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Suggestions for Nightlife event 2015


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So this year's event was pretty barebones in both the story and content departments. I do have some ideas for your wall of crazy.


Story Summary:


A loose alliance of card players, scoundrels, smugglers and underworld figures have banded together and started their own casino on Nar Shaddaa and are threatening hutt interests. Rumors of coercion and important people disappearing have garnered the interest of both Republic and Imperial intelligence.


Both factions (Pub / Empire) want you, the player to gain employment as cheap muscle and infiltrate this new cartel.


New Reputation - Nightlife Reputation.


New mob themed "shake down" style daily and weekly missions. They're not really a shake down unless you want them to be. *Cough* Darkside choice *Cough*


Classic mob style car chases in Nar Shaddaa sky traffic. Vehicle / fix point chase and combat.


All daily and weekly misssions reward smuggler and kingpin chips, rep tokens and some credits. Along with light side / dark side points, exp and social exp.


Mob themed event scavenger hunt lore objects / special spawn objects. Random spawn rate but everyone can collect it when it is spawned and only remains active for a few minutes.


8 and 16 man mob themed operation.


A moving hutt barge, a raid fighting mobsters leaping in from sky cars and one of those big old weird hutt walker vehicles.


And lastly, Pazzak!



To my fellow community members, please feel free to post feedback. Likes, dislikes or any extra suggestions you might have. :cool:

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I got excited reading about this...


And then I remembered it was only a suggestion.


Devs, pay attention to this! More storyline content! And it doesn't have to all be about the Empire/Republic War!


This might also be a really cool thing if they put it in for the level 30-35 range. Something to break up Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 for fun.

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I got excited reading about this...


And then I remembered it was only a suggestion.


Devs, pay attention to this! More storyline content! And it doesn't have to all be about the Empire/Republic War!


This might also be a really cool thing if they put it in for the level 30-35 range. Something to break up Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 for fun.


Maybe do it as a scaling and bolster thing like the Bounty Contract week and the tactical flashpoints. That way anyone from 30 to level cap can enjoy the event's ops and daily / weekly missions.

Edited by Lord_of_Mu
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