimi ?" Making it sound as if it was the player's fault that he got into a team which had lost that high.


"Profiteers of a system will always defend it ( and try to keep it stable )."

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I just had an aweful time in pvp and need to rant. If you cant be bothered reading some pointless rant skip this one.


Been loving playing pvp as my commando healer over the past few months. I finally got it some nice gear, with full set of advanced gear and replaced all the enhancements with stuff that his high power and mastery with lower endurance (I'm not sure about pvp gearing but I just assumed it would be similar to pve stuff).


But now all its comms are going unused as I don't need to buy much more gear. But I do love playing my sniper so I thought I would give it a go.


And my god what a difference. Despite my complete inability to pvp properly (hence why I play a healer, so I can stay away from the lag-fest that is a 6 on 6 fight) I found it so much easier. Everybody on imps follows objectives and ops chat is often filled with "2s" (for example) or a group of warrior classes planning their aoe mez rotation and kill order so as to cc all enemies while burning them down 1 at a time.


Despite my often aweful gameplay and regular mistakes we often with the match and from time to time I end up with a 2:1 KD ratio. I love playing imp side and my love for pvp has grown even more.


So I buy some basic gear on afew more classes, my sin dps, my merc healer, my op healer, and my guardian tank.


Having a blast with my sin, merc, op.


But **** me, has any rep player on the entirety of the red eclipse ever heard of the word "objective" or term "win conditions"?


Every time I play imps people are in chat calling out which nodes are under attack, which ones are clear on the thing where you stand in the area to generate points for your team (cant remember the name of it, the new warzone mode). Every time I play reps nobody says anything at all and decide to just charge at the first red health bar they see and hit it until they die (which isn't long with that type of gameplay).


If I may just make an observation about people who say "imps are better than reps", perhaps the only way to fix that is to teach the reps how to play, because I am certainly keeping away from them after seeing how much better the imps are.


end rant and breathe.

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Today's portion of PvP was so bad, it made me depressed enough to quit the game until tomorrow. Coudn't even get back to leveling my DvL Commando, who just started 2 chapter.


First there was Civil War. It started quite good - me and a sorc went left (snow) and took the gun with zero problems. And if that's not enough, the grass was still free, which I found quite weird - usually enemy caps it early. But this time he didn't. and there was no one from my team near it.


So I thought "What the hell" and went for grass. There was no one there. I started capping, fully expecting an enemy pop out of stealth and stop me. No such thing happened, I took the gun. And on top of it, the middle was till being fought for, so the score is 2:0 for our team. Looks like we were on the right track, right? You wish...


I see a mara heading to grass and write "grass 1" in chat. Mara attacks, I kill him but use all my DCD for it. No one comes to my aid, but I still write in chat "grass clear" Then I see mara respawned and heading to me again. Plus we lost middle, despite the fact that pretty much everyone was there (at least I assume so, since snow wasn't attacked and I was alone) This means, basically, that whoever will have the 2 gun is entirely up to me right now. I dont like being put in such important position, because I'll most likely screw it up, but it cant be helped.


So I once again write "grass 1", and fight mara. This time, i die, while mara only has a tiny amount of health left. It's depressing, how close I came to killing him but lost anyway. I know, it's entirely my fault. I play AP powertech, and I could probably won, if I was better, But I am pretty bad in PvP (only a few keybinding, and keyboard turning) plus its not even my main (ironically, my main is mara), PT was created for DvL event and for class story and got all his PVP gear from other char's comms.


So yea, I lost, because I am bad, and it sucks. But goddamit, how hard was it for ANYONE to respond to my freaking call? Mara was almost dead, literally anyone could finish him off if they arrived at grass. But of course, no one came. We lost grass, and were unable to retake it or take middle, We lost the match.


it was all my fault, and I feel bad because of it, But not a single person showed up to help me and it makes me mad.


Then I got Ancient Hypergate, which I can't stand, because of how much power the stealthers have there. Strangely enough, no one tried to take our pylon, not even once, and I even brought 3 orbs. But the enemy still won having 2 hundred more points then us. Not sure how, maybe they were just better at killing us, then we at killing them. A good, honest defeat, without pylon theft by stealthers, but a defeat nonetheless.


The final drop was APG. I love it. but this particular match sucked, Enemy seemed to always have 2 battle mods and always show up in numbers at every node we held. We lost while having less then 200 points.


At this point I was pretty much done, no nerves left for another match, weekly and dailies were done but I decided to do one last match. And of course it was huttball. Normally I never do something like this, but I had no fight in me left for something so intense as huutball. I quit WZ (the match didnt yet start anyway) and then the game, because for today, I was done with SWTor. I was just... done.

Edited by Gelious
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Wow. Domi's spirit has truly, finally gone from this thread. RIP domi's optimism. :(


This event is hurting 65s.


My team (pugs and premade alike) have triple capped in almost every match and held the nodes for a hilarious amount of time.

There are a lot of under geared and inexperienced new guys trying out pvp, and they are getting slaughtered.

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This event is hurting 65s.


My team (pugs and premade alike) have triple capped in almost every match and held the nodes for a hilarious amount of time.

There are a lot of under geared and inexperienced new guys trying out pvp, and they are getting slaughtered.


