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Please Bioware Do Not give GMs sole power to pilot guild flagships

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I did fine as an engineer, if paying six figures in income tax in one year and getting a few dozen patents is any indication.

Such success. Please stop patting your own back before your dislocate your shoulder. :o

Edited by Ruskaeth
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I think we need to have installed in the ship and anti-DUI measure, no drinking and flying. Bad combo.


I've been drinking and flying my private ship just fine, I'll have you know. Don't see no reason to stop with the capital ships, just make sure the space stations are out of my way.

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I've been drinking and flying my private ship just fine, I'll have you know. Don't see no reason to stop with the capital ships, just make sure the space stations are out of my way.

"Send the bill for damages to the Dark Council. But write your will first." :rak_01:

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I think we need to have installed in the ship and anti-DUI measure, no drinking and flying. Bad combo.


That depends, but you bring up another good reason why this shouldn't be limited to GMs. This game has enough repetition. What if a GM wants an in-house Drunky McGee to be pilot for the sake of variety?


"Where the **** are we this time?"


"I dunno... let's find out what's here and kill it."



Edited by Joesixxpack
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Trust me, they don't. I wish they would communicate like that, but they simply don't. You don't get much more info from the Cantina than you do here.


But it's still a good time! :cool:


There was more info from this cantina about guildships and strongholds and the weekly event than what we have heard since the announcement. It just wasn't in the Q&A. Alot of this came from 1 on 1 time with devs

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There was more info from this cantina about guildships and strongholds and the weekly event than what we have heard since the announcement. It just wasn't in the Q&A. Alot of this came from 1 on 1 time with devs


I certainly don't understand what the hold up is. They could have done a series of developer blogs presenting one feature at a time every week, or twice per week, for these two months. Instead we have this inexplicable silence that only makes people jittery and gives our local sock puppet account troll an avenue. When Wizards of the Coast releases a new set of cards they let stuff trickle in like this, and it's usually the busiest those forums get!


The way it's done now is just BAD, and unless they plan to completely turn stuff around starting july 1st (a week or two too late still) it's gonna be tough to make up for this.

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