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PLEASE Devs, We need something, dates, estimates, details.


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Am I the only one who thinks that the response to both questions OP posed is a "No." and Bio doesn't even have to comment on it? There was no indications whatsoever that anything will be added to the game in terms of classes development, or do I err?
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I have, with both good and bad results, just like any other pug.

The nice thing was being able to go about my business on Oricon while waiting for the pop.


I have suggested that they implement some kind of queue number system in groupfinder so we can actually see if we have the time for a daily run or if it will pop soon. No response though......


I waited 3 hours for ops pop last night and 2 hours today without any luck.


We could really use some feedback from them

Edited by Icestar
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Am I the only one who thinks that the response to both questions OP posed is a "No." and Bio doesn't even have to comment on it? There was no indications whatsoever that anything will be added to the game in terms of classes development, or do I err?


After the Cathar, I guess it would be fair to assume that Bioware would take the chance to introduce another playable race.


As far as class story content is concerned, well... After doing the first batch of flashpoints, you do receive those e-mails from people you came to know while doing your class story.




Someone, somewhere, did notice that Bioware... Hmmmmm... "shifted" around some class-story content on the PTS. It's been there since forever and it never makes to the Live servers supposedly.


Also, stuff that is there appears to take place AFTER Makeb.


Take it for what you will.

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I'm not sure why some disagree about the player base wanting more info. They have been really quiet and the road map is not much more than "Yeah, you will have an expansion in the future". I think most of the player base could have written what we know in the roadmap outside of the GSH details.


A friend of mine has been playing WildStar and as I looked into it, I was shocked to how much communication that dev team has with the community. I wish we could get half of that much communication. Whenever you check Dev Tracker, you KNOW before you check it that the only new posts are going to be Tait responding to a thread in the bug reports forum saying "I'll pass that along to the Dev team! Thanks!"


The issue with not hearing anything is that we don't know if anyone is listening to the player base, meaning they are making whatever they want to make without knowing if we want it (NGE in SWG anyone?). We all know they are working on something and that they have plans, but it is hard to stay excited about the game when we hear nothing. Looking at WildStar, it seems to have a cool housing system. We are getting housing too, but how does it stack up against WildStar? I have no clue even though it is our next big patch.


Wildstar doesn't have starwars, and that's why we play swtor, though I must admit I've tried to go back to other mmos but they suck without the voiced missions.

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This game is far from dying. At the end of the day it's about $. (Cartel Market ftw)


Competition? WoW is still going strong, ESO is an unmitigated disaster, Wildstar is the current flavor of the month, Landmark is a VERY niche game and EQ Next is months from release. (I'm sure I'm forgetting many)


But hey, if SWTOR no longer does it for you? Find something else to play.

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I do not see much evidence that this "mess" extends much farther than the forums. If so, it probably doesn't matter much.


Anyway, knowing BWs plans for Q4 doesn't affect whether you can enjoy the game now.

And their nearer-term plans (through August) are pretty well communicated, I think.

Even the wink-wink about the Rhakghoul event is nicely done, in my opinion.


I've always thought many things are better when there is some mystery. That's why we have spoiler warnings. And that's why people with the right clothing on are far sexier than naked ones. :)


I don't think knowing the general direction of the content or the devs' wishes really constitutes "spoiler" material. What it does is it lets me know if I'm spending my time and money wisely now. If things that interest me aren't coming in the future, why would I invest in the short term? Here's an extreme analogy: Two politicians are running for office. Would you be more likely to support the one that says, "I'm going to do some stuff if you elect me." or are you more likely to support the one that says, "These are the things that I would like to do, if you elect me," and then proceeds to list specific things? Really, which one is more supportable?

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You know, just as long as people don't try to make a meal out of those crumbs.


But that's the problem: LOTS of people would try to make a meal of those crumbs.


Better question can we even expect an expansion ever or do you plan on doing content patches from here on out?


That depends on your definition of expansion. If your definition of expansion is of the scale of WoW: new level cap, multiple new planets to explore and quest on/in, multiple new flashpoints, multiple new operations, then you will likely be disappointed. The expansion model for STWOR is not on that level: RotHC and GSF were expansions. GSH is going to be an expansion. You may classify them as glorified content patches, but they are expansions.

