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GTN item count and listing time increase


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Currently we're limited to a max of 100 items for sale on the GTN, per alt, with each item posted for no more than 2 days.


I understand why, more items, slower GTN performance, and if you let people list for longer than 2 days, prices will come down a bit.


But you know what? Not everyone can log in every two days on every single alt and relist tons of stuff for sale, I'd much rather have 7 day and even 30 day listing times, let me just list and it'll sell or it won't.


As a side note: there are many obscure items in the game that can be crafted that might sell, but sell slowly. Some of the armor that Synth and Armormech can craft for example. There are people who might like those armors, but having to relist them every 2 days? Meh, no thanks.


If I could craft those items and list them for 30 days, I'd do it in a heartbeat. As it stands, those orange armors are almost never listed on the GTN due to slower sales. I've done it and sold some of them, but it takes too many relists.


As for the 100 item limit, this would be nice to have as an account or server wide limit. With 22 alts per server, how about a 2,200 item posting limit per server? As it stands, I craft with a few alts and then mail stuff to other alts to list on the GTN. What a huge waste of time.


I can list 2,200 items right now (with 22 alts), I just have to do 100 per alt and mail stuff here and there. Why can't I just list 2,200 items with a single alt (assuming I have 22 of them) and then none on the others? Same server load, much easier quality of life.


And yes, I'd be happy to pay for both of the above.

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Interesting that you think longer listing times would lead to higher prices, not lower.


I think many, many more people would have items listed, thus lower prices. As it is, many people simply play once or twice a week and only spend so much time listing items on the GTN.


I'm willing to bet there are many cargo holds full of stuff that people would sell if it wasn't such a PITA.

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Interesting that you think longer listing times would lead to higher prices, not lower.


I think many, many more people would have items listed, thus lower prices. As it is, many people simply play once or twice a week and only spend so much time listing items on the GTN.


I'm willing to bet there are many cargo holds full of stuff that people would sell if it wasn't such a PITA.


YES more days items into the GTN brings the prices lower and lower

In SWG that traders can add their stuff for 30 days, they saw lot of their stuff never sold coz of many other traders daily add theirs in lower prices and they sold rapidly, and theirs stay in their high price into their Bazaar.

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I agree with you. Longer listing times will lead to lower prices. If 10 people all have "item X" and sell it on the GTN they have to be competitive for a sale. However, if 9 of them do not play for say, 4 days in the current system with a 2 day listing, "item x" falls off the market and 1 person has the monopoly on item X and may sell it for a very high price.


A longer list time also allows for an improved market. I would craft mods and enhancements for the lower levels and I have a friend who did that for a while too, but there isn't a need for a level 15 mod every two days. Item listings expiring every two days makes it too much work to keep mods available to players, so we don't do it anymore.


Interesting that you think longer listing times would lead to higher prices, not lower.


I think many, many more people would have items listed, thus lower prices. As it is, many people simply play once or twice a week and only spend so much time listing items on the GTN.


I'm willing to bet there are many cargo holds full of stuff that people would sell if it wasn't such a PITA.

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  • 7 months later...
YES more days items into the GTN brings the prices lower and lower

In SWG that traders can add their stuff for 30 days, they saw lot of their stuff never sold coz of many other traders daily add theirs in lower prices and they sold rapidly, and theirs stay in their high price into their Bazaar.


Yes that did happen in SWG, but there were some other factors at play too, so it wasn't the case for all items. Things such as item location and craft variation determined a lot. Incidentally, I actually increased my server capped crafted item prices compared to other players selling the same, and my sales volumes increased dramatically with it. But crafted items in this game can't offer the depth of customization, so everyone is relying on loot and undercutting.


I agree 2 days is a joke. There should at least be a 7 day option, for slower selling items. You would see more obscure items for sale, rather than players having to make an alt, or find crafters for something specific

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Sorry, but seeing someone named dipshizzitz (yep, honestly saw that name on the GTN, and screw the name and shame policy) take a clearly farmed stack of lower end crafting mats and list as 99 single items and then do it again on 3 different alts therefore ultimately bogging down the system for the next two days causing a search lag from hell really does nothing for anyone but **** everybody off. I couldn't imagine having to endure seeing them abusing this for 7 let alone a whole 30 days.



Edited by Mavolio
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there can better do this.

free to play players 2 day's time limit

preferred players 4 day's time limit

and sub players 7 day's time limit


but 2 day's time limit and you are sub is a really good joke from then.

7 day's time limit is a good deal if you are sub.

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I'm fine with keeping the 2 day limit (there's probably a performance issue hidden behind it anyway), but I'd like for the interface to default to that.

Does anyone ever actually list their items for less than 2 days intentionally?

Edited by Rankyn
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I'm fine with keeping the 2 day limit (there's probably a performance issue hidden behind it anyway), but I'd like for the interface to default to that.


now i think most players are not happy with the 2 day's limit since you get 50 slots at the GTN if you are sub.

and can get more from the central market and sell the items for 2 day's can at that point become annoying if 50 or 75% from you total GTN slots is expired after 2 day's and sent back to the mail then you have good list of items that are not sold in 2 day's and you most put then back on the GTN again if you wane let it sold.


i can see the reason for preferred and free to play players but for sub players i cant not see it the reason.

sometimes i have items that after 6 day's are sold finely thats 3 time's i have put then back on the GTN but there are also items that are not sold yet and need more time.


Does anyone ever actually list their items for less than 2 days intentionally?

i think all players use the 2 day's limit and nobody use the 1 day or less limit to sell there items.

nobody knows when you items are sold it can be fast or you get then not sold for a long time.

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