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Alright, enough with the TROLLING, MUD-SLINGING and DERAILING ATTEMPTS in this thread. If this non-sense will not stop, I will bring this thread to attention of moderators.


Stay on topic or stay out.


Happens. Although I'm sure the OP would be happy if we were done derailing this thread.



They aren't questioning her credibility, they are outright denouncing her as a liar without any proof, and I'm referring to the little discussion going on at KillerMovies, in which Legend excuses Lady of being an outright liar:


To quote: Its sad that some members of official SWTOR forum are attempting to make stuff up about their favorite characters and deceive the masses.


Which I can assure you, is rich coming from him.


The only reason this thread has been derailed and collapsed into as you say rude and useless name calling is because of this flame fanning that's going on. If they had simmered down and found some proof first before derailing it then it wouldn't have happened in the first place, so yes, he can suck it damn well up.


EDIT: Oh well would you look at that, its developed, now are friend here is parading around this thread as some kind of cheap entertainment. Well I have a message for you folks, I'm having fun reading yours too. :jawa_wink:

So you are judging me on a statement that I made some days ago?


I was (and still am) surprised that a respectable member of a community would provide (non-authentic) information and try to defend it. Among all of the members, LadyKulvax is one of the least whom I would suspect to make stuff up. In-fact, presenting information is not a crime. I welcome OP's input in my threads, she is very nice. However, her "defensive" approach became an issue (and is still an issue) when she was asked by some members to provide evidence to support some of her assertions which are not public knowledge and sources which are not public knowledge either. In-fact, I am willing to defuse this situation by overlooking questionable assertions from her by considering the possibility that she is not remembering stuff correctly coz nobody is perfect with memories.


Of-course, this development doesn't suggests that LadyKulvax is a habitual liar or even close, it is just that she needs to be careful at presenting information (from now onwards) to avoid issues in debates.


And if you are doubting my credibility, you are in the wrong. Every bit of information that I bring on the table is always based on official information which is verifiable on the spot. In-fact, I have a habit of quoting official data lot more then some do on average. Of-course, I do not have perfect memory either and can make a mistake while remembering something but I have never intended to make stuff-up. Not my mentality. If I am wrong about something, anybody is free to correct me.


I fully understand the importance of authenticity of information and am against fabrication. In-fact, I pointed out a fabricated quote regarding Revan in a Revan's respect thread created by OP (MarcheesAMM), the quote was about Darth Revan as one of most powerful Sith Lords in history and supposed from KoTOR-CG. However, I conveyed this to OP and he fixed the problem.


Real quote is this: "Darth Rivan, the most powerful Sith Lord of the Jedi Civil War."




What scares me is that they treat Legend as if he is not partially insane. :p


Insult # 1 from you


Ok, I'm loving this thread so far.


Legend, have you never played Kotor 2? Why do you need to ask about the duels between Surik and Sion, then Surik and Traya? Just curious. You seem to act like you know a lot about it for someone who's never played.

Yes, I have not played KoTOR II and this is why I asked OP to provide me information. OP is reliable and have great knowledge of the lore.


Still, just because I have not played the game, doesn't means that I do not have knowledge or am misinformed about the ground realities of the lore of KoTOR II.


Oh, Oh my god. I think I've struck gold.



Interesting revelation, no? :p


Also... Legend casually putting Ven Zallow on a list of the top 10 Jedi Lightsaber Duelists...



You think Ven Zallow is a joke?


Zallow cut down some battle-hardened Sith warriors like melons inside the Jedi Temple. At one point, he blitzed two Sith warriors simultaneously which is very impressive feat. It is important to note that these Sith warriors weren't mooks as noted in Book of Sith: Secrets of the Dark Side and this official link.



In advance of the fleet, the strongest Sith Warriors have flown a stolen Republic ship into Coruscant’s orbit. Their mission is critical – to destroy the planet’s defense grid mainframe hidden in the heart of the Jedi Temple.



Book of Sith: Secrets of the Dark Side reveals that Sith warriors were selected for mission of Sacking of Coruscant on the basis of merit, they were battle-hardened and have killed Jedi in battles before, not just Republic troops. All of these Sith warriors have not been identified but Darth Malgus, Lord Adraas, and Lord Praven were among them.


