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Kaggath Battlegrounds Heats - Chirikyat Ascendancy vs Republic Resistance

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Alright, my thoughts on space:


Concerning this long range bombardment from the Anakin Solo, I agree that it could potentially be devastating, and I also agree that Nek will react to the situation. Given that they are long range Nek is going to have to retreat a long way out to deploy her forces, which creates all kinds of problems. I think a better tatic would be to flip the Venator's on to their sides and then deploy the fighters, and once they are deployed bring the Venator about and back around and them full steam ahead. This would protect the hangar bays and considering the Venator's are reinforced with neuronium and there are no structural weaknesses on the underbelly it should be able to withstand the Solo's fire.


That is at least, what I would do, I'm sure Nek can come up with an equally effective tactic.


The only issue here is that Nek doesn't know they have long-range turbolasers, the standard turbolaser can shoot pretty far, so Nek is of course going to deploy from a range, but I expect the range of long-range turbolasers is quite far indeed, and Nek won't expect that kind of reach until the Solo open fires, so could sustain initial damage.


Anyway, space isn't my forte so I'm going to plow ahead with some good old fashioned assassination. First I'd like to remind everyone that Maul has access to his personal vehicles i.e. the Scimitar - a stealth starship.


Have Maul pilot that think straight into the hangar of Nek's flagship (which shouldn't be ray shielded if its deploying fighters), decloak and make for the bridge. Now the Bellator will have a standard clone detachment to guard it, but not much else (I assume both Nomi and Windu will be on the ground) leaving Nek vulnerable and dead. :jawa_evil:


And without Nek the fleet will be sent into disarray, and could well lose the space battle. The only way I see Nek surviving is if he were able to delay Maul long enough to get say Windu to come to his rescue, but I'm not sure.


EDIT: Even better, they capture Nek stick him in the Embrace of Pain aboard the Anakin Solo and torture him for information! Bwahahaha! Though that would require an extraction team, in fact Maul will need one in general.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Let's play along with your point Beni, Maul goes to assassinate Nek leaving only two on the ground to fight the ground battle, Mace and Nomi both have a significant chance of sensing in some way that Maul has left. This however creates a significant advantage for the Republic, whilst Nek likely will be lost Exar Kun has lost his best bodyguard, Mandalore simply does not compare.


Commander Cody creates a distraction with his men and attempts to make his force a nice target drawing as many forces to him as possible, whilst they bare the brunt Mace Windu, Nomi Sunrider and 50 Jedi Knights storm Kun's temple flanking around the enemy bulk force, even with what remains of the Sun Guard which has likely devoted much to the large battle, Kun will fall to their combined force and the Kaggath is over.


Essentially Maul leaving the ground battle will only give the Republic a great opening to exploit.

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Let's play along with your point Beni, Maul goes to assassinate Nek leaving only two on the ground to fight the ground battle, Mace and Nomi both have a significant chance of sensing in some way that Maul has left. This however creates a significant advantage for the Republic, whilst Nek likely will be lost Exar Kun has lost his best bodyguard, Mandalore simply does not compare.


Commander Cody creates a distraction with his men and attempts to make his force a nice target drawing as many forces to him as possible, whilst they bare the brunt Mace Windu, Nomi Sunrider and 50 Jedi Knights storm Kun's temple flanking around the enemy bulk force, even with what remains of the Sun Guard which has likely devoted much to the large battle, Kun will fall to their combined force and the Kaggath is over.


Essentially Maul leaving the ground battle will only give the Republic a great opening to exploit.

Interesting counter-argument, that said I think Exar Kun will be confident enough (or rather overconfident) in his own abilities to not believe he'd need Maul at his side. I doubt Kun will see him as a bodyguard, instead a weapon or rather an assassin. I also don't think Maul would effect the outcome of that battle much, as you said Nomi can likely sever Maul from the Force. Not that I'm saying Exar Kun would lose such a confrontation. I'd sure through his powers of farsight he'll see an attack coming and rally his forces to him - and then we have a real fight on our hands.
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For the sake of my sanity, can we reframe from walls of text one after the other as seen on page 8? I think it would be better to focus on one point at time. I'm feeling a little bit daunted by the huge posts I'm having to read because I went to sleep. :p
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For the sake of my sanity, can we reframe from walls of text one after the other as seen on page 8? I think it would be better to focus on one point at time. I'm feeling a little bit daunted by the huge posts I'm having to read because I went to sleep. :p
I agree, I'm just glad I'm not the one who has to sort through them. :D


Anyway, space is the name of the game currently, space and assassination!

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As much as I love Venators, I think they're a bit outmatched here. The CIS Navy's main warship was the Munificent-class star frigate, which (as everyone knows) were really just retrofitted commerce ships. Yet, as TCW can attest, the Republic did not win every space battle.


In comparison, now the Venators are competing against one of the most powerful warships every designed (I assume) and they're outnumbered. I'm not sure how easy it will be for the Venators to best their new and improved versions.


Noting, of course, that these are just my general thought on capital ships, the flagships and fighters will play into it as well. But the capital ships really are the powerhouses of a Navy.

