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Kaggath Battlegrounds Heats - Chirikyat Ascendancy vs Republic Resistance

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I do think Kun's own rage could bring him damn close though.


Oh and Sunrider has shown that when she genuinely meditates on her Battle Meditation she can directly mentally attack sorcerers whom use their power, think of it as a heat seeking missile directed at sorcery, something Kun doesn't know she can do, Windu could easily either seriously injure or kill him whilst this happens.


But very well later then.

Only if he can draw deeply enough into Vaapad to harness it.


I think a Windu/Sunrider combo could definitely take down Kun, if Sunrider provided back up support e.g. battle meditation/meld and such mental attacks as you mentioned.


But yes, that's a debate to be explored later.

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Surely a Force User of Kun's caliber would be able to see an impending attack, simply by sensing their impending presence, he did at the end of the Great Sith War did he not? I just can't see him being taken by surprise.


I'm not sure a Wall of Light would work, Luke student's were quite powerful and Exar Kun weakened/in spirit form. And in this case Exar Kun can draw on the power of his temple, or outright attack them and prevent them from perform it.


Thank you Beni. I made this argument in one of my walls of text but I guess those do tend to get overlooked.


Alright I got carried away, now let me focus on the space battle.


I don't know if anyone saw it, but I'll say again. The Anakin Solo has a cloak and gravity well projectors. If it cloaks and sits close enough to the Republic fleet then activates the gravity wells, the entire Ascendency fleet will have closed the distance gap in seconds and done so without allowing Nek time to deploy his fighters.


At that point, the Venators could be focused and destroyed quickly under the firepower of full salvos from 6 Imperial II's and the missiles of 13 Kyramud-class ships. The Anakin Solo at this point has the opportunity to hit the weak spots on any ship from range with no fear of retribution by enemy starfighters and the Ascendancy's fighters will have free reign and plenty of anti-capital ship firepower to blow the Bellator and Acclamators apart.


Daala knows this strategy very well and it would be silly to think she'd let this weapon go to waste.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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In regards to space battles.


If we take into account intelligence then Nek could easily find out that Daala is his opponent in this theater long before Daala knows of him and that could have drastic consequences for the start of the space battle.


Advantage: Republic Resistance, Reasoning: speaks for itself.


1 Bellator-class Dreadnought, 4 Venator-class Star Destroyers, 10 Acclamator-class vessels and 2,240 Crossfire, Ionizer and TwinTail Starfighters.




Anakin Solo (IMP-II), 6 Imperial II-Class Star Destroyers, 13 Kyramud-type Battleships and 1,182 Aleph, M12-L and TIE Defender Starfighters.


Advantage: Republic Resistance, Reasoning: The Bellator more than closes the gap numerically in capital ships, Whilst the Venators are not quite as powerful as the MK-IIs are this gap is not huge, the Acclamators absolutely have the firepower advantage against the Kyramuds, with Heavy Proton Torpedos capable of penetrating even planetary shields, the Kyramuds will be faced with being potentially one shotted, this kind of planet beating weaponry will be a formidable presence and then we have fighter superiority, this is dominated sharply by the Republic because not only do they have a 2-1 numerical advantage but the quality is essentially equal.


Now a point has been made that the dorsal hangar bay on the Venators will be a major vulnerability but Nek only needs to vertically angle his Venators, not giving the Anakin Solo the chance to take this advantage, launch all his fighters which will have the deployment speed advantage and then once the doors are closed head straight into the thick of fighting.


Once again due to Nek's tactical mind he will know to take maximum advantage of his fighters and as the battle wears on the Ionizers and TwinTails will run riot all over the Mk-IIs.


Nek vs Daala, the greater tactical mind here is clearly Nek Bwua'tu and whilst no he doesn't have asteroids that in no way means he is suddenly out of his element, you don't have a flawless record against the Thrawn simulator just because you use asteroids.

