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fix leaps already


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force charge, intercede and all other jumping moves glitch very often and messes up alot of players/matches. i have interceded through the floor of a ranked arena match several times now, which ruins the game because i am repsawned at the initial spawn point.
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Something I've noticed that happens very frequently now, that never happened to me before in the years I've played this game, is that you leap to a mob/player/boss, and your leap ends half way before reaching the mob. Then I have to run the rest of the distance to actually get there. The glitch of leaping to someone and falling through the floor was/is rare and I can handle that. but having 50% of my leaps not actually reach the target? Do sages have their speed run stop half way? No. Do shadows have their sage walks stop half way? no. Please fix this bs.
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This is far more important then fixing cosmetic gear issues. Falling through the floor doesn't just respawn you, it counts as a death. On top of that my force leap/charge only gets to me to target about 70% of the time.


What's the point of a gap closer ability if it does not work? I'd rather have force speed on my Jugg at this point., at least I can still get to my target that way.

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