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Opt out of 2XP proposed solution


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This is an idea I have had for a while, but one that never seems to take off on the forums. I know a lot of people (myself included) do not like double XP time. That being said, I understand why people want to grind to 55 as quickly as possible.


I don't want developers to spend time working on something that only a small part of the community will use, so even though I hate 2XP, I am not suggesting letting someone opt out. I don't want this thread to turn into another ***** fest about good/bad for double XP.


As an alternative (that hopefully everyone can enjoy), why not implement a mentor leveling system, similar to the mentor leveling system in Rift? This would give benefits beyond just the 2XP week/weekend debates.


Mentor Leveling System would:

  • Let people who don't like 2XP level as usual, but set their level back to whatever they want to be for that particular content
  • Let people help newer guildies with flashpoints/PvP/etc. as they level, instead of being thrown into things at 55
  • Let experienced players to play with potential guildmates without creating alts
  • I am saying this as a non-computer programmer, but implementing mentor leveling SHOULD be pretty easy for Bioware at this point. Obviously there is work to be done, but can't they just 'reverse' the bolster logic already in place? (Again, saying that as someone who doesn't understand programming)



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The problem is not only those wanting to opt out are a small minority but its the rate at which 2xp occurs. An opt out option would be the most simplest solution. What you're suggestion seems like something that would suit an ongoing event without end.
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I have an even simpler solution. Just let people click on the icon there next to their experience bar to toggle it off.


Simple, right? I mean, how hard can it be? I wrote the requirement in one sentence! :rolleyes:


In other news...

Edited by DarthTHC
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This is an idea I have had for a while, but one that never seems to take off on the forums. I know a lot of people (myself included) do not like double XP time. That being said, I understand why people want to grind to 55 as quickly as possible.


I don't want developers to spend time working on something that only a small part of the community will use, so even though I hate 2XP, I am not suggesting letting someone opt out. I don't want this thread to turn into another ***** fest about good/bad for double XP.


As an alternative (that hopefully everyone can enjoy), why not implement a mentor leveling system, similar to the mentor leveling system in Rift? This would give benefits beyond just the 2XP week/weekend debates.


Mentor Leveling System would:

  • Let people who don't like 2XP level as usual, but set their level back to whatever they want to be for that particular content
  • Let people help newer guildies with flashpoints/PvP/etc. as they level, instead of being thrown into things at 55
  • Let experienced players to play with potential guildmates without creating alts
  • I am saying this as a non-computer programmer, but implementing mentor leveling SHOULD be pretty easy for Bioware at this point. Obviously there is work to be done, but can't they just 'reverse' the bolster logic already in place? (Again, saying that as someone who doesn't understand programming)




If they choose to address the minority wanting an opt out feature for double xp... I would say they should just add a toggle instead of trying to "fix" it with a mentor system.



With the exception of Guild Wars 2 which forced you into using the damn system wether you wanted to or not...

I have never seen a mentor system that was actually implemented decently without its own major issues that ultimately hurt the leveling process.

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If they choose to address the minority wanting an opt out feature for double xp... I would say they should just add a toggle instead of trying to "fix" it with a mentor system.



With the exception of Guild Wars 2 which forced you into using the damn system wether you wanted to or not...

I have never seen a mentor system that was actually implemented decently without its own major issues that ultimately hurt the leveling process.


I used it in Rift a lot. I was trying to think of an option that benefits multiple groups of people. Endgame gets mindlessly boring after a few months in MMOs, which is why I enjoy some of the lower leveled content.


Do endgame for a few days instead of leveling toons...double xp issue fixed. Tomorrow everything is normal again.


I did that for a long time. Repeating the exact same dailies/FPs/OPs is pretty damn old in this game. There is more to do at lower levels now than there is at 55.


Yet again, do you have any comments on mentor leveling systems? You ignored that in your reply...

Edited by Cidanel
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I know that there are a lot of MMO's out there and that means there are a lot of different approaches to game play....

I get sick of people saying why don't you do things like that game does it? Why can't you be more like this other game I played. Yeah those are great ideas and all but do you want to know why every game does things just a little bit different?

Because there are a million trolls out there just waiting for a game to rip off something from another game that way they can jump on the forums and tear the devs a new one for not being original enough to come up with there own ideas.

Yes your idea sounds fun, but it would depend on you being able to find someone to carry you through your entire leveling process...