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Thank you Beni. I made this argument in one of my walls of text but I guess those do tend to get overlooked.


Alright I got carried away, now let me focus on the space battle.


I don't know if anyone saw it, but I'll say again. The Anakin Solo has a cloak and gravity well projectors. If it cloaks and sits close enough to the Republic fleet then activates the gravity wells, the entire Ascendency fleet will have closed the distance gap in seconds and done so without allowing Nek time to deploy his fighters.


At that point, the Venators could be focused and destroyed quickly under the firepower of full salvos from 6 Imperial II's and the missiles of 13 Kyramud-class ships. The Anakin Solo at this point has the opportunity to hit the weak spots on any ship from range with no fear of retribution by enemy starfighters and the Ascendancy's fighters will have free reign and plenty of anti-capital ship firepower to blow the Bellator and Acclamators apart.


Daala knows this strategy very well and it would be silly to think she'd let this weapon go to waste.

Are you suggesting a micro-jump, is Daala capable of such a tactic? I guess so.


Though being able to jump right above them would effectively negate the weaponry of the Venator's completely. See the

, its seems that their batteries can't shoot "up" - not sure if the Bellator can either.


But then again, how well can the ISDs shoot downward if at al?

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Advantage: Republic Resistance, Reasoning: The Bellator more than closes the gap numerically in capital ships, Whilst the Venators are not quite as powerful as the MK-IIs are this gap is not huge, the Acclamators absolutely have the firepower advantage against the Kyramuds, with Heavy Proton Torpedos capable of penetrating even planetary shields, the Kyramuds will be faced with being potentially one shotted, this kind of planet beating weaponry will be a formidable presence and then we have fighter superiority, this is dominated sharply by the Republic because not only do they have a 2-1 numerical advantage but the quality is essentially equal.
Are you sure about that? On top of having shields of their own the Kyramud's are likely reinforced with beskar and altogether they look pretty damn resilient - I wouldn't bet on them being one shotted.
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In regards to space battles.


If we take into account intelligence then Nek could easily find out that Daala is his opponent in this theater long before Daala knows of him and that could have drastic consequences for the start of the space battle.


Advantage: Republic Resistance, Reasoning: speaks for itself.


1 Bellator-class Dreadnought, 4 Venator-class Star Destroyers, 10 Acclamator-class vessels and 2,240 Crossfire, Ionizer and TwinTail Starfighters.




Anakin Solo (IMP-II), 6 Imperial II-Class Star Destroyers, 13 Kyramud-type Battleships and 1,182 Aleph, M12-L and TIE Defender Starfighters.


Advantage: Republic Resistance, Reasoning: The Bellator more than closes the gap numerically in capital ships, Whilst the Venators are not quite as powerful as the MK-IIs are this gap is not huge, the Acclamators absolutely have the firepower advantage against the Kyramuds, with Heavy Proton Torpedos capable of penetrating even planetary shields, the Kyramuds will be faced with being potentially one shotted, this kind of planet beating weaponry will be a formidable presence and then we have fighter superiority, this is dominated sharply by the Republic because not only do they have a 2-1 numerical advantage but the quality is essentially equal.


Now a point has been made that the dorsal hangar bay on the Venators will be a major vulnerability but Nek only needs to vertically angle his Venators, not giving the Anakin Solo the chance to take this advantage, launch all his fighters which will have the deployment speed advantage and then once the doors are closed head straight into the thick of fighting.


Once again due to Nek's tactical mind he will know to take maximum advantage of his fighters and as the battle wears on the Ionizers and TwinTails will run riot all over the Mk-IIs.


Nek vs Daala, the greater tactical mind here is clearly Nek Bwua'tu and whilst no he doesn't have asteroids that in no way means he is suddenly out of his element, you don't have a flawless record against the Thrawn simulator just because you use asteroids.

