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GSI Gauntlets - is there an easy way out?


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I'm interested in getting the GSI Gauntlets, but the problem is that they require Champion status. I think it wouldn't be wise to give up on doing more profitable dailies or pvp in exchange for the GSI missions to only get the gloves.


I wonder if there are similar gauntlets in the game that I can acquire on the Empire side? I've recently found the Black Hole trooper set that uses them,


But is there a way to get them on the Empire side other than through GSI missions?

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Being an imp, I had never seen the gloves before so I grinded out the rep while farming dreadseed armor pieces and doing taatoine gsi dailies. Only months later did I realize they were trooper gloves. I don't think there are duplicates for them imp side. Although come to think of it the jugg/Mara current PVE gloves look similiar.


I really like the gloves, I use them on my powertech and mercenary, both of which use cassus fetts chest piece. I'm thinking they would go well with Mandalore the Preservers chest too, I might buy it for one of them eventually.


I like them because they are so huge, and have an easier time believing rocket launchers, flame throwers, grappling hooks, hydraulic rocket punch systems, etc. could fit in there :)

Edited by wiredgutter
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