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I like what I do know of BW's plans, and would enjoy knowing more. But I don't need it, because I have faith in one fundamental thing: people want to keep their jobs, and will usually act accordingly. Unlike the various Game Design and Marketing Experts that like to opine on the forums, BW's devs and marketing team have something very important at stake when they make decisions, including decisions on what info to release.


To me SWTOR is just a game, I'm not much invested in it emotionally or financially. Given how little I have at stake, it is easy for me to trust BW: I am not out much if they don't deserve that trust.


you must be new. when the game started, there was a natural decline of sorts after people tried the game, and some left (some burned content too fast, some just didn't like it, some didn't want to pay a subscription after the first 30 days, etc.). that caused a domino effect of other people leaving when their guilds thinned out, then servers became essentially empty.


bioware solved this by releasing 'legacy,' which made it harder to create server transfers, since you now had server-wide elements tied to an account that was commonly split across multiple servers (due to our attempts at re-rolling on higher population servers). some time after that they started the forced merges and f2p.


lots of people at bioware lost their job in that fiasco. nobody cared. i understand why you would come to the fairly intuitive conclusion that the current staff at bioware wants to keep their jobs, but that may not be accurate, and their current decisions may not reflect those of someone that wants to keep their job.

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i understand why you would come to the fairly intuitive conclusion that the current staff at bioware wants to keep their jobs, but that may not be accurate, and their current decisions may not reflect those of someone that wants to keep their job.

"The race does not always go to the swift, but that's the way to bet." Until we have credible evidence of a career suicide pact among BW's present team, I will continue to assign a high probability to the folks at BW making decisions with an eye towards preserving their employment.

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Someone, somewhere, did notice that Bioware... Hmmmmm... "shifted" around some class-story content on the PTS. It's been there since forever and it never makes to the Live servers supposedly.


Also, stuff that is there appears to take place AFTER Makeb.


Take it for what you will.


wait what do you mean "shifted"?

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Anyway, knowing BWs plans for Q4 doesn't affect whether you can enjoy the game now.



Just because you say this doesn't make it so.


I enjoy playing with my friends. Many of my friends have left the game. If I knew that something exciting was coming, I might have a chance of talking them into coming back (which I've actually done at least once before, twice in the case of a couple of them.)


Right now....I've got nothing to show them, really. And if you think that not having my friends around doesn't affect my current enjoyment of the game...

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Why? Whenever they give dates, the community just gets mad if they can't meet it.


Whenever an estimate is given, the community gets mad that it's too late or too early. "They're just sitting on their as*es, wasting our time!" or "It won't be complete!"


Whenever details are given, there is so much hype and so much hate that it's pointless.

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Why? Whenever they give dates, the community just gets mad if they can't meet it.


Whenever an estimate is given, the community gets mad that it's too late or too early. "They're just sitting on their as*es, wasting our time!" or "It won't be complete!"


Whenever details are given, there is so much hype and so much hate that it's pointless.


if the devs lose too many accounts they might as well not have long range plans. Many people that leave "temporarily" wont be back. having a black hole for pr will not help this.

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Details are coming about Strongholds at the end of this month/beginning of next month. There is some other large update expected by the end of the year, but we don't know anything about it except for the hints SWTOR Miner has found for us.


There will be no additional information given in future Ops until they are much closer. Stop yelling for attention and understand that you consume content far faster than the vast majority of players and any company's ability to produce it. It sounds like MMOs really just aren't for you - go pick up an XBone and take up FPS games - they're released like clockwork all the time, you'll have plenty of content to burn through and keep you happy.

Edited by Daekarus
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If you want any new content then you will have to buy some new action bars first.


It would be funny if it wasn't true - and so sad.



SWTOR is a polished diamond, in a Platinum setting compared to ESO.


I think ESO is one of the worst MMOs released in the past few years - but let's be honest, compared to SWTOR ESO is a well designed game, released by a competent game developer. I mean, at least the devs of ESO are trying to hide the fact that their game is a pure cash grab. Bioware on the other hand doesn't even feel properly ashamed.

Edited by gaalon
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T]he devs of ESO are trying to hide the fact that their game is a pure cash grab. Bioware on the other hand doesn't even feel properly ashamed.


Sooo, are you saying that BW should release a statement saying how ashamed they are that people want to spend money on their game and things related to their game?


How ridiculous. The exact opposite is more the case.

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