You have some issues here Rayla


First, the Kyramud had been agreed to be superior to the Acclamator for a few reasons. One, it's armaments are designed not for capital ship warfare but for planetary bombardment, they are therefore less effective in space. Two is that the Kyramud is better armored seeing as it has Beskar plating (like all Neo Crusader ships). Three is it has far more missile tubes that are only slightly less powerful than the proton torpedos (though with universal tech rule I'd argue they're the same) and roughly equivalent firepower (again tech rule might even make them better)


Your argument that they can bring down planetary shields so they can one-shot a Kyramud is dumb. Seriously I can cite the Torpedo Sphere and show that it was able to fire 500 at a time and still it had to have precise timing aimed at a weak spot in the shield to make a dent and even then it made the tiniest of holes used to destroy the generator. Those torpedos aren't more powerful, in fact they are probably just less accurate as a planet is easier to hit :p


And fighter differential won't matter when the Venators explode before they can deploy their complements.


And Nek's skill (as I will say for the 3rd time) is not going to benefit him here. He is an admiral that is good at retreating and fighting on his own terms. What he can't win is a fight that forces him into a specific place. He has no asteroids or other helpful features to make use of in this battle, so his skills wont do his as much good. Daala is an aggressive girl and the ONLY woman to make admiral in the Empire. That alone means she is a master tactician, but to add to that she terrorized the New Republic for years with a small fleet and was never destroyed. In fact she came to Nek's rescue iirc.


well, back to walls of text I guess...

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Are you sure about that? On top of having shields of their own the Kyramud's are likely reinforced with beskar and altogether they look pretty damn resilient - I wouldn't bet on them being one shotted.


Potentially being the optimum word, a well placed missile could destroy an entire Kyramud, this is likely a rare occasion in this battle but that was more my attempt tl show what it's maximum potential effectiveness is.


Oh and where is it stated that Kyramud-type Battleships have Beskar plating because Wookieepedia makes no mention of it in the ship's article.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Are you suggesting a micro-jump, is Daala capable of such a tactic? I guess so.


Though being able to jump right above them would effectively negate the weaponry of the Venator's completely. See the

, its seems that their batteries can't shoot "up" - not sure if the Bellator can either.


But then again, how well can the ISDs shoot downward if at al?


They're designed for planetary bombardment remember...


Answer is "very, very well"


Als they can come in inverted so as to have all top guns directed at the Republic...

Edited by StarSquirrel
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They're designed for planetary bombardment remember...


Answer is "very, very well"


Als they can come in inverted so as to have all top guns directed at the Republic...

I guess, I assume that given the sloped hull if they dropped out above but slightly away from it they could fire on a sloped trajectory. But wait, are you suggesting they drop out upside down? Lol that would be a sight. :p


My experience is that the internal gravity wouldn't like that though, and you could end up with Daala on the ceiling. :D

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I guess, I assume that given the sloped hull if they dropped out above but slightly away from it they could fire on a sloped trajectory. But wait, are you suggesting they drop out upside down? Lol that would be a sight. :p


My experience is that the internal gravity wouldn't like that though, and you could end up with Daala on the ceiling. :D

Eh, they have chairs with restraints. Otherwise they could re-calibrate the internal gravity system to make upside down the norm for them.


Whatever it takes, that's kinda Daala's motto...


But you're also right about the sloped hull, as we can see in the battle vs. the Tantive IV...

Edited by StarSquirrel
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You have some issues here Rayla


First, the Kyramud had been agreed to be superior to the Acclamator for a few reasons. One, it's armaments are designed not for capital ship warfare but for planetary bombardment, they are therefore less effective in space. Two is that the Kyramud is better armored seeing as it has Beskar plating (like all Neo Crusader ships). Three is it has far more missile tubes that are only slightly less powerful than the proton torpedos (though with universal tech rule I'd argue they're the same) and roughly equivalent firepower (again tech rule might even make them better)


Your argument that they can bring down planetary shields so they can one-shot a Kyramud is dumb. Seriously I can cite the Torpedo Sphere and show that it was able to fire 500 at a time and still it had to ha ve precise timing aimed at a weak spot in the shield to make a dent and even then it made the tiniest of holes used to destroy the generator. Those torpedos aren't more powerful, in fact they are probably just less accurate as a planet is easier to hit :p


And fighter differential won't matter when the Venators explode before they can deploy their complements.


