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SWTOR (exclusive) character power ranking hierarchy


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I'm waiting for you to reply to the last thing said to you. Unless I missed that.



That said, I'm still going to vouch that the hero gets #1 spot for jedi.



You can bring more information to the table, if you like to. I would appreciate full analysis.


I still wanna argue the #2 spot for sith though. :D

Sure do

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Legend, I believe he's referring to you saying the exile can't sever people from the force, and him completely smacking you down with a quote from a sourcebook you always reference.

Oh that one.


I am actually aware of that revelation, I have the sourcebook.


Surik is possibly gifted in the use of Force Sever talent but she have never severed connection of another Force-user from the Force but her own during the battle of Malachor V. It is logical that Surik would not have put her own guard up while severing her own connection from the Force. In combat situation, she would have to overcome defensive capabilities of the opponent to pull off this feat and it is unclear how good she really is with this talent.

Edited by S_W_LeGenD
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I nominate Darth Nihilus to be the #2 Sith Lord. Allow me to explain:


“One cannot have power of that magnitude and still think and perceive the universe as we do."


"The extent of his power cannot be put into words… and his perceptions have grown as well. To him…"


"You are dust motes in a storm… a grain upon the beach… and as insignificant as a body that orbits the graveyard of Malachor."


-These accolades alone should show that Nihilus is, well, an incredibly powerful sith lord, easily among the greatest in history. Furthermore:


"Nihilus powers grew so extreme that, for most beings, mere exposure to the Sith Lord would cause immediate and utterly mindless devotion."


There are only a few sith lords capable of this (including Darth Sidious and Emperor Vitiate), i.e. having such great power that their mere presence can weaken others. Now, on to the feats:


-Ripped the Ravager, along with his entire fleet, from the immense gravity vortex of Malachor V. This is arguably the greatest telekinetic showing ever.


- Used telekinesis to overwhelm one as powerful as Darth Traya, then proceeded to drain her force energy in but a few seconds.


- Drained the energies of entire planets to fuel his sustenance.


He was only truly defeated because not only was he starved (hence why he came to Telos to feed,) but his attempt to drain the Exile further weakened him. In my opinion, in terms of pure power, he is very much comparable to the Sith Emperor himself.

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I nominate Darth Nihilus to be the #2 Sith Lord. Allow me to explain:


“One cannot have power of that magnitude and still think and perceive the universe as we do."


"The extent of his power cannot be put into words… and his perceptions have grown as well. To him…"


"You are dust motes in a storm… a grain upon the beach… and as insignificant as a body that orbits the graveyard of Malachor."


-These accolades alone should show that Nihilus is, well, an incredibly powerful sith lord, easily among the greatest in history. Furthermore:


"Nihilus powers grew so extreme that, for most beings, mere exposure to the Sith Lord would cause immediate and utterly mindless devotion."


There are only a few sith lords capable of this (including Darth Sidious and Emperor Vitiate), i.e. having such great power that their mere presence can weaken others. Now, on to the feats:


-Ripped the Ravager, along with his entire fleet, from the immense gravity vortex of Malachor V. This is arguably the greatest telekinetic showing ever.


- Used telekinesis to overwhelm one as powerful as Darth Traya, then proceeded to drain her force energy in but a few seconds.


- Drained the energies of entire planets to fuel his sustenance.


He was only truly defeated because not only was he starved (hence why he came to Telos to feed,) but his attempt to drain the Exile further weakened him. In my opinion, in terms of pure power, he is very much comparable to the Sith Emperor himself.

Thank you for this information


Same as above




I am tempted to consider Darth Nihilus for no. 2 spot but what do you guys think about assessments of Darth Nox and Tulak Hord?


Darth Nox: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=749162&page=3


Tulak Hord: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=749162&page=7


Also, what about Exar Kun?


We don't need the Revan Novel.


Absence of power showings doesn't mean absence of power, how about we go off her showings in Kotor because those are her most impressive. It doesn't matter how drained she was in the Revan Novel.

