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Sniper DPS Advice

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Hey guys, just wanted to get some feedback for one of my raid team members on how to improve as a sniper DPS, specifically in the Marksman tree.


We've recently begun attempting progression on NiM Brontes with our guild, but we've come across a snag we haven't really developed an answer for in one of our DPS that is a little too weak at the moment to run the bosses. I'll be posting more information about him personally, such as an AMR profile, his current dummy parse, and even some videos of his POV in pulls should the need arise.


But for starters, I'm asking: how often does a good Sniper DPS rely on Orbital Strike post nerf, specifically on a fight like Brontes? From the damage output I have seen of it, I'm honestly willing to bet one of his major DPS losses is coming from attempting to place Orbitals down before certain phases and another reason why I think our second sniper DPS is also pretty mediocre in damage output.


However, I have never leveled up or played a sniper, the only thing I know about them is how to fight against them in PvP. So what do you guys specifically have as tips and tricks of fighting a boss like Brontes in MM, and the opinion on Orbital Strike usage?

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Hey guys, just wanted to get some feedback for one of my raid team members on how to improve as a sniper DPS, specifically in the Marksman tree.


We've recently begun attempting progression on NiM Brontes with our guild, but we've come across a snag we haven't really developed an answer for in one of our DPS that is a little too weak at the moment to run the bosses. I'll be posting more information about him personally, such as an AMR profile, his current dummy parse, and even some videos of his POV in pulls should the need arise.


But for starters, I'm asking: how often does a good Sniper DPS rely on Orbital Strike post nerf, specifically on a fight like Brontes? From the damage output I have seen of it, I'm honestly willing to bet one of his major DPS losses is coming from attempting to place Orbitals down before certain phases and another reason why I think our second sniper DPS is also pretty mediocre in damage output.


However, I have never leveled up or played a sniper, the only thing I know about them is how to fight against them in PvP. So what do you guys specifically have as tips and tricks of fighting a boss like Brontes in MM, and the opinion on Orbital Strike usage?


Using Orbital Strike is still optimal as a filler in a MM rotation. Typically you want to use it whenever there is a GCD left of whatever skill is on CD (most likely Ambush/Aimed Shot). In fact, think of Ambush/Aimed Shot as like a peak of the rotation. In other words, after using Ambush/Aimed Shot, your rotation goes on smoothly like a downward slope before initiating another round of Snipe/CB x2, Ambush/Aimed Shot, and SoS/SS (with CD/VS, OS, and EP accounted as fillers of the rotation).


In Brontes's Case, you should cast it in certain instances.


P1 Hands: Whenever a Hand reappears, I typically OS again since it comes off CD.

P2 Brontes: Cast it as as soon as she appears. Periodically, you should cast OS on her while dealing with Corrupted Clones and Orbs.

P3 Droids: Cast it on either side.

P4 Fingers: Cast it before the six fingers appear in your designated area.

P5 Brontes Soft Enrage: At the last few seconds before she finishes charging up, cast your Orbital/XS -> Ambush/Aimed Shot Combo on her for maximum damage. Whenever you push a hand, Brontes will take several seconds to "punish a hand". thus giving you time to set up the same opener combo again.


Honestly, in my opinion, OS/XS is still useful as a decent filler. Why people think using OS/XS is a DPS loss is beyond me. In my pulls on Brontes NiM, I've done decently well using it.


This video is pretty much a good example of an awesome Sniper using OS very well.

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Alright, I really appreciate the clarification on OS usage, as I still wanted to be sure. But now that I got the videos of the pulls we performed that night, I'm going to go ahead and post videos showing his actual performance in each pull so you guys can get a more definite check in his damage.


For the parse numbers, he only pulled 2.6k DPS in one pull. All of the others, he was at a range of 1.7k-1.9k











Edited by ZooMzy
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Alright, I really appreciate the clarification on OS usage, as I still wanted to be sure. But now that I got the videos of the pulls we performed that night, I'm going to go ahead and post videos showing his actual performance in each pull so you guys can get a more definite check in his damage.


For the parse numbers, he only pulled 2.6k DPS in one pull. All of the others, he was at a range of 1.7k-1.9k












1.7k-1.9k is on the low end of the spectrum. I'm hovering about 2.3k-2.5k on each of the pulls.


I also agree with Ghost and his tips with the XS/OS. The damage done for the whole duration is about a CB/Snip, with no crits. And looking most likely at 25-30% Crit chance, mathematically, were talking at least one tick of the OS/XS critting. Not only is the damage roughly the same, but the channel time is the same, and energy cost is 5 points lower (in MM) than CB/Snipe.


Since there's so much waiting between phases and a good amount of running, using XS/OS is highly recommended. Once the sniper becomes comfortable with each of the phases, I'm sure he'll start adding in some of the minor details, such as the most optimal times to pop Burst Volley (Idk name on imp side) and Target Aquired/Illegal Mods, and when to include XS/OS into their rotation.


Also, I'd suggest putting skill points into the Vital Shot/Corrosive Dart Double tick and duration boost if he isn't already. It won't make much of a difference on the Droid phase or the Finger phases, but when Brontes is down, keeping that DoT up and keeping a close eye on it is another good boost to DPS. Plus, if he does the rotation correct, he shouldn't need to worry about energy. The phases aren't long enough to energy strain a MM Sniper.

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