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Interesting counter-argument, I think Exar Kun will be confident enough (or rather overconfident) in his own abilities to not believe he'd need Maul at his side. I doubt Kun will see him as a bodyguard, instead a weapon or rather an assassin. I also don't think Maul would effect the outcome of that battle much, as you said Nomi can likely sever Maul from the Force. Not that I'm saying Exar Kun would lose such a confrontation. I'd sure through his powers of farsight he'll see an attack coming and rally his forces to him - and then we have a real fight on our hands.


His abilities in farsight are highly circumstantial though and if he is too concentrated on giving direction to and amping his Massassi then he may well be taken by surprise.


Also Kun could simply be trapped inside a Wall of Light and quite possibly be destroyed as happened to the Massassi, Nadd did after all imbue his body with the Dark Side directly like Sadow did to those same Massassi we refer to, all Massassi not drained by Kun were obliterated by the Wall of Light.


If less than a dozen of Luke's students could summon a WoL then the Jedi here definitely can.

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As much as I love Venators, I think they're a bit outmatched here. The CIS Navy's main warship was the Munificent-class star frigate, which (as everyone knows) were really just retrofitted commerce ships. Yet, as TCW can attest, the Republic did not win every space battle.


In comparison, now the Venators are competing against one of the most powerful warships every designed (I assume) and they're outnumbered. I'm not sure how easy it will be for the Venators to best their new and improved versions.


Noting, of course, that these are just my general thought on capital ships, the flagships and fighters will play into it as well. But the capital ships really are the powerhouses of a Navy.


You should probably see the arguments about this in other threads but they are not outmatched and people need to realise that the Bellator is a very powerful and fast dreadnaught, it's capital ship to ship firepower is very strong here and is more than capable of taking on three MK-IIs, 160 Heavy Turbolaser batteries, 20 Dual Proton torpedo launchers and 60 assault concussion missile launcers anyone?


Also the Acclamator-class has powerful heavy proton torpedo launchers capable of beating planetary shields and can be applied against capital ships.

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No Stormtroopers weren't accurate the Clobes however were far better trained with much better weapons.



Ehh....there isn't that much a big gap between Stormtroopers and Clones, you could make a debate for either really...and Stormtroopers were accurate.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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For the sake of my sanity, can we reframe from walls of text one after the other as seen on page 8? I think it would be better to focus on one point at time. I'm feeling a little bit daunted by the huge posts I'm having to read because I went to sleep. :p


Wall of Text rules all! :rolleyes:


As for the recent idea of Nomi assaulting Kun in his own temple...terrible, terrible plan. He would be so amped up he could likely injure/kill a good deal of the invaders and still escape, if he doesn't have forces of his own to back him up. If he does, that much of an amp may just allow him to turn the tables on the assault team.


In regards to the assassination attempt...Sounds good, but I think that it would be more profitable if Kun sent him on a 3 for 1. Send him to kill Cody before departing to the Bellator. Yes, Cody will be in the thick of the RR camp, but Maul IS an assassin, he likely could sneak past the majority of the forces. After he is dead however, getting out might prove difficult, which is why that is when they should plan to launch an attack at that time to cover his escape.


That done, he would board his stealth ship and attempt to infiltrate the Bellator. If he arrives before the Ascendancy opens fire that it should be relatively calm. By the time he is about to the bridge the fleets will likely engage, causing chaos to ensue. This is when Maul has to fight his way into the bridge and kill or capture Nek. Due to the size of the vessel and the lack of a support team, it is more likely to kill him. Now that they know he is aboard it would be quite difficult to escape. So, instead, he sets the Bellator on a crash course with the RR's main grounds force *unless this is considered bombardment?* If he is not allowed to do that, he starts the self destruct sequence before destroying the controls. He then would have to fight his way back to his ship before the ship destroyed itself. If he makes it back to his ship *and seeing how in this scenario there are no other major characters that can fight him on an even field* it is likely that he makes it just in time.


As he returns to Kun the RR fleet would be in disarray as well as the ground forces of the RR would be recovering from the recent assassination of Cody. Sith Assassins, a pain in the back they quite literally can be. :jawa_evil:

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Do these Venator's have the SPHA-Ts in the hangars?


They do have them as a complement for ground attacks as standard, Anakin just had the idea of placing them in the ventral bay, I'm not sure whether they would be allowed here though, that'd be an arbiter decision.

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Also just gonna point out, but both factions Juggernauts won't be 100% useful here, on a jungle world. They could get stuck...as shown..




Something to factor in. There is also the problem of tight spaces, you're not gonna be able to maneuver real well with those things either.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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As much as I love Venators, I think they're a bit outmatched here. The CIS Navy's main warship was the Munificent-class star frigate, which (as everyone knows) were really just retrofitted commerce ships. Yet, as TCW can attest, the Republic did not win every space battle.


In comparison, now the Venators are competing against one of the most powerful warships every designed (I assume) and they're outnumbered. I'm not sure how easy it will be for the Venators to best their new and improved versions.


Noting, of course, that these are just my general thought on capital ships, the flagships and fighters will play into it as well. But the capital ships really are the powerhouses of a Navy.