And Nek's skill (as I will say for the 3rd time) is not going to benefit him here. He is an admiral t.hat is good at retreating and fighting on his own terms. What he can't win is a fight that forces him into a specific place. He has no asteroids or other helpful features to make use of in this battle, so his skills wont do his as much good. Daala is an aggressive girl and the ONLY woman to make admiral in the Empire. That alone means she is a master tactician, but to add to that she terrorized the New Republic for years with a small fleet and was never destroyed. In fact she came to Nek's rescue iirc.


well, back to walls of text I guess...


I don't agree with that as the Kyramud is a tightly packed vessel and the Heavy Proton Torpedos are still very powerful and despite how dumb you may think it is, the design of your own ship is the weakness here. Also again where is it stated that all neo crusader ships including the Kyramuds had Beskar plating? Because if that was true the Republic Navy would have been roflstomped, I see no mention of Beskar in the Kyramud's article.


So I take it you ignored the part about angling his own ships to give no trajectory to the Anakin Solo then?


Why do you believe that without asteroids or some such he suddenly stops being the best tactician in the GA? I said it earlier but if all it takes to beat the Thrawn simulator is asteroids then why didn't every decent admiral beat it? answer: he is a far more varied and broad tactician than you seem to think.


Also perhaps my memory is bad but when has she ever pulled anything like an in-system jump? She is an aggressive admiral but she is not reckless.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Potentially being the optimum word, a well placed missile could destroy an entire Kyramud, this is likely a rare occasion in this battle but that was more my attempt tl show what it's maximum potential effectiveness is.


Oh and where is it stated that Kyramud-type Battleships have Beskar plating because Wookieepedia makes no mention of it in the ship's article.

No, no it couldn't

To accomplish its primary mission, the Torpedo Sphere arrived in orbit of a target planet, and scanned the shields to determine its weak point and to locate the deflector shield generators. A hundred heavy weapon technicians[2] took several hours[3] to calibrate and coordinate the proton torpedo launchers once the weak spot had been identified, and fired the salvo at a target of no more than six square meters to open a hole in the shield. The hole was, in actuality, a power surge that barely lasted for a few microseconds

Wookieepedia article


Yeah you're making stuff up Rayla. The Torpedo Sphere use 500 of the torpedos the acclamators have, all focused at exactly the same spot on a planetary shield and that blast could only open a hole due to a power surge for a few miliseconds. You obviously have no clue about this weapon do you?


And the thing about the Kyramud is that is was built by the Crusaders and Neo Crusaders who built their ships and armor with Beskar. The Kandosii in the last tournament was challenged and Beni agreed, because it is a classic mando ship it stands to reason they'd build it with the best materials on-hand (Beskar). Reasonable assumptions Rayla...

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I don't agree with that as the Kyramud is a tightly packed vessel and the Heavy Proton Torpedos are still very powerful and despite how dumb you may think it is, the design of your own ship is the weakness here. Also again where is it stated that all neo crusader ships including the Kyramuds had Beskar plating? Because if that was true the Republic Navy would have been roflstomped, I see no mention of Beskar in the Kyramud's article.

No, no they aren't Rayla. And yes, yes the Kyramud has Beskar, they were just outnumbered or out fought most of the time as is typically the case when comparing the Republic to the Empire/Mandalorians...


So I take it you ignored the part about angling his own ships to give no trajectory to the Anakin Solo then?
So I take it you missed the part where it won't matter when 6 Impstar II's pound the Venators to dust?

