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They don't get much closer than this...


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This match started out looking like a clear victory for the Empire, but kudos to the Republic for eventually turning it around and taking the lead. And then kudos back to the Empire for grabbing the draw at the end.


I think there were probably a half-dozen kills about to happen, on both sides, when time ran out.


The game said we were all losers, but I think we were all winners this day!


Also, for those curious, I spent the entire match in a Jurgoran with BLC's, EMP Missile, and Interdiction Missile. It performed quite a bit better than I expected (though admittedly we probably would've won if I'd used a more practical ship!)

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This may violate the TOS, but read the chatlog in that message and look at the name above Callem's message saying "Wow". That needs to be reported. That's extremely racist, and poor taste. Please report him if you're on TEH server.


Congrats on the tight match (I hate when the scrubs dictate who wins and loses tho).

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This may violate the TOS, but read the chatlog in that message and look at the name above Callem's message saying "Wow". That needs to be reported. That's extremely racist, and poor taste. Please report him if you're on TEH server.


Congrats on the tight match (I hate when the scrubs dictate who wins and loses tho).


Without the extra "g", the word you are referring to is actually a real-world country and not a slur. So I don't think it's actionable, since there's no way to prove malicious intent.


Also, that word as spelled means the color black in Latin. And since the second part of his name is the Latin word for death, I'm guessing he was just spelling "black death" in Latin. And while that could be perceived as hateful, it is probably just referring to the Black Plague disease that afflicted Europe.


Given the Sith Emperor's two other names, Tenebrae and Vitiate, are also Latin words, it is reasonable that people making Sith characters use Latin phrases for death/evil/destruction as names.


Isn't language fun? :p


Either way, he got shot a ton :p

Edited by Nemarus
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  • 2 weeks later...
Those are the best games you ever play in. I had one last night where someone on our team scored a kill in a TDM in the last second to win 43-42, but I actually screamed on one loss. We had fallen well behind on a domination match, but somehow the other team relaxed and for a short while we held all three satellites before they took one back. Everyone flying madly trying to hold as the scores ticked up only to lose 1000-999...
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Yes, it's been a long time coming but I think the matches are starting to even out on Ebon Hawk. I ran a dozen sorties yesterday and they were all close. I even saw a few players mention they came over to TEH from another server for our GSF reputation. I think players are finally starting to gain skill & components to make them more competitive along with vets transferring from other servers makes for a better GSF environment on TEH.


So congratulations to those players who roughed it out and are finally having fun with us and to those who've transferred here - thanks for coming. I was in several matches yesterday with full rosters and I think those matches are better over all, they allow for greater strategy & tactics and it seems more req as well. It appears to be a much better variety of ships used as well, I noticed many more strikes and one match had a pre-made wing of 3 star guards I took note of. So keep it up guys I had fun and look forward to running strike night tonight.


-J'exx (republic privateer) 55 'slinger THE Ebon Hawk

-Stalker (imperial Intellegence) 42 operative THE Ebon Hawk

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This may violate the TOS, but read the chatlog in that message and look at the name above Callem's message saying "Wow". That needs to be reported. That's extremely racist, and poor taste. Please report him if you're on TEH server.


Srsly? C'mon man... it's latin... not slang.

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