I just started pvp yesterday for the first time and loved it. While it may be hurting 65's in the short term, I bet long term it will help as new people join the pvp ranks.

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Playing on my op healer aving fun leveling. wondering why I can't target that sniper to heal him from my ops frames. Do a quick count. Find we have 9 players on our team. Next match get an arena where we have 5 guys and they have 4. Another novarre? 9 people on our side again and I can only count 6 on the enemy team who get 3 capped and slaughtered. happy days (?).
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I just started pvp yesterday for the first time and loved it. While it may be hurting 65's in the short term, I bet long term it will help as new people join the pvp ranks.


I don't doubt it, but right now it's creating very lopsided teams.

It's making premades look like gods by comparison.

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On B.C. its basically 2 to 1 player ratio in favor of Imp side.What zones do pop pubside 9 out of ten times get farmed rolled, because of being 1/3 toon down or peeps in greens.So basically you need a pre/or double pre to compete/ win.Ive gone to imp side and rolled/crushed pubs countless times.Sad rerally,wouldent be suprised if pub side pvp dies soon, its allready severly handicapped and wounded by low poulation and trolls.But hey glad your having fun,eveybody loves to shoot that lightning.lol
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On B.C. its basically 2 to 1 player ratio in favor of Imp side.What zones do pop pubside 9 out of ten times get farmed rolled, because of being 1/3 toon down or peeps in greens.So basically you need a pre/or double pre to compete/ win.Ive gone to imp side and rolled/crushed pubs countless times.Sad rerally,wouldent be suprised if pub side pvp dies soon, its allready severly handicapped and wounded by low poulation and trolls.But hey glad your having fun,eveybody loves to shoot that lightning.lol


A lot more people pub side still don't understand bolster either, then wonder why they got smashed with a 30k crit.

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Ive gone to imp side and rolled/crushed pubs countless times.Sad rerally,wouldent be suprised if pub side pvp dies soon, its allready severly handicapped and wounded by low poulation and trolls.


It it is so sad, as you write it, then why do you keep on doing it ?


Wow. Domi's spirit has truly, finally gone from this thread. RIP domi's optimism. :(


Well, in my case, I was never a "happy PvPer" in the first place, always a bit grumpy.


Every time I play imps people are in chat calling out which nodes are under attack, which ones are clear on the thing where you stand in the area to generate points for your team (cant remember the name of it, the new warzone mode). Every time I play reps nobody says anything at all and decide to just charge at the first red health bar they see and hit it until they die (which isn't long with that type of gameplay).


If I may just make an observation about people who say "imps are better than reps", perhaps the only way to fix that is to teach the reps how to play, because I am certainly keeping away from them after seeing how much better the imps are.


If I had written this, I would have gotten the reply "mimimi ?"


They already do teach Reps how to become better : By curbstomping them. At least that appears to be the premise of a lot of rather trollish Imp side players.


I have read some seriously meant replies here in the past, actually meaning this : Making Rep side players into better players by steamrolling them. It's not their fault that Imp side players are so much better, Imp side apologists say. I'd add : It is not their fault that Imp side players can't keep themselves from curbstomping others ?


In RL, people are already complaining about people - especially young people- having become more aggressive nd more brutal in RL. Teenager robbers don't give their victims a chance now : THey are already beating their victims so hard that these victims must go into a hospital or die. And to me, this curbstomping and people not wanting to stop themselves from curbstomping, steamrolling others, to me, this is a reflection of the aggression and brutality in RL. Tis kind of teenagers just don't believe in humanism anymore. To them, humanism is for whiners. Mimimi. They have become selfish, and see no sense at all in letting the victim to recover from their curbstomping - neither in-game nor in RL.


What we see here is probably just a distorted reflection of what goes on in RL.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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It it is so sad, as you write it, then why do you keep on doing it ?



Maybe because he doesn't want to get roflstompped by a team of competent players.

It's hard to win a game when you're the only one that is properly geared, the other team quickly notices who are the ones that know what they are doing and focuses them relentlessly. It's a frustrating experience.


Pub PvP is pointless outside of premades.

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Steamrolling is bad on either side. And - it destroys PvP in the long run.


Pub PvP is already destroyed on several servers.

It's worse with this event, because we are getting more new blood but Imp side most of the regular pvpers have ignored the event for the most part.


So, the options are group up or get smashed by competent Imp Pugs/Premades.

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I started reading this thread today, because I don't normally PvP and I decided to start with a toon I rolled for DvL (Concealment Ops). It started out so positive and that seems to be gone in recent posts, so here's some random noob positivity:


I'm on Red Eclipse, only learning the ropes in unranked warzones, losing matches probably 75% of the time, and I'm loving it. Maybe it's the whole "Imps are good at PvP" thing, but when I screw up, nobody abuses me, and when I do well people are nice. I've even won two bouts as Ops Leader, trying to dish out strategic advice I've gleaned from research and from dying repeatedly playing warzones to other inexperienced pugs. And it's fantastic. I was a serious PvE player and now I've spent days just doing PvP. I was even Ops Leader of a team that won a Huttball match, and as an inexperienced squishy stealth player that was a very warm fuzzy feeling.


Objectively speaking, I'm probably still abysmal. But I'm learning slowly and having fun, so there you go :D

Edited by TheGhostOfSlade
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