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Make tensor field an engine component


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An observation I've made over the past month, is how under-utilized both the Spearpoint & Bloodmark t3 scouts are. They have cool names & look awesome, they have plenty of utility but I usually only see a few played per week. I have both these scouts and feel like they have great potential but they seem underwhelming or lack something. Or is it perhaps that they have too much utility & are spread too thin?


Some players have suggested giving them rocket pods but I feel that makes them too much like a t1 scout. Most (all) people want the t3 scout for tensor field but when you grab tensor, you sacrifice too much potential utility for speed & taxi service. Personally, I think they should move tensor out of system components & into engines. Get rid of interdiction drive & use tensor in it's place. This way everyone can use the beloved tensor but get more utility from systems. I can't think how/why this would be OP? You would be giving up a second missile break to get it but then you could get combat command/targeting telemetry or sensor beacon in return. I can't see how tensor + targeting telemetry or tensor + combat command would be OP. This would make t3 scouts more viable to be played all the time, as it stands now most people just use the spearpoint or Bloodmark at the very beginning of a match to grab satellites quicker or get their team in position. Once this is accomplished they switch to something else. These scouts have great potential in a support role but as it stands are just used (by most) in the first 30 secs of a match. They need a little tweaking IMO.


- J'exx (republic privateer) 55 gunslinger

The Ebon Hawk

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Some players have suggested giving them rocket pods but I feel that makes them too much like a t1 scout. Most (all) people want the t3 scout for tensor field but when you grab tensor, you sacrifice too much potential utility for speed & taxi service.


... tensor is utility. And it's better utility than any of the other systems. And it is freaking invaluable in domination.

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... tensor is utility. And it's better utility than any of the other systems. And it is freaking invaluable in domination.


So much this,


Start on a Clarion/Bloodmark and have your boy bomber and it's back up (if it's B point) at the node before the enemy and they are stuck fighting up hill against a camped bomber under a capped point.

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Ya, that's exactly my point, it's a utility that players only use in first 30 secs of a domination match. Then you don't see them anymore.


Yep, never useful after. Except when you need to reinforce a node. Or when you need to get your TEAM to reinforce a node. Or when you need to chase down a gunship. Or when dogfighting :)

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Yep, never useful after. Except when you need to reinforce a node. Or when you need to get your TEAM to reinforce a node. Or when you need to chase down a gunship. Or when dogfighting :)


This. I agree that it's MOST useful at the start of a dom match. But I find myself popping it throughout the game, nearly as soon as it's off CD.

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Yep, never useful after. Except when you need to reinforce a node. Or when you need to get your TEAM to reinforce a node. Or when you need to chase down a gunship. Or when dogfighting :)


Not like extra Evasion or Turning rate and Speed has any use in combat :)

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Personally, I think they should move tensor out of system components & into engines. Get rid of interdiction drive & use tensor in it's place.


No. Not every ship must be an allrounder. Spearpoit / Bloodmark is straight through the combined tensor field + Interdiction Drive the ship that at the beginning


- The whole team buffs

- The fastest way to get to the satellite.


If this job is done, simply bring another ship. You have 5 ships in the hangar.

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