IWhy do you believe that without asteroids or some such he suddenly stops being the best tactician in the GA? I said it earlier but if all it takes to beat the Thrawn simulator is asteroids then why didn't every decent admiral beat it? answer: he is a far more varied and broad tactician than you seem to think.


Also perhaps my memory is bad but when has she ever pulled anything like an in-system jump? She is an aggressive admiral but she is not reckless.


What I mean is Nek has nothing to use to his advantage aside from open space, an advantage Daala can easily take away. Even if he where to utilize his ships to the best of their abilities he'd still lose. And yes, Daala can be reckless and bold enough. Nek certainly was. She knows that trying to close the gap with them is out of the question due to fighters, so a way to close the gap quickly will appeal to her. And she knows Nek and his highlights so she knows this tactic inside and out.


And she has pulled some pretty aggressive maneuvers such as chasing people through the Maw... I doubt an in-system jump would be half as nerve wracking.

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So without using Wookiee, lets see what the actual Sourcebook says.


The Torpedo Sphere parks in orbit around a planet and trains its DERs upon the world to search for weak points in the shielding.These weak points rarely exceed more than a 20 percent power drop, but this is enough for the Torpedo Sphere to bring down the shields. The Sphere contains 500 proton torpedo tubes arranged in an inverted conical formation. Surrounding these tubes are 10 heavy turbolaser batteries. It finds both the weak points and the location of the planet-bound shield generators. The Sphere then fires a salvo of torpedoes that knock a hole in the shield(at the weak point) followed by blasts to destroy the generators.


That is the quick version. In reality, it takes almost a hundred heavy weapons technicians to coordinate the tube launches. The target area rarely exceeds a six meter square. The hole this produces is actually a power surge that only lasts a few microseconds. If the turbolasers have not made their shots in this time, the process must start all over again.


- Taken from Imperial Sourcebook


Just to be sure that the Wookiee isn't lying or missing anything. But it seems the Wookiee article is pretty spot on and isn't missing anything or inflating it.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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No, no it couldn't


Wookieepedia article


Yeah you're making stuff up Rayla. The Torpedo Sphere use 500 of the torpedos the acclamators have, all focused at exactly the same spot on a planetary shield and that blast could only open a hole due to a power surge for a few miliseconds. You obviously have no clue about this weapon do you?


And the thing about the Kyramud is that is was built by the Crusaders and Neo Crusaders who built their ships and armor with Beskar. The Kandosii in the last tournament was challenged and Beni agreed, because it is a classic mando ship it stands to reason they'd build it with the best materials on-hand (Beskar). Reasonable assumptions Rayla...


I am not making up stuff at all, why are you referring to the Torpedo Sphere when the Acclamator-class does not use it, if you want to continue to throw vieled insults feel free to but I have nor the care or the need to respond to irrelevant statements.


Heavy Torpedos still maintain this capability if given the required amount and you obviously don't see the big picture, Death Squadron could do nothing but engage on the ground but these ships had the ability to pull this off, an Executor couldn't defeat planetary shields but this could.


My statement about 'one shotting' is only meant to be taken as a meaning of maximum potential damage, which was in the context of the hull armor, stop making blatantly irrelevant statements and ignoring context, a well place heavy torpedo in the right spot could chaim reaction the entire vessel.


You want to make assumptions? Fine but lets really analyse the logic here:


Beskar was hard enough to develop for chest armour and the like and Mandalorian Iron was incredibly rare by comparison and they used it for very important things, as I said if the Neo-Crusader fleet was decked out completely in Beskar the Republic Navy never could have fought back and given the Mandalorians took massive casualties it makes little sense for them to have lost at all, you know how damn tough Beskar really is? Nigh impenetrable yet the Neo-Crusader fleet lost badly in the war, the logic simply doesn't add up.

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So without using Wookiee, lets see what the actual Sourcebook says.


Just to be sure that the Wookiee isn't lying or missing anything.


