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New to Juggernaut


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Hey guys,

I'm thinking of rolling a jugg, I've never played as one before. I was wondering if I could get some advice on which spec I should play as.

I mostly play PVE. I'm wanting to have a jugg who can solo most quests.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you.

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I have had a Guardian at 55 for a long time now, and just recently started a Jugg myself. Here a few of thing I did the worked well.


1) Level in Vengeance spec: Although many people that have leveled Juggs or Guardians swear by leveling as a Tank, Vengeance is a great DPS spec for PVE and leveling in it will allow you to really know the spec before you even start end-game PVE. The tree has great added defenses and it's DPS capabilities are top tier. The rotation is very easy, and never gets boring. If you are into trying Tanking, more power to you. I personally do not like the play style of Jugg/Guardian tanking, but it's very popular and very easy to learn and play. Leveling as DPS just speeds up the leveling process, and is a better test of the class's strengths. It also make you a better player (at least in my own opinion)


2) Choice of Companion: This is a tough one.As a Jugg, you start with a DPS companion (another reason why people level as a Tank). Vette can be a great companion to level with, but as you go through planets like Balmorra and Nar Shardaa, you will start seeing the need for a healer. If you gear her right, and keep your gear at level, then only thing that will stop you is to stopping to heal up every few fights. You do get Quinn (your healer) on Balmorra, and most people I've talked to switch to him after obtaining him. If you have Treek, and have the contract to get her account unlocked, I would start using her right away, only pulling out Vette in mission conversations to gain affection with her. Using a healing companion allow you the freedom of pulling multiple groups as once, and not having to slow down much (if at all sometimes). Also makes defeating mission bosses and Gold stars very easy. Again keeping your gear and your companions' gear at or around your current level is a must, specially when starting a new planet. Not doing so leads to unneeded deaths and time wasted.


Other tips I would have are more general leveling tip that can be applied to any class. I hope this helps you out.

Edited by mastervalkar
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My main char. is Jugg DPS Vengeance Sith pureblood. (from 7 days of early access)

1st if you didn't play warrior story yet, your in for a ride, from all my characters, the story or the sith warrior is the best. (in my opinion), this unlike the Jedi story lines, truly manifest the essence of the sith.

you have it all there from the start point , if you play a sith pure-blood, some minor conversations will change for a sith or a human if you play alien it matters. therefore I recommend to play either human or sith.


2nd - male or female and body types.. I used a male with the large body type (not the fat one) the jugg is a powerful character, and I felt i'm more convenient playing a large intimidating sith male. its strictly preference but think about it. some cool armors will look wired on a small form or fat form, regarding female character it doesn't matter just think about not being lame and get her the sexy dancers outfit.


3rd - skill tree, what have been said is true, leveling as a tank is more efficient, its just is, more OPs and FPs along the way, also its a good pvp survivable (I have a jug tank level 55 as well). although I must say that tanks usually is not a fun way to play the game. in my opinion, the goal is to live and taunt which is not really fun even on level 55 gaming. if you think about playing the game and this character after level 55 go DPS, I can recommend vengeance as it a skill tree that has more cool ways of swinging the saber and easy rotation than rage that is more based on buffs (remind marauder play style a bit)


4th - companions, as said before Quinn is your preferred one, there is no questions about it. gear him up and don't be afraid to treat him harsh, remember the sith are not a forgiving characters.


5th - in the past the vengeance dps jugs were inferior to other warrior classes due to its rotation, you actually felt that the game was designed for Tanks juggs rather than to dps ones, from 2.7 (i think) they have changed the skill tree to match, and the feeling is no longer exist.

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