Someone came up with the idea of a lvling token. I think that it is easier than that.

Take the 25% boosts that you already get in packs and turn them into 200% boosts. Pretty Simple.

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I did that for a long time. Repeating the exact same dailies/FPs/OPs is pretty damn old in this game. There is more to do at lower levels now than there is at 55.


Yet again, do you have any comments on mentor leveling systems? You ignored that in your reply...


I didn't ignore it, I simply couldn't get through your post to get through the second half or in other words I didn't read that part till now.


I will tell you this. A mentor system is a completely different thing. You may have weaved a link to double xp into it but to me they are separate issues. I will be happy to discuss a mentor system in another thread but you set the title to opting out of double xp which has much easier solutions than implementing a mentoring system.


What I will say is that I haven't played a game yet where a mentoring system really worked to my liking so I am not as interested in bringing a mentoring system into SWTOR. There are other things I prefer.


Still, my point remains that it's an issue that comes by only a handful of times in a year. You are coming up with solutions that are out of balance with the magnitude of the issue.

Edited by Tsillah
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I didn't ignore it, I simply couldn't get through your post to get through the second half or in other words I didn't read that part till now.


I will tell you this. A mentor system is a completely different thing. You may have weaved a link to double xp into it but to me they are separate issues. I will be happy to discuss a mentor system in another thread but you set the title to opting out of double xp which has much easier solutions than implementing a mentoring system.


What I will say is that I haven't played a game yet where a mentoring system really worked to my liking so I am not as interested in bringing a mentoring system into SWTOR. There are other things I prefer.


Still, my point remains that it's an issue that comes by only a handful of times in a year. You are coming up with solutions that are out of balance with the magnitude of the issue.


I put that in the title because it is what got me thinking about mentor leveling. I even put this in my original post:


I don't want developers to spend time working on something that only a small part of the community will use, so even though I hate 2XP, I am not suggesting letting someone opt out. I don't want this thread to turn into another ***** fest about good/bad for double XP.


I am trying to think of a compromise between people who enjoy parts of the game other then endgame and people who would pre-buy level 55s out of the box if they could.


A mentor system would solve much more than double XP. I personally have three agents at 55 right now because I can't set myself back and do what I want in the game. I also find grinding the same 2 OPs and same few dailies on a weekly basis boring. I know that isn't boring for everyone, but it is something that holds simply no interest to me. Having a mentor system where I didn't have to keep creating alts would keep me (and people like myself) playing this game beyond when we would previously have quit.


I quit WoW for similar reasons. Since you can pre-buy a level 90, not have to deal with finding trainers, can create macros out of the box to remove the learning curve, it is simply too boring of a game for me. I like the journey more than the end. Again, I know that is absolutely not how everyone feels, and I am not saying I am more right/wrong than anyone else, but I know a lot of people who play MMOs feel similarly.

Edited by Cidanel
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It sounds nice, but I'd have to agree with the following two quotes:


Even more complicated than letting people "toggle it off."


I have an even simpler solution. Just let people click on the icon there next to their experience bar to toggle it off.


Simple, right? I mean, how hard can it be? I wrote the requirement in one sentence! :rolleyes:


In other news...


That and the mentoring system sounds like it has a much greater potential for problems than any of the other options I have heard mentioned thus far here and in other threads.

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The only opt-out button I want is the one to opt out of all the Double XP Kuat Drive Noobs that appear in my 55 LFG and WZs for a month after double XP events run. Double XP is fine for that person that already has a set of gear ready to legacy over at 55, and knows what they are doing. Unfortunately that only applies to 1 out of 10 people that actually powerlevel straight to 55 (and I'm probably being generous at 10% of the people powerleveling actually being prepared for max level).
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Do endgame for a few days instead of leveling toons...double xp issue fixed. Tomorrow everything is normal again.


Not everyone has a 55.

Not everyone can jump on a level capped toon to play, and those that can may not be interested.


An opt-out works for them, your solution doesn't. It seems to be bad business to tell anyone to stop playing the character that they are currently enjoying and that they should instead go play content that they have seen before on a character that they enjoy less.


Pretty much all I have been doing these past few days related to TOR is checking the forums and watching my sub time roll by.


Either a simple click to opt out system, or provide the buff in the form of a consumable so that players that want it can use it, and those that do not can just throw it away.

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