I have the "Death Star Owner's Manual" Which includes the Torpedo Sphere. Someone literally copy pasted the section I quoted from the book Wolf, I mentioned that in my post...

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I have the "Death Star Owner's Manual" Which includes the Torpedo Sphere. Someone literally copy pasted the section I quoted from the book Wolf, I mentioned that in my post...


Ah, well then alright. Though I noticed you put the source in, but was just making sure it wasn't just tacked on there.

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Beskar was hard enough to develop for chest armour and the like and Mandalorian Iron was incredibly rare by comparison and they used it for very important things, as I said if the Neo-Crusader fleet was decked out completely in Beskar the Republic Navy never could have fought back and given the Mandalorians took massive casualties it makes little sense for them to have lost at all, you know how damn tough Beskar really is? Nigh impenetrable yet the Neo-Crusader fleet lost badly in the war, the logic simply doesn't add up.


I agree with Rayla. It is simply implausible to make ship hulls out of Beskar.


Need proof? According to the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, the Kandosii-type dreadnaught (the Mandalorian Navy's most powerful vessel) had standard hull plating made by Byblos Drive Yards, which has no access to Beskar whatsoever. If you look at the hulls of the Kandosii and other Mandalorian ships, they are obviously made of the same material.


As Rayla pointed out, there is no evidence that these ships have Beskar armoring. In fact, the evidence that we do have points to the ships being made out of rather standard hull plating.

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I am not making up stuff at all, why are you referring to the Torpedo Sphere when the Acclamator-class does not use it, if you want to continue to throw vieled insults feel free to but I have nor the care or the need to respond to irrelevant statements.

"The heavy proton torpedo launchers used were earlier models of those of the later designed Torpedo Spheres." Sorry, what were you saying?


Heavy Torpedos still maintain this capability if given the required amount and you obviously don't see the big picture, Death Squadron could do nothing but engage on the ground but these ships had the ability to pull this off, an Executor couldn't defeat planetary shields but this could.
see previous statement for proof of inaccuracy


My statement about 'one shotting' is only meant to be taken as a meaning of maximum potential damage, which was in the context of the hull armor, stop making blatantly irrelevant statements and ignoring context, a well place heavy torpedo in the right spot could chaim reaction the entire vessel.

Back peddling to make it more reasonable I see. Doesn't matter at least you've given up the "one shot" argument.


You want to make assumptions? Fine but lets really analyse the logic here:


Beskar was hard enough to develop for chest armour and the like and Mandalorian Iron was incredibly rare by comparison and they used it for very important things, as I said if the Neo-Crusader fleet was decked out completely in Beskar the Republic Navy never could have fought back and given the Mandalorians took massive casualties it makes little sense for them to have lost at all, you know how damn tough Beskar really is? Nigh impenetrable yet the Neo-Crusader fleet lost badly in the war, the logic simply doesn't add up.


You're joking right? Back in the time of the Crusaders and Neo Crusaders they were pulling the stuff out of the ground at break-neck pace. It was far from rare until the Empire strip mined it several thousand of years later.


And Beskar is only blaster resistant and not "nigh impenetrable" unless we're talking a massively thick block. I'm hardly making it out to be the end-all be-all of ship armor. I was pointing out that the Beskar plating (not the entire ship's superstructure btw) makes it more durable than most ships. The Republic won for the reasons I mentioned previously and you should know better. Just because one's ships are better doesn't make them invincible.


The fact the Neo Crusaders and Crusaders didn't win their wars hardly means their weapons were substandard... That is quite a leap in logic with very little support.


And I'm sorry for getting testy. I get frustrated over certain topics that I know well yet people seem to question me. Also, I don't direct most of these at you but at your arguments, I'm sorry but they aren't meant as personal attacks.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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I agree with Rayla. It is simply implausible to make ship hulls out of Beskar.


