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A PvP a Day...


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Whatever you want. You can adjust the settings. :p All the plot important NPCs are either babes or males of the rodent species. Ah, the deep mysteries of Orient! SWTOR is a bastion of gender equality in comparison. But I now go straight to creating a minority gender chars, 'em opressed males.
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Whatever you want. You can adjust the settings. :p All the plot important NPCs are either babes or males of the rodent species. Ah, the deep mysteries of Orient! SWTOR is a bastion of gender equality in comparison. But I now go straight to creating a minority gender chars, 'em opressed males.


Rats and babes, nice! I am pretty sure no adjustments in settings can stop those bouncing, glistening, uh.... yeah. :p

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I hardly post on the forums, but I just want to say ... I will miss you Domi. Your upbeat posts were such a boon to our often toxic pvp community. Good luck with BnS and more importantly, whatever you do in real life, I hope you rock that.


Go get them friend !!! :):)



- Ghora, Sentinel, Ebon Hawk

- Shanta, Mercenary, Harbinger

Edited by Excelsior_NY
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I hardly post on the forums, but I just want to say ... I will miss you Domi. Your upbeat posts were such a boon to our often toxic pvp community. Good luck with BnS and more importantly, whatever you do in real life, I hope you rock that.


Go get them friend !!! :):)



- Ghora, Sentinel, Ebon Hawk

- Shanta, Mercenary, Harbinger


True, who's gonna cheer us up when patch 5.0 comes and we're still waiting for season 7?

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Well her sub is probably active until the end of the month or whatever.


Also, as I'm learning from experiencee, you can apparently continue to post even after your sub runs out. Because I haven't bothered to renew mine since it expired on Sunday, yet here I am posting. I suspect it'll work until the forums forget who I am at some point, and ask me to log in again. Or, or! Maybe Bio gave me a free month for all that PTS testing I helped with over the last couple weeks. :p

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Ah, thank you, things are super-good :) My sub is lasting a bit longer, I am just not playing, and you know what not playing means... means I can, like, heal on a sorc. Maybe. :rolleyes: probably just need to take a gaming break all together to be honest. Summer is coming!
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Also, as I'm learning from experiencee, you can apparently continue to post even after your sub runs out. Because I haven't bothered to renew mine since it expired on Sunday, yet here I am posting. I suspect it'll work until the forums forget who I am at some point, and ask me to log in again. Or, or! Maybe Bio gave me a free month for all that PTS testing I helped with over the last couple weeks. :p


So, you are leaving too, Banderal? :(

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Our OP premade is gone. I haven't seen Band on for days now.

Oh well.


He always avoided me too!


He'd play his pub when I was on imp, and then if I logged on pub I would see his toon log out 5 secs after I got in. I swear he was avoiding me!


Domi would group with me when she came to TEH and that was cool!


I just remember Flintstones on Harbinger and always liked when that guy was on my team. I always thought, "man if me and Flintstones grouped we'd NEVER lose...."


So imagine how happy I was when I found out Flintstones had moved to TEH!!!!


Obviously, he didn't feel the same way about me. There's nothing worse when your love for someone is not reciprocated!


It's true what they say, there's always one person in the relationship who loves the other more, and the one who loves the least holds all the power!


R.I.P. my love, R.I.P.


P.S. I don't think I will ever be the same now, just so you know.

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So, you are leaving too, Banderal? :(


I dunno. I've let my sub slide in the past, and then ended up resubbing on some weekend when the games had been really good, and I got tired of my "prefered" status limit. ("Prefered" my ***.)


Lately I've been on harb leveling my shadow (my original Flintstones), trying to get to 65 so I could use him on the PTS effectively if bio does another round of testing. He's 64.5, so close. :)


And Lhance, I think I don't have all your toon names. You have more alts than I do! I never see the ones in my friends lists online. :(

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OMG, you are leveling Flint! Dart. If you need zone buddy to get you around that wonderful 5 wz per week restriction, let me know, I can dust my Gunslinger, respec her back into DF and be totally useless in the background. I know, it sounds totally awesome, but my only other midbies toon is my Guardian and I probably would contribute to victory by AFK'ing on it more than by attempting to actually play the darned class. Edited by DomiSotto
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I dunno. I've let my sub slide in the past, and then ended up resubbing on some weekend when the games had been really good, and I got tired of my "prefered" status limit. ("Prefered" my ***.)


Lately I've been on harb leveling my shadow (my original Flintstones), trying to get to 65 so I could use him on the PTS effectively if bio does another round of testing. He's 64.5, so close. :)


And Lhance, I think I don't have all your toon names. You have more alts than I do! I never see the ones in my friends lists online. :(


I play 2 imps primarily atm, both 65s. Overpowers and Suffocates.

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I play 2 imps primarily atm, both 65s. Overpowers and Suffocates.


THAT'S the problem! I have overpowers in my list, but I kept thinking the other one was "asphyx-somethingorother". I knew it had something to do with choking. :)

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OMG, you are leveling Flint! Dart. If you need zone buddy to get you around that wonderful 5 wz per week restriction, let me know, I can dust my Gunslinger, respec her back into DF and be totally useless in the background. I know, it sounds totally awesome, but my only other midbies toon is my Guardian and I probably would contribute to victory by AFK'ing on it more than by attempting to actually play the darned class.


Sure! But I only have about 1/2 a level to go. After that i guess i still have to gear though. Not sure I'll have enough comms to get everything at the time I ding 65. :(

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Of course, because Flint's a tank and so needs DPS gear with them power mods (obviously!). I'll try to log in around your normal play time and queue you up, while I am looking in utter dismay and stupefaction at my Gunslinger's keybinds and abilities, and see how far we can get you in levels/comms and just how low I can go on DPS. My Slinger's name is Tishujen, and omg, I think she is in 186 purples with 168 Obroan guns. It is seriously like going right back to square one of this thread. That character, that undergeared, and that clueless. Edited by DomiSotto
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Yep. I ran 3 or 4 games with Domi tonight. Don't let her fool you! ;)


I ran one 65 in my lvl 60 pvp gear, where I found out that "yes Virginia, gear level does make a difference". :o


Damn, I am trying here! BnS is really good.


At least you managed to get your node. I, like, had a wonderful time against three heals on the mid, almost killing a sorc, and and almost outdpdsing a sage. 2.3K DPS, what a joke.


As for Gunslinger, I was not as bad as I remembered it.


I was worse.


Apparently, I have a full Obroan on her. And a Dark Reaver MH. So, not only I did a proud 924 DPS, I also used all my utilities and defenses... except the KB. (Facepalm). And I ended up a bar over level 60, while Banderal hit 65.

Edited by DomiSotto
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