A hint from the aforementioned source about how Darth Malgus got selected for Sacking of Coruscant mission, his performance in the battle of Ord Radama became a factor:



The Jedi have always been our true targets, not the Republic's lowly troopers or the ragged insurgents of the subjugated worlds. Now we have lightsaber combat and Force dueling on a grand scale. With each corpose we create, we explore the life of their offensive pacifism. Those who perish in our own ranks are like knots shaved from a stake of greel wood. W grow sharper with each slice of the knife.


The pace of this battle cost me favor with the Dark Council and Darth Angral. But I will emerge victorious, and my triumph would ensure my place in the army that strikes Coruscant.



Another revelation:



Many Jedi died in the glorious bloodbath of Ord Radama.



Zallow outdueled even Lord Adraas before he came in to contact with Darth Malgus. Zallow's loss to Darth Malgus in combat is not a mark against him but rather an indication of how good Darth Malgus really is. Even before the Great Sith War, Darth Malgus was regarded as one of the finest warriors of the Empire. Centuries later, Darth Sidious remarked that Darth Malgus was a warrior of such a caliber that his battlefield feats have never been duplicated.


'Cause reasons, 'yknow?


Bah, I might have to open an account and educate these people, seeing as almost all of them have no knowledge of Post-Cold war. All knowledge of the 7 forms lost, Jesus christ. Slow/medium/Fast were game mechanics, mentioned ONCE outside of a game, whereas we know Luke discovered the old forms from the Great Holocron, and other Holocrons, which had in depth guides on almost every form, even mentions of Vapaad.

I welcomed you in that community, page 11 of that thread which you have been inspecting.


Also, it seems like you are getting educated in return. Didn't turn out to be a walk in the park, right?


Well, point is to not to consider yourself superior to others.


If you associate gold with losing brain cells, I guess that's true.


Would prefer it if you refrained from "educating" them, though. Don't really want you guys to get burned alive for spreading forbidden knowledge or... witchcraft... or something like that. :p


What's the best way to let this thread die, then?

I did not expect you to insult me like that.


Sometimes, humor is good.


However, Palpatine did attempt to run away from the Zillo Beast when it reached his position. It is funny.


Aye, but the original poster was.

Insult # 1 from you


So this is all my fault?


I deserve to be insulted because of mistakes of others. Not appreciated, Selenial.


No but seriously, these KMC guys are incredibly limited in their knowledge.




Thread on Sorcery, not one mention of Plageuis' and Sidious' ritual that literally typed the balance of the Cosmic force across the entire Galaxy, shifting it into darkness despite the fact the Sith were outnumbered 5000 to 1.

Do not underestimate KMC members in general. You will be surprised by knowledge of some once when you will get involved in a debate with them.


Darth Plagueis is not an expert in the field of Sith sorcery, his own admission.


Also, can you link that Neph guy to this post....


Surik has severed people from the force on purpose, she severed Darth Traya from the force. We know this because Jedi master Zez Kai-Ell said that the only way to break a force bond was to turn away or be cut from the force, it is why the Jedi attempted to sever Surik from the force. Now, Surik is described as severing the Force bond and the Hand of Traya at the same time, which means she had to have severed Surik from the force (given that her own force energies remained)


Which explains why she could barely levitate three lightsabers, she only had the powers of Malachor to draw on, not her own.


Edit: LeGend, how many times are we going to have to explain this to you?

I am sure your theory got handed back to you on silver plate in KMC by me and OP.


Revan had years to recover, Nyriss had Kaas and so did Scourge. The fact is, Surik had to SURVIVE on Natheema for an incredible amount of time, which is described as her having to hold the atoms of her own existence in so the planet didn't rip her apart for spare force. She also had the draining effects, because all her efforts to keep herself alive weren't enough, as is aptly described in the passages with Surik on Natheema.


This means that she had to perform incredible feats of the force, be drained, then escape off world, and the only place she could go? Kaas City, one of the strongest Dark Nexus' in the Galaxy. Noting it's almost impossible for a Jedi to feel the force there, yet alone recover and heal, as we saw when YODA had issues with his force there.

So Revan recovered while being held as a prisoner and being on drugs and sedatives and other stuff?


