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Legacy Containers and the Housing Patch. How will this work Dev's??


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And yet you're the one who came in, guns blazing, over someone ASKING A QUESTION. Way to come off looking like a major douchebag. No, seriously, kudos to you. No wonder you're so beloved around here.


If you think that was "guns blazing", you are probably not well suited for these forums.


First off, the first part of his question is something that he only had to look at the official information to find out.

And the second part of his question was pretty loaded by including the snarky remark about "are we only going to get 1 or 2 slots and have to pay 10.000 cc for the unlocks".


I simply answered his questions and was about as snarky back, which apparantly is "guns blazing" according to some.

So wouldn't that mean that he came in here first, "guns blazing" as well? Or is it only ok to use hyperbole, snarkyness and general rudeness when critiquing the game and not when answering that critique?

Are "defenders" held to a higher standard than others?

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