I don't intend to disregard Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan source without valid basis. You can consider other sources to evaluate Meetra Surik's capabilities and I will consider them, but I am not going to pick and choose among the revelations simply for the sake of disliking of a source.


When I say not accurate, I mean vague, non-specific. On top of that he lacks a single feat.


Naga Sadow, Ludo Kressh etc.

Lacks a single feat?


Hord used his telekinetic powers to move a starship the size of Endar Spire once. Incredible display of power to be honest.


In addition, it is official that Hord is responsible for deaths over a 1000 Jedi in the battles of Yn and Chabosh. He single-handedly broke the siege laid by Jedi to an Imperial stronghold in Yn. He is confirmed to be a legendary duelist, a master of sorcery and have defeated many enemies in battles.


On the topic of Tulak Hord, the main problem is that he has NO appearance in the entire saga. He was mentioned, we heard legends, saw his tomb, heard Khem's tales. But he has no game, no book, no comic, nothing to his name but vague statements from people who didn't know him (Kreia) and his former servant who is not only biased but also doesn't remember everything correctly (Khem). His power is even contradicted by Talos Drellik, who, based on knowledge the Reclamation Service has, states that Kallig may have been the most powerful Sith Lord of his time. And Hord and Kallig were in fact rivals.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia have legitimized some of the hype concerning Tulak Hord. I have presented all of the data and it is (collectively) good enough for consideration.


On-screen appearance is not the only method to evaluate power of a character. There are multiple ways to assess power of characters and every bit of information counts.


I'd agree with Nomi as #1 Jedi, but I'm not sure who'd follow. Revan, HoT and Bar'senthor aren't that far from each other IMO. And maybe even someone else I'm not aware of.

Some of the revelations concerning Nomi's capabilities are in dispute so I am not considering her for no. 1 spot in the Jedi as of now.


I would appreciate your input on Revan, HoT and Barsen'thor.


I completely agree with Rayla on this, however, I would likely put Surik just under Sunrider. Both are vastly powerful, but Sunrider definitely takes the edge.


I would also like to nominate Thon for a spot on the Jedi list, and Nihilus for a spot on the Sith list.



Thon? Any useful information you can provide about this character?

Edited by S_W_LeGenD
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Lacks a single feat?


Hord used his telekinetic powers to move a starship the size of Endar Spire once. Incredible display of power to be honest.


In addition, it is official that Hord is responsible for deaths over a 1000 Jedi in the battles of Yn and Chabosh. He single-handedly broke the siege laid by Jedi to an Imperial stronghold in Yn. He is confirmed to be a legendary duelist, a master of sorcery and have defeated many enemies in battles.

Character statements are not gosel canon - they are opinions and therefore liable to falsehood, and given Khem Val's unhealthy obsession with Tulak Hord, and his obvious ulterior motive of lording Tulak Hord over Nox as his superior, I am not inclined to believe he is telling the truth and most likely exaggerating.


So unless these feats have been confirmed by canonical sources, we have no reason to believe they are true.


And even if they were, placing Tulak Hord on the list would be claiming that he was more powerful than all of his contemporaries i.e. Naga Sadow, Ludo Kressh, Kallig etc. and we lack the information to make such claims.


P.S. Indeed the fact that Khem Val ends up admitting Nox rivals him in power, leads me to believe he was exaggerating. Considering such abilities would put him on level with the likes of Yoda, Sidious and the Sith Emperor.

Edited by Beniboybling
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I have to disagree concerning Nihilus' placement, for the same reasons I exclude him from the Most Powerful Lists.


My reasons being that Darth Nihilus possesses no real connection to the Living Force and given that possess no real Force Power of his own that can be measured. This is the result of his status as a wound in the Force which unlike with the Jedi Exile, utterly consumed him, and would have totally annihilated his personal reservoir of Force Energy:


Something the following sources illustrate:

His power is great, and it comes from hunger. He is a wound in the Force, more presence than flesh, and in his wake, life dies... sacrificing itself to his hunger.


