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Idea to give Watchman a little extra burst..


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After reading through another thread here I had an idea that could help give Watchman a little more burst. I sometimes play another game that has a class which has an 18s DoT that has a 5% chance per tick to proc a second ability that allows you to cast the same DoT instantly and deal all of its damage at once, rather than over time.


So I was thinking maybe something similar could be done with Watchman to help increase its burst a little bit (Since that seems to be the issue most people have with this specc). I was thinking Overload Sabers could have a 5% chance and Cauterize and 10% chance per tick to grant a proc that enables Blade Storm to be used at half focus (2) and grant either Cauterize or Overload Sabers damage all at once. Alternatively, make the chance to proc higher but put it on a cooldown of 30s or something.


In my current gear (2.84k Strength, 1,336.7 Bonus Damage) I worked it out to hit just under 6k - but I’m not a theory crafter or good at math by any means, so my numbers could be a little bit off.


This is just a rough idea and any feedback is welcome :)


TL;DR: OS and Cauterize proc a thing, and that thing does damage.

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I like idea, but there's few issues

1. Zen is DoT autocrit, Watchmen would dish damage out like no tomorrow

2. OS funcriond outside on global cooldown

3. Where exactly would this locate on rotation?

4. Sentinels have very good burstspec already, I doubt BW is gonna give Watchman burst without taking out some sustained damage :(

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I like idea, but there's few issues

1. Zen is DoT autocrit, Watchmen would dish damage out like no tomorrow

2. OS funcriond outside on global cooldown

3. Where exactly would this locate on rotation?

4. Sentinels have very good burstspec already, I doubt BW is gonna give Watchman burst without taking out some sustained damage :(


1. Since the damage dealt would be instant, and not over time Zen wouldn't effect it

2. I'm aware of that - but I'm not sure what you're getting at here?

3. Well, it would depend on when it procs and how long the proc lasted. In my current 'rotation' I'm using Zen on every second OS (roughly) - so depending on when it procced, I'd use it in between Zen pops.

4. True, Combat does do great burst - especially with RNG on your side. But what I'm thinking of adding to watchman, still won't get anywhere close to what combat does. Since the proc rate wouldn't be that high, overall it shouldn't get close to what Combat can dish out in terms of burst.

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Giving a great sustained spec good burst makes things op... Sent is in a good place currently... When u need burst u go combat....


...or use a power click relic in Watchman specc. Gives you nice opening burst, especially when combined with adrenal, and nice midfight burst, when you save your relic for critical burn phases and manage to keep your stacks.

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I'd just like to see something like giving Valorous call the ability to grant a full merciless stack. Only problem with the spec right now from a damage perspective is that merciless stacks are hard to maintain in PvP.
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It does not need burst. If you want burst, after you get your stacks of merciless, start timing your master strike as your dots are ticking and as your merciless slash is coming off cooldown. Clip it as you get the last tick by immediately doing a merciless slash (similar to the master strike + bladestorm combo).


If you want better burst than this, play combat. Watchman is perfectly fine as it is right now.

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