As Lady said, take into account the Bellator, its a vast 7km warship doubt doubt several times more powerful than an ISD-II. Also note that in TCW the Venator's are always deployed in small numbers, and that the later models (those being used here) upgraded with neuronium, turned the tide of the war, the Confederacy couldn't stand up to them.
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Do these Venator's have the SPHA-Ts in their hangars?


They weren't in all Venators, and given we have such a small amount of ships id rather say no, than say 0.4 of Raylas ships would have one and round it up.


The Ventral Bays however can be fitted with anything Rayla has, subtracting from the ground forces of course.


Also note that Rothana manufactured the SPHA's, so if there's a defection or cargo shipment, Cody could well suggest the idea to Nek.

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...people need to realise that the Bellator is a very powerful and fast dreadnaught, it's capital ship to ship firepower is very strong here and is more than capable of taking on three MK-IIs, 160 Heavy Turbolaser batteries, 20 Dual Proton torpedo launchers and 60 assault concussion missile launcers anyone?


No doubt the Bellator is powerful, but I'm wondering where you're getting those numbers, because they're not on Wookieepedia. It's hard to realize that the Bellator is a fast and powerful dreadnaught without any proof.


On the note of speed, it may be fast, but it's less heavily armed. It's a give and take, and honestly I feel like, at least in this scenario, armaments are more important than speed.


Why was this ship even allowed? There's no numbers for it. I got ships turned away that had more information than this.

Edited by Warren-Stride
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Let's play along with your point Beni, Maul goes to assassinate Nek leaving only two on the ground to fight the ground battle, Mace and Nomi both have a significant chance of sensing in some way that Maul has left. This however creates a significant advantage for the Republic, whilst Nek likely will be lost Exar Kun has lost his best bodyguard, Mandalore simply does not compare.


Commander Cody creates a distraction with his men and attempts to make his force a nice target drawing as many forces to him as possible, whilst they bare the brunt Mace Windu, Nomi Sunrider and 50 Jedi Knights storm Kun's temple flanking around the enemy bulk force, even with what remains of the Sun Guard which has likely devoted much to the large battle, Kun will fall to their combined force and the Kaggath is over.


Essentially Maul leaving the ground battle will only give the Republic a great opening to exploit.


If Maul leaves during the battle, I doubt his presence would be noticed, more put down to Massassi dying.


Also, I doubt they could react fast enough to storm the temple and end it before Maul returns, though it's possible that if they see the assassination attempt coming and trap maul, it could spell doom for the ascendancy.

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I didn't realise Darth Maul had become IG-88, I also think he has been slightly over - estimated here in his ability to so effortlessly infiltrate both my camp and my flagship.


The enemy has the advantage of knowing that Maul will try to assassinate their leaders which right away makes his job much harder and evidently just walking into Cody's command post won't bold well for him, remember the fact that his later iteration along with his brother were shot multiple times by Cad Bane and his pirates, now imagine what happens if he gets caught.


Not to mention that sonic weaponry in multiple forms are in the arsenal of Clonetroopers, knowing Maul is a serious threat, weapons such as sonic blasters, rifles and detonators may be made a necessity in case of said attack and these weapons can easily be stocked via once again dominating the black market and having Kuat.


If I was a smart person which all of my leadership are, I'd be using black market connections and Kuat + subsidiaries to get ahold of anti-stealth equipment.


Also even Kun amped could only truly be so effective, or have we entirely forgotten how Vaapad works? the more Kun is amped the more Windu is, whom by the way is already being greatly boosted by Battle Meld, as will all the Jedi Knights because of Sunrider who is an extremely formidable opponent herself.

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No doubt the Bellator is powerful, but I'm wondering where you're getting those numbers, because they're not on Wookieepedia. It's hard to realize that the Bellator is a fast and powerful dreadnaught without any proof.


On the note of speed, it may be fast, but it's less heavily armed. It's a give and take, and honestly I feel like, at least in this scenario, armaments are more important than speed.


Why was this ship even allowed? There's no numbers for it. I got ships turned away that had more information than this one.


Ansel Hsiao the guy who designed the ship.

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They weren't in all Venators, and given we have such a small amount of ships id rather say no, than say 0.4 of Raylas ships would have one and round it up.


The Ventral Bays however can be fitted with anything Rayla has, subtracting from the ground forces of course.


Also note that Rothana manufactured the SPHA's, so if there's a defection or cargo shipment, Cody could well suggest the idea to Nek.

Hmm, but according to Wookieepedia "many Venator-class Star Destroyers of the Open Circle Fleet had SPHA-T turbolaser cannons installed inside their ventral hangar bays", I don't know how many is many but I think its a precedence for saying considering we are taking capital ships at their most advanced levels, they should all have one.


Those are my thoughts.

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They weren't in all Venators, and given we have such a small amount of ships id rather say no, than say 0.4 of Raylas ships would have one and round it up.


The Ventral Bays however can be fitted with anything Rayla has, subtracting from the ground forces of course.


Also note that Rothana manufactured the SPHA's, so if there's a defection or cargo shipment, Cody could well suggest the idea to Nek.


Alright, thanks.

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