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Kaggath Battlegrounds Heats - Chirikyat Ascendancy vs Republic Resistance

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Also I would like to request Mace Windu's personal Eta-2*Actis-class light interceptor, Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor and TX-130*Saber-class Fighter Tank. Also Nomi Sunrider's courier and Cody's personal LAAT Gunship.


Every little helps right?


One Windu ship, take your pick. No tank because it wasn't really a personal vehicle. No to the courier because Sunrider can't enter space or leave Yavin. And yes to Cody's LAAT.

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Is her reach really that great though?


As far as I can tell, the Great Temple and other Sith architecture was designed to channel to dark, not the light side.


If she can effect the whole of Coruscant, making the whole population 'joyous' with Battle Meditation then less than 10,000 people is nothing for her.


Also it seems to me that the temple channels the Force in general, so whilst no it won't amp her it will however channel her powers in BM to a greater degree.

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If she can effect the whole of Coruscant, making the whole population 'joyous' with Battle Meditation then less than 10,000 people is nothing for her.


Also it seems to me that the temple channels the Force in general, so whilst no it won't amp her it will however channel her powers in BM to a greater degree.


Didn't the NJO channel Force energies through the Temples to empower Dorsk 81?

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1.The Venator-class does not need to go all the way to it's side, it can still be pointed toward the enemy fleet only in a more vertical position giving away shots on it's dorsal half, as soon as fighters are deployed they shut the doors re-angle themselves and attack back. Sounds like a good plan, but how would they know to take such a precaution if the Anakin Solo is already cloaked? *will explain at range question*


2.Why are we instantaneously assuming that the fleets start off so directly close to one another? They could start off a significant distance from another which Nek would likely want to go for. I had assumed that they both jump in-system at different ends and pick up each other on sensors near Yavin 4 so they are at long range. At this range they likely will not yet be in eye sight so it is possible for the Anakin Solo to do its thing and stealth forward. Leaving the rest of the fleet parked just at the edge of sensor range so that the RR could see them, and Nek would likely then do his whole planning thing to see what they are doing.


3.The Venators have much longer range weapons than the standard Mk-IIs do, their DBYs have a long range mode with tracking systems allowing range and accuracy so in theory the Venators should be able to pound the enemy ships, preferably concentrating the Solo and destroy it before the enemy can get in range. Long range, yes, longer than Anakin Solo's long range? No. Though, in most scenarios the Anakin Solo will not be slugging it out at range but rather stealthing in. If the fleet remains at the edge of sensors range, it is likely beyond the Venators turbo laser range.


4.The Bellator has gravity well projectors the long range kind if I am not mistakened and that could stop the enrmy fleet's movements altogether. Eh, what? Never heard of "long range" gravity well projectors... And even then they never stop a ship from moving, they just exploit the hell out of the hyper drives safety protocols. Besides, if they activate too soon, it could be used against them.


5.The Bellator could actually act as a shield for the Venators, being a kind of tip of the spear formation right from the start, once fighters are launched the Acclamators come around first shielding the Venators as they close their doors and then with all fighters deployed and the Venators using their long range tracking mode, the pressure is on the Ascendency fleet because now the advantage they might have used was never there in the first place. Good "point" :p though, this might leave it vulnerable to flanking even after the fighters are deployed, due to the fact it is still of the star destroyer design. They tend to lack weaponry to cover their rear. Other than that, overall looks strategically solid.


6.If the Mk-IIs do bullrush in, the Acclamators could simultaneously fire two torpedos each at a single Mk-II and theoretically either largely cripple the vessel or perhaps even destroy it, a ship would be an easy target if it headed right at you. I am sorry but no. There is absolutely 0% chance that 2 torpedoes will "largely cripple" a MK-II, due to its heavy armor. Sure, if all of the Acclamators focused on one it would be crippled in a volley, maybe two, but only 2 torpedoes? No. Even if they do all open fire, the Kyramuds likely could use the point defenses to shoot down the projectiles long before they impact at that great of range, plenty of time to track the trajectory and ready the point defenses.


7.The Starfighters once deployed would essentially spell doom for the Ascendency, not only do they lack fighter defenses but the fighters they do have would be swarmed over with essentially equal quality starfighters, once dominance is assured, the Ionizers and TwinTails go in for the kill on the enemy Mk-IIs and with nothing to defend themselves, they will fall under trench run disease and that doesn't even count the fire from my own capital ships. Nothing to object here, completely true and I agree. I still support the CA however. :csw_guard:


8.The Bellator's firepower is more than a match for 3 Mk-IIs not to mention how damn strong it's shielding is, you can't just go concentrating the bridge, as the vessel has 8 Shield Generators not to mention most of the Point Defense batteries seem concentrated around the bridge. The vessel is very powerful and if Daala isn't careful the Bellator could simply concentrate each Mk-II to death over the course of the battle. I am going to have to disagree here. The 8 shield generators, unless using Mon Calimari tactics, are just that, 8 seperate generators. They are spread across the hull, and any less than 8, and the shielding would be pitiful looking at the sheer size of the vessel. If I recall correctly, shields are strongest near the generators but overall they are just origin points making it more difficult to take out the shields, and to localize failings instead of them being universal. Despite this, it still does have great shields. However, due to the size, shape, ect ect, it does not have quite as much efficient firepower as is stated. Sure it has all of those weapon systems, but they are likely thinly placed across the hull, or bunched up in clusters. Both leave it weak unless it is surrounded.