Meetra isn't unique at tolerating the environment of Nathema, Revan and Malak have done so back during the Mandalorian Wars. I understand that Nathema was a very stressful and dangerous experience for Meetra but she assured T3-M4 that she was ok after leaving this planet and had 2 days to recover before venturing to Dromund Kaas. When she arrived on Dromund Kaas, she felt far better here then she did on Nathema and was able to use her powers. She was doing OK.


Also, I am not sure why you regard Kaas City as one of the strongest nexus of dark side in history. Normal people lived there and they did fine. A nexus is very strong concentration of energy in a place and it can influence living beings. You want to know about a potent nexus on Dromund Kaas? Try Dark Temple which drove many individuals within it and near it insane and some even died from exposure to its power.


Also, I don't recall Yoda visiting Dromund Kaas. If he did visit this planet and you know the details, I would appreciate your input and revelations about this event.


Oh I'm not.


Most of the stuff we're laughing at isn't LeGenD, it's everyone else.


We, unfortunately, had to get used to LeGenD some time ago.

Insult # 2 from you


Ah, but must you? This thread has, paradoxically, dissolved into so much more. Need its fruits be soured?

Yes, you played a role in this which I don't appreciate.


I have neither the time, patience, nor inclination to join another forum to "educate" more people. I spend enough time doing it here. Besides, I've seen how those guys operate, I don't want to be a part of that. And any forum that treats Legend as a sane individual is not really worthy of my time.


So that's a "no" from me.

Insult # 1 from you


I am officially done with this derailment and it's 'topic'.

I apologize on my and OP's part for tough reactions that you endured in this thread.


However, it is vital to understand that people are generally curious about authenticity of the information that is new for them (me included). I made my own attempt to verify your assertion regarding a battle between Nomi Sunrider and Darth Sion and sources you cited but found nothing. Yes, I have seen your explanations but they are not enough to settle this matter.


Till this matter is settled, I will overlook the disputed parts of your assessment for evaluation of Nomi Sunrider character. I hope you understand my position in this matter.


Link: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7506063#post7506063


More importantly, I appreciate your civility. Thank you.

Edited by S_W_LeGenD
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Why are you counting insults?


Is it like a three strike rule and you're out? If so, let me know so I can make the last one a whopper.

No, its a reminder of how some people react to me and then expect me to be civil.


I can do very well in a mud-slinging contest but I am here to debate.


Learn something about manners from LadyKulvax at least.

Edited by S_W_LeGenD
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Lol if you draw this thread to the attention of the moderators, they will just shut it down.


Which has its benefits, so feel free.


Regardless, you're hardly helping the situation my drawing attention to our "insults" are you? :rolleyes:

Edited by Beniboybling
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Lol if you draw this thread to the attention of the moderators, they will just shut it down.


Which has its benefits, so feel free.


Regardless, you're hardly helping the situation my drawing attention to our "insults" are you? :rolleyes:


Yeah, I was going to say something about that. He probably should have just moved on. That can mean whatever you want, Sel. ;)

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Lol if you draw this thread to the attention of the moderators, they will just shut it down.


Which has its benefits, so feel free.


Regardless, you're hardly helping the situation my drawing attention to our "insults" are you? :rolleyes:

I will make a new one.


Also, the insults will make it easier for moderators to identify who need treatment.

Edited by S_W_LeGenD
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I will make a new one.


Also, the insults will make it easier for moderators to identify who need treatment.


Making a new one would be an attempt to circumvent moderation, which is a bannable offense.


So please, do.

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And willfully ignorant of the fact that the Sith Emperor's lightning slapped Revan down like a punk.


You mean by lightning "infinitely more powerful" then someone's who can turn Meetra/Scourge to ash? :rolleyes:

Tutaminis is a confirmed display of "raw power," and I used such as the central fact of that thread.

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You mean by lightning "infinitely more powerful" then someone's who can turn Meetra/Scourge to ash? :rolleyes:

Tutaminis is a confirmed display of "raw power," and I used such as the central fact of that thread.

As in lightining surpassed by that of Sidious, whom in tutanimis Yoda matched.


Not that I expect you to be convinced but I certainly have a counter-hypothesis.


Noting, not that's its really relevant, that Nyriss can only vaporise those whose barriers are down, or severely depleted.

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