Need proof? According to the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, the Kandosii-type dreadnaught (the Mandalorian Navy's most powerful vessel) had standard hull plating made by Byblos Drive Yards, which has no access to Beskar whatsoever. If you look at the hulls of the Kandosii and other Mandalorian ships, they are obviously made of the same material.


As Rayla pointed out, there is no evidence that these ships have Beskar armoring. In fact, the evidence that we do have points to the ships being made out of rather standard hull plating.

Nope, Beni agreed in the last Kaggath that the Kandosii had Beskar armor... And the deck plating is what was made by Byblos Drive Yards, so don't overstate your point there.


As I said, I'm not arguing the entire SHIP is made of Beskar, just some of the armor plating on the hull. Enough to make it more durable.

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Things are getting a bit heated.


To add something to the debate, I'd like to point out the fighter numbers. It seems to me that the Republic Resistance has a larger number of starfighters that can be deployed, and I feel that the Chirikyat Ascendancy doesn't have the fighter defense necessary to overcome that advantage.

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So I take it you missed the part where it won't matter when 6 Impstar II's pound the Venators to dust?



What I mean is Nek has nothing to use to his advantage aside from open space, an advantage Daala can easily take away. Even if he where to utilize his ships to the best of their abilities he'd still lose. And yes, Daala can be reckless and bold enough. Nek certainly was. She knows that trying to close the gap with them is out of the question due to fighters, so a way to close the gap quickly will appeal to her. And she knows Nek and his highlights so she knows this tactic inside and out.


And she has pulled some pretty aggressive maneuvers such as chasing people through the Maw... I doubt an in-system jump would be half as nerve wracking.


If you think taking out Venators are that simple you clearly vastly underestimate these ships, what do you think they are? Corellian Corvettes? The hull armour is stronger than the typical durasteel most star destroyers used and by spreading out the multiple shield generators they allow concentration of power into a side of the vessel instead of protecting all sides at once, dormancy of the others offer longer shield protection. Also the Bellator is more than capable of closing this gap with sheer size and firepower.


Again I do not believe Daala would ever be that reckless with her ships when a main priority of her command was keeping her ships and fleet intact and was furious whenever she did lose a vessel.


I still agree with Tune here.


However nearly 3AM and much to do tomorrow, so I will let others fill in my arguments for me, night people.

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StarSquirrel, you're great, but you need to slow your roll. Being standoffish does not make you any more convincing or your points any more valid, and it alienates people (or at least me) from wanting to argue for you.

Edited by Warren-Stride
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Honestly I was going to stay up and debate this and just take a two hour lunch break at work to tide me over, but being ridiculed, disrespected, ignored and insulted since your very first post star I thought this would be fun but apparently you have taken it upon yourself to barrate me at every turn.


Claim it's not directed at me all you want but an apology means little when you do exactly the same thing in the same post.


Good day all.

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Nope, Beni agreed in the last Kaggath that the Kandosii had Beskar armor... And the deck plating is what was made by Byblos Drive Yards, so don't overstate your point there.


This is a new Kaggath with a new Arbiter, so I believe it merits discussion.


Let's put this another way. The Neo-Crusader warriors did not have Beskar armor. The Basilisk War Droids do not have Beskar Armor. None of the starfighters used during this era had Beskar armoring. In fact, that only Beskar-armored ships that have been confirmed is the Bes'uliik, made in 40 ABY. How are entire starships going to be armored with the stuff if nothing smaller has any hint of it?


To eliminate all doubt:

In 40 ABY, when a lode of beskar was found 100 kilometers north of Enceri, it was realized that the powerful armor could also be applied to the new fighter. This was originally hinted to Mand'alor Boba Fett by his lieutenant Goran Beviin soon after the discovery, and formally suggested by Jir Yomaget of MandalMotors when he showed Fett the new design shortly afterward.


Applying Beskar to this starfighter was a revolutionary idea in 40 ABY. Obviously it was not common practice 4000 years ago to coat entire ships in it.

Edited by Warren-Stride
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