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If you could only ready 3 ships, which 3 would you choose?


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Well that's what would be called OP. But since the the edge they give is not huge enough to justify that, they are just, FotM, or, BiS. Or, as Nem said, FotY. :)




I can't ever forget that "nerf" several months back, that was supposed to fix armor piercing weapons, iirc, but it ended up halving Pods damage and that was pretty much it, in the meta. So the only ones who felt it were NovaDive pilots, while Sluggers and BLCers still happily thrashed as before. :D


Ah Rocket pods, which still find use today in Quad 'n' pods and Nova Dive builds for their lack of warning and good burst damage. As far as I am aware that nerf did next to nothing in the meta.

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