--Visas Marr


Nothing matters except his hunger. Before it devours him totally, Nihilus uses its power to displace his persona into his robes and armor. As his useless body disintegrates, he becomes living primitive intention; at last, the whole of the galaxy becomes food—for Nihilus has become the hunger.


--Taken from the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide

What we are looking at is effectively self-draining, Nihilus' power was a self-destructive one and his ultimate fate was similar to that of the Jedi Masters after being drained by Traya:

This master is dead...drained of life. His body is worse than lifeless, it's like an absence in the Force.


--Taken from Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords

Noting, most importantly, that this ability goes straight to the core, it is not simply a case of siphoning one's reservoir which like a spring can eventually bubble back up, the power actually targets one's connection to the Force itself:

As much as one may use the Force to bolster the wills and strengths of others, the reverse is possible, though not always used. Instead of sending one's will through connection in the Force, instead such connections are drawn upon, fed upon, and drained completely.



Nihilus is effectively an absence in the Force given consciousness, and an absence in the Force possesses no Living Force. Given that, all of Nihilus' power is external, he draws on the Force around him to accomplish his feats - and given that the Living Force around him is an infinite reservoir, his powers are equally infinite.


Altogether, Kreia sums up his status pretty effectively:

There is no strength in the hunger he possesses… and the will behind his power is a primal thing. And it devours him as he devours others—his mere presence kills all around him, slowly, feeding him. He is already dead, it is simply a question of how many he kills before he falls.



So I feel, if it is Force Power we are judging here as opposed to one's capacity to wield the Force then Nihilus is effectively the antithesis of this, he scores a big fat zero. However if we are judging capacity to wield the Force, then Nihilus surpasses everyone, because his abilities are infinite - the entirety of the Force is at his command.


Noting that other than stating his powers to be infinite, his abilities are impossible to gauge, because it is completely dependent on how concentrated the Living Force is in any given place, and he grows stronger with each exertion.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Interesting. Before I continue, what is your theory on why Nihilus was defeated by Meetra, if, theoretically, he could draw on an unlimited reservoir of power?
This is what the Knight of the Old Republic Campaign Guide says:


When Nihilus tries feeding on this Jedi, his hunger is mysteriously repelled, as if confronted by his exact polar opposite. Psychically starved by the effort, the Dark Lord falls to the Jedi, and Nihilus the man dissolves into oblivion.


The details are vague but it does make sense that if two wounds collided something considerable would happen. I can only assume that when Nihilus found nothing there, his Force Drain backfired and instead devoured the Force energies he had stored up. I also assume that the Living Force on the Ravager would be thin to say the list thanks to excessive draining. I also recall something about Telos being a dead world, and therefore repellent to him as well.


All in all Nihilus found himself in an environment with a very small amount of Living Force, and so he shriveled up.

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I see you've ultimately decided to join our wonderful forums. :jawa_evil:
I have, unfortunately I am unable to post a particular rebuttal to DarthAnt's Revan's Raw Power Comparison thread because I have to be more "well known" in order to post links - any idea how much I must post before I can?


Anyway I'll save that for later, and turn my attention to the Nomi Respect Thread - the derailed one that is.

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Fine then. Stay here, safe in your humble abode, unwilling to venture out onto the front.


.....Or come to the lion's den that is KMC and prove yourselves true warriors. It's your choice. :cool:


It's posts like these that make me think you weren't here for the Revanite War of Extermination. I've already proven myself a 'true warrior.'

Edited by Aurbere
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So, Aurbere, looking forward to some Sidious action in the new maul comics?


They're Canon, so I'm hoping we see him just mindlessly slaughter the entire army "4 teh lawlz"


You bet! I'm looking forward to it very much. Maul and his little army are going down. :jawa_evil:

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