9.Anti-stealth equipment, we should explore the possibility of the RR procuring equipment that could counter stealth.

Where from, and how long would it take to arrive?


10.Battle Meditation, Nomi Sunrider is listed as the most natural user of this technique and displays unprecedented advancement in it, I think she could certainly bring the edge onto the RR's side here. True, though I do wonder how effective it would be in a place entrenched in the dark side such as Exar Kuns temple... Not to mention extending it to space as well. I remember it affecting whatever battle that the user is participating in, but I do not recall it ever effecting both the ground war and the war in space simultaneously. I would accept a quote or source though, I merely haven't seen it yet and so I am skeptical. :d_tongue:


The points that come to mind right now, I would like analysis from everyone if possible.


Responses in Gray. Not as thorough of a responses as I had intended, but it should suffice.


Unrelated Side Note: What do you guys think of my new sig? Not flashy like some of yours, but hey, my old one was definitely out dated.

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Responses in Gray. Not as thorough of a responses as I had intended, but it should suffice.


Unrelated Side Note: What do you guys think of my new sig? Not flashy like some of yours, but hey, my old one was definitely out dated.






Thanks :D

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One thing I'd just like to point out is the following:


#117 Neither Head's of State can perish in the initial space battle, however Second-in-Command's and Allies from both sides can perish - ultimately who if any members of Leadership are killed will be decided by the Arbiter.


So the question is, will Daala or Nek go down with their ships?

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Unrelated Side Note: What do you guys think of my new sig? Not flashy like some of yours, but hey, my old one was definitely out dated.
It pales in comparison to my gloriously overcolored linked up signature!


I kid I kid, I like the ah *contextual* quote and that video is just lawls. :D

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It pales in comparison to my gloriously overcolored linked up signature!


I kid I kid, I like the ah *contextual* quote and that video is just lawls. :D


Did you click the name? It plays the audio file. :D


As for the video, well I thought it fit somewhat and would be similar to what would happen if a droid could no longer think in numbers...They would indeed go insane...


Side Note: I am sure you see part of the reason I chose that quote as well. :d_evil:

Edited by Silenceo
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Did you click the name? It plays the audio file. :D


As for the video, well I thought it fit somewhat and would be similar to what would happen if a droid could no longer think in numbers...They would indeed go insane...

Oh I didn't, audiooo file in da house! Nice, very nice. :D


I wonder how many people have clicked the link in my sig. *brood* :jawa_evil:

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Oh I didn't, audiooo file in da house! Nice, very nice. :D


Yeah, just one of those touches that make it worthy to replace that Bastila quote I used to have.


Back onto the topic at hand though, any other points that need to be countered/brought back up do you think in regards to space combat?


Side Note: Which one? Guilty of the first, but not the last two, sadly. I have too many things going on to read enjoyable material these days. :(

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Yeah, just one of those touches that make it worthy to replace that Bastila quote I used to have.


Back onto the topic at hand though, any other points that need to be countered/brought back up do you think in regards to space combat?


Side Note: Which one? Guilty of the first, but not the last two, sadly. I have too many things going on to read enjoyable material these days. :(

I meant the first, one of my favourite scenes in KOTOR II, I don't expect everyone to read by fanfics lol. :D
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I meant the first, one of my favourite scenes in KOTOR II, I don't expect everyone to read by fanfics lol. :D


Probably better than the one I wrote years ago...The beginning in that one was...horrible...granted it was the first story I had ever written, and in the years since then I have written the beginnings of a few stories that are much better structured, but I never can seem to stick with a single one for more than 50 pages these days...Kinda funny though, considering the fan fic is much longer...CURSE YOU BRAIN! WHY CAN'T YOU CONSISTENTLY KEEP A STORY GOING!?!?!?! :d_mad:

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I meant the first, one of my favourite scenes in KOTOR II, I don't expect everyone to read by fanfics lol. :D


I read them :(


And I love the video you picked for that, it glitches Bao-Dur's head outside the Stasis Field, which would actually brutally kill him 0.0....

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Probably better than the one I wrote years ago...The beginning in that one was...horrible...granted it was the first story I had ever written, and in the years since then I have written the beginnings of a few stories that are much better structured, but I never can seem to stick with a single one for more than 50 pages these days...Kinda funny though, considering the fan fic is much longer...CURSE YOU BRAIN! WHY CAN'T YOU CONSISTENTLY KEEP A STORY GOING!?!?!?! :d_mad:
Lol, I once read this book that was a series of stories that were just beginnings, it was in part about writing stories but not able to finish them. Maybe you should try one of those. :p


But yeah, writing can be a struggle sometimes.

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I read them :(


And I love the video you picked for that, it glitches Bao-Dur's head outside the Stasis Field, which would actually brutally kill him 0.0....



Ha ha! I noticed. I think that's just KOTOR II for you. :p

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