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Base Item Stats vs Item lvl


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I've gotten my character up to the mid 20's and have been curious with how/if the base stats of purple and blue items are effected at all. I have found 4 different lightsabers and unequipped all the mods on them to find they all have the same base stats. So my question is, when you find a better weapon, are you really only finding a better modified armor/weapon or do they actually get better along with having good mods? Additionally, does it weaken the original weapon if I remove a mod and put it back in (ie: Take out all the mods and put the same ones in or equivalent level)? I've noticed a purple or blue item originally has turned orange. Any insight would be much appreciated. So far I've identified my initial light saber (lvl 10) has the same base stats as a lvl 19 and two other lvls in between once all the mods are removed. Edited by Sqwuirll
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There is no difference between orange items except appearance. The level of them is determined by the armor/hilt/barrel you put into it and the other stats are determined by the mods you put in.


Blue and purple items have a set level because the armor/hilt/barrel is built into the item.


Basically, orange items exist so you can keep a look that you like.

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