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Imperial's bluish engine reactant #4...million?


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I have a partly typed up cosmetic guide, and I touch on this in there, but this really can't wait anymore!



We start with BLUE. It has a white core, goes to a nice blue at the edge.

We have BLUE CORE. It has a... white core? But it is thinner, and a lot is a very light blue. The edges are kind of faded.

We have LIGHT BLUE. It has a white core, and clearly collapses to an actually lighter blue.

And now we have CYAN. It actually does go to a VERY blueish cyan, at about the same rate and engine intensity as the "light blue" one.



Engine reactants are already frustrating because the long visible trails when boosting or using maneuvers are, I think, just drawn for the player using it. You need to be SUPER close to see the engines on allies and even enemies.


The blues here are VERY hard to distinguish. I can target an enemy facing away from me and tell he's using purple engines, but good luck telling STOCK BLUE from LIGHT BLUE from BLUE CORE from CYAN.




Are we going to keep seeing this? I would love one that would just like SWITCH TO GREEN FOR A BIT. Or change from BLUE to CYAN and back over time.



But this is actually kind of comic here.





And yes, I like the Cyan. But cmonnnnn

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